OK, TIME TO CONFESS: What lilies did you order for 2006?

Corte Madera, CA

this one is asiatic and la.


$8.99/bag. can't wait for the sale. looks like it will be gone before february. at least here.

Thumbnail by Moonglow
Corte Madera, CA

oriental hybrid.

i hope your week is off to a great start! i will be close to costco tomorrow afternoon. please let me know if i you want some of these babies.


Thumbnail by Moonglow
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

What a wonderful education you've gotten while shopping! Just think how much more you might learn.... ;)

Corte Madera, CA

Moby, it is an EDUCATIONAL FIELD TRIP each time!


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I planted some 'Samur' this fall. I got it from Van Engelen, and they list it as a Longiflorum Asiatic.

Annapet, you're going to have fabulous lilies this year!! We want pictures of all of them!


Corte Madera, CA

Kylee, I am so PSYCHED as it is!

So, LA means Longiflorum Asiatic? LOL, the California girl that I am, I was thinking Los Angeles (seemed an odd place for hybridizing lilies...)

I will be posting photos for sure!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

You are correct, Annapet, the LA hybrids are longiflorum-Asiatic crosses. You'll love the speciosums! They are where the Oriental hybrids get much of their fragrance and coloring genes. The blooms are smaller, but they have an airy grace you just don't see in the hybrids. They bloom later for me, extending the season to. I have'nt tried any longiflorums yet, besides the occasional Easter lily, that may or may not return for a year or two (typically hardy to zone 7), but I recently saw an introduction hardy to zone 5. Now that your getting into lilies hot and heavy, you'll see the world of lily genetics and parentage is fascinating. I find myself wanting to be able to go into the garden and trace the parentage. Am I getting too obsessed?

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Longiflorum refers to the common Easter Lily. LA is a cross with Asiatic and they are fairly hardy and bloom a little later than the Asiatics. Can be anywhere from 2 to 4 '. LAs are an absolutely great lily. LO is a cross with Orientals, is more tender and blooms mid to late in the lily season. They are usually about 4' when mature. TL is a cross with a trumpet, also about 3-4' and a bit more hardy than the LOs. I've heard these called Longipets. From the picture on your package that said Longiflorum, they look like TL to me, but I could be wrong. In your zone, I would plant them where they might get a little afternoon shade to keep the blooms from fading.

Species Lilies are all very different and not all are hardy, especially the oriental and trumpet types. I'm planting two this spring L speciosum rubrum (Rose Red Lily of Japan) and L auratum (Golden Rayed Lily of Japan). I also have L regale (Regale Trumpet Lily), L formosanum (Formosa Lily)and L martagon (Common Purple Martagon Lily).

Corte Madera, CA

neal, you? OBSESSED? lol. gee, and i don't even have the Lily Garden in my budget. something for next year.

beaker, welcome to dave's and welcome to our madness. wow, you probably are a lily expert. i'm all ears.

i did say i will be close to costco tomorrow....

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Moonglow - the album is actually L cernuum album and is the white form of L cernuum (rosy lilac also called the Nodding Lily). The rubrum looks like a hybrid of the Red Rose Lily of Japan. Looks just like it except it is white with red spots and Red Rose is a pinky rose with red spots.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Sure Neal. But you're in good company here!

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Expert, hardly. I've only been growing Lilies for the past few years, but the madness caught me immediately. After my first disastrous year (lost all the orientals), I just started doing a lot of research, planning and plotting. Just glad I can pass on what little I do know (or hope I know!).

Myrtle Beach, SC

Ohhhhh Annapet, the speciosum and LA hybrids are gorgeous. I bought a couple "single" (1 bulb per order-LOL) on Ebay recently. They are so beautiful. I also bought a cernuum, but don't know which one.
I am calling my Costco every day now for the roses and bulbs. I wonder if they will start answering the phone "Hello Margo, no they have not arrived yet. No, not on the daily report either. Have anice day, good bye" click !! At least they are all wonderfully friendly.
Off to bed here, been a long day. Hugs and God bless you all, Margo

somewhere, PA

LOL Margo.

Corte Madera, CA

margo, that's funny. i'll be back that way again tomorrow. you guys haven't sent me your lists.

rain and shine today. weather cannot make up its mind.

i planted one rose, "wild blue yonder" on top of my wannabe meandering path (neal-inspired). then around it, buried 9 LA hybrid "suncrest."

Thumbnail by Moonglow
Corte Madera, CA

here's WBY.

boy, oh, boy. i hope i'm not too off with the pairing.

Thumbnail by Moonglow
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Yummy combo!

Corte Madera, CA

here, sort of piled together.

Thumbnail by Moonglow
Corte Madera, CA

thanks, kathy! we cross-posted.

i have a bunch more to plant. so behind with the daffs, and i'm going nuts about the lilies already.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That WBY is gorgeous, and I'm not a big rose fan.

Corte Madera, CA

thanks, moby. i'm excited to see it grow. i planted a bareroot plant, and it will be a while before i see blooms.

now my arm is sore from all the digging.

Myrtle Beach, SC

Gorgeous arrangement AnnaPet !! I love that rose, too. Maybe you can get DH to rub your arm down with BenGay LOL ! I am so ready for color in the yard.

I can't wait until Spring pictures. I am not very creative in design, but Jack is. He bought a new camera, an HP 717 with 6.2 megapix and the portable photo printer that will make panaramic shots. It doesn't require a computer to print, good for travel. I looked around for several weeks trying to decide what to get.

Tammy, I am so lucky my Costco likes me. I called again today and she giggled when she said "no, not yet". My Lowe's said Monday that they might have them today, but they didn't. A have a buddy there that I got hooked on brugs. Tomorrow we have to go to VA Hospital in Charleston. One of my favorite Nurseries is on the way. "Abide Awhile" has wonderful orchids, fancy begonias, succulents, camellias and I am hoping ROSES ! The ladies are awesome, they let me bring my dog "Precious" in with me. Always a fun trip.
I'll be away for a couple days, ya'll be good or have fun :))
God bless, Margo

Corte Madera, CA

margo, i hope the hospital visit is just routine appointment. hurry back, ok?

glad you like the pairing. "suncrest" came with "amarone" --- googled the latter and found it at the lily garden: $6 each. what a bargain at costco: about 50 cents! i'm guessing TLG has humongous bulbs though.

so many yummy lilies at TLG...

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

dangerous place ;)

Corte Madera, CA

oh, tell me about it, moby.

i drew a circle around me for protection. i know once i but something there, i'll be in trouble.


ooops....it didn't work. at closer inspection, i realized i drew an OVAL.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Dang. You're just going to have to pay closer attention in the future! Now, you're just gonna have to pay... *snickering*

Corte Madera, CA

so, what do i plant in front on lilies? shorter lilies? LOL.

i did plant assorted pixies. how about other plants?

have i gone lily-mad?

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I often plant shorter lilies. And short daylilies are good.

Thumbnail by boojum
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Annapet, I like the daylily suggestion to. And miniature roses are fun, as well as the wonderful world of salvias. Shorter annuals would be nice to, then you can change your design each year. And since lilies like the ground shaded over their bulbs, you have a great excuse to do some more shopping, hehehe :) Suncrest and WBY are going to be gorgeous together! I'd love a nice, fruity color with them in the range of orangy-coral to salmon; like those bright, yummy combos in the pics Kell posts of her garden. Have fun, Neal.

Corte Madera, CA

kathy, oh, they are so beautiful! and the lilies look so tall!

i'll look at daylilies tomorrow. i went to another costco today and found OT's "altari" and "visaversa".

$13 each at the lily nook.

neal, i'll be gardening all day tomorrow. at least that's my plan.

Corte Madera, CA

i forgot to attach photo of "visaversa" (not mine, but online).

Thumbnail by Moonglow
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

The tall ones are Asiatics-Dancing Eyes. Shorter ones are Blackjack. Prolly daylily Little Grapette in front. Glad you like this pic.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Ok, rub it in Annapet! LOL It's been suprisingly warm and sunny here and its supposed to stay that way this weekend, so Yippee! I get to play in the dirt to! You're finding some great stuff at Costco and making me wish we had one worse every day. I planted Visaversa last year and it's really pretty. It does'nt look much like most of the pics you see of it. Instead of the true, fire engine red shown, it's more of a soft brick red; much more subtle and pastel than the pic. It looks really pretty with dark foliaged plants around it, but can be lost if combined with brighter, truer colors. Ooohh, they would look wonderful with a deep,bloody crimson rose! I'll have to remember that and see if I can squeeze one in where mine are planted.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

This has been such a fun thread to read. A lot of wonderful ideas and a wide variety of all kinds of plants.

I planted Sheherazade's last year and this spring I'm putting in a lot of "White Butterfly" asiatics.

I had to keep them short because they can't grow behind my roses - too many other things there. I kept them all the same because my perennial garden is full of so many varieties of things that I wanted a "theme" flower and this got the nod.

thanks for sharing your lily forum with me!

Corte Madera, CA

doss, thanks for stopping by, and thanks for sharing your ideas. guess what? we all drool at the lily garden.

neal, did you say crimson rose? DA rose "falstaff" is a short climber.

oh, kathy, LOVE BLACKJACK! kell, e-mailed me a photo last night and i fell madly in love. thanks for sharing your garden photo. gives me a clear idea what to do with mine.

would you all believe it's friday already??? have a great weekend!


Thumbnail by Moonglow
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Here's a pic of Blackjack for you, up close and personal. :)

Thumbnail by Moby
Corte Madera, CA

my, oh, my. like JEWELS. moby, thanks for getting me DEEPER and deeper into this addiction.

so, who has the best price/quality BJ bulbs?


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Addiction? What addiction? ;)

I'm pretty sure mine came from Lily Garden, whose bulbs I've always been very satisfied with. You may be able to find cheaper but you generally get what you pay for.

Corte Madera, CA

the lily garden it is. hee-hee. well, i'm sure BJ won't travel alone. a cold dark box can be a really lonely place.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

You are sooo considerate!

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