OK, TIME TO CONFESS: What lilies did you order for 2006?

somewhere, PA

Check WatchDog on van Bourgondien

Corte Madera, CA

thanks, tammy.



somewhere, PA

I had a feeling...

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Margo, beware of that one. A friend of mine was very dissappointed with his order. Dare I enable you further? Sure! Have you checked out Brent and Becky's. I love them! The new spring catalog is'nt out, but you can see last spring's as a reference.

Great finds Annapet! You've already got a wonderful lily display for '06, and you've just started!

Good grief! The Lily Garden catalog is killing me! Here's the list have to weed waaaaayyyy down.
Coral Butterflies
Angela North-a purple, recurved Asiatic! Who can stand it?!
Karen North
Red Velvet
Any (all!) of the Seabreezes series
Louis XIV
Leslie Woodriff
Pizzazz-this one really gets me!
Mother of Pearl-this one looks angelic to me.
Orange Crush
Queen's Promise and
First Crown

Where do I start? Don't you just hate that, LOL! What wonderful lilies are seducing you all (or as we Kentuckians say, ya'll)?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Margo and Annapet, lilies and roses!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Dreaming of summer!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Isn't that supposed to be "all ya'll"? ;)

Nice bunch of lilies, Moonglow!

Myrtle Beach, SC

Hey Neal, maybe we need to divvy that group up and buy them all them trade 1 of this one for 1 of that one the way we are doing with the last batch. I can't wait for the American series to get here, ohhhhhh :))) I went to the Lily Garden too and there is no way I can buy everything I want there but I would be happy with just one bulb of some of them.....Sighhhhh..... to have infinite resources for every flower I want....hahaha :)

Very nice lilies Annapet...you made quite a haul...wish my Costco would hurry up and get their Roses and lilies....dad blast um !!!
God bless you all, Margo

Corte Madera, CA

neal, i'm dreaming away.


margo, perhaps it's a zone thing. i bet you'll get them soon.

Myrtle Beach, SC

I am now offically addicted to lilies (all bulbs, really), daylilies. brugs and roses. Is there help for me anywhere ? LOL I have learned so much from Dave's. Thanks for sharing everyone :))

Big hugs coming your way Annapet. God bless you all and keep you safe always, Margo

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Margo, just don't start on orchids and you'll be fine (I bought 5 orchids within the last week!).

Corte Madera, CA

i didn't hear orchids. lol.


please post photos when you can. thanks.

somewhere, PA

Orchids! The hardy terrestrial kind? I bought two in Nov and am
hoping they like their new home. What did you get Boojum?

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I'm trying to keep Margo from exposure! (Psst: check this out -http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/565317/ check Jan 8 at 7:40)

Myrtle Beach, SC

Boojum, you have np idea how badly I want to grow orchids. I drool every time I go to a very nice garden center in Mt Pleasant, SC called Abide a While. They have absolutely drop dead gorgeous orchids of all varieties. The prices are stiff (!!!) but I am sure they are not over priced. Everything else I buy there is very reasonable and they are soooo healthy!! I am afraid of killing something so delicate and beautiful. Houseplants and I don't always do well. I tend to "over love" them :))
I do have several epiphylums and epidendrums cuttings that were a gift / trade from "George" in the epi forum. He sent me about 50 different epis and cacti. Such a generous trader!! He sent all different colors too. That was last September. So far they are all alive and doing well in my greenhouse. A few even have new leaves, they are in hanging baskets. I am afraid to fall to deeply in love with them yet. They are beautiful but I am afraid I'll love them to much :))
I know I could get addicted to them very easily !! God bless, Margo

Myrtle Beach, SC

Booooojum!!! Oh my goshhh they are beautiful !! I might have to bite the bullet next trip to Mt Pleasant.....your new ones are sooo gorgeous, that white is breathtaking !! You may have started me on another road to addiction :)) Thanks so much and God bless you all, Margo

Corte Madera, CA

i bought seedlings here in the past. awesome!


Myrtle Beach, SC

What did you buy Annapet ?? (you're helping Boojum get me addicted, aren't you :))) Love , Margo

Corte Madera, CA

i didn't get anything for me, but for my mom. i'd get her a 98-count seedling tray. i've done that a few times already over the years. my mom would grow them a bit and send out as gifts before she retired.

the ones on sale are great, because they are BIGGER. hfloral wants them out of their nursery because they take up more space, then would be costly to mail once they get even bigger.

if you don't want to wait to grow seedlings, cattleyas in bud are available. perhaps we can split one in spring? it's just a pain to start orchids again in the winter. lol. besides, it's roses and lilies right now.


Myrtle Beach, SC

Hugs Annapet, that sounds like a great plan. Then, since we have the same plant, you can guide me through :)) God bless, Margo

Corte Madera, CA

hee-hee, that sounds like trouble.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Margo, I've been scheming about saving $ by ordering in 3's or 5's and trading for others. Let's keep each other posted about our finds; I love it!

And it just occured to me, I don't believe I've mentioned to you one of my favorite perennials to combine with Oriental and other late lilies. Tall summer phlox are awsome! Those big, poofy heads are such a great contrast in textures with the lilies, and most phlox colors and most Oriental colors work nicely together. Toss in some roses and some low growers around the ankles of everything and you've got an English garden effect. Can you tell I'm guilty of flower gluttony?

Corte Madera, CA

neal , and speaking of an english garden, will stop by costco again to see if some roses are left or if they restocked. love english roses.

almost tempted to get 3 jubilee celebration roses at J&P...they have a checkout special, 25 asiatic lilies mix for $9.95.

somewhere, PA

sniff sniff... dealing with a bad case of zone envy here Annapet! Its WINTER here. The ground is
frozen (again) and there's a light dusting of snow. Can't imagine buying plants now.. sniff sniff

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Annapet, how much are Costo's roses? Everything I hear about all their plants is good, I'm so envious! How about I just send you my shopping list? LOL Good deal on the J&P lilies to.

Tammy, same here. I keep hearing the temp is about 50, but the wind makes it feel like 30 to me. I'm so longing to be out there doing something! However, I am enjoying a pot of paperwhite's dainty and fragrant blooms (?..sometimes I think so, but sometimes they smell a little like cat pee to me). Since sunlight is so limited in my house, I was concerned they would be leggy. So I grew them under flourescent tubes kept on 24hrs, and they're perfect! Standing staight up, just like a catalog pic. Hang in there, you'll have tulips soon!

Corte Madera, CA

neal, J&P roses at costco are $9.95 and mostly own-root. 4+ canes per plant. i thought about mailing their roses, but worried about packing for shipment.

tam, it will be spring there soon also.

brb...3-yo boss calling.

somewhere, PA

Thanks for the pep talk! I just spent the day engrossed in seed catalogs. I think I got all my orders in.
Next is planting and transplanting... I'm feeling a little better.

I wish we had Costco here! They treat their employees well. I hear they are opening a store in a town about
30mi from me... I hope so.

Corte Madera, CA

=) anytime. did it work? even for a second?

really excited today. not only that it feels like spring, but hubby got me 2 people working in the yard for my temporary flower beds. everything that pertains to the garden is temp since landscape is NOT in the budget, etc., etc, while we're doing the cottage remodel.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh Annapet, I was joking, but I should have known you'd actually consider being our Costo shopper. You're a sweetie! Enjoy your big hunt!

Tam, seed time is almost here! The greenhouse will be your salvation for winter's duration. Are you discussing what you're starting this year on any threads now? Or, if not, perhaps start a thread...nudge, nudge:) I'm starting a few things under my lights and putting them in my shabby-chic cold frame of straw bales and old windows, or at least that's the plan.

Corte Madera, CA

ha, i'm not kidding at all, neal! i did tell you i got this $2 off per bag of lilies, bulbs, etc. at costco. limit 10 per trip. i have 2 coupons. 20 bags will make some people happy i'd say. but the coupon will be good start of feb.

happy, happy girl.

i'm going out to take photos of BEFORE.

somewhere, PA

I started a thread in the Container Gardening and Rock Garden Forums Neal. Any other places you can suggest?
I did order some seeds for bulbs so maybe I should start one there too eh?

Corte Madera, CA

i'll check out your thread, tam.

anyhow, i ended up planting lilies, and will be back to plant more before sun disappears.

worked around my DA rose "abraham darby" - - - it has ONE bloom, and the fragrance just filled the air. what heaven.

the area i'm working on has 3 roses: 2 DA "crown princess margareta" towards the back, and one "abe darby", forming a triangle. i planted the tallest lilies way back, shorter ones in the middle, and the pixies, i will plant right in front.

Corte Madera, CA

This message was edited Jan 15, 2006 4:53 PM

Corte Madera, CA

This message was edited Jan 15, 2006 4:53 PM

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

neal--can we see a picture of your shabby-chic cold frame? I wanted to make one out of old windows and straw, too. Sounds like a great idea. t.

Corte Madera, CA

i apologize for the triple take. apparently, it's happening all over dave's. one post at the roses forum repeated 9 times. thank goodness not mine, lol.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Sure t, I'll post pics when it's up and going. In spring when I don't need it anymore I'm going to dissassemble it and use the straw for mulch in the veggie patch, so I won't have to look at it all year. And I like multi-function :)

Cool Tam, I'll check it out. Either here or in the propagation forum would be appropriate, I think.

Annapet, can't wait to see pics!

Corte Madera, CA

Hello, Boys and Girls. I came back from another Costco Expedition and here's what I got:

Never even heard of this before: LONGIFLORUM.

Thumbnail by Moonglow
Corte Madera, CA

this is also new word to me: SPECIOSUM

Thumbnail by Moonglow
Corte Madera, CA

gee, who am i kidding? this is ALL NEW to me: LA HYBRID.

Thumbnail by Moonglow

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