OK, TIME TO CONFESS: What lilies did you order for 2006?

Corte Madera, CA

Hello everyone! Christmas is around the corner, and I know everybody's as busy as ever.

I grew a couple of varieties (literally a couple) of lilies beginning of 2005, and can't wait to add more to my "Noblesse" and "Tom Pouce."

So, let's get the ball rolling, and see what we'll look forward to come spring and summer 2006!

I went to Costco yesterday, and lilies are not there yet. I'm guessing as soon as they clear the Christmas goods, crates and crates of lilies in bags will be on display.

I will get the J&P Giant Lily Combo (150) for $69.95.


Now, it's your turn! =)


somewhere, PA

Annapet - wow!!! We just got 9.5" of snow and I'm officially done
acquiring bulbs this year (er um...except for the ones I'm potting
up to force. 'cause I didn't pot up many at all this year... just three
pots of tulips & three hyaciths in forcing vases... LOL).

Corte Madera, CA

Tam, OFFICIALLY DONE - - - meaning you'll REFUSE gifts as long they are bulbs? LOL. Wow, what willpower. I have to get one of those.


somewhere, PA

I gave myself a perfectly valid out! "only for the purposes of potting up to force".
There. I'm done with bulb acquision. Unless they are for potting up. Or unless
its 2006 (since I did say "for this year" too.)

I could have been a lawyer huh!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, I have some very generous friends so I didn't have to buy any new ones this year. ;-) This fall I was given:

Black Dragon
Dawn Star
Endless Love
Leslie Woodriff
Nove Centro

Can't wait till Spring/Summer!!

Corte Madera, CA

A-ha!...."unless it's 2006!" - - - Counsel, I see a LOOPHOLE already =).

Mendy, oh how awesome is that? Glad to be here again. Been hanging out at the Brug Forum...

Can't wait for the PHOTOS!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

For goodness sakes, Moonglow--that J & P collection is a LOT of LILIES. How do you make room for all of those?!! However you do it, you must be sure to show us pictures of your show next summer!

I did plant 50 or 60 bulbs from Scheepers--orienpets and orientals--this fall. I am rather new to lillies--had about 20 last year and made wonderful bouquets for my mom (in the nursing home) and it made her so happy--so felt I had to plant more for cutting and bouquets. :-)

I don't know why, but everyone (my sisters, mostly) are always shocked when I tell them I grew them myself! Makes me smile, since they are really pretty easy if you can keep the deer away (I think, knock on wood!).

I can't wait to see everyone's pictures. I have been drooling over the Photo Contest Lilly pics. Hope everyone has voted!

Corte Madera, CA

t, i have yet to vote. did i register for that? hmnnnn.....

see, i called J&P wondering if the lilies will be tagged per cultivar, but didn't get the answer i wanted. i guess the person who helped me didn't know. better than lying to me, no? =)

everybody was surprised i grew lilies last year also. maybe people are shocked because they have no clue that it's pretty easy to grow, yet the blooms are quite spectacular.

so sweet that you made a bouquet for your mom. i did for my MIL, and she liked them as well. but she still hates me. lol.

have a great weekend EVERYONE!


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Oh Dungeness crabs yum yum! I didn't buy any bulbs this fall. We have lots a critters so I keep all the lilies close to the house. I did get 3 Conca D'Or orienpets and 3 (uh, uh braindead) lilies that look a lot like Shocking from a local garden center this August. I had a good bulb order the last 2 years from John Scheepers and have bought lilies blooming a lot. Can't bear to lose the bulbs to noshers, so I restrain myself. I've had too much bulb heartbreak in the 25 odd years of gardening.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

i have been sooo Good
none ?
But when DH let me out of closet I am going to make up for lost time LOL

Thumbnail by tazzy
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I meant to say lily bulbs. Bought a bunch of others tho. I ain't THAT good.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

I only bought some $1 baggies of babies at our bulb sale. Made up for it though wilth lots of seeds.!!! Swopped a few . Vanilla, Toronto, can;t remember the rest. -No list-
Merry Christmas to all - or Happy holidays - to be politically correct.

Excelsior, MN(Zone 4a)

I planted 'Chambertain' (Oriental), 'Silk Road' (Orienpet), and 'Scheherazade' (Orienpet) before the ground froze. I can hardly wait for summer.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

This has been a great fall for lily aquisitions for me :). I don't even mind the nasty weather so much having so much to look forward to in spring.

By trading some of the few varieties I had that had increased well I recieved: 4 Stargazers, 1 Exotica, 3 Razzle Dazzle, 12 Chianti, 1 Red Hot, and several Asiatics in various colors.

A clearance sale at a local greenhouse presented 6 Casa Blanca, 3 Citronella, and 3 each of White Pixie and Reinesse(both white Asiatics).

Then ebay seduced me with 4 Black Beauty, 1 Golden Splendour, 2 Arabian Red Orientals, and 1 Oscar Oriental.

And now Margo is sending some of her sale aquisitions for some clearance stuff I got at Lowes! I feel like a hedonistic lily fiend! Oh well,if the shoe fits LOL. Looking forward to all those pics.

somewhere, PA


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Neal, are you in the addy exchange? Where are you storing the bulbs? I am headed to Cincinnati in a few minutes and may as well overshoot. LOL I am also stopping by Lowe's to see if any bulbs are left. ;)

Corte Madera, CA

i'm getting more excited by the day to see the photos we'll all be posting!

went to the san francisco costco, and no lilies yet.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Badseed, I'm in the addy exchange. Thank goodness, all the lilies are in the ground. My fridg is full of other bulbs though, LOL. Good luck on the hunt!

I'm hoping the weather allows me to get the coming lilies in the ground. I'll keep them in the fridg until I can get them out, but I'm considering potting them and storing the pots in the fridg. I'm thinking at least they can start rooting, and should be fine until early spring if I can't get them out. Any ideas if this would be a good route?

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

That what I do Neal. Not too much room for food in my fridge.

I ziplock baggie the pots so they don't dry out.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Inanda. That's a relief. I guess in your zone you've had to deal with this issue a lot when buying lilies in the fall. I'm getting a bit stressed, worrying about all the bulbs, but it's nice to be concentrating my thoughts and energy on spring at this cold, nasty time of year. Good luck all, Neal.

Corte Madera, CA

taz, that's a funny clip!

kathy, i wonder who's THAT good? =)

chelle, neal, i went on a fieldtrip way across my pond to check out wal-mart, and NO MORE BULBS.

inanda, thanks for the idea. perhaps next year i'll get my bulbs their own freezer. or, update my wishlist. lol.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Fridge for bulbs and scales.

Freezer for ziplocked or bottled DRIED seeds.

Corte Madera, CA

inanda, wow on seeds. that's very advanced for me, but will sure try in a season or two i'm pretty sure.

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, 2006 will be my first year for lilies. Fall I planted the three 'Cote d'Azure' bonus bulbs we received from Hallson Gardens when we bought our peony. Plus, I have lily seeds I'll be starting after the first of the year: Formosa, L. regale, L. cernuum, L. candidum & L. leucanthum. I know that I probably won't get to see them bloom this year. I'm trying to be patient and not break down and buy bulbs. Yeah right LOL! This will be the first year for our gardens so patience will have to be found. :~) Denise

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

I ordered a 50-pack of "Satisfaction" Orienpets from Van Engelen - then I realized I had to find spots to plant them all! I tried this lily last year and really liked it. The last 10 finally made it into the ground today. Also ordered 24 Futura's from Fogbelt - I nice new surprise in lily suppliers - and also some more Silk Roads. Silk Road and Futura are also Orienpets I have had at least a few years' experience with. I ordered some Golden Splendor and African Queen trumpet lilies as well. Oh and I did get some more Conca d'Or Orienpets from B&D. I am avoiding Orientals as it just gets too hot here for most of them to do well and look good. The Orienpets and Trumpets seem to put up with the summer heat better.

This message was edited Dec 18, 2005 10:16 PM

This message was edited Dec 18, 2005 10:18 PM

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, Steve! Please be sure to post pics. All those masses of Satisfaction and Futura will be 55mph amazing! And the fragrance will be incredible.

Corte Madera, CA

denise, welcome! 2006 is my second year. this is SO ADDICTING.

steve, there you are! your parade of photos last summer got me hooked. looking forward to 2006 blooms.

neal, is it the 21st yet? =)))

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Why are we looking forward to the 21st? Because the days start getting longer? I count the days between changing the clocks and the Solstice ~ somehow it seems less painful to count a mere 7 weeks than how many months until Spring.

I've had lilies for about 10 years but have just started getting serious about it in the last couple. Far too many new ones to list but I think I'm most excited about Chambertain and a monsterous bulb of Rosario. Both Orientals.

We'll have to compare pics, Syb!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I'd just like to see the ones I planted in 2004 & 2005 bloom without interference of frost or bunnies... Being the eternal optimist, I bought a bunch from llilyfan and the local Lily Society Sale. All nestled nice and warm under the dirt in my garden now.

Poor Dizzy bloomed on my kitchen table after I broke off the stem accidently.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Myrtle Beach, SC

So pretty Wanda !! It's always so nice to see you. The plants you sent me are doing great !

I bought way tooo many bulbs this year, but I love them all. I also plant very thickly so that Mom can cut to her heart's contentment, she loves them so much. Her health is very bad so she is not able to be in the yard with me very much. By planting thickly she can have fresh flowers any time she wants and she doesn't have to worry about leaving a "gap". (As if I would care about a gap:)

Annapet and Neal....you guys still talking bulbs, huh ? and without me yet, lol :))

I am so ready for Spring, so very ready to see some COLOR!

Neal, your package from me ought to be out of here by Weds morning at the latest, hoping for tomorrow. Will send it Priority of course :))

God bless ya'll, Margo

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Margo, sounds like you had a great trip, and your spring trip to Biltmore is sure to be awsome from what I've heard about the garden displays there. My mother enjoys the cut flowers from my garden to. She has dementia, but still associates the flowers with me.

While this time of year drives me crazy at the flower shop where I work, it's been really nice working with lilies, tulips, and freesia the last few days. Fragrant flowers in December is great medicine!

Corte Madera, CA

moby, right on! and today's the day! although it's raining here....typical sf bay area winter.

wanda, still beautiful blooms!

oh, wow, margo - - - what a sweet getaway. i haven't traveled in the US much, and the biltmore is on the must see list.

neal, see, you have therapy there.

the yarden is getting pretty quiet. even the bougainvilleas are fading. most plants are beaten by the rain and wind. but an AWESOME SURPRISE: this is blooming.


thanks for looking


somewhere, PA

WOW! Gorgeous picture (and gorgeous bloom too).
Thanks annapet!

Myrtle Beach, SC

Oh my gosh Annapet, which one is that ? Did you just send me those seeds ? Ohhhhh, I am soooo excited :))) Soo pretty...lovely shape and color....I wish it were Spring :)) I'm gonna start a cold frame soon, I just can't wait for warmer weather. Think bulbs, think bulbs, think bulbs...they need this cooler weather.
God bless you all, Margo

Corte Madera, CA

glad you both liked it. i was reading another thread and learned tammy is an avid seed starter. cool! i didn't start many seeds last year, but certainly it's the way to go for me this winter. will keep me sane. perhaps. lol.

margo, that's a yellow b. sanguinea. i sent you the RED kind. candy (happenstance) has beautiful photos of it. like other brugs, color intensity changes depending on the season.


planted more daffodils today. taking my merry time....doo bee doo bee doo (strangers in the night).



Myrtle Beach, SC

Yummy !!! Thank you soooo much :))
God bless, Margo

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Annapet, you just reminded me that I have a bucket of daffodils sitting in my garage that I need to get in the ground!!! I dug them all when I redid the bed they were in and now they are sitting there in that darn bucket! I can't go through spring without my daffodils! Will have to do something about that soon.....

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Oh I love that red brug!! Gosh. Is there anyone who might send me a late christmas present cutting in May????

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Those brugs are amazing! '06 is my year to get into brugs; I can tell I'm really missing out!

We're supposed to get warmer temps (finally!) this weekend, and as of today the days are getting longer! :)

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm going to settle down after Christmas and scan daylily/lily photos in to my databanks so I can get them posted in the plantdatabase. It will be a colorful way to while away the cold Iowa nights...

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