Crazed Bird Destroying House - Can Anyone Help?

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Believe it or not a tiny little Titmouse is destroying my house. He has been at it for at least 2 days. I spent the entire day today chasing him away. He has already destroyed 3 screens. He comes back every 15 minutes or so. Often he arrives with a sunflower seed in his mouth, so I think he is trying to make a home in my house. I posted this request in Wildlife forum earlier, but did not get any results there so far. I love birds and don't normally think of them as Garden Foes; however, this little guy is starting to get on my bad side. Does anyone have any ideas for deterring him? He is amazingly focused, even obsessed, with this project.

The picture was taken THROUGH the window. He is sitting on a branch about 10" from the window glaring at me because I just interrupted his project.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Here he is on the screen.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Here he is again. Note damage at top of screen. He has been working at clipping the wires one at a time. Again, he is very intent on completing this project. I have chased him away dozens of time today alone to no avail. Oh, and in this photo I am only inches away on the other side of the window.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Here is a close up of the damage he has done to 1 of 3 screens. Yesterday this screen was in PERFECT condition!

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

And here he is fussing with me through the window after I interrupted him again.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

He sure looks very determined. These might help:

Put a plastic owl near your screens:

Hang holographic iridescent ribbons outside your screen.

Try painting paper plates to look like

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Lilypon. That's a pretty cool bird face. I could paint that in acrylics. Unfortunately, the area is adjacent to an area outside my bedroom window where the cutest little hummingbird feeds and even sits on the climbing rose between snacks. I was hoping to avoid having to relocate the hummer (who would undoubtably also be afraid of the scarey face); I enjoy watching him there. But, to save my house from destruction, I may have to move him at least temporarily - until the titmouse finds another hobby.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Unfortunately I think you are going to have to do a little relocating. I've never seen a titmouse before (I think it looks rather cute) but its' current hobby would also have me eyeballing both it and my cookbooks. ;)

Good luck and let us know what worked! :)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Lilypon, the titmouse is adorable. Normally they are very friendly little birds. They will visit the feeder even when I am gardening nearby. They usually grab a sunflower seed and fly back to the forest to eat it or hide it. Since this little guy keeps bringing seeds with him to the window "project", I suspect that he is trying to stash them there for later, and maybe even make a home before the winter chill. He is very cute, but he is starting to anoy me. You would not believe how many times I have chased him away today. His determination is a bit unnerving.

I'm sure the hummer will be happy to eat elsewhere, but I'll miss watching him from my bed. The feeder is about 1 foot from the window so I get to watch him up close. He returns to the feeder every 10-15 minutes and is so cute to watch. Oh, well. Hopefully, I will be able to move him back later.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Scutler I kinda thought I'd read that they *normally* were a bird you'd encourage to your yard.... I had to LOL when I read "He is very cute, but he is starting to annoy me." I think you've handled it very well considering the fact that his wire cutting abilities are going to leave you without screens very soon.

He kinda reminds me of another bird I saw here: Only this one threatened the paint on peoples' cars.

Hopefully it will only take a day or two of discouraging him from visiting your screens and then you can move the hummers feeder back.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I've been wondering if "my" bird got into some fermented grapes or seed with halucinagenic mold or something. His behavior is so out of character. Several times today I went outside and walked right up to within 4' of him while he continued his "task." I had to fuss at him to chase him away, and even then he only moved into the short tree beside me.

Lilypon, I got quite a chuckle from the woodpecker's antics. That was hilarious (although I doubt if the car owners thought so)! I have a Northern Flicker that lives behind my house. He/she frequents the feeder and has been known to "drill" on my roof - which is disconcerting. But when I chase him away, he doesn't have the nerve to come back as soon as I walk away like the titmouse does. The crazy titmouse literally returns as soon as I walk back across the room and sit down. For an hour or so I sat in a chair by the window just so that I wouldn't have to keep getting up to chase him away! We did this all day today from sun up to sun down!

BTW, someone on the wildlife forum mentioned that he might need a birdhouse or roosting pocket. I thought that was interesting because last winter I hung a small roosting pocket in the tree in front of the window (where he is sitting in some of the pictures). Today I noticed that it was on the ground. Maybe he was living there. Tomorrow I'm going to try putting the roosting pocket back up. While I wait to see if that works, I'll start painting "plates". :)

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

It really does make you wonder when they aren't showing the normal skittishness.....mind you I've had Chickadees land right beside me to bathe in a puddle or eat at a feeder. At times they remind me of little fear and can get right in your face (tho not like yours). ;)

We have Flickers here too but ours just spend their time attacking an old Maple in the back yard. We've been slowly topping it and I'm amazed by how much the critters have hollowed it out. A couple of Woodpeckers also frequent the backyard but aren't as colourful (or enamoured with themselves) as the one posted above.

Re: roosting pocket: I noticed that it had been posted in the other thread and it sure is worth a try. Won't hurt working on your painting project either.......expecially if he is determined as today showed him to be. I'll be watching this thread to see what kind of day you and your buddy will be having tomorrow. :S

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Well, I'm running a bit behind schedule. By the end of the work day, I'm too tired to care. :( Just to update you, Mr Titmouse has shown up at the break of dawn every day and worked until sunset. Some days he brings a host of friends; yesterday a female cardinal and some chickadees joined him at the window. The others don't destroy stuff; but it's odd that they are even coming up to the house as they usually do not.

I painted the scarey faces in acrylic on posterboard, added a few coats of sealer and hung them at the window. That worked, well almost. He moved to the 2nd story windows - which I can't reach. My family room is a 2-story room. The ceiling is 22' up. It has a large group of windows on the 1st AND 2nd "story". As the floor in that room is on the 1st story only, I can't reach the 2nd story windows. Mr Titmouse has moved his operation up to the 2nd story windows. Those windows don't have screens, so he's just up there pecking on the window constantly.

Late yesterday evening, I noticed that the thin, flexible, branches of the crepe myrtle were making an annoying high frequency noise when the wind caused them to scrape the windows. In the past, I have always trimmed the branches on that side. This year I forgot. I went out and removed the branches. The bird did not return afterward, nor did I see him this morning before I left for work. I am crossing my fingers that maybe that sound had something to do with his odd behavior. Will let you know what happens.

At this point, I have accepted that I will need new screens. That's a given. I'm just hoping that he (1) can't break the glass and (2) doesn't damage the siding or trim.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I painted the scarey faces in acrylic on posterboard, added a few coats of sealer and hung them at the window.That worked, well almost. He moved to the 2nd story windows - which I can't reach. My family room is a 2-story room.
LOLOL (well not to you maybe ;)

Have you seen the movie Birds by Alfred Hitchcock? :S

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi Lilypon, The 1st day that Mr Titmouse showed up with his friends was a bit spooky and reminded me of the movie The Birds! Anyhow, "He's Back". We are being pummelled by the constant rain from TS Tammy (note that compared to the beating other regions have taken, I am not complaining at all). Despite the nasty weather, he is STILL dropping by from time to time. His visits are less frequent and less intense. Lately he just swoops in, lands on the window sash/frame, pecks on the window briefly, and flys away. It's the strangest thing. Sounds like someone knocking.

Ok, about that 2-story room thing. It just gives the room a spacious feel, and 2 stories of windows adds lots of light. It's a drama thing. However, it is a total pain to clean, paint, change light bulbs, etc. And it makes for a humorous sitution at times like this since I cant' even get to the windows to chase the bird away.

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

If he gives you problems again, you might consider attempting to catch him. Whether you actually net him or not doesn't matter. The act might deter him from settling down in the spot to do that kind of damage. Maybe he'll keep a safer, and less distructive distance.

You can usually buy butterfly nets @ the dollar store and just duct tape a longer stick to it.

Westerville, OH(Zone 6a)

Can you remove the screens from your window? If yes, removing them for a couple of weeks might break the little guy's routine of coming to your window screen.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Well, here are the current stats on this issue - the bird is winning! At present, I have 7 of the scarey faces posted on the lower windows. As a result, he is avoiding the lower windows. Now he is pecking on the upper set of 4 consecutive windows. As mentioned, they are on the 2nd story of a 2-story room, so I can't get up there to put up anymore scarey faces. Basically, the room has 8 windows, 2 sets of 4 on each "floor". Since the 2nd-story windows are so high, they do not have screens; consequently, he has resorted to pecking on the glass instead!!!

Today, following CaptMicha's suggestion, I have been running outside to chase him every time I hear the "rat-a-tat-tat" on the window. Now, when he hears me open the door, he flys to the willow or to a neighbors yard. Moments after I come back inside, he returns!

For a while I thought he was suffering OCD and needed Prosac since there does not seem to be any purpose to his repetetive, destructive behavior. Today, while chasing him, I noticed that he only has a few remaining tail feathers and even those look raggedy. So I figure either (1) he's ticked off someone else, too or (2) he's in molt. The latter, combined with his behavior in the willow tree has brought me to the conclusion that this may be a juvenile male experiencing the bird version of testosterone overdose. When I chase him, he goes high up in the willow tree, thrusts his chest out, sings like a rooster, and repeatedly fluffs his feathers in what looks like a display of machismo. That's my latest take on this. I think he's trying to garner the attention of the ladies.

So far chasing him isn't working. He knows I can't get to him w/o opening the door. He just flies away when I open the door and returns when I go back inside. Taking the screen out won't help either since he has relocated his operation to the 2nd story where there are no screens.

The only ideas I've come up with are: (1) bird netting - temporarily. it's the back of the house, (2) cutting down the tree by the window since that would leave him w/o shelter, and (3) a pellet gun is starting to look better and better! Bird netting a foot or so in front of the windows would stop him (I think) but I'm not sure how I'd get up high enough to cover the 2nd story windows. The tree in front of the windows is a crepe myrtle so it will grow back if I cut it down to stubs. The tree comes up to the bottom of the 2nd story windows and gives him a secure place of retreat when threatened. I would hate to cut it down. Doing so would effect its appearance and would deprive the wrens of a favorite winter food source as they love the seeds it bears. But w/o the tree a bird hangin off the back of my house would be more vulnerable to predators and to me. Sadly, I am at the end of my rope. I can't allow him to damage the siding, windows, trim, etc. If he doesn't stop soon, I may have no choice but to kill him. He very literally pecks on my house all day every day with no end in sight.

I've also considered moving the "scarecrow" that sprays water on the deer to the backyard to spray him. I'm not sure if it will go up that high. That might work though.

Thanks for the ideas everyone. I do think that all of you are right in that if I can find a way to break his habit he will probably go away and find something else to do for entertainment.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

(3) a pellet gun is starting to look better and better!
LOL.....remember you have:
4 consecutive windows. As mentioned, they are on the 2nd story of a 2-story room, so I can't get up there to put up anymore scarey faces. Basically, the room has 8 windows, 2 sets of 4 on each "floor". Since the 2nd-story windows are so high, they do not have screens; consequently, he has resorted to pecking on the glass instead!!!

Have you purchased more paper plates, paint, and a REEEEEEEEEEALLY TALL LADDER???? (at least Hallowe'en is getting closer ;)

This message was edited Oct 10, 2005 1:47 AM

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Whilst reading your post, I was going to say, maybe get out the hose? I know at sharp stream or full blast it can reach up there and won't be too strong at that distance. But then you said the auto waterer for the deer. You might be on something here. Maybe you could tilt it upwards or something??

Did you try scaring him from the inside of the house? When he starts knocking, knock back or something?

Maybe rent a cat? Lol.

This is a dilly of a pickle. I would suggest calling animal control but I know that they cost more than $100 to come out here... Makes me wonder who can afford to use them.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Lilypon, I'm a bit leary of such heights, not to mention that I've just BEGUN to get ambulatory after my last 2 knee surgeries. There is a ledge at about 12' or so on the inside - where the 2nd story floor WOULD have been. It's about 20" wide and can support weight. I'm not about to walk it, but have contemplated crawling it. But I've been told (from prior owner - young, healthy, male - who actally walked it once) that it gets pretty scarey when you get to the other side, so I'd better not go there. He said he wouldn't do it again.

CaptMicha, at this point $100 sounds cheap!!! I'd gladly pay twice that! Maybe 3 times! So, I'm going to call them 1st thing Tuesday morning.

Scaring him from the inside, or outside for that matter, is not easy. I have pounded on the glass until it "flexed". I've opened the windows, tilted the lower part inside to show him that I can "reach" him. I've turned up the TV and left the window(s) open despite having the A/C on. I've gone up to the window and "hit" him with magazines, clothing, and a fly swatter. I've THROWN a nerf ball at him (on the window) from across the room. I've taken dozens of pictures of him from inside, each time causing the camera's flash to go off in his face. His reaction to each of these things is simply to retreat to the crepe myrtle tree which is against the window. This small tree has multiple trunks and branches which provide excellent cover from which he feels safe. (His bravado in the tree should make it easy to shoot him, however! BTW, don't know what animal control does elsewhere, but here they WILL KILL him because his species is plentiful. Also, I have multiple offers from friends, collegues, and hunters who will kill him as well. And I have a handgun and some small shot - well this is the South, you know; I'd shoot the little ___ except I'd prefer not to be arrested for discharging a weapon within city limits. I know I said I couldn't kill anything, but I think I'm getting past that!)

Oh, and as of this morning he is no longer buying the scarey faces! He has moved back down to the 1st floor again where he is FLYING INTO THE SCAREY FACES many of which are large inkjet printouts of the image provided!!!

After I wrote about the "scarecrow" I remembered that one distinct down side is the fact that the sensor is only about a foot off the ground. While it may be able to shoot water that high (has adjustment), I don't think it will sense his presence, but I may try it anyhow. However, it has been raining here for days and rain has not stopped his demolition project!

Lastly, I have a full time job, a house, a garden, and hobbies. My todo list runneth over! I don't have time for this! I need to be cleaning the house, weeding the garden ... NOT chasing the bird 18+ hrs/day.

Thanks, so much for listening and for helping, you "guys". I am beyond frustrated, but am still able to step back and see the humor in my rediculous plight!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Ok, I went out and put the "scarecrow" up infront of the windows. I even elevated it, but it's not detecting him because he is flying above the sensor level. It is designed to detect creatures that walk on the ground. I tested it and it will spray that high, but not if it doesn't "see" him. Will try to find a way to jack it up higher and report back. not optimistic. BTW, he has been at the window all morning!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

You have my sincere sympathy (and one insane bird).

Try the holographic ribbons on the lower level? If they work maybe someone could be hired to put them up higher?

Hopefuly somebody's suggestions here will work for you.

This message was edited Oct 10, 2005 11:11 AM

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Lilypon. He is on psycho, deranged bird! Don't have the ribbons, will have to order some. Am thinking about gluing some CD's back to back and suspending in tree.

I have elevated the scarecrow to about the 3' level and adjusted it to max sensitivity. I think it blasted him earlier when it was at the 2' level (this is the level of the sensor, it sprays much higher) and he was hopping around on the back of the bench under the window. For the moment he's gone. Will report back.

Great! He's back!

Even if the water thing works, it is not w/o issues. The entire East coast is saturated from TS Tammy. My back yard is a swamp (hence I hate going out there). The hose is leaking slightly and any amount of water is unwanted at this point. Now, I'll have to search for o-rings...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

And I'm certainly testing the water tight integrity of my windows!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

He didn't stay long this time. I think the "scarecrow" may be working for now. It doesn't get him right away, but after he dances around enough...splat!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOLOLOLOL .......... crossing fingers and toes for you!!!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Lilypon, you made me lol for real. and I REALLY needed that! THANKS for hanging in there with me on this...

so far, so good. he has been back a few times since I last wrote, but whereas before he stayed at the window pecking relentlessly until I went over to chase him away, NOW (for the moment) he only pecks once and leaves so I think the water may be working (for now).

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

This is the funniest thing I have ever read!!!!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

scutler sometimes you've just gotta laugh and as thripmaster stated:

This is the funniest thing I have ever read!!!!
. It's a story that you'll be able to share with your grandchildren (and many others) and you've got the pics to back it up. Make sure you take lots of him sticking his tongue out at the scarey face! :S ;)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks, thripmaster, Lilypon,

The crazy bird was actually flying into those scarey faces this morning. I think he needs to cut back on the caffeine!

I think this situation will be a lot funnier in the past tense!

So far (fingers crossed, fingers crossed) those cold showers seem to be working! This afternoon the sound of his visits changed from the usual endless pecking to peck-peck-splash-silence. After 3 repeats of peck-splash-silence, he has not been back for hours and hours. This is absolutely the longest period of silence I have enjoyed since he started this task over a week ago. ....Praying.....

Oh, and doesn't my house look nice now. I have 7 bright orange and black faces plastered in the windows, 4 shredded screens, and an auto water gun (it doesn't sprinkle, it blasts) aimed at the windows. I'm planning to decorate the tree with mylar strips and CD's, and trying to figure out how to swath the whole mess in bird netting. Can you just picture a 2-story bird netting "force field" stretched around my house? And all this to protect my house from one tiny little titmouse!

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Scutler...Do you ever listen to the Sat gardening radio show down in Chas done by the Possum guy? I think you should call in on Sat and ask his opinion!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOLOLOL......I've read your story again and am laughing so hard tears are now running down my face. I think your last addition to the story PLUS

And all this to protect my house from one tiny little titmouse!
has done me in. You've gotta take some more pics......a flooded yard, mylared trees, and a house plasted with orange scarey owl faces. Thank goodness its' larger feathered brethern aren't getting into the act. :S

re thrips suggestion I'm sure the Possum guy (and his audience) would love to hear this story!!! ;)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Let me know if you find anything that works. We have a Bluebird that has been flying into our guestroom window for 2 years. We've actually gotten used to the tap tap taps and don't even notice them anymore. He has damaged the windows however; it is sort of pitted from his constant attention. Does anyone know the life span of Bluebirds????

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Sorry everyone, I've been so busy at work I haven't had a chance to read/respond. Will catch up this evening (ah, the weekend!).

ardesia, the scarecrow device seems to be working (so far). He rarely comes to the window anymore, and even when he does he leaves quickly. Most of the time the device is not on, but just the site of it seems to remind him of his previous soakings. However, I say this tentatively, as I remain "traumatized" and continue to fear that he will eventually loose his fear of the scarecrow. I think most song birds live around 7 yrs in general - too long to wait for the destruction to stop.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone, at last it's the weekend!

Thripmaster, I don't know that radio program, but I'll call if you give me more info. I'd love to hear Possum Guy's suggestions. : )

I must agree that it is a hilarious situation. Over the years I have delt with racoons, opposums, snakes, spiders, squirrels, deer, dogs, cats, you name it, but I never dreamed that a tiny little titmouse would do the most damage of them all - by far! I think I'm going to have to contact the NWF, too. When they convinced me to make a wildlife habitat of my backyard, they never mentioned that the wildlife might not be willing to share it with me. Wonder if they have an answer to this problem.

LilyPon, I have some more pics, will have to get them out this weekend and post some more.

So far this week Mr Titmouse has been rather scarce. I have only seen him twice, both times he left ASAP. I do think he is afraid to stick around for fear of another "bath". But tomorrow we shall see for sure! Will let you "guys" know what happens.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Here's a little photo representation of my story. I call this one "My humble abode in pre-Halloween decor".

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Today I got a few pics of my little friend sitting in the willow tree waiting for me to go back indoors.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

He has LOTS of food - black oil sunflower seeds, mixed bird seed, nyger, and a yard full of seeds including: echinacea, crepe myrtle, grapes, blueberries, crab apples, wax myrtles, sunflowers, black eyed susans, and millet, not to mention the 1/2 loaf of 9 grain bread heavily coated in seeds that I put out today. If anything I think he may be very, very spoiled with too much time on his hands because he does not have to look for food. At any rate, it seems like his favorite food is window screen.

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