March Local weather, In like a Lion....II

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

84 and rising in N. Texas. No snow here today.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi 85, lo 50, dp 35, clear, windy. Slept much of the afternoon away. Oh well.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Boojum, your picture does show the snowfall is pretty, probably more so cause you know it will all be gone in a monthe and flowers will be up. A magic trick of Mother Nature's.

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

Rained here most of the morning, then switched over to snow. It is till snowing- looks like we got 2-3 inches so far.
Your snow pictures are very pretty, boojum. Are you going to the flower show? I'm going tommorow.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Nope. I'm swamped with work and seminars. Take lots of pics for us!!

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

70° and 61° dp. . .all the dampness from the rain is causing the really hazy days and even fog advisories, unusual for mid-March. High was 80°, though my thermometer measured 82° in the shade at noon, so it got hotter than the 'official' 80°. It was a gorgeous day, in more ways than one. I have two of my grandsons 'sleeping over' as they call it, for the weekend. They spent the morning in the garden with me, then helped me plant a container garden in a very large teacup to give to their Great Grandma on the ranch where I grew up. They spent a good part of the afternoon swinging on the tire swing and rope that their Mom used to swing on 20+ years ago. They fell asleep in the car on the way home, but are going like gang busters this very minute-9PM and I'm ready to drop. Oh. . .to be young again. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;-D Janet

Thumbnail by jcangemi
Modi'in, Israel

Oh to have a tree large enough to put a rope swing on it! I'll only be able to dream about that for my none of our trees will be big nor strong enough for that while my kids are still young enough to enjoy it. *sigh*

Sounds like you had a lovely day though :-)

Today is finally mostly sunny (as opposed to ALL cloudy LOL). But the wind made it feel cool despite the sun this morning. Finally feels warm out there as it should with all that sun :-)

17C (62.6F).


Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Julie, it is great to go back home. There's another huge mulberry tree that I used to climb in still out there on the ranch. I have to smile everytime I'm out there and see it. Brings back tons of memories. Heck, we (4 of us) spent more time up in that tree than we did on the ground. None of us ever fell out of it, or at least, we didn't break anything.
Yesterday was a lovely day and today promises to be as good, but slightly cooler ;-D 75° forecast. We'll take a hike around the corner to a nice park along the creek. There's some huge old cottonwood trees there on the bank of the creek and it's just beautiful. Last spring we were there at the same park when my grandson bonded with the little bird-I entered the pic in the photo contest: 2nd place Best Bird pic

Hunter always seems to find the wildlife. . they seem to know he loves them. Today, they brought their soccer ball to kick around. So, it's 5AM right now and I'm enjoying the peace and quiet for a bit, before they're raring to go again. ;-D Janet

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

65 degrees at wakeup. Overcast. It's getting green out there.


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Sunny and 75 ;>)

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Ahhh... Sleeping over at Grandma's was one of the great pleasures of childhood. :-)

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Our heat wave lasted only one day! Cold front came through last night but, we did make it to 68 today. Supposed to be much cooler over the next few days. It is still winter after all. You are next, trois!


Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Looks like it, John. 47 tonight, 68 tomorrow. No rain, though.


Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Yep, we dodged the bullet this time. Our forcast says high of 48 and rain tuesday. No freezing temps though!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

That's good at least. I just hope the rain holds off for a few more days.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

They say we'll be above 60 for the lows this next week. I can deal with that.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

We will have that soon enough, just not this week!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Lows above 60 is what causes lots of things to grow.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

70F, sunny, and extremely windy - basically, classic Santa Ana conditions.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

50 overnight low. 74 now with light NE wind. Dry. Great day.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It's not weather, but we just had a small earthquake.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Small is nice. I only experienced one in the 10 years I lived out there.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

One in ten years???

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Yep. I arrived one week after the big Tahachapi quake and left just before the big Sylmar quake. I guess I'm quakeaphobic. The one I noticed was when I was working night shift and reached for my softdrink. I moved just out of reach like it was alive.


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Here's the quake site for the one you just felt Kelli

what'd it feel like?

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

We wait.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Didn't feel like all that much. The web site ("Did you feel it?") rated it a II (that a Roman numeral 2) for my zip code. The house creaking noise was worse than the actual shaking should merit.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi 60, lo 32, dp 28. Light freeze this morning. Thin overcast all day. Local wx man says sleet is posible over the next couple days. Its snowing in the panhandle as we speak!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Geeze, well at least it's getting that out of his system. Old man weather, we sure are ready for Spring.

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

I found a tiny teeny snow- bleached blue scilla flower on the warm side of my house! the rest of the yard still covered in snow, But we are going to have highs above freezing all week! hooray!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I couldn't possibly read all of this wonderful thread, as my eyelids are propped open. But I cam eto turn off the computer and HAD to check, sure nough, John requested I report on the snow. So here goes...

Last night they promised snow. This morning was pathetic. Iposted in the WEather and Texas Gardeening forum with a pic.

So this evening, all the weather men say, oh we got the forecast right, just the wrong day. Abnd this time just to get us to believe it they gave reports of the snow strom coming down from the NW. Big whoop. The most will fall in the nW Texas Panhandle, duh! They still say the Amarillo vicinity wqill have axcculuations up to 9", bvut I just don't believe it will pan out. Maybe that is because I have stuff to plant this week LOL

11 PM, there were very light flurries. Thirty minutes ago, there was a dusting aobut like Monday morning. So we will see, and I will update you with a pic and all in the real morning, you know, when we all get out of bed. For me, that could be kinda late tomaorrow :-)

Don't get too excited, we will believe it when we see it. I admit it is customary to have a blizzrd in March every few years. Had a mare that folaed two years in a row during a March snowstorm. And every year South Texas gets rain on Spring Break. And every memorial day, amarillo is flooded with thunderstorms. But it is early in March yet, not even St Patty's day, so if I were a bettin Gal, and I'm not, I would bet they are a week or at least a few days ahead of the actual forecast.

Si-o-nar-a, Hasta luego compadres!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Beware the Ides of March!!!!Bwa-hahahahah.

Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of Mother Nature?!!!

Sorry, just having a pre-coffee moment.LOL

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Top of the Morning to all, just getting ready for Thursday.
And to answer Pati, I think we've all seen some of Mother Nature's evil last fall.
Tamara, I can remember the ranchers trying to sue Dan True, an Amarillo weatherman for failing to warn them of a blizzard that froze thousands of cattle back in the fifties.
Weathermen tend to be drama queens around here, they take over all local channels at the drop of a hat, like its news we're having a hurricane.
I know info IS needed, but we sure get a lot of overkill.
It's cloudy and 67, good for planting.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL about the weathermen! The cable news people get all worked up about the first below freezing in International Falls, and snowing in North Dakota...DUUH. Of course we were without power and couldn't see them, but they must have had a 24/7 field day with our 'canes!

BTW, I would appreciate all you weather people to hold a good thought for March 19th, my son is getting married! The National Weather Service forecaster in Melborne and I have become good friends. I call him on a daily basis for reassurance. *grin*

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I'll start doing good deeds this morning. TV says its 58* with a 56 dew point. Radar is clear.
I purchased a nine-pack of "Julies".
Pati, what is your favorite flower?

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

55 and overcast here. Cooldown for a few days. We go to nursery today on a quest for several things. I won't be crowded today.


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Sugar, I'm very fickle about my favorite changes with the season! Right now I'm in my Hibiscus stage. But whatever the season, I love them big and showey. If they could grow one with glitter and sparkles I would love that best. LOL

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well I'm on my second year of six red ones with a little white stripe. May I call them my Pati's?

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I would be honored! (blushing prettily)

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

I had all kinds of wind warnings for the state posted in my email when I got home yesterday, both north and south, Sacramento valley, bay area, high dessert and San Diego. ??? It was quiet as could be here in central valley. Got some more lettuce planted, and a few other things. Today's a little cooler and a slight breeze this AM. 50° and dp 39°

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