March Local weather, In like a Lion....II

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

13° now with what they call "inneffective sun" (It won't warm us up!) 3-4 inches of snow on the ground, windy and brrrrr! We had thunder and lightning last night for the first time this year...

Modi'in, Israel

LOL, we don't have squirrels where I live, but I'm sure there's some critter out there just waiting and hoping I'll grow something edible LOL My strawberries always seem to disappear or be half eaten.....don't think it's the butterflies or the stray cats doing that LOL


This message was edited Mar 9, 2005 1:21 PM

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

It's gray and cold. yuck

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

DOUBLE YUCK here! 57 and drizzlin awhile, then raining awhile. They sure did get a bad storm through the Outer Banks yesterday. My cousin lives at Nags Head and they got one blast at 110 MPH!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

It sounds like Florida has what we have had for the last week. We are windy but sunny today. 64 out. very nice.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Do any of you use Weather Underground? A lot of it is free, but for $5.00 a year you have access to an amazing amount of information (and no pop-ups)

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I'll check that out, Pati! Well it's very cold and sunny with lots of wind. Can't tell how much snow-at least 8 inches-but the drifts will confuse one. I shoveled the walk at 7AM and it was covered by 10AM. But the sun is strong enought for the roofs to drip. It's lovely from INSIDE. Big difference between western and eastern Mass, eh Oceangirl??

Here's a hunkered down white throated sparrow during the snow storm yestiddy.

Thumbnail by boojum
Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Twelve more days of winter! (One bird said to the other).

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

I am convinced winter is over for here. I have planted thousands of seeds the last few days. A few things are up. NO MORE WINTER!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I would have thought you were a Farmers Almanac man, but you did climb towers.
I use just the free Weatherunderground, with pop-ups. Didn't know it could be that cheap and know that's where I pick up tracking curses.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I use the free version of Weather Bug. They have a selection of wx stations closer to my house than the bigger cities. They have neat weather related maps of interest to gardeners, too.


Modi'in, Israel

I use my bedroom window and the outside thermometer ;-)


Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Not official enough!

Modi'in, Israel

Well, the weatherman may be official, but he's not very accurate most of the time LOL. The window and thermometer are always accurate for whatever moment I'm making use of them. :-)

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

I use and my inside/outside thermometer. Mostly I look for rings around the moon, but I haven't seen it for a while. I figure if it's not raining and the Sky is blue, it's going to rain. Otherwise it's already raining. The weather forcasters could improve their averages using my method.

Modi'in, Israel

I figure if it's not raining and the Sky is blue, it's going to rain. Otherwise it's already raining.

ROTFL!!! :-D

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

Very scientific, trois! LOL- you are probably right more than the weather people are!

Boojum, yes, there is a big difference between Western and Eastern Mass. And we're such a small state! You are zone 5a and I'm 7a. (We are supposed to have mild winters here! I haven't seen one in years-LOL) When I went to bed last night it was raining, and I woke up to all this snow! The roads are the worst when there is a solid sheet of ice under the snow.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes this is a good time to stay in.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Yep, couldn't agree more that today was a day to stay indoors!

We ended up going food shopping, visiting a relative in Port Orange, and didn't get back till 7 pm.....

Couldn't believe it rained the entire time we were on the road......some areas were heavier than others, but still that wet stuff kept a'comin.

Now, it's 41o, but tomorrow promises to be a sunshiny day with temps in the 70s......we shall see!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well, I got brave and decided the alfalfa/manure tea was RIPE, and threw a tea party for 4 crepe myrtles, 3 "ify" Hawaiian snowbushes, 4 hydrangias, 17 roses, 15 brug cuttings, both daturas, all my old coleus roots, a few gardenias and any thing else that didn't move.
Dogs for 3 blocks raised holy cane. Wondered what died.
Was an excellent day for it.
Not a job for weak stomachs.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Stinky Sidney!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Uh ha,;>)

Modi'in, Israel

ROTFL Sidney! I applied fish emulsion to all my succulents 2 weeks ago and all the stray cats have been attacking my plants every night. I feel like putting on warm gear and laying in wait for them when they show up sometime in the night. Grrrrrr DH also said the garden STINKS! LOL! Luckily the stink is gone now, but the cats keep coming back. I think I'll limit my fish emulsion from now on to hanging baskets the cats can't get to! What a nightmare repotting several plants every single morning. Luckily succulents tend to be pretty tough little guys.

Today is grey, raining, windy and 14C (57.2F). On a sunny day that would be a refreshing temp....with the grey skies, rain and's disgusting!


Bellville, TX(Zone 9a)

Does anyone use the pecan trees to predict the end of winter?????

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

14° and sunny here this morning. At this rate I won't go back to work until May!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

I figure that winter has been over for 3 weeks when the first Pecan leaves appear. Very cautious trees.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

In the San Joaquin Valley, we watch the fig trees. Also very cautious trees. 55° right now and 77° forcast for today again, same as yesterday. Planted 29 tomatoes yesterday and it was almost too hot for it. I'm sure we'll have more cool days, but it was time to get those babies in. Put a floating cover over them, as it can still drop below 40 a night or two and they don't like that w/o some cover.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

pcnfe, welcome to DG and our weather chat thread. Now tell us about how this pecan-prediction works please.
It's 46* and sunny. Many seeds to plant today.
None of the plants went roots up last night. I guess they did like the "Tea".

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Yes! Welcome to DG, pcnfe!!


Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Pcnfe, can you let us know when the Bluebonnets are going strong in your area? We usually drive up that way every spring.

Thanks, trois

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Strange, strange day. . .just overcast, misty, humid and can't quite put my finger on it. . .reminds me of weather surrounding past earthquakes. . .maybe Mt. St. Helens is affecting alot here on the west coast. It was looking so weird that I thought she had erupted and thrown ash down this way.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Typical "earthquake weather" sounds like. Warm too?

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

It was 77°, but felt much warmer w/the humidity. It's 65° now, with 60° dp.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Thats quite humid Janet, for California.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Humidity. I've heard of that. Not a problem as long as you are in the shade an completely motionless, with some breeze. Not like the North Texas type with high temp and humidity. Wichita Falls is likely the most oppressive in Texas, tied with Altus and Lawton Oklahoma. I don't go to my High School reunion in Oklahoma in July because I am unable to stand the heat.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi 75, lo 37, dp 34.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi 74, lo 45, Neighbor called exterminator to remove "unfound" dead critter('s). ROTFLMAO.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

the nose knows

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Hi 33, lo 28. Snow-an inch expected today, 1-3 inches tonite, 1 inch on Saturday. I usually get a bit more in the hills here.

Humidity! Ha. 72%. And that's normal.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Temp. 27 degrees, 1-1/2 inch of new snow, still snowing, blowing. More scheduled for tonight and tomorrow morning. Ground is still frozen. Looks like a good day to sit and watch the plants grow. If I had some paint, I would paint something and watch it dry. Sighhh.

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