Seed Snatchin' PartVIII - Still Divin'!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Awww! Thanks Sidney! I agree, she's a great mom!!! She's already been a great source of comfort!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Let's face it, NC, this thread is just one big Highjacking. I figure it goes where it goes. It was never intended for the serious of mind, you know. Can't you just imagine our adventures going in the Classic Threads archives under 'Seed Stealing & Dumpster Diving Techniques'! LOL!

I'm afraid most of us are just biding time until seeds are available, though a few of our fair weather folk are still out there collecting and snipping. I'm up to my neck in seeds, soil and grow lights right now!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Me too Weez! My dogs keep sneaking upstairs to see all the dirt. So far they've only thurned over one thing though. I'm ready for Spring! Hurry up!!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Nicole~Congrats on the new wheels. And on a life changing decision. After 11 years I divorced mine. I won't go into it, but I found out it is true what they say, it will be about 2 years before you feel like a whole person again. Nothing wrong with that, just a fact of life. I suppose next time the bus is stalled, we can call on you to tow us? :-D
Thanks fo rthe wake up call Weez! I have been under the weather, now we are aall catching our healing! Everybody get ready for seed snatching, it is just around the corner :-)

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Tamara! I am ready for some Snatchin' myself!!!

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Good morning from mile high Denver CO!!

Got home Fri afternoon, it started snowing again and I still can't do anything in the yard. Got a wild hair to go visit Mom in CO and 30 min later had a couple of hoodies, skivies and levis in the truck. Shaving kit and was gone. Drove straight through to Otis Sat a.m. and picked up Mom and we went on into Denver to her DS. Then we drove up into the mountains where cousin is building a huge log home. Sun we drove up to their cabin near Pike's Peak to open up for spring.

What's this got to do with seed snatchin? Well... while wandering around the aspen and pine groves up at Pike I spied what looks like a little barrel cactus that I was able to lift. Also rumaged in the neighbor's trash and got a seed sack to bag up some scree that everything grows in. Would've snagged a couple of blue spruce seedlings but it's frozen an inch down.
This morning me and Mom are heading back up to the cousin's project at Blackhawk and I'm loading a bunch of rocks. Plentiful and amazing from that piece of range with lots of colors and different lichens.
Plus I sent an email to Brugie who said I could stop meet her on the way home.
Anyone else between Denver and Chicago along I76, I80 that wants a souvnier from the Rockies ? I'll be heading back Wed or Thu.
What sucks is that Denver was in high 60's yesterday and will be 50-60 all week and it was supposed to be cloudy/cold and snow showers all week at home. :(

This message was edited Mar 7, 2005 4:58 PM

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Wow, 8ft! What a great adventure! We drove 120 miles to Anchorage for bags of potting soil, and I felt like Christopher Columbus! I've sure taken a likin' to lichen myself. We grow many kinds here in the wild, and it ends up taking over spots in my rock gardens sometimes. I usually let it have its way... such a interesting ecosystem can get started between the mosses and lichens.

By the way... is it 'wild hair' or wild hare?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Shh..... barrel cactus, it came from your cousins front or back yard. I'd think you'ld be glad about the temps, since that's where your at, or did you expect it to be warmer?
Does the air still smell great in the Rockies? Lucky booger!
Take plenty of pictures.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

cactus - Sun up at Pike's peak we had to visit neighbors near their cabin. At the one couple everyone went inside and they wanted me to come in a look at the house. Big deal! NO- I'd rather go wandering around on their property and did just that. Of course while I was down in one of the sloughs looking at an aspen grove I remembered it was entirely possible for one of the local bears to come through. In tennis with snow--- I'd be dead meat so just kept wandering and that's where I spied the cactus.

temps - At Denver's altitude and the same zone as me, it just doesn't seem fair for them to be in a string of 60's like southern IL or MO and I've still got frozen ground and snow flurries... which I have to go back too.

air is still great up in the mountains but is very thin for this flatlander! Doesn't take much to breath hard.

Will post a pic of the rock booty when I get back down to home.
(whoopee - another 1000 mile drive ahead with at least 1500lb of rock in the bed)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Watch the bumps, lol.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Wow, what a trip!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Blaine, with a load like that - carefull of the shocks & leafsprings, take the turns reall easy dude.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Dyson. This would've been a painful run if I was still in my S10. Back in Feb I decided 'Blaine' deserved something for a change and put myself in Tundra with the IForce 4.7 V8. Couldn't even tell I had anything in the back when we came down yesterday.

Last night, under cover of darkness, a huge clay tulip planter, a clay rectangular box planter and a clay planter shaped like a dolphin joined the roughneck rocks.

Ya'll meet me at the house to unload this stuff, ok?

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Got ya! Be there in a sec!!!



Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

Quite a trip! Can't wait to see what you do with this stuff.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Excuse me, did you say DOLPHIN planter??? Just happened to be growing out in the woods, with the rocks, huh?

Have a safe trip, and don't get pulled over LOL We will be on call with bail money...

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Picking some rocks and snags from the property my cousin is building a log home on.

Thumbnail by 8ftbed
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Wow, bet you are wishing your truck had an 8 ft bed LOL

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow, Blaine has clean face, no mu mu.
Looks like a good haul, know you are going to have a good spot for every one of them.
MMM smell the coffee?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Oh, boy, those look like those nice flat rocks that stack so well... I swear, I'd be making my own flat sided rocks if I had a few sticks of dynamite and the good sense to know how to use it! The best rocks are always from the blast areas... solid granite chunks... wonderful!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Aren't they doing any of that up there?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Oh, yes, lots of rock around here. We have two local companies that take gravel out of the rivers and blast rock for rip rap. We are rock rich around here, but we don't take it for granite (ha, ha, groan, groan). Our granite often has nice stripes of quartz in it, as well. There's also lots of shale rock to chose from to.... now if we just had top soil, we'd be in landscaping heaven here!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Top soil, top soil, I buy topsoil and it's sand, I buy composted manure and it's sand. Why oh why can't I buy some good ole "Dirt"?

Well if you come to Jacksonville and you smell something VILE today, it's that liquoid gold, pure, stinky, slimey alfalfa tea. I just dosed almost everything around a good drink of this and I can tell you it's not for a weak stomach. The dogs for 3 blocks started rasing cane, lol. They wanted to know what kind of critters died here.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

& when the English first came here they found the Indains "planting" a fish with thier crop plants. A matter of preferance of course, but I still think organic is best imho. Good job Sidney & the pups will get over it. - Dyson

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


But i just love the smell of good organic growing stuff. :-) I get my fish from the bait shop, free, their dead minnows three times a week (only during growing season)...

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

We use fish in our compost, but I don't use anything like that in the beds. Our temps are too low to break such things down in a timely manner. By the way, up here, planting fish can mean digging bears! LOL!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I was afraid dogs would get into it, but I cover it up with alfalfa hay, and haven't had a problem yet. My corn really loved it last year!

Just saw your Prop thread, LOOKIN GOOD WEEZ

I only have one four shelf unit set up, and I am running out of room LOL

Gotta get some shut eye, keep up all the good work :-)

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

When I was a kid, my dad heard that the indians planted each stalk of corn with a fish for fertilizer. So he went fishing and caught a bunch of "kivvers" and planted the corn like that. Our dog dug up every single one that night! He had telltale fish breath! LOL

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

back home.... unfortunately everything is covered in snow as opposed to the 1000 miles between here and Denver.

... liquid 'gold' ? That's what I refer to the contents of the milk-jug-cum-portapotty in the garage. Even got neighborhood buddies trained to use it when visiting and solving world problems over beer. That and the last dredges from an empty beer can is all the clematis get on either side of the garage and they try and take over the world. I slosh it around the various conifers and here, there, everywhere. I've got a dawn redwood on the property line down near the street. The neighbors never touch their yard. Mow 3 times a year for mother's day, the youngest's birthday party and 4th July. So I've been dumping a gallon of liquid gold on their side in the perceived rootzone. I noticed last year (and took pleasure in asking buddies if they noticed anything different on the outside of my property) that in the heat of summer fall all the grass was brown as usual in the neighbor's yard. BUT there was a lush, tall, dark green semicircle around that tree. Thats when I started sloshing in high traffick strips in my own yard. Like how you can tell someone has a dog in the summer. The grass will be dormant brown except for thriving pee tufts unless they have females which tends to burn it out. :)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Not a drop of pee in this, but 10#s alfalfa/rabbit food pellets and 2 huge scoops of Milorganite. It comes from sewage in Milwaukee, but is recommended for NOT burning new plants in Fl., then steeped for 2 weeks. I saw new leaves on things yesterday. I swear! The next door neighbor called an exterminator out, looking for dead critters. lol

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Milorganite and not a drop of pee? That's probably one of the highest contributors to the ingredients. Brewers and beer drinkers abound in the land of cheese!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

ROTF!!! Yes, but this doesn't burn the roots when landscaping. (I knew you'ld say that.)
Those "dead critters going to be running around again tomorrow. Going to pre-treat some seed beds.
I just found out I'm out 3 months of work, April, May, and June. Therefore, it's sew and "sew" for me. I'm full steam into my garden and anyone else's that will have me.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

well come on by then. While I'm not buried like the poor souls in MA, everything is still covered in snow with flurries scheduled for the next week. But we can tour the 3 rooms of plants in the house and you can help me plan the erradication of what grass I have left.

BIG problem has emerged. I got to looking at those brugs after I joined DG last November, got so excited after looking at pictures and reading about the fragrance that you'd think I was wearing silk panties or something. Now I've ordered stuff, been given cuttings and sprouted seeds that was given as well. 2 months away from planting outside and somehow a collection has started thats starting to worry me.

i'm a sick, sick puppy I guess.
beer time

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

"The Brug thugs that ate Blaine" LOL
Yes, I happened on a bunch of "freeze insurance" brug cuttings and well, I think I have about 15 starts now. I think they are yellow, orange, pink, white, and "whiskers. That's the only one I have a name for. They will be amazing. All but 3 are outside already.
Houseplants DO NOT get liquid gold. I'd have to move!
Well, I have some help, so I'm hoping to plant my yard and several others.
I'll have a lot of pretty seedlings to plant.
I'm sure I'd need a bib walking thru those 3 rooms of yours. I'm not too proud to drool.

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Cactus I was able to lift at about 9300 ft in the rockies. I got in the lady's trash for a bag and brought home some of that decomposed granite soil from up there and then planted in an old looking pot I picked up last year and had been hanging onto. She says these things bloom in the spring. Guess I need to go ahead and put it outside now. :(

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Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

This is that whale pot snagged from the cousin's house and some chicks I snatched from Mom's barrel.

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Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Chicks in a whales belly, okay. He sure has a mischevious grin on him.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I've got hen & chicks growing from seed in my basement. I snatched the seed from a friend's hen & chicks last fall while she was at work. She'd have given me the seeds, but stolen seeds germinate better.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

concur but haven't even seen hen&chicks bloom before. I'll be keeping an eye peeled from now on.

Where'd you say you live Weez?

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