Seed Snatching Mission

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

GET ON THE PHONE!!! A must do immediately is to find out who the landscaper is!!! If the you can find a telephone number for the developement, call them. Call the city/county and ask who owns the property. Beg until you get the info, then ask the landscaper!!!!

If you go see them in person but sure to go to NY to get PekeBoo first, so he can beg too.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

PekeBoo's always up for a road trip!

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Now that is using your noodle..what a great idea, I will have to remember that one if the situation comes up...My school dicarded a great big green house and all contents and I did'nt find out about it until is was too late and being hauled off by a bunch of men, and boy am I kicking myself for not speeking up..

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm thinking you should be beaten severely with a wet noodle! Bad vsw!

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

don't I know I kick myself over again, and I have been wanting hubby to build me one for years but still no luck..maybe one day I will get one...

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Perhaps it would be best not to let him know you let one slip through your fingers - silly, SILLY girl! (I'm aching with you - it is TOTALLY my dream possesion!)

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

:-( How sad!! Just think of everything that could have been done with it... I seem them from time to time sitting in people's yards unused.. Hmmm here's comes another level of snatching.. Rescuing neglected greenhouses!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

There's an old abandoned nursery on my way to work that I drool over each morning - has 4 HUGE greenhuse, just kills me! If only I could "borrow" one of the smaller buildings...seems like such a crime for it to be sitting there like that...

PS - 'morning, NC - Get your housework done?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Isn't there grant money for restoring 'historical' greenhouses??

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Wouldn't THAT be nice. I could just sell my house and move in!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes mam! I got it finished!! At least what passes for finished for my DH - LOL!! Got some things repotted and cleaned some seeds until I needed a break!


Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

I was getting back to the seeds left in the rain and placed out to dry, putting them back into their envelopes (and then in their plastics and then in the frig, not to be left out again) and I couldn't help but laugh at their labels after this thread. "Unk red chrys type flwr 632 Glen" or "Drimys winterii from Mark" or "Alstromeria from Branding Iron" or "White hibiscus from Rick's old house."

Someone is reopening a nursery where my hunnie's used to be, and of course, we had to go peek in. So many plants left to seed, bad show of a presentation. I almost volunteered to help trim up the dead flowers. I did, however, leave with all the lavender seeds I could hold in my fist. Long skinny stalks of seeds, now I have to id it or go back and ask which lavender that is, lol!!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

lol lol!!! You are so well organized!!! I best never take up "snatching" because I'm not!!!


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi guys! My 'Snatcher-recruitee' brought me the Dianthus seeds today! YA! He did a good job too! Now just to figure out how to grow it as well as the other million kinds of have traded for so far in my short 3 months of being a member! LOL


Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Tee hee...if I was THAT organized, I would have had ziplocks with

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

ncgardenaddict - did you talk him into checking out the yards of his friends and neighbors??? Don't tell us you didn't try!!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

ladyannne, I can sympathize with your plight concerning identification. By the time plants are ready for seed harvesting, the blooms are usually gone and identification (color, cultivar) are just about impossible. There is all that seed, and no way to know what it was!

I've begun taking photos at some of my target areas. I can go back, match up the background landmarks, and I.D. my seeds! It also gives me pictures for my seed packets. Two years ago, I collected lovely columbine seed at the local post office. I noted where they were located in the beds in order to check out the colors the following spring. Unfortunately, they dug up the bed to do some reconstruction.

I was brazen enough to follow the groundskeeper and his lawnmower around the lawn to ask if he recalled the colors.... no such luck. Guess I'll just have to see what colors my resulting plants are this next season!

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

Weezingreens - that really made me giggle - the photo-taking bit. This is full-on first degree seed-snatching!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Seriously organized!!!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I have taken to bringing the digital camera with me when I walk the dog. The other day I had it with me when I spotted some lovely double ruffled marigolds outside the Post Office and the Pizza Pizzazz place - yup, the one with the tables outside. Like, let's make a big production of our seed stealing.. Oh, no problem officer, I took pictures!!!

Cle Elum, WA(Zone 5b)

i was wondering how to save seeds from my heirloom tomatoes?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Otterpotter, I think you need to let them ferment first... check on the tomato forum.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Laughing at the vision of Weez, cheery, innocent look on her face, following a grumbling guy around as he mows the lawns, wondering just when and how he was going to get rid of her!

Now that I have a digital, I can take it along, if I remember. I keep my seeds in alpha order (shhhh, Judy) and the back third is labeled "unk from...."

I was just dropping off my daughter's sweater, and there, in the middle of the high school plaza, was this bush. And red brilliant flowers! Oh, oh, oh, there are seed pods!!! Way too high....oh Melodie....come help me get these down (she's 80 pounds dripping wet but she will do anything!) A conversation with the FFA/Ag teacher and the custodian led to nothing, no one knew what it was.

The next time I had to go to the school, I brought my camera on campus for pictures, and I thought I was going to be arrested. Guess there had been some kind of a shuffle that day. The Ag teacher came out and told the security guys drilling me I was safe. Whew!!! They still dont understand why I wanted a picture of that bush. Crazy old woman. Anyway, I now own Fireman's Hat, or Brazilian Coral bush seeds.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

How funny!!! So we almost got an urgent request from you saying "Come Bail Me Out!!!"

I have a plan... if I decide to start snatching I'm going to take my Jeb along. One of two things will happen, people will be engrossed or grossed out, either way I have a clear path to the seeds.

This message was edited Oct 26, 2004 1:13 PM

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Oops forgot to include his picture.....

Thumbnail by judycooksey
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

OMG - he's so doggone unsightly as to be adorable! Bring him to my house and you can rip off half the garden!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha ha! Judy! What a silly face! They are lovable!! I guess I can use my Rottie to 'bully' them into handing them over! Not really, unless they are afraid of slobber! LOL

Weezingreens - how DO you do that to your packets? Is that a computer program that you purchased or did you develop it yourself? It looks so organized not to mention the planting instructions on the back!!!! I would love to copy that.... It looks just a tad better than my handwritten scribbles! LOL

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

No kidding, NC - you should have been a doctor. Your note on the lettuce packet had me in hysterics. (OMG - I hope it's not vital to growth because I have NO IDEA what it says!) LSHIPMP! (laughing so hard I'm peeing my pants!)

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

HAHAHAHA! OK - so won't win any pennmanship awards!!! So you help me prod Weezingreens for her 'pooter knowledge!

I really try to write neat, really!! But I get so excited about trading I get in a hurry.

Here is the readable version..

plant seeds 12135l inches depe
1`2325 f eat apart
leeeffe leattcuuce mix good f4er sprandg and afella

Is that better oh picky one? LOL

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hardy-har! Looks exactly like your handwriting! Toooooooo funny!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey, shouldn't you already know how to plant lettuce anyway? LOLOL

:--) got to run - have to go home now!

Speaking of snatching.... I am going this evening to get some daylily's mega CHEAP via our extension office... They were divided from our farmer's market display.

NOW I am paying to snatch!! LOL Cross your fingers they are pretty!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Egad - it's 4:12 - I'm going to have to put in for OT!

Gotta run!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Sequee, that pic you posted about mid-thread looked like a Dahlia to me.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

NC, I create the packets on my MS Publisher program. First I traced the template for the seed packet, then I overlayed the other images and information. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it.... WZ

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

hmmm.. I will investigate that Weezingreens! I know that I am going to get something together when I do my SASE seeds if I ever get them all cleaned!

Well, tonight my son and I got 20 daylily's for $20! What a bargain! They are all named varieties although a bit mixed up! I wanted a bunch of different colors. I have no idea what I will get! That will be fun for the fall!

Got a bonus that was a real snatch too! There is this plant - don't know the name but last year this time I actually put a note on this lady's door asking her what it was. She didn't know... Anyway, guess what was beside the daylilies!! THAT PLANT!! It looks like a giant coreopsis is the best way I can describe it (6 ft. tall) I said politely - do you mind if I grab some seeds? He said of course! Unfortunately there were no mature heads - but some close ones so I grabbed those! If I can make a go we can figure out what they are next year!!

Hee hee hee - this thread has been a BAD influence on me!!!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Weez .. ya reckon this heuh thread needs to be carried over yet ? .. hee

Even my po' DSL is even gettin' 'boggy' loading these 195 replies, I tell ya !!
.. LOL ..

Weez .. maybe you could humbly oblige us .. by getting a 'kick start' on another 'epistle' .. soon ?

- Magpye

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

As requested, the confessional saga of seed snatching continues:

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I have to add something to this thread. When me & my husband take a trip somewhere, I am always armed with little plastic bags, (I save the plastic cups from the sugar free jello I eat for lunch but I like the styrofoam cups better cause you can write on them & throw them away. Anyway, here's a scenario of us driving down the road: Judy: "Bob, pull over! There's a neat flower growing over there in that field. Don't go so fast, you'll miss it. PULL OVER!!!!" and he groans and pulls over. Then I literally jump out of the car, armed with my seed-collecting equipment and start joyously collecting seeds. When I get back into the car, he growls," If you get caught & go to jail, don't call me for the bail." LOLOLOLOL He's such a spoilsport but he still pulls over, begrudgingly. I got him trained well. I've been doing this for years. We're going to Florida in March 2005 & I am so anxious, I am breaking out in a sweat. What really threw me was that I was so into this when we were in Texas, about 20 years ago, I never even considered the snakes, scorpions, etc I might be stepping on when I was jumping around in the fields. Oh my, this one has it baaaaaadddd. I've developed many ways to appear "nonchalant" when I'm collecting in the middle of a town, including pretending to smell the flowers while snipping, etc. I do take my digital camera along & take pix of the plant so I can identify the flowers & label the seeds correctly. I'm even going to be collecting Heterandria formosa (those little coffee-brown live bearing fish found in Florida.) when we go, so I'm bringing a fish net, a large fishbowl, several gallon jugs to collect the water, etc. Guess I'm a born collector, huh?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, you surely qualify, Buttoneer! Hey, I came back to get you on this bus and take you over to our new thread here: Please pack up your comment (cut & paste it) to bring along... the other seed snatchers will want to hear this!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

The 'Seed Snatchin' saga .. continues, with ..

. . . Part 2 . . . . More Seed Snatchin' (Part II) >

. . . Part 3 . . . . Yet More Seed Snatching >

. . . Part 4 . . . . Seed Snatchin' Part IV >

.. and, the end is no where in site ! ! ! .. hee hee ..

Enjoy . . . .

This message was edited Nov 21, 2004 6:04 PM

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