Hoya, any one ?

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Here is a scanned image of the leaves I cut off while preparing the cuttings. Does it look like any that any of you have? It came to me unnamed.

Thumbnail by lupinelover
Valley Village, CA

Use a humidifer if you have dry house weather, most peole in New York have heating systems, that seem to cause moisture. These plants love high humidity, you need to be the judge of this. I have a tiny hot house that is inclosed. I must mist once a day. I keep the temps up to 70 F We must learn to read these plants. I have just found out the young vines are easier to root then old vines. Not the very tips, but new growth. Any of you who are interested and can get to my house on June 14 1-4 will be welcome. We are having a clan gathering. House plants is the theme. Please RSVP at this email address, I will need your address to send you the invitation, you are welcome to bring a guest, but then bring two chairs. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Lupinelover, looks like a Hoya carnosa compacta to me. Now remember I'm new at this, but that one is so distinct. Also called 'Hindu Rope' them come variegated and green, they are lovely plants, it will need to be hung very high in a few years as it gets ropes 6-8 feet long. It should be in a protected area, and warm, with good indirect light. Direct summer light may burn the leaves. If you can post this to one of the Hoya forums, they are more knowledgable than I am, they will be of help. It's a great picture, and you are going to love this plant. Norma

Valley Village, CA

I figured out the problem, they needed mist, and Spring, they were following their natural rythum of life. they started to grow last week, finally, even the first ones that I got were growing, those that didn't rot already. I will need to replace about 60 of them, but I must make room. I did get my hanging bar up outside. That will be a help for the summer, I did find out that I can cut my heat down to 60 degrees or even lower, and they will still live if not wet. I found out that they need good indirect light to flower. I also found out that mealies, and scale just love them, so I must check each morning during their growing stage to keep them free of those little b.......
If any of you have any to trade plese let me know. I am looking for a carnosa rubra, she is one that ran away. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Today I went to Target, it had no Hoya. I was also at Osh no HOya, tomorrow I check out Walmart. It seems that on the eastern part of our country there are plenty available at these stores. But not in in LOs Angeles. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Lupine lover, I can't Id plants from the leaves, I need the flowers, then I look them up, to make sure. The variegated one at the bottom could be a H. carnosa. But get other opinions on this, I'm sorry I put this in writing, but remember it's not written in stone. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Humidity, is the name of the game, and timely starting time. You cut them just before they show signs of new growth, which is now, right now, or last week. I must keep the humidity above 60 or higher if I can. So I must check in with the weather and check the dew whatever it is called. That is what makes the difference. With my World of Hoya by Dale Kloppenburg, I was able to identify the plant
as H. vitellina Blume

My just happens to be much larger that his picture shows, but is was verified that it is what I have, this is getting exciting when I'm able with the books help ID and Hoya.

Valley Village, CA

The humidifer is working great, most of mine are showing umbels, which really surprises me. I got two more plants from a mail order house. The were perfect. We have enough dealers here in the 48, we don't need to venture out in order to get good plants, that are clean. These came in perfect. I only got two just to try this place out first.
I find most are ethical, and just trying to make an honest living, not trying to stiff anyone, or cheat, if they get wrong names it was done without their knowledge. Some take longer than other to ship. You don't want to receive them in cold weather. I now have 100 species actually hanging in 5" pots. Where am I going to put the next 100. The flowers will tell me actually what I really have. I don't need to use bags any more to start them, they like to be started when the weather is warm and the days longer. So start them now. I found out some may take as long as a year to put out the vine. This I believe, why they waited 6 months for the weather to change, those that I got in October just refused to start, I gave them heat, they wanted light and humidity.
I can start trading by the end of this month. Remember the party June 14, and please RSVP for the invitation. Only those attending need to respond. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Hi gang, The humidifer has worked, they are growing like crazy up the wall, and any wire they can find. I will have cuttings this summer for sure.
Don't forget the party on Sat. June 24,between 1:00 and 4:00 I will need an RSVP by June 1, because we are catering the party, will need chairs, etc. You will need directions on how to get here.
Micheal Kartuz will be here to sell plants, I will not sell plants from my home. He has a nursery that specializes in house plants.
This is not a huge party we hope to have only 50 people, so each of us will get to meet each other. Bring a plant to trade if you want to, we will have a exchange table, and door a door prize each hour, which probably will not be a hoya, but a house plant. We will learn which plants, succulents included that can be grown indoors. Sans. Begonia, Pelagonium, Hoya, will be featured. Let me know.

More about propagation. I found that baggies will work. I am trying my H. 'Imperials' in bags. Must run DH is calling. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Where is everyone, I miss you all, Dale Kloppenburg will be coming to my house on June 14, we are having a party in his honor, you are all invited, but you must email in so I know you going to come, and I'll send back instructions on how to get here. Dale Kloppenburg is bringing his guest from Sweden, she is the Editor of the Hoya magazine in Europe. I don't know her but she has emailed me, and she sure is a nice lady.
Party starts at 1:00 and I'll serve finger food and cold drinks, there is no charge. You may leave at any time you wish, we are having an exchange table, a door prise table, and Bromalaid table, bring a plant to exchange or trade, their will be house plants/Hoya to purchase. Do not bring any sick plants into the garden. No smoking in the garden.
Thanks, Norma

Valley Village, CA

I have the following to share at this time, 'Red Buttons'
and 'Fresno Beauty' and bits of this and that, if you are ready contact me. Kathy Jo, especially you. Crasulady2

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