Euphorbia Enopla problem

Brno, Czech Republic

Hello, about 2 weeks ago I started growing Euphorbia enopla. I grow it indoors. Suddenly in just three days the plant turned darker and got a bit smaller 🫣 (photos) Can it be saved? I water it once a week and I have it in full sun indoors with my other succulents (all other plants are well). Thank you for advice.

Thumbnail by RicciVerny Thumbnail by RicciVerny
Castro Valley, CA

It looks like rot to me. Is it soft? Is there similar damaged tissue at its base? If not as a Hail Mary pass, I would cut off the entire rotting top till you get to healthy tissue. Put some rooting hormone with a fungicide in it onto the top cut area to help callus it. Like Rootone.
It may send out some new arms.

I never watered my cactus/succulents on a time table. They can be so touchy if you over water. I would only water when the soil would be dry or in the case of a euphorbia on the dry side since they like more water.

Did you just repot it when you got it? Or perhaps the seller had just repotted it to get more $$$. Is the soil fast draining? You do not want a lot of organic material. Lots of pumice helps it be fast draining. Organic material can keep the soil too wet for too long.

The size of the pot looks large compared to the size of the plant. If you jump to a big pot when there are no roots to drink up the water, it stays too wet too. Best to slowly move the pot size up as the plant and its root fill out.

I wonder if there was some kind of damage to the stalk before you bought it and you did not notice. It the skin is broken it can get bacteria or fungus in it and then it spreads.

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