Best/Worse/What did I learn today? Come sit a spell, enjoy chatting, newcomers always Welcome!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moved us over from here

Keep looking at the photo, so very sad..

But what a life she had , so much love in it, you just look at their faces and know all was well in their world.

What a loss

Sun is out then in between the clouds, a lot cooler than before but I think when I watch weatherman the said a lot of Canada and USA are 20°F higher than normal

Lovely quilt Susan, a treasure for sure..I will have to look for my treasure that we’re done with the group.

Sitting here typing and I am nodding off, best I get up and have lunc( before it’s supper time again

This message was edited Sep 3, 2024 11:07 AM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Here are a few That were block swaps or border add ons

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

This was Missy’s favourite

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

We spent several hours cleaning in the sewing room. We had SUCH a mess! to be fair, we have been knocking ourselves out to get more doll clothes made. The 2nd doll clothes outfit is made from a $1 dollar store pair of socks to make the cat. The rest of the outfit is made from salvaged fabric from recycled clothes.
You can't tell the size of the bin, but those are the clothes we made in the last week. We've had help cutting out some of the pants and threading the elastic. We've done all the sewing.
We have 3 sergers set up (one is on loan when mine went into shop for repairs.) We have 3 sewing machines set up. It has made sewing so much faster and easier.

Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2

Betty - here's the peacock you were talking about.
That Christmas wreath one is one I took part in, adding borders. Lovely!
I know that I took part in some that went to veterans - One I can think of had multiple blocks, winter-themed. I put in a picture of the manger scene.
This 2nd one was a "Sistahs of the Heart" where we made multiples of the same block & sent one to each of the Sistahs.
The 3rd one was given to Barry - a veteran. Not sure who's presenting it, but it looks like the winter-themed one.
4th one is another Sistah's quilt - lol Thuder & her Inky! Who put it together?? All our blocks were sent to one person who did the joining & quilting.

This message was edited Sep 3, 2024 12:41 PM

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg Pat, your room is to die for, I am so envious. i have a lovely room as well, very spacious but your is beyond beautiful. Bet you can’t wait to go into it and sew..
Lovely outfits, somewhere, 9ne upon a time I remember you saying that was it for the dolls and here you are, at it again..what pleasure you give kids.

Susan, I love the Christmas quilts, it must have been in the other room you guys were in as I wasn’t part of those swaps. I think I did the floral on the peacock but not sure. Did you mark who did what?

Not sure if i mentioned, last night I had just fallen asleep, wayyy too early, heard a truck, it was Kyle with an older boat in tow, he and Destiny bought a boat but with staying at the trailer park all week there isn’t room, so I’ve a boat in my yard until fall.

This message was edited Sep 3, 2024 5:30 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread Betty.
I love all your quilts.
Wish there were enough of us left to to it again.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, sunshine day out there, light chill in the air, just perfect.

Lindakay, couldn’t we do something???? Maybe each find a friend to participate??? It was always exciting to see what our blocks would become. The easiest one I think was when we did the Center of a block, it was a fair size, then sent on to the next person to add the next step, rows/blocks etc. like Susan’s Peacock and my Christmas quilt?

Would have loved to burn what is in the fire pit, Ted next door does wood projects from those palettes, only uses top boards so lots of the wood goes in my pit for burning , wind is up a bit so unless it dies down that to do won’t get done.

I did start to put a bit of fall out, throwing a few pieces away, have way too much.

Would love to finish baby quilt and maybe wine glasses, things that I can do at my ease.

Now that Pat has shown me her sewing room best I tidy mine up a bit😜

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

A round Robin would be nice. We could start with a pretty panel, mail it out to the next one. There are 4 of us here. I think that would make a nice throw?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Would be nice

Let’s see who wants to join us??
Baring emergencies we should put a date once received that it must be done and sent forward, forget the rules, not that we need rules, just sort of guidance we had on others.


I would definitely do another Round Robin, with perhaps my God's Eye as the centre,
I'd be more than happy to start off, whichever. What we did in the "center" quilt was to decide on a size for the center, then specific sizes for each border.
Betty - yours is the outside border on the Peacock.

Here's what we did for the Round Robin in 2016
Round Robin Instructions

Here's the order of who adds what size round to each of the centers:
My center = God's Eye
I would send to person 1 who adds a 2" border
Person 1 would send to person 2 who adds a 3" border
Person 2 would send to person 3 who adds a 4" border
Person 3 would send to person 4 who adds a 5" border.

As you finish a round, the next person on the list will always be consistent; you'll be sending each quilt to the same person. So by the time you finally get to the last round, you'll have worked on the quilt that belongs to the person you've sent to all along.
Each round can be appliquéd, pieced, plain fabric or embroidered if you wish. It's up to you to decide what you can do and what you think goes well with the center.

When we did it, there was a total of 5 people.
What do you think of this idea?

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I am always game for a swap, any form.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds good.
Looking forward to doing this.


Pat Hull - have your address.
Linda Kay - have yours somewhere, same with Betty - will have to look it up. I had a "preferences for swaps" booklet with all addresses (yes, I'm anal lol)
Only thing is, as the first person puts only 2" borders on, etc - who wants to do which size (stash buster here - can be pieced borders). We should have a common size for the center, too. Suggestions? The peacock was an 18 1/2" unfinished., so ended up as an 18". That may be larger than people want to do.
The borders I suggested are the finished sizes, so total border size is 28" width (2 sides, or in other words, one side has a 14" width, finished).
I also suggest that a new thread is created so it can be exclusively for this Round Robin, so comments & pictures don't get lost in the shuffle.


Hey Linda Kay - remember this one? It was from a Round Robin, 2012. It was your center.

This message was edited Sep 4, 2024 9:42 PM

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B

Just looked at my God's Eye pattern - it makes a 20" block! Does this seem too big or ok? We should be consistent, so we're adding the borders the same for everyone. What do you think?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I do remember that.
Center may vary a bit, and I am ok with that. It's going to be hard for everyone to have the same size center. Using a panel will be bigger than starting with a block made.
I will send a DM to all with my new address.


Here's the link to the 2024 Quilting Round Robin thread

We can have 5 or 6 total, and I think we have 4 so far - Pat, LK, Betty & myself.
Thunder took part before, and I will send her an invitation to join us. She liked it then :)

This message was edited Sep 5, 2024 3:07 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

The only Round Robin I participated in, I used a rectangular block. The total inches around were within the limit of the swap. I think I would prefer we rotate the blocks, rather than one person put all the first round on etc. I agree a separate thread should be maintained for the swap, think it's necessary to NOT post here as well as there are visitors here that might also want to "follow along".


I agree, Pat.
So, today's a housecleaning & putting together quilt blocks for the quilt for Michelle & Lonnie day. I must admit to going cross-eyed trying to picture the pattern on my design wall. Every time I sew rows together, it sets the lineup visually "off" for those that aren't stitched yet lol

This message was edited Sep 5, 2024 4:07 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all,
Had a lazy day today, didn’t do much other than get my hair cut and finish the baby quilt.

Let’s not make it too complicated, no fun if we do!

Yep, have to figure out something so same person isn’t do8ng same others I don’t care what size the inner block is, or if a scrap buster, it’s fun, fun, fun… just don’t want them not to get done which i know isn’t a problem. Send me anything

Doctor is suppose to call at 6:30, he must be running behind.

Drats, wind is up, Kyle and Destiny and Grayson went out about 3 for boat ride, he says boat is running well but because it’s new to them but an older boat I worry, last hour the wind is up and Georgian Bay isn’t a nice place to be on windy days.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I hope your doctor called you.
Praying for Kyle's safe on the boat.

I was telling my daughter in law about the round Robin. She would like to join if you don't mind.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Rain but light, just enough that one can’t enjoy the outside, calling for same for next 3 days.

That would be fun Lindakay to have her join in, I will see if Sharon or joanne would like to as well

Kyle and Destiny said they had a lovely ride as did Grayson
Dr. Did call, i go for a few needles next week, just those they are encouraging seniors to get.

I am in my nighty, no plans for the day so tempted to stay in it. Hip guess because of dampness is giving me the what for..last of unfinished projects, wine glasses could keep me busy and then maybe put a wedding quilt on frame, it’s been sitting there far too long, it and 2 more need quilting

Lindakay, on right of table is the beautiful glass pumpk8n you sent me in a swap, took it out the other day, keep looking at it, need to fill it up with treats lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear you still use it.

Victoria Harbour, ON

One of my favourite fall pieces,
Am sure sitting here finishing the glasses I would have eaten all treats in it so maybe i should not refill. I’ve been eating well, put on 5 lbs. not concerned because if i have another bout with tummy I will have some meat to lose lol

Just heard from Linda, she is beside herself, with all that has been going on this past month with David in hospital, they diagnosed him with Covid this afternoon..prayers please

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Oh goodness, poor David did not need Covid on top of everything else.

Linda, we'll want to have your daughter right before or after you to cut back on postage. THAT would be really handy for the 2 of you!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sharon and I are going to a wedding tomorrow so aI will chat with her as well about joining and we could do same, mail in 1 package

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I agree with betty..
We could both put our rows on, and ship them to the next person?
So sorry to hear about David.
Saying prayers.


Sorry to hear that David has Covid, on top of everything else - prayer warriors unite!

Betty - did you get the link to the Round Robin site? Here it is.

We'll continue to chat about the RR on that site. With you, Betty, we have 4 confirmed and room for 2 more.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, raining and in mid 50’s..
Am sure Shannon and Tom must be panicking, 100 people for outside wedding.

Have the Minister’s granddaughter coming for 9 so I am just on time with finishing the wine glasses and cleaning up after myself, am almost finished my coffee and ready for Raina, it’s her 1st lesson, am sure she is nervous.

Once Raina leaves I will have to see what is in my closet to wear, did have a nice summer outfit to wear today but too cold. Don’t know if any of you are like me but there are few dress up outfits in my closet, never seem to go anywhere all dressed up?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, my daughter in law Misty will be 5.
Betty, Susan, Pat, Linda, Misty

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Hopefully Betty's sister Sharon will join us.


Linda Kay - edited the beginning to add Misty.
Had a lovely church service today in the Arboretum in a nearby town. The weather was perfect. We brought our camp/lawn chairs and sat in the shade. Afterwards we went into a small building & had a potluck lunch. It's a high of 88F today.

This message was edited Sep 8, 2024 3:56 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thank you Susan.
Glad you had a great day.


Where is everyone?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Have a student with me painting a clock..she is 8

Talked to Sharon, she would love to join, her pieces can be sent here

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I have spent all day mowing lawn, we sorted thru the shrugs & jackets, listed for sale 30 items. I finally finished. sold several items already and have appointments tomorrow morning and then dental appointments.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good morning.
I am working on another one block wonder quilt. All blocks are sewn, just need to rearrange pieces. There are 3 more rows to be added to the bottom yet. 1st photo is original fabric from hobby lobby.

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

One of these days I will FINALLY get around to doing a "one block wonder". I WANT to, but there is ALWAYS more to do "first".

I have dentist appointment and have not had time to update all the listed, then sold items. Not a bad problem to have!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening, if there was a PERFECT fall day then today is it. i should have spent it outside but I just now took a break, done for the day.

Pat, you must be selling your items for next to nothing for them to sell so quickly

LindaKay, love the fabric and the final outcome,made something similar but never this particular block, like Pat I’d love to try it.. I need to get busy on making 4 quilts for Christmas, thought maybe the Perriwinkle design..has to be quick
Also need something for Darlene and Joh, I’ve a set of good towel I’d like to embroider with machine embroidered designs and a large panel, very beachy with lighthouse, they are leaving at Thanksgiving for the winter in South Carol8na so I’d best get a move on if i want it done before they go.

Sharon has a dog show in the finger lakes N.Y. I think Sept 27th or 29th, said I’d go so will buy fabric for all the backings while I am there if I go.
Heard a vehicle pull in last night about 7pm, was Kyle,Destiny and Grayson. They were cleaning the inside of their boat, Grayson was riding his bike, yikes it worried me as he was coming down off back yard slope and going between Kyle’s truck and my car. I was nervous but they weren’t. I played with him til the skitters came out, thought it was too cold for them but not.

Started with 7:30am chiro appointment, was fine when I went in but ever so painful as day progressed

Picked up all the boards and supplies I need for the children’s Christmas workshop, ahead of the game this year.wording “Merry Christmas” and stamp and stamp pad, have bells in a container rusting them and voila ready for the kids.

Mary, loveliest of quilters dropped in again with Christmas fabric, good quality and I love designs. i gave her a bunch of those Iris folding cards we did in a workshop over a decade ago, she has bad back and thought it might be something she wants to do.

She also wants to make a couple of glass snowflakes so I’ll go to Gayle’s and get materials 8n a few weeks

Then I took Giorgia to Midland to Gayle’s to get her stained glass piece she had camed, hooks and chain. We got as far as doing black patina, final will be waxing but she was on a mission so couldn’t stay later.

I so wanted Kentucky Chicken for supper, was tempted to pick some up when i went to midland with GiorGia but then remembered I often get sick once I’ve eaten it so came home without.

Sat and talked to Marie,her sister had a stroke yesterday, not doing well.

Linda could still only visit with Dave for 1 hr because she is his main caregiver, he is still showing signs of having Covid…he is not understand, more confusing for him why nobody is there with him. She is hoping maybe tomorrow he will be clear and she can spend the day, sure hoping she doesn’t get it.

Melanie and Greg’s Anniversary today, think 29 years.

Hmmm that is about it for me.p, know it’s only 6 but think I will take a T3, hot bath, pain patch and head to bed. I’ve nothing to do until 4pm tomorrow night so maybe I will try and sleep in.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze

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