Best/Worse/What did I learn today? Come sit a spell, enjoy chatting, newcomers always Welcome!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Mary brought me about $2,000 worth of embroidery packages, i gave half back to her,told her I’d pick up a few memory sticks and download some i like.

i could never in this lifetime do them all

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON


Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

And more

Cheaper now than when you would buy packages with cd’s, now for under $5 you can get designs, designs unlimited and you don’t have to store the packages

Maybe for our sewing border exchange I’ll do some embroidery

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Betty, you got some great designs!

I priced the items at the price they could likely get them at thrift stores. $5 for a shrug and $10 for dress jackets, some were more like "bomber style" to wear with pants.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Overcast afternoon,

Pat am sure they got a bargain thus reason they sold so quickly.

I never think of looking at or putting things on marketplace, know Melanie has purchased things almost new at great prices.

Megan my niece, her hubby and baby visited this morning, finally gave them their Winnie the Pooh baby quilt. Shortly after Heather who painted with me more than a decade picked up her watering can. Decided I had time before Peighton comes at 4:30 to make Turkey /gravy, turnip and stuffing for supper and of course likely won’t have to cook next few days.

Should refresh my memory on how to do the bucket hat before Peighton gets here.

Using chairlift today, so glad i put it in years ago.

Hope none of you are in the path of the hurricane, praying my New Orleans doesn’t get hit.


Thanks Betty - I'll add Sharon to the Round Robin list.
Does she go on DG? You can share the link to the Best/Worst Round Robin if she does.
Looking at the name, I have to laugh - sounds like we're going to post good as well as bad quilt blocks LOL Should I change the name?

Wow Betty - that's some haul of stuff she gave you! I'm wondering how I'd get everything done that I want to do - SO many sewing/quilting/embroidery projects I want to do! Glad the kids are enjoying the things you've done for them. Great that your classes with young people are continuing. Would some of them be willing to take on these new projects that you now have?

Had to get a new modem - my old one died and now I'm trying to make sure everything's set up. It's a chore, to be sure. I did without internet for a day - how dependent we are on this technology!

This message was edited Sep 11, 2024 3:39 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Gets dark so early now, won’t be long we will be changing the time, that will make it even worse. As for the name that is kind of cute, if keep it lol

I don’t do things for the kids re sewing, i teach them unless you mean the seasonal workshops? Think i enjoy it more than them.

Susan, I will correspond with Sharon, she is busy with dog groups, surprised she said she would join 8n but she does love quilting.

Watched the 911 ceremony and moments of silence, there just are no words to express the loss to all. I’ve been to all the locations the planes hit, must say the Washington one is the one touched my heart the most.the entire world was affected that day.

Was a busy day, had 3 different sets of visitors, Peighton came at 3:45

Then Kyle came to get their boat to go boating for a few hours. I usually stay up til they come back to park it but think because I stayed up half the night the getting up early has done me in so off to bed I go.

This message was edited Sep 12, 2024 1:43 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, you got so many beautiful designs.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Problem is Lindakay that when you have so many fabrics, ideas floating around 8n your head you do nothing.

I spent good part of the day outside picking up branches, cleaned the pond,so much fall cutting to do, have to start somewhere.

Kyle came for lunch, then Greg and Mel dropped 8n, they were married the other day, 30 years, i lost a year, thought it was 29, anyway they bought an electric equinox, new model just off the line, don’t think I would be buying one that not many have tested. Electrician coming to Greg’s to conn3ct hydro.

Left a few messages for Linda as yesterday she said she was too upset to gab, still haven’t heard from her. If I don’t by morning I will take a run to Barrie.

Came in for eats, might have 1/2 hour nap before Ari genre for her less9n at 3:45. i entered all info for her embroidery birth piece for the owl quilt, her aunt had baby September 5th.

Going to Finger Lakes NY with Sharon, must check the thread, maybe we can make our insert and mail from there.

Turkey dinner in micro just said (t8me for eats)

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

We're deep into the doll mess. THEN contractor said he will start on the laminate flooring on Monday! EEEkkk.

I was bummed, I thought the deadline for the "pixel fair" was 9/11, but that is when the voting started. I had several more things I was going to enter and missed the deadline. Oh well.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Is it your sewing room you are getting done?

i forgot about the pixel fair, think i only entered once as i don’t do other categories.

Linda is so overwhelmed she doesn’t want to talk

Greg was over for awhile, as me why cane was where i was sitting, told him I need one today I can’t walk, tomorrow might be 100%. So nice to clim into bed…

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear about Linda. Will keep them in our prayers.
Praying you are feeling better too.


Linda's always in my prayers, Betty
Sorry that you've both missed the Pixel Fair. I've never entered, but have voted.
Today I spent two hours on the phone with my security system's tech support trying to get my front & back cameras online. I was up & down the step stool, pressing the reset button on each camera - up at the roofline. Talked on my cordless phone, received texts on my cellphone & tried to connect & go to security websites on my laptop. All this in the drizzling rain. Good thing that I don't have arthritis in my thumbs lol. They're now set up & reconnected. The support gal was in Morocco, and a lovely person. I'm glad she stuck it out on the phone all that time. I had to keep swapping out my cordless phones because they would die on me if I didn't.

This message was edited Sep 13, 2024 4:30 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

That sounds miserable Susan! I am glad you managed to preserve and get it done.

Betty! You could have entered a picture of your beautiful flower garden AND Ziggy! So sad about your friends Betty, prayers continue.

The laminate is for my bedroom. My plan was to move into the quest room while I needed my room empty but right now it's buried in doll project. Guess I will sleep in a recliner. Not the first time, not the last.


That's me in a nutshell, Pat - I persevere

hahaha Pat - you could probably sleep standing up in a corner, if need be (no room?!?!) My friend Susan used to say that - she'd sleep standing up in a corner, in order to be able to come stay with me lol
The person I gave all those construction tools & ladders to (back in January) promised to do my greenhouse, then when I changed it to "finish my lower deck - take off the chipboard and put a proper covering on" still hasn't lifted a finger to do it. Ken's seen the deck & the underlay (an outdoor rated plywood, so all he has to do is remove the chipboard that's rotting & soft), but has not come by to do the work of prying it up. Once THAT's done, then a sunshade can be installed (9x10ft with a canvas top & one side) but until then.........
A couple I know said they would remove the chipboard, then I can paint the deck & the sunshade can be installed. I'm blessed to have such good friends as Peter & DeAnn. They also gave me a camping toilet, so I'm good for next year's camping, wherever I may go. Hmmmm new generator, new tabletop BBQ, camp toilet......... and Don gave me an inflatable mattress to replace the one that has the slow leak. It will go into the BYOBed with the frame & mattress cover I currently have.
Yup, blessed am I :)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Pat, shouldn’t take more than a day or so to do the flooring, especially if the room is empty. We are made of strong stuff aren’t we

Susan, hope he keeps his promise and gets the work done. You’ve great friends as well, a blessing indeed. Is it too cold to go camping on Thanksgiving long weekend?

Well, Linda is having a hell of a time, I am worried about her.
This was her afternoon post

(Bad morning for him he called me 5 times in about 40 min abd 1 time while I was enroute to hospital and called Julie a couple times. He is agitated, confused, a bit of delirium. Wants to know if I’m at hospital yet to take him home, then he is waiting for Simcoe airport service to pick him and I up from a Ferry boat.
I have been here since about 11:20
Dr MeyMeh came in we discussed David he is putting in a referral for on call Urologist to see him.
I helped him with his lunch now and he is resting on his Gerry chair. Something good or bad every day.

Urology dr Wesley I think hard to here when so much noise in hallway.
He deactivated the sphincter, put freezing inside his penis then inserted the catheter it hurt your Dad for a minute or 2. He said to make an appointment with dr green when he comes back from holidays. The sphincter may have to be removed all together since it is eroded around urethra.
So no more pushing on the cuff just pee the bag is on side of the bed.
I’m getting out of dodge the minute his supper comes. He is more confused this afternoon. His nurse checked to see that F he could have another Respiratol and yes she can. So that was good hope he gets sone rest tonight.

I gave him a probiotic, 2 Tylenols at lunch
Nurse gave him Respiratol before lunch

I just gave him second 1/2 of respiratol a few minutes ago)

Linda just got home and got a call

(I got home a short while ago when I left he was watching tv CNN. I’ve been home about 35 min and RVH just called your David had a fall he had to pee did not ring nurse bell he slithered out the bottom of the bed, she found him on the floor. She called doctor on call. I am leaving to go back to RVH😢)

I just don’t know how she is coping. Big sigh
Prayers please,

I’ve had quite a day
Worked outside a good part of it, was sore but was well enough to work outside, then Kyle came to do lights on his boat trailer, the Destiny and the kids came. Wasn’t that much longer Christopher came to do the ditches, when Ray picked him up I mention that big limb that landed on the roof, he insisted going up on the roof and throwing it off the roof hoping it didn’t do manage to the roof, all ok.

Before Ray left Greg came to help Kyle, so Ray and he are friend and gabbed a good half hour, then Jeff arrived on the motorcycle, he went home tonight as he wants to leave early morning as he is heading to the east coast for 7-10 days, at least he won’t camp, will stay in hotels. We ordered pizza, they all ate but I didn’t have any as I don’t want to take chance and get sick. With climbing the steps of front and back deck I’m having issues but all and all a good day.

Getting ready to climb into bed as Raina comes at 9 for her lesson

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Sharon just messaged me, she was working 8n the garden trying to take out a perennial that went wild, lost her footing, landed on her shovel, hurt herself but nothing broken, will be sore tomorrow.

Must try and find out what this weeping tree is, i put each side of an arbour out front, love it when it blooms and also in the fall.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze

Prayers for Linda - she's going through a lot.

Betty - Ken won't do it. DeAnn & her hubby Peter will. I get worn out trying to pry the chipboard up - not as young as I used to be. I did get one 2ftx4ft board up, but DeAnn's younger & Peter's pretty strong, so I'm sure they'll be fine. Once it's cleared, then they can take the garbage wood to the dump & once pension comes in I'll get some outdoor paint for the plywood decking. Then they'll help me put up the gazebo.
I don't think I'd want to go camping Thanksgiving weekend - it would be too cold in a tent. I've invited anyone that wants to come for Thanksgiving dinner at my place, to just come. I have a 7kg (15 lb) turkey & all the fixings. I'd rather not be alone on Thanksgiving.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Dew on the grass this morning, they care calling for a glorious day.

Susan, always enjoyable having company on Thanksgiving. Mel/Greg do theirs at the trailer park vs their home, the rent the community hall so that is where I will go. My job is the pie making.

Are you doing the plywood decking Susan as you will be closing it in and that is better than planking? You must be excited about getting it done.

Have to go see the exchange link, have all day tomorrow so might have time to make my insert.

Deb, this is the busiest time for dog show, any more coming up? Are you now healed? Sharon got a call last week, they want American Eskimo dogs to be name differently because the name is offensive to some..imagine, what to heck is going on in this world.

Dianne, are you and TH enjoying this fall weather. Am sure you are working on cutting and piling burning wood as it won’t be long you will be using it. Know you did a lot in the spring but i think you had more coming.

Sharon, come out and gab

housework done, Raina at 9, just made coffee, see Marie & Ted having theirs outside so might go out and join them. Must not forget I’ve a 2 hr. Slot for Roger’s Repair 12-2pm.

Jeff wanted to leave around 4am for his east coast vacation, has been up to Quebec City but never further so said he would miss the view in the darkness at that time of morning, then he can enjoy all new. Has been to all over Canada but never New Br7nswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, flew into Newfoundland a few times to go snowmobiling so is really looking forward to it. I call him the line traveller.

Thanks for prayers for David and Linda, they sure can use them.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

So much going on! Prayers for those in need.

I'm still not healed up completely, and from comments made by the doctor, about me getting used to a "new normal", I may always have pain in my left foot when walking. No shows for me until mid October, at the Afghan Hound Club of America show in Ohio. But, Hamish, the pup from my last litter is in Tennessee, and won 2 points yesterday, Luca was supposed to be in Indiana this week, and I'm hoping he'll make it for the weekend (shows started on Thursday). The girl that shows him was side swiped on the highway on her way home from shows last weekend, and she was trying to get her trailer fixed before going to this weekend's shows. She thought she might be able to get there for today and tomorrow.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Deb, saw on Facebook photo’s of Hamish’s win, what a beautiful dog.
That certainly isn’t good news, no one wants to hear you have to live with the pain, told the same about my shoulder.. alright for a doctor to say so but they aren’t the one suffering. Are you finding it difficult to go back to work on a regular schedule?

How is the weather in your neck of the woods, as nice as ours?

Let’s hope Lucas gets to go to the show and thank goodness your friend wasn’t badly injured.


Sorry about the "new normal" - that's not good to hear, and I frankly (although I'm not a Dr) don't think you need to believe it. Hope the showing girl gets everything sorted out with insurance & timing for the Dog Show.
Betty - I hope I DO have company for Thanksgiving. So many have family that put on Thanksgiving, and I refuse to eat alone. If no one takes me up on my offer, and I don't get a invitation, I'm going to take myself out for dinner (Three Hills, or Olds? Don't know).
Peter & DeAnn just finished pulling the chipboard up, and the plywood needs to dry out. It's damp because of being covered, and needs to have new plywood put down on it because it's soft. So, I'll seal this layer, let it dry & put another layer of plywood down, and seal/paint it. Not sure what colour I'll do it, but it will need to be painted because of the manufacturing lettering on it. THEN I'll get the gazebo put up on it. Hopefully before Thanksgiving in October.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks, really proud of Hamish, he's handling this show stuff really well.

Betty, work is no problem, most of my time is spent sitting in front of a computer. The pain is a burning type pain, that just started in the last couple of weeks. I'm hoping with time it will go away. It's not enough to stop me from doing anything, I just worry I'll make things worse, but, the doctor didn't seem to think it was a big deal. Of course, it's not his foot!

I got a call from a talent agency looking for a dog to be in a Maytag tv commercial. One of my girls did a CarMax photo shoot with them several years ago. My Charlotte, mom to the pups, is under consideration. I should hear by next weekend!


wow - that's SO special to have your Charlotte considered, Deb!
Glad to hear Hamish is doing so well.

Working on the center of the quilt for my daughter & son-in-law. Should have it done fairly quickly. The medallion is done, now just adding borders. Likely do some embroidery in one of the plain borders.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Deb, that would be cool to see your dog in a commercial. Praying your foot heals quickly.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Prayers for your healing Deb. Congrats on your pups doing well and let's hope you get another TV star!

My heart goes out to Linda and David, and continued prayers that his pain will decrease and she will find peace.

Progress Susan... moving forward! I know you will get your wish for friends. on Tday, either at your house or another!

Contractor is due any time now so I need to get out and move cars.


Deb - would the Dog Show be streamed? If so, I hope your Hamish is in it & you can send a link. Same for the Maytag commercial, should Charlotte be in it. Would love to see them both :)
Hoping your foot heals quickly & well.

I found a County rock that was put in my community (all communities in our county got one to redeem for a prize). I'll get the prize on Friday. Friday's the International Discovery Night in the County's Community Centre, and I have a table for Scotland, showcasing Scottish things, and I'll be wearing my tartan outfit (my kilt for Hamilton, my mom's maiden name, and a sash for MacKenzie, plus a badge for Hamilton). If I can get pictures, I'll post here.

Victoria Harbour, ON


Lordy weather has been oerfect so keeping busy outside, i am so hoping weather will be same for Sunday, my brothers 75 here at my house.

Susan you are right into the quilting, can you sit outside and get some of it done? Ohhh wonder what your prize is? How fun that will be, and I’ve seen you in your tartan so you will be dressed to impress.

Glad you have a job you can sit at Pat, wouldn’t be nice if you were on your feet all day.wont that be 3xciting, doing a commercial. Your dogs are so graceful, know how much time you put into them, hope they send you a contract.

Pat, how did you end up moving everything? When do they expect. to finish and do they help move heavy furniture back 8n. Think when I did my floor I moved it it same room putting it to one side, once the 1st half done then I moved furniture to other side,

Have a meat pie in the oven, was hoping what i took out of freezer was a fruit pie but it wasn’t,nh7ngry for something sweet, had a box to make fudge cake so baking that.
Went to chiro, Home Depot for wood and spend 2-3 hours tracing feathers, head, feet to decorate pumpkins, thought that would be a good thanksgiving workshop. Easy part was the tracing, not so much n scroll sawing all the pieces.. a few at a time right?

Jeff is on Pr8nce Edward Island today enjoying east coast.

Grayson looks like he is enjoying his day boating. Speaking of boating, a 12 year old boy died yesterday, so tragic..know his grandmother..

As for Linda she is so angry, because until Covid ban is cleared she goes in the afternoon, yesterday when she got there, David’s lunch was sitting there covered, nothing eaten. She went to Tim Hortons downstairs in the hospital, got soup, sandwhich and hot tea.

She asked the nurse why his lunch wasn’t touched, nurse said guess he wasn’t hungry..didn’t take l8nda long to tell them THEY are suppose to feed him, he can’t eat on his own..meds that were prescribed he didn’t get, specialty socks on the bed were sitting there, because of his seizures and blood pressure he is to have them on at all times, can’t put them on himself, nipurse said she didn’t know, written on his chart.. prayers needed


Thumbnail by Bettypauze

OH, Betty - that's horrible that the hospital isn't giving David isn't getting the care he NEEDS!!!

Betty - have you been to the Best/Worst Quilt Round Robin site? People are posting there, but I haven't seen any from you. We aren't posting here, as it's a separate thing. Found your address, btw. PLEASE go to the site, we want your input on "stuff" lol

Victoria Harbour, ON

Missed the thread, thanks Susan

Shannon at the restaurant brought 2 pairs of stretch jeans, ask if i could do a fix seeing they were so comfy, don’t know why i said yes as the whole groin was tattered threads made one as peddle pushers so i could get enough fabric to try and repair, wasn’t even enough fabric to make groin patterns..did best i could seeing they are now garden pants..had butterfly fabric, appliquéd and did some vines but hard when the Jeens are so narrow you can’t work with it

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze

hahahaha Betty - have to laugh about the jeans........ looks like they're peeing butterflies. You did a great job with what you had to work with, and I love it!

I love butterflies and keep thinking that I'm going to embroider something on my jeans (outside leg - maybe vines of flowers or something? Really hippy-style)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I love your repair Betty. I think I would have told her no chance. Go buy some new ones.


I agree, Linda Kay - I would have told her no chance. Betty did a wonderful job, given what she had to work with. I might have used them for a jean quilt - get them all cut up lol


well, I'm officially an appliance jinx.
First it was my iron - no heat, then it was my microwave the other day - again, no heat. Then my modem died, and last night my sewing machine decided to make ruffles instead of straight sewing. I pulled the thread to make the quilt lay flat. Then my "needle rise" button refused to work and gave me and "04" error. Tonight it was sewing backwards & the backwards button gave me the "04" error (cleared it by shutting off the machine), and then it was zigging where it should have been straight and making a buzzing sound. Yup, it's fried. I'll have to wait until pension comes in to get a new one. Disappointing when I'm working on a quilt for Michelle & Lonnie.
On the bright side - it gives me the time to cut the God's Eye block for the Round Robin.

This message was edited Sep 16, 2024 9:51 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh my.
Sorry you are having problems.
Technology is great, when it runs the right way.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Poor Linda, when I our loved ones don't get the care they need , that professionals are PAID to provide, it is so heart breaking. Continued prayers.

LOL, Susan, you and I in the same room could jinx a WHOLE bunch of things!
My contractor did NOT finish yesterday and I was very frustrated. If he had not had to give instructions and redo the sod his helper did, he could have finished. His truck broke down this morning so he is not here. He is waiting for help to fix his truck. *sigh*. another night in the recliner.

Betty, my boys always wore the inside of their pants out. I have lots of experience in making that repair!
I used to mend my nephew's pants and he is such a character. Once (when he was teen), I patched the holes in his jeans on the butt & legs with trains & cars and painted "Going, going GONE" across the back. He loved those jeans! He is almost 50 now. He is still a fun guy. When he was offered his choice of reusable grocery bags Marie made, he chose the "Born to Shop" with a woman on the pocket. He's 6'3" and pretty secure in his manhood LOL.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Frustrating indeed when you depend on someone and they don’t show up, ask me how I know. Lol

Susan, guess when we buy appliances and things we buy all about the same time so when one goes they all go.

Today was mom’s birthday, drats , told myself a hundred times NOT to call her but I did. Imade sure GiorGia was here before I did. I said I’ve a student here trying to get her stained glass piece done then bed so thought I’d make a quick call and say happy birthday, go to go..NOT the end of this for me though.

Would not take on redoing groin area again, too much work and now my thing. Ohh could have done something like that.. she said she loved them.

Anxiously waiting, Jeff was going to do Cabot trail today but last night he said it was going to be a day delay. Half hour ago he said showing Halifax Airport he was picking up a travelling companion. Now am anxious to see who it is.

He never mentions girlfriends, he divorced 20 years ago but about
15 years ago was with a lovely lady, owns Kernels in Newmarket Mall, he never sold his home, said he wanted a home for his boys to always have, he moved in with Julie, her daughter was not fine with it,she was on drugs, hard on her mom, got pregnant and moved in with her mom so Jeff and she broke up. Know he has coffee with here here and there, says he doesn’t want a girlfriend, content the way he is.

I’ve seen this week when people post about his travelling videos she has commented sooo maybe it’s Julie.

Now being a mom i can’t go to sleep until I find out who his travelling companion is.
Maybe he is joking. Always better to see beautiful country with someone could be one his friends, he tried talking Greg or my brother Mike to go. But left alone, lot of miles with nobody to talk to


If you & he both like Julie, I hope for his sake that it IS Julie & her daughter isn't in the equation anymore. Well, your mom was there at your birth, so it would be tough NOT to call her, but sure wish that you could have by-passed making a call to her. Smart girl, having a reason to get off the phone though LOL
Pat, let's NOT get into the same room lol would hate to think that we're both appliance jinxes lol
Betty - things were bought at different times and both the microwave & iron were 2nd hand.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Another gorgeous fall day, got my grass cut, bit of trimming, load of was, having lunch and ready for nap, Peighton gets here at 4 so maybe before nap should finish putting away what Pat and June brought over yesterday.

Yes Susan it was Julie, he said they are still good friends so that is ok, you can have best friends of opposite sites.

Hoping nothing breaks down on me, already used my monthly allowance for repairs and purchases, how I don’t know where but did.

Nap time

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze

you absolutely can have good friends of the opposite sex I know that Don is a good friend of mine and we're both good with that.
Enjoy your nap.
I have the HVAC people coming on Friday afternoon to look at my furnace chimney.

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