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(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Looks like everyone is busy.
My daughter in law and I are at a quilt retreat this weekend. Having lots of fun. There are 12 of us here. I got this one Blick wonder quilt done. Throw size.
We leave to go back home tomorrow. 8 hours drive.

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
Victoria Harbour, ON

Lordy Pat you can barely buy sandpaper for $8, great buy.
What happens if it rains or do you take them in at night??
Chuckling at the gps joke lol
When you you start filling those shelves? I’m looking forward to photo’s then.

I did hear the boys say “this by far is the best gazebo we put up for you” with a chuckle… they just left and I crawled into bed.jeff said he will come one weekend when he gets back to get my real ‘ list of to do’s done.

One of the mothers called to say their little girl is sick and won’t be able to come tomorrow so i siting writing out instructions for her mom to do with her, Jeff happened to come in and saw #1;all the way up to #8, and said is that the rest your list? He was relieved when I told him what it


yes, Betty - I am trying to present the next event (after the usual ones of Victoria Day BBQ we put on for the community with burgers & pies, the Senior's picnic in July, the Christmas dinner, etc) which I am trying to get the membership to see the benefit AND fun involved - Robbie Burns dinner on Sat January 25th (actual anniversary). I've sourced the haggis, roast beef, turnips & potatoes (neeps & tatties lol), harpist, someone to bring the haggis in, and someone to do the Toast To The Haggis. I was on the committee for 5 years putting this dinner on, in Calgary. I don't think we could have the piper play in our tiny hall. It would be too overwhelming. I do have some pipe music on vinyl records. I also have the decorations that go with it, including placemats. Have the scottish recipe for Oat Cakes, too. At $60 per couple, times 20 (40 people total), we'd make $1,200, then take off the cost of the Haggis & Roast Beef.
I'm taking a couple of days off from doing coffeetime, Monday & Tuesday. I need a break.
Betty - Red Deer was a shopping trip for us, with Dianne going in for re-fitting on her hearing aids and to get her glasses straightened (she fell twice & hit her head, so her glasses were bent). She seems to be ok - had a CT scan and they said there's nothing wrong.


Where is everyone? Did I miss a new chat thread?

Victoria Harbour, ON

I thought same Susan so haven’t been posting.
Was another rainy day, i did kids workshop yesterday so shoulders giving me what for..likely damp weather is playing a part.

Going to Barrie with a Sharon tomorrow, should be staying home, need to finish the doll quilt

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan, being responsible for coffee time EVERY week would be exhausting. No wonder you are taking a day or 2 off!

Betty, I am excited that the sons thought 1 thru 8 was doable! The work day for Mother's day gift is such a wonderful idea.

Unfortunately, I have to take the desks in every night. It RAINED today so I did not get to sand. I did get a stand made/ modified for my table saw and my tool box. NOW to get Ben's tool box sold so I can free up some room in the garage. The table saw is on a small metal table with locking wheels so I can wheel it out the garage to use it.

I have the stand ready but I can't lift the tool box.. I have a couple of young men coming to help me tomorrow. In pic #1, you can see the tool box on a roller cart, the forefront is one of 4 pieces of Ben's red tool box set. .#2 is the stand I created for the tool box. #3 is table saw on the roller table. That's today accomplishments. I REALLY wanted to get some sanding done but it did not happen, even after pushing all that stuff outside to the driveway. My arms and hands are hurting, between pushing, pulling & drilling, the body is rebelling tonight.

Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2
Victoria Harbour, ON

You are very well organized Pat, will make any project you are doing a lot quicker when you are not chasing around for tools you know you have.

Thank goodness for strong young men

I smile to myself, will have to get in my mind that my boys soon will be seniors

Went shopping with Sharon this morning, i needed flesh Velcro, 3 stores later I found some, thought I’d get the doll appliquéd this afternoon but needed a nap..

Sooo tired, guess it’s weather, rain and wind. I need Dianne’s wood stove.

Dianne, how is Zeke?

Susan, hope you enjoy your rest

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I am here.
Susan, glad you are taking time off to rest.
Pat, you have been busy.


Pat, not just every week, but 5 days a week lol I'm a sucker for punishment.
You sure have done a lot of work on the desks. Bringing them in every night by yourself?
Yoo Hoo........... Dianne? How IS Zeke.
Instead of being there yesterday for 8:45, I woke up at 9:45 & just went to "be" at coffeetime. My friend Bea set it up and I went, had coffee & played crib. It was nice to sleep in. Today no one had said they would take over, so I was there just before 9, and darned if Bea wasn't there ahead of me lol She'd thought she & her hubby Ron had Dr's appointments, but that's tomorrow lol Ah well, she & I got a lot of organizing of the kitchen cupboards so it was a good day, working together.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sunshine day here and guess who is in bed..

Susan, there you go you could have had another sleep in. How many hours is it open? Surely if long hours you get to go home.

Should not be on couch covered up, need to be working to finish doll quilt for Saturday afternoon

Also have 45 perennials in the car that I picked up yesterday and set piece of driftwood that need new home

This message was edited May 2, 2024 4:48 AM


coffeetime is from 9-11am Monday to Friday. It's not that long, but on Friday I had coffeetime, then Dianne asked me to go with her to Red Deer, and then it was Games Night. Long day. These wear me out. Dianne had a car accident years ago in Red Deer & she appreciates the company.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hope you're not sick Betty.
Susan, take care of yourself too. Don't over do things.


I keep getting told not to overdo here, too. Ah well, like Betty I do what I do. Now that I have 4 less volunteer positions, I'm relaxing more. That being said, this morning was coffeetime, this afternoon is Crib, and tonight I'm in a 5-pin bowling tournament (either the 239 or 192 scores I got, got me in!!). Looking forward to it.
Happy May 1st! We have snow............ ick, and the temperature's not great.
I'm looking forward to May 10-13th when I go with the camping group on our first camping weekend. The theme is COLOUR and I'm dying my hair shocking PINK lol I'll have to post a pic when it's done. Oh yeah, and colourful clothing too lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Your camping weekend sounds fun. Can't wait to see your pink hair.


I'll get my hair cut, then dye it pink. Afterwards (because it's not a wash out, it's permanent) I'll dye it back to brown.
I enjoyed the bowling tournament tonight - met a lot of new people, plus some from my usual league. I didn't get a high "pins over average". I got a total of 19 POA. Some people got as high as 90 POA.
I did get a bit of a scare driving home though. Our rural highways have no lights, so I drive slower than the "allowable" and I have two straight minor highways to drive on from the town where I bowl, to the town I live in. When I turned right onto the 2nd highway, I overshot & went into the ditch to my left. Drove right back out and now I'm home, safe & sound. Gave a LOT of thanks to God, you can be sure.

This message was edited May 1, 2024 11:00 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad you made it home safely.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan, I HATE driving at night. I am glad you made it safely home, how scary!

Betty, 3 out of 4 of my sons are now over 40, how did that happen??

Yes, I push the desks in and out on my own. I got ONE desk sanded and ready to paint & the 2nd one started be sanded.

Wednesday I drove to Seattle with my sister & cousin sleeping most of the way. Today, Marie drove the first part coming back until we were out of Seattle, I really do not like driving in big cities. It was good to see so many of my cousins. I had not realized my cousin Rod's wife was slipping rapidly with dementia. Although her death was tragic, it saved her from the far slower "slow death" of dementia.

I reported the spam on all 3 threads.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, overcast, wind is up and rain not far behind.

Susan that must have been scary for you, glad you are home and none the worse to you or your vehicle. When you do the coffee at club house is it writhing walking distance? Sometime walking can be more hazardous, breaking of bones. Liking the red hair?

Pat that is a long drive, glad you didn’t have to do all the driving. Sad isn’t it that families, especially cousins only get together for funerals these days, dementia I think is the worse, feel so bad for condolences.

Making headway on your cupboards, i sure while you are sanding and painting you are thinking up things to do lol

Watched the weather situation in Texas Lindakay, so much flooding. They were saying that Houston has so much cement in the city that water can’t escape. Are you experiencing similar weather where you are.

Drats, looked at the rose bushes I planted, are are doing great except Todd’s is struggling. Will have to find someone who know about roses to come look at it and give me info on how to baby it. How are the quilts coming?

I was up and out early morning filling my car with the 15’ umbrella base, old solar lights, welded step stool, hammered and broke down plastic table top and off to the dump.

Sharon had messaged me, got the what for because last night I was crying in pain when she dropped in and today I tell her what I did, she is not happy.

Oops think someone is here,will be back

This message was edited May 3, 2024 5:57 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I am headed out of town for a week to meet up with 2 of 4 sons & their families at a resort near the Canadian border in Blaine WA. I'll catch up with everybody when I get back.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Do enjoy, nothing like family time.

My uncle who is 3 years older than i asked me out for a visit, i thought self, how far would Pat be from them but think quite a hike.i will have to do the mileage thing..he is outside of Vancouver.

Just ate, afraid to, last night after Sharon left my young student came, got major pain holding tummy and yikes, nothing left in me, embarrassing , had to have a bath and wash all my clothing, hope it does not happen again

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

We are getting light rain. Nothing like east texas is getting.
Quilt tops are done. Waiting on parts for the long arm to arrive.
Have a safe trip Pat.
Betty, praying you are feeling better soon.


yes, it was very scary. I may have bruised a rib on my right side, from the seatbelt. I'm fine otherwise.


Pat, how wonderful to be visiting family. Vancouver is about 11 hours drive from me, so who's coming to visit lol
Betty - it's about 4 blocks from home to the Senior's Centre. I'm usually carrying stuff, so it makes sense to drive PLUS if people don't see my car there, they think there's no one at the Centre.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, finally sunshine,

Susan, I’m going to have to get out my map lol
Thought it would have been much further.

Waiting for Ezra to come for his lesson, cutting it short by 1/2 hour so i can get to the baby shower.

My upper body is in double pain zone, can barely move my neck shoulders so bad, don’t want to take drugs and drive, wish there was someone to drive me I would be thrilled, listen to me complain, again I will make it through the day, tak8ng extra set of clothing with me just incase.

Thought I would show you one of the gifts

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

One of the dolls has my grandmothers broach Omer blouse as a keepsake

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Might have missed a few

Yeti be dropped off is princess dress and wedding dress and more coloured shoes..I’ll get them done in next week or so, first will be yard duty

Hope it’s sunshine in your neighbourhood


Betty - hope you can find a solution to your pain and still be able to drive carefully, safely & pain free
I'm close, but the mountains between me & Vancouver (with the hairpin turns) would make it seem longer. I googled the time driving, and that's what it gave me. Can't always trust Google lol
Today is ice cream making & squares baking. The ice cream is for next weekend's camping trip with "Camping with new friends" with Dianne & the group. Also, baking for the funeral that the seniors are catering, but of course I won't be there for because I will be camping. Told you that I'm dying my hair shocking pink for the weekend, right? They're having a Colour theme lol

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

That quilt is so cute, Betty. Such a treasure!
Your camping trip sounds like fun, Susan! Have a good time!
Enjoy your vacation Pat! So nice to get kids together. They all seem to have such busy lives, I know mine are hard to get together for anything.

Went to Dallas last weekend for some Afghan Specialty shows. These were held in a pretty park just north of Dallas. The winds and the rain last weekend were something else! One of my puppies won Best Puppy, so that was a surprise. Got to catch up with a bunch of friends, some came up from Florida, others were in from California and Colorado. Long days, but, good times. And, a longer drive home on Sunday. Still trying to recover, get caught up with laundry, etc. My car looks like a homeless person lives in it.

Thumbnail by momcat
Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, not sure if Dianne is getting this rainy weather, hope not. More like a mist, just enough to keep me in until it clears later this afternoon.

Susan, that is one heck of a schedule you keep, i so hope weather for your camping trip warms up. I know I should know answer to this is your rv now gone from your house? If i remember correctly you will be using a tent, that is hard going on those poor bones.

How exciting is that Deb, you sure are raking 8n the points on all your beauties, champions they are. Are you going to Westminster? Always nice to meet up with old friends, time together is never long enough.Was quite a trip to Dallas, you didn’t do drive in one day did you? you must be exhausted, cleaning the vehicle can wait.

I’ve taken a leisurely bath, did the bedroom, and now looking through fabrics that Linda dropped off for me while having a coffee. Going to have to tell people I can no longer take in fabrics, nowhere to put them, am unable to sew and the kiddies, well not sure how much longer i can teach them so better to go to somewhere that can use them.. see that someone who can use it.

Shower was wonderful

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, I love that quilt.
Deb, congratulations on the win for your puppy.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks, LindaKay. How is your girl doing? When are the pups due?

No, Betty, not planning on Westminster. Too many big named handlers showing in Afghans, and just too expensive. I never had any desire to go when it was at Madison Square Garden in early Feb. If it's out in the country, I could be tempted, the photos I've seen from the last couple years look lovely. But, not something on my bucket list.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Puppies are due about the 16th. We will be taking Lizzie in this week for a sonogram to see how many she has. She is getting big.
Lizzie will be 10 months on the 8th and weighs 100 pounds.


how exciting - puppies! 100 lbs? Yikes, that's no puppy LOL

Betty - I don't have tv service, but I do have a monitor (50") in my living room & it's hooked up so I get Netflix and can also watch my DVDs and VCR tapes.

Saturday the Peace Bond between Bob & I ended, and he drove onto my driveway & was walking around the yard, going into the shelter, and checking out the lock on the shed. I was home & my car in the driveway. He was trying to unnerve me & show that he can come here. NOPE, he can't and I took the video recordings to the RCMP. I was there for over 2 hours, telling the constable what has been going on since Summer of 2020. I also found out an interesting fact - he's not supposed to be in contact with his girlfriend Naomi. There's a court order between them because she charged him with rape, in July 2022. She's mentally challenged, so she can't withdraw the charges. He's over there all the time. She picks him up at his senior apartment in the next town over & brings him to her place. This means he's been breaching the court order between them.
btw - Bob has been called, and warned by the RCMP not to go on my property. The constable says that this should stop any continuance of this happening.
I've been advised to get an Emergency Protection Order and can likely get it the same day when I see a judge, with "police action" on it so if he breaches it, they can arrest him.
Good Lord, please help me through this. I know that God has my back, and I need prayer warriors as well. I know that my church is praying for me.

This message was edited May 6, 2024 12:58 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON


Oh Lindakay, you will have your hands full with the puppies, will this next test be able to tell you how many puppies? Glad you have the quilts done as there will be no time 9ne they are born. Checked Todd’s rose bush and it seems it’s a bit slower to grow than the other but will catch up.

Deb, not somewhere I’d go in the dead of winter either. Sharon is not fond of the new location, know they’ve signed contract to go back to Madison square garden next year but I didn’t ask Sharon if it would be February or May. She leaves early Saturday morning.

Susan, shaking my head here, that is terrible that Bob continues to taunt you. Hooe you go tomorrow to get the new ban. You used to looking 8n the mirror and seeing red hair? How is the weather looking for the camping trip.

Was a nice day, Marie came over and I got everything done on my to do list plus 2 extra’s. I am chilled and feverish, wind came up, thankfully after I lit fire pit..

Oops here is Vanessa

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Praying for you Susan.

Yes, the sonogram will tell how many puppies. My appointment is at 11 tomorrow morning. Some roses take longer to grow.


Thank you, Linda Kay - I sure need the prayers.
Betty, I did have red hair a few years ago but it wasn't a "brilliant Irish" red, it was more reddish brown. Definitely more red than brown though. The pink colour I'm getting is "semi-permanent" so it will fade over 10 shampoos.
The weather is supposed to be 24celsius on Saturday. I'll be gone from Friday until Monday noon'ish. I'm really looking forward to getting away, especially now that Bob has a new warning to stay away from the property. Not that I think this warning will hold much weight for very long. A month or less seems to be his limit.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Lizzie has at least 5 puppies they could see. Maybe more. She is due next week.

Thumbnail by taters55
Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all, was a beautiful day, did lots of work outside
Black flies and out like crazy, moved to the more open areas but they followed.
Tried to get as much as I could done as they are calling for rain over next few days. Yard seems to be going on since forever but think it’s because we only get a few days of sun then rain, lost a week when I was sick thought.

If Sharon soon doesn’t improve she will not be able to go to Westminster Show.

Wish we would hear from the rest of the gals, I’m appreciative to hear from those who have posted though.

Usually Iris tells us all about her gardens, hope she is well?

Dianne, how about you and TH, is Zeke doing ok?

Hooe Oat is enjoying her time away

Ohh 5 puppies, will be a lot for Lizzie seeing she is so young right? Are you close to the vets incase there is a problem? Today Todd’s rose seems greener so here is ”runt turns out to be the best”.

Well Susan at least you have good weather. Will you have to drive on your own?
Glad that Bob got served but like you I put little faith in those bans, people do what they want to do.

Greg stopped in with a seadoo for me to store til Friday. friends of he and Melanie had a place here on the water, winter months he stayed and worked in Arizona. His job let him the Europe last year, he was on a 2 year contract with his firm, he was there maybe 2 months when he had a heart attack and died, the seadoo was out in store he, Greg took over the sekking if the seadoo for Ed’s wife, Greg’s driveway has their trailer, 2 trucks, a car and his pizza oven, most goes to trailer park Friday so he had nowhere to put it so brought it here. He wasn’t sure if Ed’s wife had insurance on it so he backed it up near gazebo in back yard, i was worried just in driveway someone could backup and hook it to their vehicle and off they would go, i didn’t want to worry so nobody but me sees it back there.

Just 5:30 but I’m hurting, cancelled my student and am off to bed along with Dr.Ho


5 puppies, maybe more? Hope she's ok with having a large litter.
Betty - hope that Sharon improves so she can go to the show.
poor Melanie - so much to deal with. Good that Greg's helping.
Glad that you're taking it easy, and cancelled the class.

I'll drive to Drumheller - about 1 hour 20 min away. I have my trunk full of all my camping stuff, just need coolers of food to be filled & put in the car.
Dianne may or may not stay over Sunday night, and I'm definitely staying until Monday, so will need to be assured of a way to get home, hence - I'm driving myself. If her "kids" want her home for Mother's Day, she'll leave Sunday am.
Dyed my hair last night, and it's more red than pink - and it's not all over either. I'm going to do it again tonight (enough for 3 times, and last night was one). I guess because my hair has grey & brown, and the semi-permanent colouring (lasts 10 shampoos) won't cover grey and it hasn't been bleached, so it's not a shocking pink, more like red. Hope it goes over all, tonight. It should look so much better, but it's still ok now.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

5 puppies is a small litter. Most cane corso dogs give birth to 9 to 11 puppies.
Enjoy your trip Susan. Can't wait to see your hair.

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