Best/Worse/what did I learn today? Come join in, there is always a welcome to newcomers!

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Multiple trips to the hospital do NOT sound good! I hope your surgery puts an end to that!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear of all the storm damage, as well as your trips to the hospital. Praying it's nothing too serious your surgery can't fix.


Pat - tether me? lol I think not!!
leaving home @ 5pm. hope the snow doesn't hit too badly on my way into Calgary. We're supposed to have a bit of a snowstorm about then. Haven't seen anything but rain so far..........

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Praying the weather was in your favor Susan.
Betty, where are you? You doing ok?


Hi - here in Sunny Manitoba. Been a "spend time with just my daughter" day. Emotionally charged as we were going over memories, etc.
We're going to do some food prep tomorrow. She's gone to sleep, so thought I'd take a few minutes at the end of my day to let you know that I'm here & fine.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Glad you made it safe & sound Susan.

Iris, how are you doing now? Better I hope.

While we generally hear from Betty daily, it's been a while since we heard from Sharon!

This message was edited Apr 19, 2024 6:31 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning,rain day here, same as we’ve had the past few days..I did write a novel, but then it’s been after I’ve climbed into bed so only thing I can think of is I fall asleep before pressing ‘send’ so will post in the morning and hopefully I will be awake enough to press apologies.

With regards to how I’m feeling, better thank you but this weather brings on headaches and vision problems, i will be glad to see sunshine.

Hope amongst those emotional memories Susan you’ve had mega laughs as well.

Always enjoy Sharon’s posts, love seeing her gardens and news about her children.

NewLeafTX, am hoping your surgery went well and you are able to post to let us know how you are doing. Prayers

Iris, how are your plants doing? I will have to post photo’s of my laundry room seedlings,lost a few but i can’t wait to be able to make planters out of them all.

Lindakay know I had posted that your son and my Greg are much alike, if you can find old parts not on market they can fabricate one.

Dianne are you having all this rain?

Pat, is your craft room up and working? I must call Hummingbird and see how my machine that I just paid to have new memory board put in and still have problems with to see how they are making out.

Yesterday i worked for a few hours on what will be my great granddaughters ‘paper doll’ quilt. Have to make a dozen pieces of clothing for it so best I get a move on with it.

Young Ari finally finished her raggedy Ann/Andy, after about 2 months or so having 2 hr lessons each week what were panels now treasures

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Starting new batch of seeds, have a lot of seed that I think I will work soil and add them in hoping they will do better than those started indoors but won’t do that til end of May.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Betty, your seedlings are looking great!

My Luca won Best of Breed yesterday in Ohio, I was looking at group results for that show, waiting for the Hound Group to be posted and saw that there is a dog that Sharon bred that placed in the Owner Handled group yesterday.

Lots to accomplish this coming week. Thursday morning heading to Dallas for dog shows on Friday and Saturday. I'll have to miss the Sunday show to get back for work on Monday. Lots of miles for a couple days, but, there are friends from Florida and Colorado that will be there, too. We'll all have a chance to show off our puppies and catch up.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Congrats Luca and you Deb for all your hard work. I will have to ask Sharon if she knows which dog.

That is a lot of driving, too bad you didn’t have a few extra holiday days that you could enjoy the trip. Is there someone who drives down with you? Do you go to Westminster show?
Be safe

We had a few flurries this morning so my seedling won’t get outside likely til July, big sigh

Mason has class from9- 11 but this morning stayed an extra 1/2 hour so he could finish his hoodie. From making his own pattern, to cutting it, embroidering it with design of choice to wearing it home. I am proud of him..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Verona, ON

Hi everyone,

I got so frustrated with this laptop acting up I banged on some keys out of frustration and what do you know I fixed it. lol

Despite all the driving Deb that sounds like a wonderful trip. Congratulations on Luca's achievements. I understand you fully about going to a couple of shows because you know people that will be there. We used to go a couple of shows that meant we had to stay overnight just so we could meet up with people.

Zeke still every once in awhile has a seizure. I'll talk to the vet this week and see what we should do with the meds.

Today I can't get warm for some reason. I have the wood stove going but it is colder inside than it is outside. I even got up in the middle of the night and put 2 extra blankets on the bed.

We've had lots of rain .... you too Betty?

Oh Betty you are so good with these young people. I like Mason's hoodie.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I’m with you Dianne, just can’t warm up

Poor Zeke, it would be so worry some seeing him have the seizure. Does he give you a bit of warning before having it? My niece has a dog that warns her when her daughter is about to have a seizure, wondered if dogs gave warning.

Had a hot bath and turned the fireplace on in bedroom, no sooner will i get comfy I will feel so hot I will get up and open the window. Odd that a roaring fire doesn’t warm you up, likely you are either coming down with something or tired.

We had a bit of snow today, fell but didn’t cover the ground, Mother Nature warning us.

Imagine cottagers will be up getting their cottages ready for May 24. Maybe there won’t be as many travelling with gas having gone up. $1.79-$1.89 a litre, outrageous.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Congrats on the win for Luca. You must be over the moon!

Betty, Mason's hoodie is wonderful!

I have never had a pet with ongoing medical issues, I am sure you are so worried about Zeke.

I am hoping to we hear from Iris shortly.

Nope, sewing room is not up and running yet. Still doing sorting & cleaning, moving stuff around. I wanted to get the bookcases painted today but ended up fielding messages and showing items for sale.

Stanley is not feeling well. He has thrown up his food 2 days, off & on. He is taking his hairball medication and the stuff he threw up did not look like hair was the 0roblem. I wont' panic for another day or so

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to see you posting Betty. Hope you are feeling better soon. Love all those projects the kids are making. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Susan, glad you made the trip.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon all, was up at 6 and had all kinds of plans for the day, went out at 8 and yikes talk about cold so came in. I no sooner had my coffee that I though to myself I’d not get anything done if i wait for sunny day so back outside i went.

Pat, sorry that Stanley is not doing well, could he have gotten into something?

Hoping we get news on her surgery LindaKay.
What are you up to today, what are your temps.

Hope Susan is taking a lot of photos

Friday I bought a bag of cement so i went and got the wheel barrel ,lined it up with trunk of my car and managed to get it into the wheel barrel, oh oh, when I went to push it the bad must have been to one side, i was not strong enough to keep it up, before I knew it I was laying on the ground wheel barrel and cement over my legs.that is how accidents happen lol

Ended up digging holes for obelisk 4 legs filled with cement ( hope it keeps standing with our high winds) 2 tractor loads of limbs, played with water feature and decided to call it a day for outside work.

I had bought the cutest size 2 dress so am playing at cutting it down for the doll quilt, doubt I will finish it today as I’m tired and done in.

Nap time

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

62 degrees today, 42 tonight.
Not doing much today. Taking it easy.
Sounds like you over did it today. Please be careful.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I am here and the last few weeks have been very trying. My hairdresser of over 20 years died two Sundays ago. Next day a acquaintance of my SIL, a fellow attorney, was murdered, along with his wife and the opposing attorney who shot them and then shot himself. A nasty child custody suit and the attorney who did the shooting was the father of the ex husband of the wife that was killed. Very sad. 2 young children left without their father and the wife killed was a mother of 2 from first marriage and a new baby 6 months old from current husband, who was the attorney murdered.

Back to more happy happenings. Got all my tomatoes and peppers planted and the plumerias are moved into the back landscape. Took about 4 days. Today I watered all my plants inside, watered my tomatoes and peppers and a few potsin feont ofthe driveway. Was close to 90 degrees today and flowers were wilting.

I had dinner with my daughter and family, Granddaughter and great-grandson were there. GGS is now 8 months old and crawling all over the place and such a happy baby. It is totally delightful to watch his parents. They are just besides themselves being parents.

Pat, I will include Stanley in my prayers. I do know how important he is to you.

Betty, you are as crazy as I am.

I have been under the weather with a cold that moved to my chest. Cold gone but cough is finally diminishing after 3 weeks. Emma and I are headed to bed. You all take care and Hugs from warm Las Vegas....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear you have lost so many friends. So sad about the murders that happened.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning,thought I would get some yard work done but it’s sooo cold I will wai til 1 or so and see if it warms up brrrr, no sense catching a cold just because I wasn’t patient enough to wait for a non rain or cold day.

Sharon, so sad about your loss, so much violence going on, one usually thinks we would recognize bizarre individuals, worrying that they could do harm but turns out its every day neighbours and acquaintances that can’t take the stress..hugs
I cut out the paper doll pattern on bristle board and decided I would make clothes for the doll. i had bought a 2 x embroidered dress that I cut up, will make a dress and a for p.j.’s

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful dresses Betty. Stay inside and stay warm.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Rain today with heavy winds, 5 of 7 this week are rain days, even light snow grrr

Lindakay, am taking it easy, been up since 5, housework done, now going to bring in the light sewing machine, look for flannel and make Jammie for doll quilt.

While having my coffee, I did another side of Sharon’s elephant quilt so 1/2 done, maybe later I’ll do the 3rd side.

Hope you are all enjoying better weather than Dianne and I

Victoria Harbour, ON

I’ve been cloned, do not accept an invite by me
Such nonsense… grrr

Didn’t get out to work outside, so very cold


Betty - thanks for the heads up about the hacking of your account. I get so many "requests" for FB friends from people who've been my friends for YEARS, so I don't friend any new ones.
Sharon - how terrible for so much anguish & tragedy.

Got home safe & sound. NOT happy with the airport parking though. When I went last Tues I couldn't find the parking pass I paid $68 for 6 days, so someone at the parking authority sent a parking attendant to help me. Got me parked in the parking levels. I found my parking pass in my e-mail after going through security, so wasn't able to go back & check. Today when I tried to scan it to leave, it wouldn't work so I asked someone behind a window in the parking lot. She said I parked in the wrong spot, and to get out I had to pay $157.50. I could get a refund for the $68 later. I was furious and phoned the parking authority when I got home. They'll escalate it and I should hear in 4 days to a week. They'll email me & I'm to send a scan of the $157.50 I paid today. They'd better pay me back! I hadn't any idea where he was having me park. Not only that, but part of my original payment was for a shuttle from the parking lot to the airport. I walked, hauling my luggage without a cart, most of the way. About 200 yard's worth left & I found a cart. I was tired (8pm), cold & lost in a large parking area with no idea where I was going. I do NOT like the Calgary airport. It's a good thing that I had given myself LOTS of time in case..........

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning everyone, bitter cold here and snowing brrr

Susan, lucky you had extra $$$ to pay the extra, sure hope they get things worked out and they reimburse you. Overall though you enjoyed your trip and got to spend time with family and friends?

Got up at 5am to do my hair, thought our Canadian Tire opened at 7:00am like Walmart and Home Depot but not so doing a bit of shopping before my 7:30am appt did not pan out. I did get to Walmart thought and bout a couple of pansies for Marie, she helps me out so much in the yard and won’t take a penny, so I buy her things I know she wants. Wanted to check out gazebo’s before I buy one, tomorrow my chiropractor appt is 8:30am so I can check them up before I buy one, need to pick it up by Friday but too cold for me to stay in town.

Sitting having coffee and will spend the day making doll quilt clothes and maybe fit in a nap, that being said, once I Saha be a nap I am done for the day.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yikes, can’t move re pain in shoulders

Calling sewing quits for today, have a few outfits made, tomorrow if i can I will make a gown, too and short set out of Barbie fabric then call it quits. Once quilt is quilted I will appliqué the doll, put Velcro where need3d and should be done by next Saturday’s baby shower. I keep thinking of Oat and all the doll clothes she made and think8mg just how much work that was.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Goodness Sharon, that was a lot of senseless violence, those poor children!

Betty, your doll project is so cute.

Susan, sorry your parking fiasco ended your trip on a sour note. Hopefully you will get your money back. You certainly got POOR service all the way around! I doubt I could have done the 200 yards with luggage.

Iris, looking for your update.

Linda, how is your planting plan coming? I hope to get a couple of flowers put in the barrel out front. That MIGHT be the extend of mine this year, who knows?

How is Zeke doing? What is the current game plan?

We are ordering a built-on-site shed for the back yard. It will NOT be city compliant. Oh well.... guess we will see how this will work out. In the very long run, at the time of resell, I am certain it will need to be removed if not sooner issues. Lead time is 3 weeks. I would LOVE to actually get some landscaping done AFTER the shed goes in but it depends on when our BAD heat comes on & whether I have time or have to put it off for a year. The developer who landscaped this whole area used crushed basalt and I hate it. The whole neighborhood has similar landscaping and while it "nice" that's about all I can say for it. Everybody got lots of curbing and 1 tree, basalt everywhere.

We are still making slow progress. My brother helped me put the 8 foot bookcase up in the Longarm room. I need to go back now and do touch up. I ordered a new weedeater and blower, My old one was a royal undependendable pain the derriere.
I bought a new mower last week. A battery charged one, no pulling on the cord for a gas one for me. I still need to put up for sale Ben's massive tool boxes. I have figured out where I will put Phil's smaller tool box & how to mount my table saw on a heavy duty cart with locking wheels that came out of Phil's library when he retired..

We sold off a furniture dolly, pyrex covered baking dish, smaller paper shredder & have the appliance dolly scheduled to be sold at 5.30 tonight. That's another $175 in the cruise money fund.

Thumbnail by psychw2
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

We drove and hour & a half away to get the desk I wanted. LONG miserable drive facing into the sun & then drive back in the dark. Not my idea of a good time but the desk is exactly what I had in mind. I need to do a quick rough sand & paint it.

We convinced Jenny to use the new doggy door. The power of pepperoni! For now, I don't trust that it opens & closes quickly enough for it to be safe to keep Stanley IN. BUT we are one step closer to gettting more freedom from having to return to potty the dog.

sorry, i did not post after I wrote this and who knows what I have missed, we read and catch later.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Lordy Oat you just don’t stop, big job behind you getting that dog door installed.
That is a real iffy situation re the shed, do your neighbours seem friendly enough to let it slide by?

Love the shelving, was thinking to myself it won’t take you long to fill all of those shelves lol

Has Marie adapted to the move?

Don’t know where the day went, yes I do lol. Chiropractor, hair cut, out to lunch with Sharon, to Rona to buy a metal roofed gazebo hoping it will withstand snow,Greg will pick it up tomorrow at least once it’s here I can get it put up.

Enjoy your posts Pat, think you are at the point the move is done now you are on make work projects lol

Have Ari at 3:30, not sure what she will make as she finished her project last week, wish she would cancel tonight, tired and would love to go to bed, is it just me or are we all needing naps lately

Victoria Harbour, ON

Cut out a blue bristle board doll for placement of body parts lol
Going to bed, must be weather draining energy, if I make it past 7:00 that is late.

Greg was here earlier, picked up my sewing machine in Barrie and set it on the frame, i will test it out tomorrow as well as pit binding on doll quilt. Just getting through today and already I’ve tomorrow filled..

Most important though is getting room and materials set up for kids craft Sunday

Thumbnail by Bettypauze

I guess I tried to post & it didn't go through? Oh well.
How IS Zeke doing? I haven't seen you post anything about him.
Pat - nice to know that you're fine-tuning after the great big move. I don't think I could handle moving anymore. I'm done with it. People think I'm exaggerating when I mention "over 60 personal moves", but trust me, it's no exaggeration.
Last night's entertainment at our Senior's Centre was very well received. I think I'll figure out a way to post videos on our FB page for Silver Willow Senior Citizens Society then post the link to the site here. After the visit to Winnipeg, then the entertainment last night, then the seniors monthly meeting today (only 4 of us, so it was easy), I'm tired. Tomorrow morning, it's coffeetime, then off to Red Deer with Dianne, then Games Night in the evening. I'm taking the weekend OFF (except for church, of course).


Here's a bit of the entertainment we had last night

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan, good job!
We have sooooo much to unpack & put away in the sewing room. It is a disaster. Until we can get things moved around, it's very overwhelming.
As far as the outbuilding/ shed goes, there are others in the neighborhood (not a lot). There is no HOA and I don't know what to expect. I don't intend to fight with Marie over it. It will fly or it won't.
We went to Spokane this morning,(about 2.5 hours away) had lunch, Marie & our friend Debbie went for a bra fitting. Both are very big busted and finding bras that fit is a big deal. . I have a cyst RIGHT under the bra back and will need to see the doctor, not buying bras right now, too painful. I am prone to cysts and have multiple sebaceous cysts removed from my scalp and an ovarian cyst as well.

Verona, ON

Zeke is doing very well. Susan I so appreciated what you posted about your epilepsy. It helped me understand Zeke's actions. The 1 thing I have found out is I have to keep to a strict schedule with his meds. He has had a couple of small seizures but nothing like before the meds. I have figured out when he starts to wander around aimlessly in the house that a seizure is imminent. Zeke has 1
speed - full tilt except when he is on a leash.

Sun is shining brightly but it is cold. The same yesterday.

To quote a friend 'I need a keeper'. I only use my cell for emergencies but take it with me when I go into the village. Well I came home on Tues. and after I unpacked the groceries I looked for my cell. I tore the kitchen apart and checked where Zeke likes to hide things. Nothing! Then I went out to the Bronco and searched every inch of it taking a flashlight to shine under the seats. Nothing! Yesterday I went to clean out the mess in the Bronco and there was my cell sitting on the dash. It was not there when I first looked as | cleaned the dust of the dash while there.

Like Susan I have had many moves but nowhere near 60. Until we moved into this house I used to joke get me the boxes and I'll pack this house in 24 hours.

Ouch Pat on the cyst. I too am big busted and my sweet sister had what we called mosquito bites. T'wasn't fair.

Need to get going as I have to get my taxes into my accountant.

Stay safe!!

This message was edited Apr 26, 2024 8:06 AM


Dianne, glad my epilepsy tale helped, and glad that Zeke's doing well.
Pat - I gather that the cysts are all benign? I get cysts too,but always benign. Not on my back but I can imagine it would be painful to have a bra irritate it.
Busy day today. Coffeetime this morning, go with Dianne to Red Deer this afternoon (she still isn't comfortable driving there since an accident years ago), then Games Night starting at 6:30. Rest tomorrow lol

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

If they don't get EVERY cell of a cyst, it comes back. That is what happened with my scalp. I had it removed over and over, finally decided I was NOT going to bother having it removed. When I finally gave in & had it removed AGAIN, it was about the size of my thumb and stitching gap up was like getting a face lift!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, overcast and calling for rain All day. Grrr

Pat off to make an appointment to check out that cyst, know you say it’s not a rare thing for you to get them but each should be checked in case as it could be that needs to be tending to immediately. Shaking my head,, people try to beautify their properties, no eye sores then you get a garbage dump next to you and townships will do nothing. Do you think seeing you have workers putting the kit together they could build it to meet required size? You need a day of doing nothing to catch up with rest , you have been so busy over last few months.

I can see Susan your comedy event went well, now on to the next event which i am sure you have already did it go in Red Deer.

Greg picked up the gazebo i bought, left it on bed of trunk, said it weight 3-4 hundred pounds, too much for me to help with. He called from Midland asked if Ihad supper yet, i didn’t know Grayson was with them, had a live visit and treat.
Waiting on my boys, who say they will be here around 10,

Wonderhow they will like putting up a metal gazebo in the rain? Am sure I will hear something as to ‘why does she need a gazebo’? lol think i last 20 years they’ve put up 3, tops rot then you find out you can’t buy replacement tops.

My worse pieve is with the landfills filling up why there are more affordable replacement cushions. Cushion sets i need are at Walmart $99 Seckel so $400, i can buy brand new set for $499, makes me mad.

Busy Saturday and I have kids tomorrow for MothersDay workshop. so a full day as well. Monday I go to find energy to get the doll quilt done baby shower is Saturday.
Need to appliqué doll then take a trip to Barrie, need flesh Velcro..would have been easier to buy a gift . The blue doll is the placement guide to the doll

I see they are having a ‘yuk yuk’ comedy show at the community centre here mid May, should check into it.

Dianne, you getting all this bad weather? Interesting that you have learned when to anticipate an oncoming seizure.worrisome for sure.

Chuckling at your needing a keeper,I’ve been telling myself when i take something out always put back in its rightful place so I don’t spend half day looking for it.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Torrential rain and wind, no putting the gazebo up today
Big sigh

Victoria Harbour, ON

They are still putting gazebo together, soaking wet and cold, next step will be fighting off a cold

Was watching CNN news bullet8ns on storms and tornadoes, hope you and loved ones are all ok

This message was edited Apr 27, 2024 5:52 PM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Boys are still at it, figure by 6:30 it will be done, i will put curtains up next week as we are getting rain for next week

The have patience of a saint today because working in cold and rain isn’t best scenario

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Be safe everyone... weather has sure been fickle!

Your sweet sons love you so much!!! I can just hear the "Why does she NEED a gazebo?" That is so funny!

For all you ladies (myself included), I saw the cutest joke on Facebook. A little boy was saying he bought a grandpa GPS, it doesn't tell you how to get THERE but what you WENT for!

I got some of the baseboard cut with the oscillating saw and attached the 48 x 48 bookshelf to the wall and the 36x 36 9 cube on top of it (and to the wall).

We painted flower pots bright blue yesterday and got the pots all planted up today. I want to put them on pot caddies but they were outrageous overpriced in town so we ordered from Amazon.

I have 3 desks out on the driveway and I need out to give them a quick sanding so they can be painted. A palm sander was on clearance for $8 and it took regular sand paper cut in 1/4, so I bought it. I did not even try to unpack my sander. Who knows where it is at this point.

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