Plant Propagation: The Basics July/Aug 2016

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

We came from here:

Robins Plaintain (E. pulchellus)

Thumbnail by Mipii
Fort Worth, TX

So when do I plant asters?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

All I can offer is Indiana soybean and cornfields...
Seeds -aster- I thought you could plant when soil warms up in Spring, okra goes into ground in June, in our area at least.

Thumbnail by kittriana
Fort Worth, TX

well I guess I missed the aster boat again. It is hot out. About to plant tomatoes and maybe some peppers for fall harvest.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I started ask something here and spaced it out oh well ,
Still windy here and time to see the plants and to do's
in a little while

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Gypsi, you can plant Aster anytime. Would you be direct sowing seeds?

Fort Worth, TX

I have to see if I even have any seeds left. I have tried in spring and watered them and nothing happened. I am at home in summer and would probably sow in pots with good potting soil so I could keep them in shade til they get going.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I direct sow Aster seeds in the fall/winter. Just like Wildflower seeds.

Fort Worth, TX

ok. well has to work better than spring sowing, that is for sure. I totally bombed in spring. Will see if I have any seeds left.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Generally if a perennial sets seeds in late summer - fall the seeds should be direct sowed fall and winter. Unless you want to mimic the seed germination climate for your specific seed, then you pretty much have to babysit in a controlled environment. You control things like light, heat, moisture, humidity, stratification...etc. You can do that anytime of the year.

Fort Worth, TX

when I have time Robin, which seems to be less and less every year. going with fall planting

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

A pot of pink aster of the asters is all I have tried so far , Fleabanes are starting to go to seed , Some of the seeds that drop will be large plants by fall
My attempt are at color from three more types , but we all know that pink and blue of these small flowered types are not easy to get , (speciosus color that is ,

My Garden is always full of the White Species Aster To Hot now to chance moving them if you want any that way , I can send you a boxfull Gypsi ,at the spring or winter

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Good luck with the Azure Fairy Ju, that's a pretty one.

Fall planting is certainly the easiest Gypsi. Have you tried Echium vulgare (Vipers Bugloss) or Hyssopus officinalis (Blue Hyssop), for your Bees?

This message was edited Jul 14, 2016 2:42 PM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin , I am really hoping to get some pink or brighter solid Blue , Most of the time ,, their lavender white ,, whitish blue , or white with only a tiny trace of pink , regardless of what the info say about them ,
If I get any super ones .. 3 yrs until root division time ,, ow my patience hurts ,, lol

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Oh, I thought Erigeron speciosus was more of the deeper pinks and purple/blues like Pink Jewel;
and Azure Fairy;
I had no idea it was a crap shoot on the color you get when those seeds were sown.

This message was edited Jul 14, 2016 5:44 PM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin If you look to see Bloom Color , it says Bright yellow lavender/ violet
Those pinks are from similar seeds , and you notice Botanical Gardens is where they were developed at ,
My , idea ,, lol yes that , A little sulpher , a few coffee grounds , a little Vinegar . See if I can enhance color forms of the blooms ,
Made up some more compost today ,A bag or two a week , seeing If the earth here will repair ,
Everything here is kind of floppy after the rain ,
Did notice the Honey bees really like the pink blooms on the if is the Wild Radish ,,

This message was edited Jul 14, 2016 5:56 PM

Fort Worth, TX

I think seeds are all that postage really encourages Ju, but thank you. I will find someone local for plants, we are going to have a fall plant swap in the Fort Worth area I think

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

There are Gypsi , A couple people here , fellow gardeners , when I have that postage , I will send plants or seeds too , Several return , not always required of by me ,
I like people to enjoy the plants
I do one 7 $ dollar trade , with the other part of 20 $'s I send a few to who ever , Sometimes I go a few over but not far , and I can do that eating lunch , (which by the way , I have enjoyed less than gardening a few times lol )

Fort Worth, TX

yes, and I appreciate that, but climactically are the plants the same in Indiana and in Texas? It's a scorcher down here.

Oxdrift, Canada

Well, the fawns are not on my hit list yet. They did lunch on a few insignificant things when they were here, just a few carrot tops here and there and a few broccoli leaves. I harvested the broccoli and then gave both things a good spray with Bobbex. Was paranoid that I might get cleaned out while gone to Kenora but we were very lucky. See that photos were pretty scimpy while I was gone so here's a few. Two more shots of unnamed lilies and a closeup of the pot aimed at camouflaging my pond filter at the top of the waterfall (chili pepper coleus surrounded by lemon ball sedum

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Gypsi Some of them are , like Willow leaf aster , The Fall aster , (usually different from your fall aster ) Mine are like willow leaf and Roadside ,
Maximillion Sunflower another

Fort Worth, TX

Now I do have maximillion sunflower seeds, I gathered them last fall in a field nearby

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Good looking , Really nice plants Keith .

Gypsi That Sunflower grows Global , every place on the planet ,,lol

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I'm glad you didn't get cleaned out Keith, your flowers are fabulous.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Today I planted a Garden leek , first seed to germinate I will see if anymore do , The Fleabane Erigeron, Azure , also sprouted root tips ,
And were off to a start with perennials ,, seeds on filter paper
1 sprouter
2 Fleabane seeds inside sprouter on paper
3 Leek seeds ,,same ,,
Azure Fairy Sprouted in pot (s)

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Fort Worth, TX

so that is how to use those fast food lids! woohoo. You are rocking along there Ju

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I am glad they work to sprout seeds like they do , Most I can get this way , It says erigeron and aster are slow to germinate , Those germinated in about 36 to 40 hrs as sprouts .
I am hoping they will be well enough to make it through for a few years ,

Outside when I get a few minutes I am cleaning cutleaf coneflowers and stinging nettle , Their both running away some ,

Tonight , Blue aster . Flat topped aster . pink aster , may get started . I have set some False indigo (baptisia austrailius outside , I lost last years attempt ,

Fort Worth, TX

Ju I can package up as much False Indigo as you would like, the stuff is sprouting every 4 inches at my place. Seriously, flowerbeds yard and more. How many do you want?

oops wrong plant. I have Asiatic Dayflower, Blue Dayflower aka Commelina communis all over the darned place. would you like some?

This message was edited Jul 15, 2016 1:05 PM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Gypsi I don't think that would do well here . One of the regional plant things ,, I know they are in Illinois as a wild flower ,
and , Right as to today I am redoing to many things and working on my perennials ,
I indeed do thank you though

Fort Worth, TX

you mean they don't over winter? wow, I want some snow down here.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

They are a herbaceous perennial here Gypsi, they die to the ground in winter.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Mama liked the invasive asiatic dayflower- says it mows quite well and looks pretty. Everything behaves that way in my daughters yard... oxalis, false strawberry, asiatic dayflower, chinese tallow trees- the list goes on forever. If you can't mow it, you grab a chainsaw and cut it and burn it before it takes completely over.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Lol Kitt! :)

Oxdrift, Canada

The rock project is complete except for planting. That will be gradual over the next year or so. Don't know how to get pictures in the proper order so unfortunately the before picture is in here last. A retaining wall that I built when I was still wet behind the ears is deteriorating badly at one end and I have been agonizing for a while about how to deal with it. Conveniently it is located immediately adjacent to the rock garden I built last fall so I had a brain wave to extend the the rock garden to mask and control the troublesome portion. The strategically located silver mound blended the two projects so well that you would never know they were two separate brain waves!

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Still viewing , That is really Great ,, too bad about the breaking down wall though ,

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Your new retaining wall situation looks like it would hold up much better over the years with rocks than lumber. I sure hope your back has held up too. That looks like a ton of work. Boy wouldn't that be fun to plant up, it looks really good!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I have little Azure Fairy plant seedlings Now to hope they grow , Usually an easy plant , Now I am trying smooth blue aster again Two plants with entirely different preferences although you will see them growing together often enough

A jubilee Tomato

Thumbnail by juhur7
Oxdrift, Canada

Congrats on the ripe tomato Ju. That seems like a lifetime away for us

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi Keith Have had a few small red ones also but those get ate as fast as I set them down on the counter
My garden looks like your fields , I hope it has more blooms next year

I have been weeding , raking , Germinating ,, same as usual

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Keith? I have about decided reverse loading pics is now the normal, so, I will pick my 5, then load them last to first if I want it to sequence properly.. that looks like it was intended that way. It looks very impressive and so neat. Your plants look happy there too.

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