weather in the garden # 139

South Hamilton, MA

67° showers We evidently lost power overnight & when DH walked along the street this morning, he found them replacing a switch.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Do you guys remember how to put the image next to your name? (Mine is of molasses although it looks like chocolate.) I obviously used to know but currently do not, and someone asked me.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Go to your member page (click on your name to do so), and on the left side should be a choice to Manage Preferences. Click on that.

Once there, there is a choice called Your Picture. Click that, and on that page is a choice of changing your Avatar (the image that shows up next to your name when you post).

I have enjoyed that Molasses avatar.

South Hamilton, MA

80° & supposed to get warmer during the day. 90 tomorrow, then going down through the 80s during the week.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Yep. 85 now and very humid, sunny.

I was feeling so proud of four hours of weeding yesterday, which was definitely the right day to choose. Work is never done! The Shasta viburnum which put out a burst of growth this year is wilting in the sun. It's the only one doing this, so lets blame the soil. Am I really up to adding soil and mulch in this heat? It looks so sad, so maybe...

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Doublefile Viburnum is nicknamed Dog-Eared Summer Viburnum here at the Valley. It is the primary - and almost only - viburnum which behaves this way for me. Thus, I invested only lightly in this species in the establishment period which saw many more Arrowwood Viburnums, Linden Viburnums, and Possumhaw Viburnums populate the landscape.

As I collected more selections, the infusion began as well as evolution of some places where the Doublefile Viburnum could enjoy afternoon shade, or at least have its feet shaded. I have since really enjoyed the floriferous nature of this species, and the bright colored red fruit and pedicels.

This summer has been so rainy, the dog-eared-ness has not been an issue yet.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Interesting, VV. I had not heard about the nickname, and certainly not at the time I planted this tired hounddog.

The small evergreen shrubs shading Shasta's feet are growing well, so it's the amount of sun that's at issue, then. It does perk up with water, and I'm very critical of my soil, which is what leads me there. Its companion doublefile, Pink Beauty, is fine with the same amount of sun, but located where hard labor created more moisture-retaining soil. Pink Beauty put on a more spectacular flower show this year, also.

Thomaston, CT

Hot enough for me to have the a/c on which I hate.....nuf said!

South Hamilton, MA

84° bright sun & humid I have not been outside as yet. Grocery shopping this afternoon.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

At least 92 degrees yesterday. All plants had dog-ears at 6 pm! I think they recovered. Overcast and hazy now.

South Hamilton, MA

71° forecast in the m id 80s today. Hope that it goes no higher.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for that info, VV! I'm not changing the molasses yet; someone asked me how to add a personal picture (because I am a know-it-all in general, she figured I would know the answer).

Yesterday it was SO hot. That is not something you can measure with a thermometer, but when it is SO hot you usually know it. Yesterday we went to the Y because they have AC.

One of the nice things about TX was there is electric heat and AC, everywhere is insulated and you can change the room temperature fairly quickly. We put a big wall thermometer in and I found out what range of temperatures I can tolerate. (In New England, it's always an ego thing, you know. "Cold? No, this isn't cold. We'll turn the heater on when it gets into the 50s outside.") So I like it to be 74 (no colder) to 78 (no hotter). I know I sound like a prima donna, but it has to do with MS and my body's inability to adjust to ambient temperature. Warm blooded animals are supposed to shiver or sweat to keep their body temperature the same, but I just get cold or hot and can't recover.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

I hadn't really thought about the temperature thing with MS. Thanks for sharing about it, Carrie. One never knows when it might come up somewhere else. Because public buildings are of all ages and all conditions, one can't even decide to go to one of them, necessarily ( I know, I work in one). I hope most libraries are temperature controlled.

Thomaston, CT

Today was much better than yesterday......cooler, more air moving, less humid....temp did hit 90 however......

South Hamilton, MA

more comfortable, although still humid.

South Hamilton, MA

71° only predicted to 80. Much better.

Thomaston, CT

Sunny, low humidity, breezy....temps in high 70s for today.....heavenly!

Thomaston, CT

Another super day predicted for today.....finally getting my house back in order after all the painting.....need to be weeding as well, but can't do both!

South Hamilton, MA

73° great & cool. We will work on digging irises for the sale. Takes a bit of time, DH digging & washing & me marking. Looks like a great day weather wise for Sat.

Thomaston, CT

Great weather for working....had to turn off the fan in bedroom it was so chilly! Fireman friend coming today to burn my brush pile....yay!

South Hamilton, MA

69° sunny It's going to be a great cool day.

Thomaston, CT

Last decent day today...rain tomorrow, followed by a week of 90s!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yeah, I was chilly last night.

South Hamilton, MA

In the 60s all day. Felt great. The lead up to the 90s starts tomorrow to my disgust.

Thomaston, CT

Wasn't raining when Nicki & I started our walk....should have taken an umbrella....2 drowned rats!

South Hamilton, MA

68° a bit of rain overnight

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I find I am fretting an awful lot about hot muggy weather to come.....

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Rain is on the way. Let's hope it clears the air.

Thomaston, CT

Partly cloudy with popup showers today......the muggies start tomorrow.....I hate the a/c, but it's hard to breathe when it's so muggy!

South Hamilton, MA

71° sunny

Thomaston, CT

I finished walking at 10....the temp was 75, but the humidity was oppressive already!

South Hamilton, MA

75 here well. going to the h igh 80s & oppressive.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hey all!!!! So grossly thick and hot here today(high was 94°), tomorrow is supposed to be worse! Expecting it to hit 96°

South Hamilton, MA

In the 80s today Supposed to hit 90 tomorrow

Thomaston, CT

Hi Jen...90s here, but the humidity is already oppressive, & the temp is only 77 right now....I'm covered in sweat after walking Nicki....& the trail was 90% shade......will not go out again today.....

South Hamilton, MA

82° & 60% humidity Not comfortable for gardening.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

My dingbat husband picked today to work outside! (I told him to pick a different day.) He said "It's Texas hot out here. " The difference is that where we were around DFW only rarely felt humidity anything like this.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

My dingbat husband picked today to work outside! (I told him to pick a different day.) He said "It's Texas hot out here. " The difference is that where we were around DFW only rarely felt humidity anything like this.

South Hamilton, MA

My husband is working on supports for fencing against deer. Wearing his anti-mosquito netting jacket. It will be just as hot tomorrow. Not for me.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Funny. I was just thinking about edging an area. stopping by here first. Hmmm. At least standing with a hose to send extra water around isn't hard.

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