What was your favorite daylily companion for 2014?

Pawleys Island, SC

The cleome are gorgeous! I started a few seeds in the greenhouse in late january and I have a few that have come up. They aren't the giant variety though. I got them from a trader and they just said cleome mix, so who knows what they will be when they bloom.

Mike, those will be some pretty companions. I can't wait to see your pictures. I am still deciding what to plant along with my daylilies. I know I will plant stokesia and conflowers along with a multitude of black eyed susans and shasta daisy.

I need to get busy pulling the little oak trees out of my front borders ( oh the joys of using oak leaves for mulch.) and clearing out some winter weeds. The border against my front porch needs lots of attention and a new plan. It is bordered by sago palms and 2 years ago hubby put a lady banks rose there because the arbor we had it growing on bit the dust. I should have lots of daylilies in there too and a couple of blue butterflies clerodendrum, but if they survived my neglect last year, they haven't started showing themselves. We will see.

Hope everyone has a beautiful day.


Anyone grown BALSAM and liked it???

Pawleys Island, SC

I love it. I planted it with fragrant virginia stocks. It was awesome. The stocks thrive in cooler weather, but the balsam bloomed not stop.


Is it big and bushy or a smaller type plant?

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Stokesia does well around here.
I also have Balsam that reseed every year since it's been here. Approx 4yrs. Didn't know the name until Hemlady ID it. DW brought it home out of the blue one day.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Badcat I would say it get no taller than twenty four inches and eight inches wide.


Thatll work! Ty both!!! :)

Ugh Ill be a bad cat tomorrow on LA!!! I blame Karen for remembering my username lol

St. Simon's Island, GA(Zone 9a)

I don't plant the giant Cleome, because it reseeds so madly. I plant the smaller varieties, "Seņorita Rosalita" or "Linda Armstrong", both lavender, but there are white varieties.

Pawleys Island, SC

Somehow my cleome never re-seeded. I guess I didn't pay it enough attention.

Concord, NC

mine used to re-seed too but the last 5 years of strange weather i think is why they havent ..like severe cold than severe warmth and weather not making up its mind i think might be the cause..it was in the high 60's here first week of January and bluebirds were starting to make nests..now theirs record 6 inches of snow on ground the last week and daffodils were starting to open and all the flowers on the crispy and dying or stunted from 20 degrees at night.

Pawleys Island, SC

My temps are up and down like that too. I am so ready for spring!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

I have bulbs sending up foliage on the south side of the house. Snowing right now.

Pawleys Island, SC

No Snow yet, but it has rained all day and it sure feels cold enough. I have to re-start some of my seedlings in the greenhouse. I think it got too cool in there and some of them are really looking sad. Oh well, I knew I was probably starting them too early.
I am starting my new job this week, so in as much as it will be nice to get back to work, I will miss being free to play in the dirt all of spring. I am looking forward to working again though. It has been too long.
Hope everyone is warm and cozy.


Buried in snow here lol, says high 50's tues/or Wed hoping it turns into a muddy mess hahah. GL on the new job Linda!!! :)

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Yea, good luck on the new job, Linda!!

This message was edited Mar 3, 2015 6:40 AM

Pawleys Island, SC

Thanks everyone! I am kind of excited to get back to work.

Portsmouth, VA(Zone 8a)

Sorry I am late for the party but my favorite companion for daylilies is coneflowers!

Thumbnail by virginiarose Thumbnail by virginiarose Thumbnail by virginiarose Thumbnail by virginiarose
Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Ok, it's early in the morning and thanks to nerve pain here I am. Lol Sorry, I haven't been on here in a few days.

Congratulations Linda! How was your first day back to work? We can't wait to hear about it.

Mike, You will LOVE the Double Tuberose, it smells heavenly. I had it for 3 years until I forgot to bring it in one winter. i recommend putting it in a pot so when it's blooming you can move it close to a seating area to enjoy and bringing it inside for winter storage. Lol
Did you feel a little phloxy this year? Yes, I made up the word phloxy and spell check on my iPad hates it. Your yard will be smelling nice this summer. :-) I kill garden phlox almost as fast as Delphiniums. Lol I dug out a bunch of the groundcover phlox a couple years ago. I needed a home for my Amsomnia Blue Star. They both only bloom in the Spring but the Blue Star looks better.

I will confess or brag however you look at it. Lol I got Aliens In The Garden for $15.00. No, that's not a typo. I also won Tripped Out for $17.45. It was a great Gossard day! I didn't even get into trouble with DH because I showed him what they sell for on Gossard's website. :-) He called it bargain shopping. Now we have a new way to look at the LA. It's bargain shopping. We're not being bad we're being thrifty. Bnich has some listings on now. I have given thought to more bargain shopping. But, I think I will behave since the more I order the more I must plant. Lol

Sandy, I have only seen the Rose Queen around here. I never have had luck with it from seed but I think that is due to me pulling them as weeds. I have never tried growing them in pots only directly into the garden. I will give Rose Queen another try this summer and this time try not to pull them up. I have daylily and Platycondon seedlings indoors and don't have room for anymore seedlings. I didn't expect 100% germination with my daylily seedlings since I played around with different ways of sprouting them. It turns out any way you try to grow them you will have luck.

BadCat, Long Live Queen BadCat! You shall be Queen here as well and we will have fun with it. Me and Mike can be your royal Jester's and make you laugh. I'll start. Why do Zombie's make good gardeners? Because they have green thumbs. Haha! Made you smile at least. :-)

I had another washing machine mishap. This time it was a sharpie marker. :-) The nice thing was it wasn't clothes, it was the dogs blankets. Don't ask me how a sharpie marker got in with the dog blankets but I suspect a 9 year old boy knows. The dog blankets Have black blotchy places. Lol I don't think the dogs care one bit. The inside of the washer wasn't messed up at all. It was my free pass mess up, I guess. :-)

Susan, Welcome to the party, better late than never. You have more than coneflowers. What about Lola? You can't forget Lola the long legged beauty. Don't be shy. We're all flower adicts here, it's alright we won't judge. Actually, you should go yo the perennial forum, there is a thread called Plants Of the Year. There was a discussion on there about kniphofia. Several people on there would love to drool over Lola.

I'm headed back to bed. I'll be back up in a few hours. We're going to be getting freezing rain here soon. The nice thing is it will be going up to 52 today so ice won't last long at all.
I'll be back later after more sleep.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

I feel "PHLOXY" indeed. LOL!!
I was impressed with Phlox David and Laura so I decided to look into other colors.
Susan what's the name of the last daylily ? Such a big flower.
Karen that was a steal for sure.
I am going to leave Queen Badcat alone before she send me to the dungeon for not being funny. LMAO!

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

I hope to be sent to the dungeon, I hear it's quiet down there.

The freezing rain went North of me. My son is in a panic because the rain is going to ruin his snow fort. Pictured below. I'm happy that my driveway will clear up some.

I have to get my son off to school, be back later today.

Pawleys Island, SC

Karen, I actually start on Thursday. So you're stuck with me for a couple more days.

Virginiarose, those daylilies are gorgeous!

Karen, I love the term bargain shopping! I will look up the daylilies you got and see how pretty they are.
It was all I could do not to do some bargain shopping myself. The grocery store had orchids marked down to 4.99, but I resisted! Yep, you read that right. I was strong! ( only because the greenhouse is full and I can't hide them in the house. LOL) I did however cave on some epi cuttings. Like I need more epis. I can justify them only because I have a big sale in the works and I can put them outside asap.

I love LOLA! I grew some from seeds about 3 years ago and last year when we re-arranged the iris bed, I planted them in between some crinum lily in the center.

I like the word phloxy! I may use it with my son and convince him that yes I am nuts. LOL

Snow fort sounds like fun. The most snow my boy has ever seen has been about 3 inches. He built himself a snowman and gave it electronically flashing red eyes. LOL we had fun with it, but alas it didn't last.

I still need to pot up my bagged daylilies so they have a chance to grow. I potted some and was leaving them in the greenhouse, but the bigfooted boys kept stomping them, so I moved those outside and decided to wait before I potted the others.
I will plant them in my neighbors garden and see what blooms.

Gotta run, have appointments this morning.
Sea Ya

Portsmouth, VA(Zone 8a)

Sorry I forgot about 'Lola' she is my wow factor in the garden and I cannot wait to see her this year. I will include a picture or two from last year, the stalks were 5 feet tall and all I can say is 'WOW'.
I hope you are feeling better soon, I will check out the perennials forum.

The big daylily is COUNTRY STROLL, also I will mention the name of the clump of white flowers is TENDER LOVE. I know you love the white ones and as far as I know they are all dormants.
I love that purple phlox, do you have the name. I orders some seeds for several varieties of phlox.

Thank you!

The system will not let me upload a pic right now, be back later!

Thumbnail by virginiarose Thumbnail by virginiarose Thumbnail by virginiarose
Pawleys Island, SC

Mike! Thank you doesn't begin to say enough. The seeds arrived today! When hubby saw the package, he started singing " And So this is Christmas! LOL I laughed so hard at him. I am looking up all of the names you sent me to see what I can learn about them. I may be a while. But I just had to say Thank you so much! You're the best. I am going to be a "daylily seed planting fool".

I'll be back!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Linda you and your dear hubby are welcome. They needed a loving garden and gardener to go to. When I asked them who wanted to go to Linda's home they all tried to jump in the envelope. LOL!!
Susan thanks for the names. it's the first time I saw you post a pic of Country Stroll. You know I have been following you around the web. LOL! Yes I do have a soft spot for the whites for sure.
The name of the purple phlox is "Laura". Got her from Santa Rosa in the fall of 2013. She's going to be more beautiful this year as she gets bigger. I can vision Lola under planted by some white daylilies. That would definitely be a sight to behold.
White Temptation
Winter Treasure
Absolute Zero
Last Snowflake
Now picture Lola encircled and towering over these beauties!!!!!!!
You could throw a couple orange and yellows in to give her a nice compliment.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Linda, We'll be glad to have you stick with us. Maybe, your strong will power will rub off on us. I know how hard it was to pass up the Orchids at such a great price. Don't feel like buying the Epie cutting was caving. Think of it as you rescued them, then your a plant hero. Lol
Yay! Your going to have little Mike's growing soon.

Susan, We'll forgive you if Lola will. We'll blame your lapse of memory on this cold winter. :-)
Thanks, I'll be getting better, Surgery is going to be real soon. It's been a long time coming. I can't wait to walk normal again.

Mike, Can't wait to see your phloxy yard. Lol

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen if you are scared we will all come there to hold your hand. LOL! Little "MIKE"S !!!! Yes!! Pretty soon I will have a kid in every state. Very funny!!

Portsmouth, VA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Laura is so beautiful and I did find it on SRG and it is now in my shopping cart. lol. I noticed LOLA has flowers that are orange and yellow so that is why I planted BOTTLE ROCKET to the right of her and planted a deep orange blanket flower in front. I get more inspiration every year as I see the blooms, should be spectacular this year and hopefully I can decide on a nice tall daylily to put behind it, I thought I had a tall yellow but I cannot remember what it was. lol.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I hope everything turns out well and you can get back to normal real soon.

Portsmouth, VA(Zone 8a)

Quote from HazelCrestMikeB :
Karen if you are scared we will all come there to hold your hand. LOL! Little "MIKE"S !!!! Yes!! Pretty soon I will have a kid in every state. Very funny!!

Little "MIKE"S !!!! Yes!! Pretty soon I will have a kid in every state. Very funny!!

This message was edited Mar 4, 2015 5:15 PM


His seed hes spreading everywhere. Im the proud mother of "Little Mikes" cant wait to see them bloom this summer.

Lol heading back to my dungeon, its green down there!!!

1- For Mike
2- Dungeon and its evil doings..

Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat

Kathy did you get my package???

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Mike, I'm eagerly anticipating this surgery. Maybe a little nervous but not scared. I'm so ready to have it behind me.
The good thing about daylily kids is they don't require child support and they won't go to college.
Papa Mike! Or is it Big Daddy Mike? Lol Your generosity is beautifying America one yard at a time. It's also giving us a little fun. :-)

Susan, Mike has been kind enough to share his daylily seeds with people. We're calling the seedlings Little Mike's. Lol Do you need some Little Mike's?

BadCat, I love the bunny picture. I feel that way sometimes too. Lol Your going to have babies popping up soon. Is there some Tal babies in that spread?

I'm loving the weather people. The amount of junk I'm suppose to get keeps getting smaller. Thank Goodness it's going to Kentucky and leaving me alone except for a couple inches. Yay!
Sorry, Kentucky!


Lots of tal and jaws babies Lol and rabbit babies popping up soon hahah. I'm in the dungeon cleaning bb with pics when I get done

Pawleys Island, SC

I am a plant HERO! I love it Karen. LOL I would like to be very heroic too.
Actually I worked my butt off today and now there isn't much that doesn't hurt. LOL.
I got the cold frame cleaned out and managed to heroically save 3 plumeria and a couple of epis that didn't freeze. My ginger lilies may be ok, they don't come up until later in the season anyway.
Then I potted the seedlings from my ziplock baggies and convinced DH to get a burning permit and get rid of all the branches and sticks that have fallen. We have a long way to go before I can say the yard is clean, but we made really good progress.
I will be looking for something for pain later on, but it felt so good to be outside and working, that I couldn't stop. I tried using that for an excuse, but DH called me on it. Alas, he knows me too well. I never quit until I just can't move anymore.
I still have more seedlings to pot up, but the "little Mikes" I had planned to start today, will have to wait until I move the little tender things outside. Or maybe just get started in the cold frame. LOL
Where there's a will.... right?

Portsmouth, VA(Zone 8a)

Ok, I get it. I had no clue about the little Mike thing. Must be a private joke. lol.

I have plenty of seeds but not daylily seeds. I was going to spread some of my own pollen around this year, if I have any daylilies left after everything gets done rotting. lol. I went out today to dig up a hosta which I was worried about and I found the thing sitting in water and dormant. It was horrid, the whole yard is a mud pit. How will anything survive this, it will be a miracle if any of my plants make it out back. The ones in the front are not as bad, but still the yard is pure muck. lol.

Thumbnail by virginiarose Thumbnail by virginiarose
Pawleys Island, SC

Are you where all of the floods are?

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

BadCat, You need help in that dungeon. If it wasn't nasty out, I would be on my way. lol

Linda, You really are a plant hero. I can hear the Epies and Plumies talking about how you saved the day all the way up here in Ohio. Lol I would love to be able to get out and clean my yard. Unfortunaly, my yard looks like this. Pictured below. There is probably a graveyard of sticks under that snow. I'll have to clean up once the snow is gone and my yard is a soupy mushy mess. Lol I can't wait because it means I'll be planting soon. :-) I will be digging with my hands this year since a shovel will be out of the question. I will have some Popeye arms by summer. Lol
Your little Mike's will do fine in pots sat outside as long as critters leave the pots alone. What a big IF that can be.

Susan, I'm sorry your loosing plants again this winter. It sounds like you need to elevate your garden beds. I have a area in my backyard that gets super boggy in winter and early Spring. I will have to use a raised bed when I get around to planting that area of the yard. If you raised your beds 12" that would make a world of difference during winter.
Your going to have some little Susan's growing next Fall. There is no easier flower to pollinate and grow from seed than a daylily. I should have a lot of little Karen's blooming this summer. I can't wait!

Thumbnail by taylordaylily
Pawleys Island, SC

Karen, My yard has only looked like that once in my life. LOL We got 13 inches of snow on Christmas Eve the year that hurricane hugo came through here. It was the most snow and only white Christmas I have ever seen. LOL

I still think you should come down here.
My neighbor is from OH, too.

Portsmouth, VA(Zone 8a)

We haven't really had any flooding just lots of rain and snow which adds up and turns the yard to mud. Karen I did raised beds but they need to be a lot more raised. Lots of work to do in the spring!

I have a giant pot ghetto and the winter-sowing containers. We got 8 inches of snow last week.

I was able to go to South Carolina when I was a teenager. It was such a beautiful place, I always wanted to go back.

Thumbnail by virginiarose
Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Linda, If I could get away, I would be there in a jiffy.
We got 14" of snow overnight back in 2004 a couple days before Christmas. I had to work the next morning. It was a fun drive that morning. We normally don't get that much snow at one time. It's normally more in the 3 to 6" range or just a inch or so at a time. I enjoy the snow, there is still a lot of little kid in me. Lol I enjoy playing in snow in the winter and playing in creeks and garden beds in the summer.

Susan, Oh, that must have made a mess for your area. Our area has equipment to deal with snow removal, I hope yours had something. Where is your snowman? Lol

Pawleys Island, SC

We have no snow equipment. So when it threatens to snow or ice, everything shuts down. LOL

Your encouragement to be heroic led to yet another ( how should I say) act of heroism. I couldn't help myself. I bought/rescued another epi from my favorite seller! This one is gorgeous. Of course they all are, but looky looky:

This one is called Newport!

Virginiarose, it is gorgeous here but I like virginia too. If I get a chance tomorrow, I will go take some pics of the island and post those.

This message was edited Mar 4, 2015 10:59 PM

This message was edited Mar 8, 2015 6:59 AM

Thumbnail by ibartoo

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