CLOSED: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Chat

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I'm here. Went to dr this am for the epideral and now I have to set up therapy 2x's a week to strengthen my back and learn how to Garden safely. HA>
( I was out and asleep for a day and half before the dr, prolly from working so much)

I wish we had some of that snow, we are in a terrible drought and it was in the 70's here today, another record breaker. back to work tomorrow.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I hope you are feeling much better, Debra. The therapy will be good for your back. Take care of it. Back pain is some of the worst.

We haven't had any more snow or rain. It appears a dry week is ahead for us.

They've downgraded the predicted snow totals for the Northeast. Glad to hear that. But there will still be a lot of snow and some blizzard conditions.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Good to hear from you Debra. Take care of that back. 70's you say!Wow! It was in the 20's here

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like you have our weather Debra, it is supposed to be 75 here today, but then this week end another cold front is coming through, and will drop to 32 again.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Take good care, Deb - I know the cold always made my back hurt from hunching over to avoid the winds.

I'm a n'oreasterner. Grew up in PA, school upstate NY then Boston. I think super storm is used when there are multiple storm systems that converge. New England/northeast gets air masses blowing down from Canada, across the states and up from the south. Weather patterns tend to swirl along the coast before moving off coast out to sea. Significant concentrations of air pollutants can be traced from PA, OH, TN and farther in the air masses in NE.

It may be also that the density of the population and the economic centers on the east coast/New England make the cost of cleanup and destruction so significant that it exceeds the losses of other regions/less populace areas where storms make landfall.

In any event, floodwaters have a way of receding eventually, but if temps stay low enough snow will persist for weeks or months. Often there is no where to PUT snow that is removed from city streets, and though towns typically "budget" for snow removal, snowstorms do not typically merit state or federal financial relief or involvement in any way. Snow does have a way of crippling an area in ways that are hard to fathom if you haven't been. Especially difficult on the elderly who may live alone and rely on help from outside the home.

My ten cents for what it's worth. If you've never driven in 6" or more of snow on an interstate highway, then you really haven't lived. ;)


Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Driving in snow is interesting to say the least. It really wears you out. I used to snow ski a lot in the Rockies, and drove a lot in snow. A bigger danger is driving when the roads ice and when the bridges ice here in the south. We don't encounter that often enough for our road crews to have the available material/knowledge to make those surfaces safe. And seldom do you see this stuff and then Wham! I think up north y'all call this "black-ice".


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, black ice. Very dangerous!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes black ice is almost impossible to see, and you don't know it's there until your car is moving in a direction that cars are not meant to go. Sideways, backwards, sometimes both at once. Not a fan of driving on it. Be careful out there everybody. I was walking across the parking lot which had some black ice on it, slipped and fell on my left knee, skinned it through two layers of clothing and somehow managed to land flat on my back. It must have been a sight to watch, kind of like the clown in the Ice Capades show, I imagine. Well aside from a skinned, bruised knee and my slightly dented dignity, I seemed to be OK. I will be more careful in the future, I hope.

Hi everyone!! I have been so busy with my clay classes, that I forget to stop in. I need to remember to drop in more often,,lol

Here is a picture of mynewest mermaid. She is for Valentines day!

Thumbnail by
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Nanny, you need to be careful! I hope your not too sore?

Kris, she is beautiful!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Kris, that mermaid is soo cute!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Beautiful Elfie! What craft stores do you have locally?
LK I was a little sore, but I am better now, thank you. You know how the saying goes" The older you get, the harder you hit" when falling down. I was lucky I had so many clothes on that it helped cushion the blow somewhat. lol

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I hope you're okay, Nanny. I've slid around on that black ice myself. I was headed out back with a cup of coffee in hand when all of sudden, wham. The cup went flying and smashed on the asphalt. I think my legs went two different directions at once. I hit my face and had to go to the clinic. Everything was fine and no stitches required. Glad of that since stitches in the lip would probably be very uncomfy. :( Since then, I've had a great respect for black ice.

She's very sweet, Elfie. Your skill is continuing to grow.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I agree, that mermaid is beautiful!
we are going from 74 to snow here soon.. I have been driving on ice and snow practically all my Kansas Life, and I sure don't miss it. I had one of those slip and fly up and land flat on my back smaking head things up in Nebraska one winter. Not fun, my ears have been ringing ever since :P
Like you described, up one minute and like u r flying and down LOL

Feeling really good right now, can't wait to get into a car and drive south. Tonight I get to meet my son's G/F he is so excited about. I feel like I wanna say" if u break my son's heart, u won't live to see the next day"
but I won't. :)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

I feel your pain Carole, literally. I am so glad you weren't hurt any worse than you were. I had road rash where I slid on my knee, but it is almost gone now. I have a wooden ramp up to the greenhouse that gets me every winter at least one time. I have learned to step up on the deck and avoid it when we have ice. lol So we just all need to be careful, out there.
Have a wonderful and safe trip Debra. I hope the weather is good for you while you are gone.

I have no craft shops near me. I have to either wait til I go to Auburn to see Crystal, or I order online. I actually get better deals online.

Thanks for the compliments. I like her. Unlike the devil of one I fought for the last two days. Completely hate this one.. sigh.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Thanks, We are leaving in about 2 weeks so excited. Today I got to talk to each of my kids, and got hugged twice by my son and twice by my son's new g/f. They made me spaghetti. So cute.

I think ice and snow fall burns feel worse than a dry ground burn because you feel like you have more control over a dry ground fall.. well... I do anyways. I can't imagine falling on my face, tho. I am glad you weren't hurt , any of you.

Emma, my 7 month old granddaughter has two teeth now and can wave bye bye and gets all over the floor anyway she can except for crawling ..LOL. ( I still haven't seen her since Christmas, so can't wait to see her )
Anyone have any plant pics to show us? I think we are getting that snow, and I would love to see bright things from you all. Someone sent me this trailing jade in a trade. It has grown, and is in an old pot. I really like it.

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

What is the challenge on the Devil, Kris?

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, my grandmother's old "Flower Garden" quilt is colorful. She had it made for me as a wedding present. I cherish it.

And the cardinals are very colorful, especially against snow. Easy to spot this time of year.

Nice Trailing Jade, Debra.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Nice plants everyone. Nothing in bloom here.
I love that quilt, it is very pretty, and I know you will cherish it for years!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks. Yes, it's already 45 years old and going strong. :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Ladies, I ask you to join us in keeping Betty in your prayers please? Her 16 year old Grandson Noah was rushed to the ER last night, as he was out riding his snow mobile, some kids jumped him, and stabbed him. He had surgery, and we are all waiting to hear word from the family as to how he is doing.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

How awful!! I've prayed and will continue to do so.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much!

OMG,! Please keep us up to date on his process. That is just the most aweful of things to happen. I am sure she is just beyond terrified!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

He is awake, but still not out of danger. They will keep him in the hospital for a Bit, to keep an eye on his vitals, and also for infections.

I just posted on the other thread. So terrifing for our Betty. If this were to happen to Gryphon,, well I would just be a total basket case.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

The horror of it, and so senseless. Hoping and praying for the best

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I agree Kris, don't know how I would handle it if it were my family!

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Many prayers for Betty and especially Noah for a fast and healthy recovery. .. ....

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I'm praying for Betty. I just know Noah is strong from what I read. What a trajic thing to happen to a good family.
I lost my Nephew Nick, he was 23, 7 years ago to being stabbed in the heart while he was at a club, he saw someone going for his best friend and jumped in front of him. My brother is still not over it and the guy that did it is still not in Jail. Not right. That was in Miami, Fl.

Hug your loved ones when ever you can.
LK, I am gonna hug the heck outta ya, in a few weeks , so get ready.

So much love and support on this site. So much better than Facebook where you get judged if you post something that is read wrong.

Thanks for the pics, that quilt is something you will always cherish. It is so beautiful.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Debra, I am so ready for those HUGS! I can't wait to see you!

Let me know where to meet you!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Linda, how is Betty's grandson today?

God bless Nick. One much wiser than I said that there's no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend.

I'm not on Facebook so I'm very glad there are other options. I really like it HERE!!

Thanks, Debra. You are so right about the quilt. I never see it but what I smile and memories flow. :)

No doubt you two will have quite a hug fest.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Not for sure, she is on the way to see him now. She should be there any time now. Waiting on an update.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty posted a bit ago...

Got in to see him for few minutes, omg deathly white, swollen and very tired, kept thinking 'this is what he would look like if he were in a casket'. Now why on earth would I ever think such a thing.

Can't believe the incision, straight down and across

Was sleeping when I went in, didn't wake him
Dr. Came in and they will take off all equipment and out him in a regular room

Hard to understand

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

More updates from Betty.

Went to go in, had to leave, he's with a physiatrist right now, apparently because of being stabbed..that is a good thing
Who knows because of it he may get support

Noah said that he was driving home on machine and someone waved him over, he stopped and the guy started to pj ch him, so he thought, all of a sudden he realized the guy had a knife
And was hitting him

He tried to get to his machine and the guy took his keys and ran

Noah dialed 911 but couldn't couldnt talk

Noah managed to get to the road, wave a lady down in the car, she went right on buy, another car went by, by now Noah was in front , she locked her door, Noah said please help me, she said I'm scared and Noah said me too and fell
As he fell, Noah's phone rang, it was the police calling as 911 had alerted him

I got Noah upset, didn't mean to

Said Noah, God sure gave you a second chance at life
He said, I wasn't that hurt, he looked at me and said, tell me the truth grandma, could I have died..told him yes

He said he was mad, angry at the police officer for lying, police he said kept telling him 'you are ok and going to make it' why would he lie to me he kept saying

Doctors told Greg and Mel they have no idea how close to the heart the one knife cut was, no more than a hair

Read more:

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I suppose the police were trying to be encouraging. I think they are trained that way. It makes sense. Trying not to take away hope.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh man I have been away to long lots to catch up with. Just read about Bettys gson. So awful. What is up with people? So sad and unjust. Sure hope he is going to be okay. Very sad to read about these posts. Will never understand.

Not to take away from this but Fleetwood Mac was totally wonderful. Love, love, love that band. Especially Stevie Knicks. man they are so amazing to see in person. The crowd was so into the concert. So much fun. My hubby is so good to me. That was my bday and christmas presents. Love every minuet of it.

Debra,, when are you going to Texas? Are you driving? I need more info!! I want to go visit
Linda too!!!!

Had a very long exausting day yesterday. I took Ralph to work at 8 am and by 8 pm I had not finished all my errands! I am the proud owner of a new riding lawnmower, a new freezer, and a new wheel barrow!! So excited!! Now I just need gas and I can take my baby out for a spin! I can finally get some work sone here in my yard! I will be building a shed for my new lawnmower on Tuesday.
I completely gutted the kitchen yesterday to make room for the freezer and it is a mess still,, however I am happy with it, I will get pictures sometime this week if possible.

For any one who loves hostas,, Burt at touch of Nature is having a huge sale on some grat ones. I have gotten plants from him several times now and love the quality of them!!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Kris you are one very busy lady. Good for you on all your new purchases. We got one of those garden wagons last year and really like that too. Never thought I would use it as much as I do.

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