December: Tis the season!

Ripley, MS

The clot or mass as they mostly call it is old blood where she bled when she was given the pain block. They assume the body will eventually absorb it, but until it does the fluid is still not going to be able to"run its regular route" through her body, it can start accumulating again and then her brain will swell again. The shunt is a permanent fix to the temporary tube sticking out the left side of her head. My first ruptured disk I was told that eventually your body can absorb the material that came out of it and the pain will leave because it won't be hitting the nerve anymore. I asked how long and they could not answer me, maybe a year? Maybe more?? We really don't know?? I think I did tough one out while Jerry was out of insurance.
Hope this helps

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sort of! Are they still saying everything went the way it was supposed with the nerve block procedure and it was her body that had the strange reaction. Or since she has the blood clot could something have gone wrong with the procedure? What an ordeal poor Cayla has gone through!!!! I sure hope this gives her some relief. Are you saying it could be a year of more before she gets rid of the pain!!

I can't believe Christmas will be here next week! No one but Kristi has come up with anything they really want for Christmas. I bought the boys and Jeff a little something to be able to open but other than that everyone is getting a check! I think money is what they need the most. Justin's girlfriend's parents have a cabin at Lake Tahoe and he is going up with them the day I leave and will stay until the following Mon. Then he is going to visit his girlfriend at her college in Iowa during part of his Spring break. She is on a Softball and Honors scholarship and he will get to see her play in a tournament. Clint's girlfriend is at the same college as Jake which is fairly close to Santa Clara University so he spends a lot of his weekend visiting her. So they need money to fund their girlfriend trips! Jake depleted a lot of his funds this summer and needs to get his cash built back up.

I know Genna is frantic now with Kyle's wedding just 2 and 1/2 weeks away!

This message was edited Dec 16, 2014 9:03 PM

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes, Sandra, that mostly makes sense. I hate she will have to have a shunt, but I guess the hope is that one day, long-term, they might be able to take it out. So I guess when they gave her the nerve block, that mass of old blood is what is causing her the pain and it will eventually dissolve. But in the meantime, it will be causing her problems. I do hope this will give her some relief! Bless her, she has sure been through a tough time.

Yes, I can imagine Genna needs our prayers too for some calmness and serenity!

Charlotte, I forget when you said you were leaving. I hope you have your arrangements made for Richard now and that you're both happy with the person who will be sitting with him during the time you're gone.

I kwym about the gifts for kids, etc. We have been giving some small gift for ours (sometimes a joint gift) and then a check for a few years. Earl likes to give the boys a tool or some sort, and my DD usually has something or other she needs, but money is great. Now that the grands are getting older, they are getting to be the same way. But we still buy them a few things off their lists and then get them a Visa gift card or something. We helped our oldest grandson Parker a little bit with the truck Matt bought for him. He turns 16 in January and they wanted to go ahead and buy him a vehicle so he could be practicing on the one he will be driving. He was thrilled and told us we had 'helped enough' and we didn't need to get him anything for Christmas. So sweet that kid. Of course we will get him things! He works so hard and is very smart. Gets up and goes to football practice at 6 every morning, is an honor student, and just a great kid. Earl found a one-owner 2001 Toyota Forerunner that was in really excellent condition, new Michelin tires, some major things done on it at 130K miles and had 140k on it now. The leather seats were hardly worn except a little on the drivers seat. It was a great price and so we put some money down to hold it and Matt came up and bought it a couple of days later when he could get off work. Next up will be Mackenzie! I can't believe these kids are growing up!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I leave Tues morning. I will just be gone 4 days and 3 nights. The lady is coming over this afternoon to meet Richard and tour the house. She will be here from noon until 6 pm every day. Richard's daughter is less than 10 minutes away and will check on him after the lady leaves. He always sleeps late in the morning so he want be by himself but a few hours in the morning before she get here. I hope it all works out good too. I know I'm going to be doing this anytime I go somewhere overnight..

My grandsons couldn't think of anything they wanted this year!!! No list at all to choose things from. Like Kirist said opening presents this year is not going to be very exciting.
Elaine I feel the same way about helping them. They are all very good boys and make good grades in college and really have good heads on their shoulders. I try to help them as much as I can. Justin wrote me a thank you note for his graduation present and in it he told me how much he appreciated me always being so supportive of him. When they were younger I used to give them Visa cards but they all have checking accounts so I just give them checks now.

Justin is going to move off campus in the fall. A group of 12 of them are renting a house together. There is an unincorporated area adjacent to the college that is nothing but rental places for college students. The house they are renting will actually accommodate 14 but just 12 of them are renting it. It will be 6 girls and 6 boys. It's a two story house and the girls are going to take the upstairs for safety reasons. That way if any one tries to get in the house there will 6 boys they will have to go through first! Jeff said he didn't have any problem with the arrangement that they are all good kids and Justin has a very good head on his shoulders. They have all made friends this semester and all go to church together. His main concern was that one person didn't have to be responsible for the rent and then divide it up. But it turns out the rental agency will divide it up and collect from each kid.

Ripley, MS

I know my explanations are not very clear.

The pain is not coming from the mass--the pain is coming from the fluid and swelling of her brain. She got up the next morning with the pain pretty much gone,
While she has this temporary drain it is complicated to explain, but I will try.
The tube from her head is attached to an IV Pole, on the pole there is a piece of machinery that controls the removal of the fluid. Every time she sits up, lays down, or even moves the head of her bed, the ICU nurse has to come and adjust that piece of machinery. They way they set it is by--shutting it off, if she needs to go to the bathroom or anything that she will be moving quite a bit--or if she only wants to sit in the chair the nurse will stretch out a piece of regular old garden twine to her ear on the left side. The piece of twine has a carpenters level hanging on it, they check the level and when the bubble is right they look at a number on her moniter, then set the machine at the number it needs to be for it to work right.if it is not working right it will either pump too much or not enough, either way hurting her head, she is having trouble getting used to calling the nurse for help for every move now that she feels better. She was taking a pan bath yesterday and forgot and stood up. It dumped a lot of fluid and she ran into the wall. I think she will remember now. Bryan is with her but he is no help, the nurse has to tend to all that

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra thanks for the explanation. That sounds very complicated!!! Will they take all that out before they send her home?? If not, she's going to have to have something that can do all that. I'm so glad the pain is so much better. Praying that she can get this ordeal behind her soon!!

Ripley, MS

Yes, she can't leave the ICU until the temporary is out. The permanent one will be put in and then (as far as her neuro surgeon team ) she can go home the next morning.
It will drain into her tummy area and they said it would not cause any stomach problems. The most problems with a shunt is if it gets clogged for some reason and they have to clean it. I don't have any info on that yet. It will be hidden and run on the inside. They probably won't want her to stand on her head, but I think gravity will control the permanent one.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm assuming you mean on the inside of her clothes?? Or do you mean on the inside of her body? This all sounds very complicated!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Wow, Sandra. That is complex the way they have to do it in the ICU. I do understand better now. Thanks for the explanation.

Charlotte, that sounds like a great plan for Justin and his friends. The 7-10 year olds are still making lists. It was fun to talk with them at Thanksgiving about what they wanted for Christmas. They still have the excitement. It was like us going thru the old Sears catalogs, except now they have internet shopping, lol! One grandson, Evan (8), had his list made out and it was very specific. He was so funny. When I'd ask him a question, he's take my ipad, enter something and pull up the exact item he wanted and show it to me. He had it nailed! That works for me, so I took notes. Later we compare with the parents and other grandparents to make sure we're splitting up the lists.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Elaine that's exactly the way we've done shopping for the boys. They would make a list with the link to the item on the list and then email it to me and their mom. I would pick out what I wanted to buy and let Kristi know. Then I would order it and have it shipped to CA. For the first time this year there was no list from any of the 3!! Kristi helped me come up with a small gift to buy for Justin and Clint and I figured out something for Jake. I bought a package of Christmas money folder gift cards!!! Even Jeff just wants money. He wants money for art lessons. He is continuing to either take private lessons or go to an open class but said he has all the supplies he could possibly need! I'm so glad he has continued with his art.

Sandra still praying for Cayla. Hope she has a good day today.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Santa has to go get something for Ashley but we give money and it makes it so simple. I just ordered all the trays but haven't figured out where I'm gonna put them until Christmas picking them up the day before. My refrigerator in the office went out in July and I haven't even thought about replacing it. Now I need it.

I'm still putting my house back together from having the carpet shampooed Monday. Crazy, right!!! I have the outside lights up and the tree and it's some what decorated. I hope to work on the son room today. It looks like a bomb went off with everything out of place except the pool table and large Christmas tubs pulled out in addition to the rest. There has been a smell in there since I got back from NY but I haven't located it yet either. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it!!!

I am so thankful that Cayla got into Vanderbilt hospital. I am also furious with those other doctors for not doing more for her in the last 7 weeks. The 1st thing a patient is entitled to is NO PAIN!!! My teeth clinch everything I thing about this. They could have caused her permanent damage and some of that is yet to be seen I guess. Enough of that from me I guess, I'll just finish with thank you God from the bottom of my heart that these Drs. have helped her and relieved some of the pain. Sandra, my dear friend, please take care of yourself!!! HUGS!

Ripley, MS

They will be coming any minute to take her for the lung procedure, we are texting while waiting, it was scheduled for 11am Central time
She said an ICU nurse would be going to surgery with her to deal with the tube.

Charlotte the shunt will all be inside the body. Tis is a common procedure for what people used to call water head babies, and also trama patients with head injuries. Cayla went to school with a boy who had a shunt. I think he had a problem with seizures was why he had one.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri I'm like you, I can't believe her other doctors went 7 weeks without doing anything!!! Praying all goes well with the lung procedure.

Ripley, MS

Yes, I was just this morning thinking about how cruel that nurse prac was to her at Semmes Murphy and the doc wasn't any more help, but at least he was a little bit kinder to her

Charlotte I googled for this
The hair behind your ear will be shaved in preparation for shunting, as this is the area in which the catheters are inserted. Catheters are thin, flexible tubes used to drain excess fluid. A surgeon will make a tiny incision behind the ear and will also drill a small hole in the skull. One catheter is threaded into the brain through this opening. The other catheter is subcutaneous, meaning it is placed under the skin behind your ear. This tube is snaked down to your chest and abdomen, allowing excess CSF to drain into the abdominal cavity, where your body absorbs it. Your surgeon will attach a tiny pump to both catheters and place it under the skin behind your ear. The pump will automatically activate to remove fluid when pressure in the skull increases. The pump, also called a valve, may be programmable to activate when the fluid increases to a predetermined volume.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Someone other than a nurse praticioner should have been treating her. I understand what you're talking about now Sandra. Both times I had ear surgery they took a piece of bone out of the area you're talking about and used it to replace the stapes in my ear.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Whoo! that is really something about everything Cayla has to go through with that temporary shunt in her head! Also, just reading about the permanent shunt has me shaking my head in wonder. Thank God for all the medical procedures the doctors are able to do nowadays!
I, too, am totally incensed about Cayla having to suffer the way she has for the last several weeks! GRRRRRR! Thankfully, the Lord guided Dr. Lori into telling Bryan to take Cayla to the ER at the hospital there in Nashville. The Lord knew where the doctors were who could and would help Cayla!

Sandra, how are you doing with little Eli? He is surely missing his mother and wondering where she and Bryan are?

Can one of you ladies who have an Ipad tell me how I can use my hard keyboard that is part of the cover I bought for my Ipad? It worked at first and then all of a sudden the keyboard on the Ipad itself just popped up and I can't get the hard keyboard to work. I charged it up, too, once I realized it had to be charged. The Geeks at Best Buy never told me that the keyboard had to be charged and didn't point out that the charging wire was in the box. Duh! GRRRR! Sometimes I think those Geeks assume their customers automatically know all that stuff!!! :(((

Well, I need to get busy. I have several loaves of pumpkin bread to make to give as gifts to various folks. I'll be baking all morning! :)

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Did it get cut off Marilyn. Some times when it goes completely dead the keyboard cuts itself off. Check the switch.

Ripley, MS

I don't have a keyboard for mine Marilyn, I just use the pop up one

18Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;

19To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.

20Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.

21For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.

22Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.

I am claiming these verses from Psalms 33 today. Jerry has already called me, we are both frustrated we can't be with her today. He has his phone in his pocket, it usually stays in the car.
Eli and I are making it fine, I have the laundry all done, the house is clean, his closet organized, you can tell I am trying to stay busy, right now, he is snuggled next to me on the couch and has his "sprout tablet" I bought for him about a month ago. He is so precious and he loves electronics, just like his Granny ! I have talked to Cayla this morning and she seems pretty calm so far, they would not give them a time expectation as they told her every case is different and they cannot give an estimation.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Praying for Caula and all of you. I know you all are flustrated that you can't be with her! Eli as you know really needs you right now too.

I don't have a key board for my iPad either. I'm just use the pop up one also. Like to keep it as compact as possible. I just have the magnetic flip over cover for mine.

Ripley, MS

Cayla is coming home !!!! Praise God !!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Praise God, indeed!!! What is the next steps for her complete recovery?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Wonderful news!!! I have the same question as Jeri!

Ripley, MS

This is all I know until they get here
She does not need any farther physical therapy
She cannot lift more than 10 pounds

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

That is so great to hear, Sandra! I know the whole family is happy she's home and on the mend. I hope and pray she is not having much, if any, pain now. I'm assuming the 'no lifting over 10 pounds' is due to the surgeries and the recent shunt implant.

Well, our Living Christmas Tree is done for the year, and we are 'done' as well. It is a tiring weekend, and we never get much done except on Saturday morning and early afternoon. I ran a 5k race Saturday morning with my daughter and grand-daughter. It was fun as almost everyone dresses up for Christmas in crazy outfits, hats, tights or shirts. It's called the Rudolph Run. We were finished and out of there by 9 so I went home, wrapped the rest of my Christmas gifts and did some other things around the house.

Matt & Jennie and the kids are coming tonight for dinner and gift-opening. They are heading to NYC Christmas afternoon with another couple and their kids for a few days. They take the train from Birmingham. Puts them out right at Penn Station. This is what the kids wanted to do for Christmas they enjoyed it so much when they did it about 3 years ago. So I'm working til about 2 this afternoon then taking off to get the rest of dinner ready. We're having bbq (Earl picking it up today) and I came home last night and fixed sides that are ready to put in the oven. I had to make it easy because not a lot of time today! This was sort of short notice too!

Hope y'all have a good week. And hope you all are ready for whatever Santa brings you this week! Stay stress-free y'all!! And if you're traveling, stay safe and keep our loved ones safe too! Charlotte, I know you leave tomorrow. Have fun too!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

That sounds like music to my ears, Sandra. Shouldn't be too hard to not pick up over 10 lbs. I know Eli weighs more than that but she can sit down and he can crawl into her lap. Tell her not to try taking wet clothes out of the washer but those will probably be the hardest 2 things for her not to do. I'm still praying for Yall. I'm sure it will be a little surreal for a while.

We really enjoyed Aladdin while we were in NYC. The Jeannie was the entire show as far as I was concerned, he just made the show. The architecture was my next favorite thing. The old buildings have such a personally to them and the stone cravings…OMG!!! I know they are gonna have a great trip. The New Year's crystal ball was already lit up and ready to go for the big day. They had 2 nights of riots while we were there and it never effected us and we were only about 8 blocks from there. Our roommates were at Time Square the 1st night and some how Spirit of America knew they were there and contacted them to get out.

I've got all the trays ordered and will pick them up later this week. I'm still trying to straightened the Sonroom up from where we had the carpet shampooed last week. This house is just too big!!!!

Genna how are you doing with the last minute arrangements for the wedding? You have been in my thoughts lately…I remember how those days were before Jimmy's wedding and I don't envy you!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Elaine while it was tiring I know you all enjoyed the Living Christmas.

I'm trying to get everything ready today to leave in the morning. I'm in pretty good shape but have a few last minute errands to run. I am pleased with the lady Visiting Angels is sending to take care of Richard. Hope he likes her ok. His daughter lives close by and will also be checking on him.

Jeri I think the more space you have the more "stuff" you get spread out everywhere. I've got stuff all over the floor of my sunroom right now. Seems I think I'll just stick this here until I find a place for it.

Sandra I know Cayla is so glad to be home!!! She will have to be careful lifting things. It doesn't take much for it to weigh 10 lbs. I think a gallon of milk weighs around 7 lbs.

I bet Genna is really busy right now. I'm sure glad that when Jeff got married they didn't do all the theme stuff. I just had the rehearsal dinner in a private room at a nice restaurant. All I had to do was determine the menu and they cooked and served it. I also had a permanent arrangement made for the table that Kristi could use later in their home. She told me the colors she wanted and I had it made at a florist. All I had to do was sit it on the table! LOL

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Stress???? what's that???? she said, babbling!!! ROFL

I had a wonderful but, at times, stressful week-end, driving about 500 miles to see various family members. All's well that ends well, though, and it all worked out. It was good to see everyone but next year I think I will stay home and let them come see me!! :D We still have more traveling to do--To Branson to my daughter's on Christmas Eve day and then to St. Louis on Christmas Day to see Al's sister and her family and then to see his grown grand-daughters and the little great-grand-daughters.

While I was at my sister's house in Little Rock over the week-end, her grand-daughter who is a college student came in. I asked her if she knew anything about Ipads. She said yes so I showed her my Ipad and within 5 minutes she had my hard keyboard working!! LOL I knew if I could find a young person that they would be able to get it working.

Sandra, you know I have commented on another forum about Cayla but I will just say I am so happy that everything appears to be improving for her and for Bryan and the rest of you! Prayer changes things! :)

I probably won't be back on here until after this next week-end so I'll just say now that I hope all you ladies have a beautifully blessed Christmas!! Hugs all around!

Ripley, MS

Christmas Blessings to all of you too.

Cayla is still very nauseous and having some headaches, but she was told to expect this. Her eyes are also very light sensitive, also expected.
I will be going home tomorrow, Bryan's sister is coming in for the holidays for 2 weeks, so if they need help Jana will have a backup to help her. I told Bryan if he wants to go back to work after New Years, I will come back. He wants to stay with her and take care of her himself. So we will see.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello All! Had a few momemtns and thought I would try to catch up. I have been following Cayla/ Sandra by text messages - but haven't had a lot of time to be on Daves. I THINK I am getting close to getting everything lined out - although I still don't have my EXACT plans for the grooms table. I am baking pies and we have considered using a pie safe next to the table - and a friend has 3 I can chose from to use, but we are concerned about having room to haul it in the suburban with everything else that has to go. Then we considered using a box similar to a display in a restaurant with layers of pies, but Jess was concerned about all the weight being in one spot on the table. We have also considered just displaying 3 - 5 pies and then the slices, and having the remaining pies out of site being brought in a few at a time by the servers. I HOPE to have a firm decision tonight! We spent all day Friday moving Jessica and Kyle out of their apartments and into the new ones. Kyle and Jess were both upstairs and Jessica moved back in to an upstairs. THANK GOODNESS Kyle and Maddie's is on the bottom floor now! We won't have to move Jess for another year and a half, but Kyle and Maddie will move in May. Saturday we drove to NLR to pick up their mattress and foundation that we had purchased back in September and took it back by the apartment.

I don't know if you all have heard but we had a horrible murder in our little town last Friday as well. A local grocery store manager was robbed about 5:30 that afternoon. He gave the guy the money will no argument but the guy shot him in the chest and killed him. It was just about 50 yards from the Merle Norman shop where Jessica works. I am SOOO thankful she was not there that day!!! The shopping center is one of the epicenters of with a bank, several shops, pizza hut , popular fish resturant, etc. There were lots of people in the area and I have been there myself more times than I can count at that time of the evening. It really had everyone reeling. They did find the guy who they believe are responsible and he is a senior at Harmony Grove High School - a 19 yr old guy. Jessica remembered having a class with him her senior year when she had to pick up Physical science because they missed a science credit on her transcript. She was in there with all freshmen...... It has really devastated our community and now because the young man arrested in black and the man shot was white - some people are starting racial comments. Just please keep our little town in your prayers. The family of the shooter and the family of the victim both need our prayers during this difficult time.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm at the airport waiting on my flight to CA. Some how I have reached TSA pre approved status! Age ??? Don't know but I was pre approved when I went out in June also. Sure makes flying easier. No don't have to take any thing off or take anything out of my bags. I'm on a direct flight today with one stop in Phoenix so it should be an easy flight.

Sandra I know you will be glad to get back home. Hopefully Cayla will get back to normal soon.

Marilyn I did exactly that when my psrents moved to Houston. Mother always wanted us to come to her house on Christmas. After one Christmas in Houston I told my family I we would be home on Christmad and everybody was welcome to come. For over 20 years that's exactly what they did.

Genna that's terrible about the murder. I read about it. Crime has just gotten out of control! We ate at Dixie Cafe last night and when we left the service station across from Chili's had cops everywhere and the whole station was taped off. Turned out they were robbed but no one hurt.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

That's great Charlotte. By the time you read this you'll be halfway to California but have fun! You should apply asap for the TSA Pre-check. I read the other day that TSA will be clamping down on how many applicants they accept in a few months. It's $85 and good for 5 years. I have the Global Entry and it is about the same but also good for international travel and reentry, so I don't have to stand in line when coming back thru customs. AMEX also refunded the $100 fee, so that was a good deal. But it's a little more complex to get.

Sandra, so glad Cayla is home and doing well. I'm sure she will continue to improve. I do hope she remains pain free. Will be thinking of you all over the Christmas holidays.

Genna, so good to hear from you and glad you are remaining sane! So sorry to hear about the murder in your town. It does seem like crime has just gone wild everywhere lately. One of the 'Tree' singers is a local circuit judge. He and Earl are friends and I know his wife pretty well. He told Earl last week that he was 'packing' a small revolver most days now. Pretty sad, but given the kinds of cases he hears, I don't really blame him. Earl told him he should consider wearing a protective vest, and it got him to thinking about that too. They are really improved and lighter weight than they used to be, so Earl's going to help him find one.

We had our youngest Matt and his family last night. Plus Meredith came out after work and fixed a plate. I picked up Mackenzie after work so we had 4 of the 6 grandkids, so the cousins could get together. It was a really great evening of food, opening presents and just talking. The kids really liked everything and had fun talking about football and soccer (the oldest ones). When Meredith got there, she and Jennie talked about nursing stuff, so that was a great evening IMO. Tomorrow we will see Chris and Heather and their 2. Then Christmas day we will spend at Meredith's with her and Mackenzie for the afternoon. Then I'm going to collapse and not do anything Friday. Whew!

Ripley, MS

I'm with you Elaine, ready for a collapse day! I am home and Jerry is down the hill at his Moms for his 2 days off. I will be cooking for the 3 of us tomorrow, if Cayla thinks she is up to it we are all going to Amanda's Sat. If not we will get together New Year's Day. We will decide for sure before Santa comes tomorrow night !!!!!
Jerry has to work this Friday, but will have the next one off. They are making them use a vacation day for that Friday since their vacation days refill on the 1st of Jan

Charlotte, I surely hope you have landed safely. I agree about the crime. Ben bought himself and Amanda a glock. Amanda has to learn how to use hers, in the meantime she is keeping the gun locked up in one room and the ammo in another for safety sake !!
When we were in Nashville last Sunday, we left the hospital to get Jana and Eli into the hotel room. There were lots of blue light going and when we got back there was a whole line of cop cars on both sides of the street at the main entrance and the ER entrance. Jerry had to sleep in the waiting room that night as only 1 can stay in ICU after 9pm. He heard on the news that a young boy, I think he said 16 had robbed a store and then barracaided himself in a bathroom on the same street as the hospital, he had shot a cop and the swat team went in and killed him.
Jerry also had to throw away his pocket knife to get through the security when we first got there at the ER. They would not even hold it for him, told him he would have to take it back to the car. He just tossed it rather than walk all the way back to the car. It was just a cheap one, not one of his Case knives.
Bryan put up the tree yesterday and Eli was loving it, he was playing on his sprout tablet sitting by it. We also had to watch him me kept trying to get into the branches.

Thumbnail by slcdms
Ripley, MS

Oops, clicked on the blurry one, I think this one is better
He really loves his sprout tablet !

Thumbnail by slcdms Thumbnail by slcdms
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Well let me be the 1st to tell you that you deserve a collapse day, Elaine & Sandra!! So glad that Cayla is doing better.

Elaine your grands have all grown up!! Glad Yall survived the Living Christmas Tree. I would to attend Yall's one year.

Charlotte I hope you had an uneventful trip and enjoy yourself while there. You deserve a break too. Heck, now that I have thought about it more we all deserve a break.

I wish Yall all a Merry Christmas!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I did have a very easy flight. I hope I'm gong back before the big rush hits. I go back Fri and I'm thinking Sat and Sun may be the heavier travel days. At least I hope.

I had a full day yesterday. We went straight into the city and didn't get home until 11 then I had Justin take me to the grocery store. Justin wanted me to meet his girlfriend and wanted me to cook breakfast for her so we could talk. He picked out the menu. Coffee cake, sausage and eggs. I really like his girlfriend. I met Clint's girlfriend in June, they all go to the same church. So all three families are going to the same service tonight and we are all going to sit together. I think there will be 20 or so of us!! They had all known each other from church for a long time before they actually started dating.

Yes Jeri we all do need a break!

Elaine I have several friends that have concealed gun permits and "pack". I'm personally not comfortable with them. Just never been around guns.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Merry Cristmas! We are wating on the boys to get up. They were.really tired when they went to bed late last night. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Merry Christmas!!! Glad to see you posting Crissy. Hope you are doing well!!!

Charlotte tis the season to be exhausted!!! LOL!!!

Our group spent the night and they were up at 6:00 AM!! It's been a long wonderful exhausting day here!!! I certainly made out like a bandit this year and am very thankful!!! Hope everyone did as well!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Amazingly my flight back was all right on schedule! No problems at all!
I really enjoyed my visit but I was glad to get back home into my routine. Everything went great with the lady I had from Visiting Angels. Richard really liked her!! He said she did everything right!

I am so proud of my grandsons. Jeff and Kristi have done such a good job raising them. They are so responsible and have such good heads on their shoulders. I just sit in awe of the young men they have become. Their girlfriends are also outstanding young ladies. Good christian girls that are so polite and thoughtful. Breakfast with Justin's girlfriend went great. I've always fixed breakfast for them when I visit and he wanted to share that experience with his girlfriend. Kristi asked me later if I had any idea what a compliment Justin had payed me. Clint's girlfriend was over for a few minutes late Christmas eve to pick up her gift for her mother from him. He is working at the Pottery Barn during Christmas break and gets a discount. She had asked him to pick up something from the Pottery Barn for her mother. One of the reasons Clint was so tired is he worked the day before we went into the city (the day I got there) and then Christmas eve he worked from 7 am til 2 pm. We didn't get home until after 11 from the city and he had to be up by 6 the next morning. They love him at work and gave him another raise at the start of Christmas break. It's also amazing what changes girls can make in them! Before I got there Justin took his girlfriend into San Francisco to a theater to see the Nutcracker. Kristi reminded him that when she took them all a number of years ago he considered it cruel and unusual punishment!!! LOL Clint is taking his girlfriend to some theater production the first part of Jan in San Jose as part of her Christmas present. These are places were they both get all dressed up.

I think it rained here most of the time I was gone and it's still raining. But the good news is it's warm. It's been in the high to mid forties.

Ripley, MS

Glad you got home easy, Charlotte and I am surely glad Richard liked his caregiver maybe you can use her again when you need help.
You boys have certainly grown into wonderful young men ! It is hard
watching them struggle through teen years, but oh how they blossom after that !

We had a wonderful get together at Amanda's last night, all the kids, hubbies and grands were there !

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