December: Tis the season!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hello everyone!!! I'm so glad that Yall had such a nice Christmas. Jim has been home for the last week and TG I was a head of schedule b/c once he arrived I might as well have chunked the list. LOL!!!

It rained all day yesterday and 1/2 a day Friday. The back pasture is slushy. Today is overcast and a chilly 55. Church was packed though!!! I think next week they are gonna announce that the church is expanding. They started draining the big pond in the back to make more parking.

I ordered some herbs just now to start off my 2015 gardening attempt. LOL!!! Have any of you been bitten yet?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra I'm glad all of you including Cayla were able to get together!!

Jeri it's still cloudy and damp here. I have a pink Carmelia that is blooming. I also noticed some Sweet William blooming!!! But I've not been bitten yet!! The next thing I will need to do is get all the pine straw in the back racked into the beds. I also need to cut some dead stuff back that looks really bad. I don't cut it all back but some things just look too bad.

I've got to get with getting my garage in order and painting some big pieces to take to the mall. I've given myself a little break and that break is about to have to end!!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I know. I think I've forgotten how to work. LOL!!! I keep having flashes in regards to things that I need to do for taxes but so far I'm enjoying myself.

Ripley, MS

Jeri I know what a mess I will have with hardly any fall clean up so I am not looking forward to that, but I am looking forward to spring !

St. Simon's Island, GA(Zone 9a)

I'm contemplating my veggie garden, about ready to start my seeds inside in the next couple of weeks. I need to trim the roses in the next few weeks, and do some weed pulling. I also ordered my caladium bulbs, to be delivered the middle of March.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I have to share one of the best gifts that the girls got for Christmas. Jimmy had pictures of Santa delivering their gifts in the LR. They were very impressed. What do Yall think?

Thumbnail by jeri11 Thumbnail by jeri11
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Jeri, that's great! I'm a believer!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday. I was worn out. I usually use the days after Christmas to clean house, closets, re-organize, tec. Well, I have done some of that, but not a whole lot. Last Friday I cleaned the floors and then did that collapse thing.

Got the decorations put away except for outside and it was wet yesterday so they need to dry, took ornaments off the tree and they are boxed up but the tree is still up. Earl will get that down today. We needed to get new passports, so we got our photos yesterday and have the applications ready to go to the post office. Needed a new rug for the study, so have been rug shopping and ordered one yesterday.

I am off work all week and do plan to just enjoy it.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sounds like you all had a good Christmas visiting with family or having them to your place! We got back from St. Louis on Saturday afternoon around 4 p.m. After unloading the car and putting things away, I started on the laundry! LOL On Sunday after church I undecorated the tree. It took me 3 hours to put all the ornaments away. I'm leaving up the lighted garland on the banister of the front porch until New Year's Day along with the small fiber-optic tree on the table on the porch and the wreath beside the front door.

It is cold here--in the 30's today with a wind chill factor making it feel like it is in the 20's. The sun is shining, though, so that is something to be thankful for as we have seen the sun very little in December. :( The weather folk are saying we will get some kind of frozen precipitation this week-end. I'm not looking forward to that.

I posted a bunch of photos on Facebook so I won't re-post them here as I believe you are all on Facebook, too. You ladies have a good New Year's Eve. We will most likely celebrate by going to bed at 9:30 p.m. ROFL That is our usual bedtime and I don't think we will vary from it on New Year's Eve. :D

Time to make some breakfast. TTYL

Oh, I forgot to say that I ordered a catalog from Baker Creek today. They sell heritage seeds--both veggie seeds and flower seeds--and they are all non-GMO seeds. Like the rest of you, I am ready for spring to get here! LOL

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Quite a haul there Jeri!! I bet they were thrilled to actually have Santa deliver. Richard used to rent a Santa suit at Christmas. It did it for a number of years and really enjoyed doing it. It started when I had the store and he would play Santa for the kids. Then Sarah when was little he would go over to his daughters house for an appearance. We had small kids in our cul de sac and he would also make an appearance at their houses. He loved doing it but everyone grew up!

No decorations to put up except a few nutcrackers! I straightened up my house pretty good before Christmas since I was going to be gone and people in and out of my house. The lady did a good job of keeping everything picked up and the floors cleaned. She also dusted everything really good. But I have a lot of work I need to do on organizing closets and pulling out things that need to be donated.

I've got to get back to painting furniture also. I had a really good Nov and Dec. I had a goal for sales for the year and I was able to exceed my goal. I'm setting an even higher one for 2015 so I'm going to have to really hustle this year! LOL I sell a lot of furniture but my new accessories make up a big part of my sales - more than half. I just placed a big order to replenish what I sold in Dec. I like to go to market to just see the trends etc. But I do best working from the online catalogs. I will spend 5 or 6 hours on one order. I really study all the items and then make selections and then revisit it all again.

I've got to spend New Year's day making soap. I sold tons of soap for Christmas. I've developed a following at the booth and have a lot of regular customers plus those that were picking up Christmas gifts. Of course my regulars were also picking up Christmas gifts.

The sun is shining today! So glad to see it as it has been cloudy and overcast for the last several weeks. It's supposed to be 23 tonight but the day time temperature will be in the forties. It's going to be around 30 at night for the next week but in the forties during the day. I can handle that.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Santa really wasn't here. Jimmy took a picture of the living room and then added the Santa to the picture. It was a thing on the internet and he paid $4.00 for the 2 pictures. He told the girls that he took the camera out of his patrol car and set it up in the LR and caught Santa in action. They loved it!!! LOL!!! Who wouldn't???

Sounds like there is no rest for the weary at Yall's place. I have gotten all the presents put away which was no small feat but haven't started on the decorations. Jim is leaving some time Thursday so I guess that is when I'll start to take everything apart.

Marilyn I enjoyed all the pictures that you posted on FB. That is sure a journey to get around to all the households in Yall's family!!! Seems like Christmas has gotten so complicated the older we get instead of easier!!!

I'm trying to get my attic steps changed out b/c after 35 years they broke. I bought an aluminum set about 3 months ago and couldn't get them installed until now. The new set was left under the motorhome port since Jim has it in Texas and the wood has molded so now Jimmy has run back to Home Depot to pick up another set and I'm just out almost $300.00 for the other set.

Ripley, MS

I came home from the doc today and had my little "collapse", i put away what groceries I bought and put my PJ's on and went to bed, slept about 3 hours ! Then I got up and start4ed throwing away trash, boxes from our gifts and stuff like that.
Tomorrow the girls come to spend time with me, Molly is coming too so girl party time ! Jerry has to stay with his Mom until Sat starting at noon tomorrow, so pizza and ice cream is going to be the menu here!!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I have some vanilla if anybody is interested for their menu?? Sorry!! Couldn't resist!!!

Ripley, MS

LOL ~~ Now Jeri, you know my girls are all under 18 !!! But Charity turned 15 on the 22nd, Faith is 14, Molly is 9 They are growing up way too fast!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I know my friend!!! They don't stand still!!! Wish my plants grew as well.

Ripley, MS

My weeds do !!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I know you will really enjoy all of them but you will be ready for another "collapse" after the party!! I've been in a do nothing mood this week! Gotta get out of that mood!!! The week between Christmas and New Years is always a strange one to me. Sort of like in limbo. I'll be ready to go Jan 2!

You've never going to live the vanilla down Sandra!!! LOL

Ripley, MS

Never, ever-----I will never forget how bad it burned either !

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

It was one of those priceless moments!!!

I have to agree Sandra!!! My weeds grow like that too!!!

Charlotte, I feel the same way about this week. The excitement is over from Christmas and it's too early to for the New Year excitement!!! It's blah at the least with this cold weather!!!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Vanilla!!! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! thanks for reminding us, Jeri! LOL

Yep, for me, this week has been one of doing pretty much nothing except I have kept up with the laundry. Other than that, Laddy and I have spent most of our time in my chair by the fire. Our temps have been cold this week--I don't think it made it to 32F today. :( It's been good to stay warm and cozy by the fire.

I've been looking at photos I took of my flower beds and pretty blooms this past year. It gives me hope for the blooms that will start appearing in the spring and continue on through the summer and even into the fall.

We are spending a quiet evening by the fire so I will go ahead and start a new thread for the New Year! Be back in a minute with the new thread.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Here is our new thread for the NEW YEAR! Join us over here to begin our chatting for 2015:


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