December: Tis the season!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra just wanted to share the following with you. It is a post was made by a friend of mines friend. I just happened to notice it when my friend commented on it. They live in north Louisiana.
So proud of my daughter in law and son (Cheryl and Casey Savage) for being the great advocates for Chase that they have been for the past 13 years. It would have been much easier to take the easy way out, label him as autistic and just accept things as they were. Instead, they insisted he participate in life! Many situations were very difficult and those early years were really tough....Bethany has the battle scars to prove it. And what a great sister she is...loves him with her every ounce, guides and protects and tries her best to keep him in line. God certainly had a plan when he paired this set of twins.
Because of the grace of God, devoted parents and sister, THE best therapists and school, understanding friends and church family, Chase is one happy, delightful boy that considers everyone his friend and continues to amaze and bless us.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Just grinning here, Sandra! So glad Cayla will be going to Vanderbilt!! That is a real Christmas gift IMO. I have been wondering if the lesions they saw on the MRI were a result of the problem she had as a result of the anesthesia or were there previously? And wonder if they will be able to tell?

Ripley, MS

Everything is a mystery as far as the MRI, even the doctor said it was just highly irregular. I know she had an MRI of her hip, but I don't know that she has ever had one of the spine. They went to Memphis and got all her records from there and it seems we were "misinformed" of the test they did the day it happened. There is no MRI of her brain, only a CT scan. There is no MRI of her total spine, just one of her lower back.
We have to keep in mind that these MRI's (the new ones) were made and read there in Ripley where she lives. The hospital there is very small and the day Eli busted his head, Bryan took him to the next town over because he didn't trust them to take care of him at Ripley. I am not saying they are wrong, I am just trying to be open minded until she gets to Vanderbilt.

Yes, Cayla is a wonderful Mother and Bryan is a wonderful Daddy. They are just great parents and take very good care of Eli.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm glad that Cayla gets to see the Dr. at Vanderbilt on the 22nd. I'm praying they can help her. I can't imagine what she has been through!!!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Just catching up still have no wi-if internet just my cell phone service. The only choice we have is Sattilite and to get enough service to watch Netflix or YouTube ( the grands) the service is outrageous. Just haven't settled on which way to go yet. We have no cable lines where I live.

Anyway wonderful news about Vanderbilt, Sandra. So glad she is going to get some help.

Genna hope y'all have a wonderful wedding

Happy Birthday Marilyn and you will love your iPad.

Charlotte have a great trip and I hope all goes well with Richard.

No decorations at my house . I am not having Christmas Eve for the first time in about 40 yrs. passing it the Josh this year. I put up the tree but never decorated it since we decided to do Christmas at the camp after Christmas with the kids and grands. I Did put up our small tree with the shotgun shells lights up over here this weekend. most of the presents are wrapped and under the tree. Have a few ordered that haven't come in yet. I know I should buy local but I just cannot go from store to store hunting anymore. I did buy a few things locally.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and may you all be blessed with good health. We have all had the upper respiratory crud here but Ashley and Audrey have a serious case of the flu and John Paul has pneumonia. Yesterday was my first day out in a week and they have been in for 10 days. Please pray they are on the mend. John Paul was told a month ago he had mono but even then he had a high fever. He just kept getting more lethargic so she took him back and he had pneumonia. Can you believe two weeks ago he fought his first MMA bout in the La. state championship tournament in New Orleans and took 3rd in his division . They did not know he was this sick or would have never let him compete. Kids can be so tough. Thank goodness full contact is not allowed just grappling, he is only six.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra just posted on FB that Cayla took a turn for the worse and they have taken her to Vanderbilt. Praying all goes well for her.

My son is here now. He is flying back tomorrow. He had a meeting in Monroe yesterday afternoon. So he flew in here Wed about 5 pm and spent Wed night and then drove to Monroe and back yesterday. We got to spent the day together today and he is flying out at 12: 20 pm tomorrow. Always nice to have a one on one visit.

Cindy I hope you and all the kids get well soon. Yes kids are so tough. Hopefully he will bounce back quickly. We have missed all the crud going around.

Things change and move on. I used to be the one that always had the family get togethers but haven't had one in quite some time now. For some reason I decided not to put up a tree one year and discovered it was so much easier without it. I haven't put one up in several years. I decorated my mantel and bought out my Santas and Angels for several years. Now I don't even do that. I did make a centerpiece for a table in the sun room. That's it.

Cindy hope you can figure out something for your internet. You are so close to everything but I guess in such an isolated spot there is no reason to bring service out to you. Do you think they will ever replace whatever was blown over that disrupted your service.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra just posted that Cayla is at Vanderbilt ER and is in a great deal of pain.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Charlotte we crossed posted. I'm glad you have gotten this time with Jeff!!! What a special present that was.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm behind again but I have been keeping up with Sandrà and Cayla on other forums. Sandra is back at Cayla's house to take care of Eli while Cayla and Bryan are at the hospital in Nashville. I certainly hope they can find an answer for Cayla's medical issues !

Al and I went over to Branson this last Tuesday to celebrate my and my daughter's birthdays. Her birthday is Dec 6th. Mine is the 8th. We all went to see the performance by the group called SIX. they are six brothers who sing together and they put on an excellent show! We all really enjoyed it and afterwards had supper at Red Lobster. Yum!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Sandra text me earlier Today

The neurosurgeon said she needs to have a hole drilled in her skull she has too much pressure on her brain. He left them for them to think about it. She asked if it would go away on its on and he said it is possible but not probable.

Please pray that Cayla makes the best decision and the the mighty Surgeon has his hand covering this if they do drill. I ask her did she know the risk and she did not

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Sandra and Amanda are about 20 miles from Nashville. Cayla will not do anything until they arrive . They did new tests but she doesn't know the results. Controlling her pain with meds so she is not focusing very well right now.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Cindy thank you for letting us know what's going on. I'm also praying that Cayla will make the best decision and that God will guide the surgeons hand if that is the decision she makes. I imagine Sandra and Amanda are in Nashville by now. I know you will let us know if you hear anything further.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Sandra is there no results yet Cayla is in a lot of pain . She is still in the er room they put her in last night. She said they are running at 103%

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

OK Cindy, sorry, I don't understand what is at 103%?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri I don't understand that either. Also just noticed on FB that Sandra said the same thing. 103%?????

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

God knows even if we don't and I pray that he will just give her some relief!!!

Ripley, MS

They are 3% over maximum capacity. Amanda and Jerry have gone to put our stuff in a hotel 2 blocks from here and get some food. They gave Cayla her regular medicine for the first time in over 24 hours, the nurse turned out the light and shut the door and they are both sound asleep now.
I am sitting in the ER waiting room and looking MEAN so no one will sit by me !!!!
When they come back we will see if Bryan wants to get a shower and leave me with Cayla. Amanda is having fits about being in this waiting room afraid I will catch everything coming in, but I can't go yet.
The new MRI they made last night showed NO mass on her brain, only fluid and swelling. We are thankful about that, they still haven't taken her for the spinal MRI yet, when they do and it comes back the doctors will then decide which part of the hospital she needs to be admitted to, that is why they have just kept her in the ER.
You don't know how much your prayers are holding me together
I love you all

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Praise God no mass now to get the swelling down and get that child some relief from all the pain.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

So thankful it shows no mass!!!! Hope they get the results of the spinal MRI soon and get things on the way to getting her relief! Keep giving those mean looks and keep those people away from you Sandra!!! I know you all are just exhausted and running on sheer adrenalin.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra that is the best news yet!!! Praise God!!! You aren't gonna do anybody any good if you don't get some rest yourself!!! Please watch over my friend and give her what she needs!!! Love you too!!!

Ripley, MS

God will provide, He has never let us down before and I see no reason why He would now, we have Bryan at the hotel now getting a shower and when he gets back I will go there and lay down, I don't know about sleep, but I will lay down. I told Bryan to sleep if he wanted but he will probably not do that, the next MRI is at midnight

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Amen to that Sandra.hope you are able to get some well deserved rejuvenating sleep ,so you can be ready for all that may be ahead of you the next few days. Lifting you all up in prayer this morning. Sending you a great big hug of Love.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm gonna ask for a prayer request from our church for Cayla and your entire family. I know it will help. I hope you got some rest and then you'll be better equipped to deal with what's next. Listen to Amanda!!! She seems to have a good head on her.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra hope you were able to get some sleep last night. Praying for all of you. Love you Sandra!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Sandra, I know it isn't the best for you!, Bryan and Amanda, but the ER is probably the best place for Amanda right now until they get all her results. My DD is an ER nurse and they really do take good care of patients like Cayla there. I hope by now she is in a regular room and y'all have gotten a little rest, but I know that won't really happen until you truly know she is resting and has some relief too. May God you in his hands, as we know He will, and comfort you. And may Cayla's pain be relieved soon. Sending hugs and prayers.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

this is a copy of a text I received from Sandra at 1:08 p.m. today:
""The two hour procedure to drain fluid from Cayla's brain is going to be done TODAY as soon as they get an empty room in ICU for her to go after the surgery. She has a blood clot in the bony part of her spine that "probably" was caused by the procedure in Memphis--the fluid is life threatening and has to be done ASAP--and they need more information to make more decisions about a few other things they have found--please beg God for a good outcome."

I should have posted this here earlier but I was posting it on other forums and just failed to come over here to post. Some of you may also have received the same posts. I haven't heard anything else from her since that time. I know their entire family can count on all of us here to pray for all of them.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I can not believe that Cayla has had to suffer for 7 weeks. I pray that the answers are found soon and they are able to relieve her pain soon!!!

Sandra you have to know that we are not gonna forget to pray for Yall. I put in a request at church for Cayla and your entire family to be lifted up in prayer and personally I can't stop thinking how this has gone so wrong and pleading for mercy.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

It is now 7:26 p.m. CST. The following is a post which Sandra posted on Facebook about 50 minutes ago:

"They are cleaning a room for Cayla Jo Harris to have her procedure done waiting on patient transport--they have been trying for an empty ICU room since 1pm"

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I got the same text message as you Marilyn at 1 pm and just discovered it a few minutes ago. Been a busy afternoon. I saw the FB post and hope they have gotten her in a room by now. Hope we will be hearing from Sandra soon to let us know how the procedure went.

I'm like you Jeri, I just can't believe they have let this go on so long without trying to get to the bottom of it sooner.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Just Heard from Sandra and she said they aré through. She said Cayla is up set about her hair but she is fine.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I received the same text. What a relief! Praise the Lord for a successful outcome!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)


Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I got the same message. I'll take complaining about her hair as a very good sign! Praise God for his blessings on Cayla! I hope she continues to improve and her pain is much improved. I guess they will need to address all her problems one at a time, but this goes a long way! Hair will grow!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sandra posted this on FB about 40 minutes ago:

"Cayla Jo Harris slept most of the night, her surgeon came in and told me she did great through the procedure, she will be in ICU until they can take the drain out. At 5am one of the doctors checked her and said she is doing great. Her pain is not gone yet. They will let her get up this morning. We want all our friends and family to know we felt your prayers and hope you will continue them. They have some other issues to look at when the info from the fluid comes back,
Love you all"

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

So glad she made it through the procedure with out any problems. I'm glad she was able to sleep last might. I Hope her paín is gone. I got the same info in a text massage this morning. It does sound like they have severas more issues to adress. I'm glad she has finally round some one that can help her.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Cayla slept most of the night. Her surgeon came in and told me she did great through the procedure. She will be in ICU until they can take the drain out, maybe a couple of days. Eli got here in time to see her for about 30 minutes before they took her, thanks to Bryan's Mom! We so appreciate your prayers and ask you to please continue them. There are more issues they will look at when the results from the fluid analysis come back. Love you you!

I realizad my text massage is a Little different so i pasted it abovedado.

Ripley, MS

Thanks to all of you, but we are still battling, they expect to do another surgery Fri and put in a permanent shunt. They are looking at her lungs also, something wasn't right about the film on her lungs. She was on about 4 different inhalers, she was having trouble breathing when she lay down at night for several months. When they ask her about family problems she told them Susan has Good Pastures, so they are looking into that farther also.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Why the permanent shunt? So she had been having trouble breathing before she went into the hospital for surgery. I'm so glad she is at a hospital with doctors that seem to know what they are doing. I'm praying they get to the bottom of this soon and get all these issues cleared up. I had not heard of Goodpastures before. Looked it up. I know you are torn between wanting to be at the hospital with her and at her house taking care of Eli. Take care of yourself the best you can. Lots of hugs!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Dave's has been messed up last night and part of the morning so you couldn't get on some of the forums. I was wondering about the permanent shunt too. Are they expecting the fluid on her brain to be something that builds up on a regular basis? I hadn't heard of Goodpastures before either. And what about the clot on her spine? Are they going to address that too? I know I'm full of questions when I'm sure they are giving her great care. Take care, Sandra!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I have the same questions. Sandra had explained Good Pastures to me before and I googled it but don't completely understand it still. It affects everybody different and even on the same person different bouts are different from the time before. Kinda and educated way of saying they don't know what to expect.

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