Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


Smooth Move


Happ great box you got there! and Thanks!

Julie- Cmon with ya! lol Im sure theres plenty of trouble for us around here hehe

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yeap I received a great box of great goodies.
My boxes are going out tomorrow, finally! lol......

Ocean Springs, MS

Yeah, Badcat, I'm looking to see how close/far? you are from Clarksville, TN.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Mittsy. (still haven't learned how to do that yet)

Ok happ, will look for your box Wed..-ish. Going out to finish weeds from new beds so I can begin planting enmass this week if the rain doesn't chase me in. (lol, I've been told it looks like a nursery around here with all the pots waiting to be planted). Have the perfect spot all picked out...


Not sure, I'm just outside of st louis

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Looks like about 4 hours between you and Clarkville TN. Badcat.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Anyone ever grown daylilies and iris together? I have this horrible fine bladed grass that has these massive roots. You can't pull the grass because the roots are so bad, so I am digging everythig out of the bed and removing at least 90 pct of the grass I think. Sure I am not getting it all. Course it just covers the iris and get between the rhizomes. But I noticed by the daylilies it is not so strong under them. I am guessing for the lack of light. So I was thinking if I put daylilies in with the iris the daylilies would shade the grass out. The iris will be up before the daylilies get going in the spring. Any comments or ideas?

Ocean Springs, MS

Yep, we are about 4 hours apart when I'm in Clarksville. Plan on going the first week of November and stay for a week. Maybe we can meet halfway one day!


When You get the dates let me know :) I can fly solo on the weekends

2 boxes are landing on Wed :)

Happ anyway you can pot them up for the winter and round up the area? Sounds like if you miss any roots itll be back. I have them planted together but theres weed control underneath, so I dont think its quite the same.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Bad that is what I should of done, is put everything in pots and killed out the whole area. I have supria iris in there and I am so afraid of killing them. So I am replanting and putting cardboard in any open areas and mulching like a crazy person. Next year if/and when I see grass think I will take a paint brush and brush on roundup on those selected areas.... Maybe I need to find an easier hobby...rofl...NOT!

My boxes went out TODAY....YES!
They should be delivered Wednesday.

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Stopped by to see what daylilies are flying around the country. There are some great daylilies being traded. Hope to see some of your blooms on the daylily thread next year. :-)

Joyce, You don't want to mulch Iris! They will rot. You can grow Iris and daylilies together as long as your not watering your daylilies, often. The Iris require less water than daylilies prefer. But, daylilies are tough and can get by with less water, you will have less blooms with less water but they will survive. If you can raise the soil level for the Iris, this will help with drainage. Good Luck, with your grass battle. :-)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks taylor, no I didn't mulch the iris. Seems most of them are being dug up to get the grass out. I may not have any iris blooms next year. I rarely ever water anything. I am on a well and you have to be tough to make it here...

Ocean Springs, MS

Weeds are never-ending! I want so much to mae my fairy garden under the ONE full-size tree I have in my yard, but the soil is full of rattlesnake plant. No way to get rid of all of it, unless I want to excavate the top 8-12" of the soil! This is what the roots look like and if it breaks when pulling, it survives and grows on!

Thumbnail by froggies_girl
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)


Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Joyce, Your Welcome! I hope you get at least a few Iris blooms next year. I have moved Iris in the Fall and still had blooms the next Spring. If you divide them, your chance of bloom decreases.
Daylilies are as tough as they come. :-) You can plant a broke off piece of root and it will grow. I dip root pieces in rooting hormone and they grow. It's a great way to increase your daylilies. It will take a year or so before you'll get a bloom from root pieces. I don't mind, they are free plants after all.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yeap I am into FREE....rofl. Sides more to trade ;)

I am going ahead and cutting all the old stuff off the iris since I am digging them anyway. Like Deejay said I will be digging them all up and killing the grass out with weed killer next year.

Ocean Springs, MS

Happ, the roots are just part of the problem; it seeds like crazy, too! Nothing on the market kills this root! Some people actually eat the roots. When I was taking the Master Gardener Class, one guy said he ate them. I told him to come to my house and get all he wanted! But he never did! Thought for just a minute, he would solve my problem for me! LOL

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Well dang. I figured out I was going to move the plants and started moving them to another bed. Read up on Johnson Grass and it is the pits. Said it could take 3 years of spraying to try to get rid of it. Boy I will have to be careful NOT to move any johnson grass to the new bed. So here is my plan, let me know what you think. Move the plants to the new bed. Washing the roots CAREFULLY. spray the old bed. wait until spring and spray it again. Cover it completely with thick cardboard and landscape fabric. Make that bed a raised bed like an island and replant.

What am I missing?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Raised bed will probable be your best Opt But will cut down but it will still be in the plants you put back in & it will come back.
had the same probable here never ending sorry to say .
if you find the secret let me know.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Mailed 3 boxes at one time. florida, 1/2 way between missouri and east coast, and then to Colorado....someone explain to me how only one box tracking has been updated and it is out for delivery and it is the one the farthest from me....really. geehz.

The rest were scanned in Kansas City and that was it. ;(

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Joyce, the P.O. has had issues all week with their online services. I sent a box out Monday and it still hasn't been updated yet.

This message was edited Sep 24, 2014 4:46 PM

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Good thing is they rarely lose a package and for that I am thankful.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Rec'd a Box of Goodies today from BADCAT :)))
My camera had to be charger so I Figured I wanted to Know what they all were so I Looked them Up & Here is what I Found :)
I tried to get them all off Daves but they were not all on daves to find so I used a couple off the net Might have to delete no biggie , Thank you Amanda your Not Bad at all :)))) I Have the Spot all ready for them so off to get them into the Ground .
1 is Laguna Seca
2 is Elegant candy
3 is Something to declare
4 is Common Sence
5 is Pink Lavender Appeal

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I got my box of daylilies from baddy. She used her psychic cat powers to select all varieties I don't have already:
Night Beacon
Open Hearth
Roses in Snow
Eyes of Comfort
Laughing Out Loud
Raspberry Cupcake
and an unregistered seedling.
Tonight I will decide which garden each one belongs in and plant them out when I get home tomorrow evening.
Thank you very much!

Natick, MA

How lovely dj...love the photos!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

So pretty dj, that badcat did good...lol So does that made badcat goodcat? Nahhhh....lol

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Checked the shipping and the box sent to florida has been delivered. The one sent to Colorado will be delivered tomorrow, the 3rd box who knows....lol sort of. I thought florida was farther away from Missouri than Colorado? Oh well.

Got a question, I may have messed up. I have always sent plants with the roots wrapped in a moist paper towel and then wrapped in saran wrap (roots only). I was reading on the daylily forum and they were saying they should be shipped dry, never wet. Any comments? I hope I haven't messed up.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I've never wrapped the roots, thought it was okay to just cushion with newspaper.

Nice boxes, should be beautiful blossoms next bloom season.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Happ, I think DLs are pretty tough, they will probably be alright done either way. Especially in cooler weather. We rescued a bunch from the trash pile, that had been dug and left to be picked up by the garbage truck. I have no idea how long they had been there, but we brought them home and planted them and they are growing just fine. They turned out to be a beautiful deep red/burgandy color. Let us know how that turns out.
I am inclined to think that most anything that has new roots, needs to be protected from drying out, but that is my opinion, and I am no DL expert. And also there are a few plants that are exceptions to that rule.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

hey what is with all the in our Messages here ? I see it in all of our post .
also My Dmail is messed up I cannot read the whole sentence
the last 3 -4 words are hidden . & I have to copy & paste in my Note Pad to be able to read the post .
I ask the adm but no response from them & I thought it was just this computer but its not . for now my laptop is also the same way . some dmails come in find .
well great thought i had the whole morning to play in the gardens & Neighbor just calls to say she has a 10:45 dr apt .RRRRR.
messed up again ya all have a great day .

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Joyce, Your dl's will be fine as long as they are not sitting in a hot and humid environment for a long period of time. I have had sellers ship my daylilies with moist shredded paper around them and they have been fine. I have had sellers just put them in a box with no packing at all and they looked fine. Daylilies are tough, they can take a lot of abuse. The only thing they can't take in my yard, is chipmunks eating them. They disappear. Lol

You should be able to tell the Johnson grass roots from daylily and Iris roots. Take your clump of daylilies and wash the dirt off with a hose blast. You can tease the roots to help loosen the soil. Your not dealing with a wimpy plant. It the fans separate, it's alright. You can plant them back together or plant them 2 fans to a hole and expand your daylilies. Make sure you mulch them well. This late in the season they can be more prone to heaving if we have a bunch of freeze and thaw episodes. I mulch mine with chopped up leaves from my yard. It's good for your soil and free, you can't beat it. Keep the cardboard down. It will add to your soil as it breaks down and will deprive the grass of light. You will have to apply more in the Spring. Good Luck! Garden Thugs suck!


Aww Susie and Alana, I hope you enjoy them!!

Ocean Springs, MS

Beautiful dayliies for some good girls! Yes, Admin needs to fix the HTML code! Maybe I could do a little coding myself since I have a Master's Degree in technology! Nah, I'll leave the coding to them! LOL

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Got my box today!! Bunch of goodies too!!! All pink(s), reds and a purple... Thankyou Happ, I'm soo Happy...lol. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Strawberry Candy
Red Suspenders
Elegant Candy
Gordon Biggs
Beyond Thunder
Creative Edge
Bama Music
Kansas City Kicker

Can hardly wait til summer 2014.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hope they arrived ok after reading the forum about sending dry rooted...

I hope they will work in your garden. Had to send you Kansas City Kicker, sides being pretty and me being in Kansas City just seemed appropriate. ;) Enjoy

pic of kansas city kicker

Thumbnail by happgarden
Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Joyce, love that Kansas City Kicker! So many wonderful DLs being exchanged here.
Taylordaylily, I have issues with the chipmunks, too. Not so much with them eating things, but the dogs dig everything up in hot pursuit of those Critters! They have a network of tunnels under my flowerbeds.
I came home one day and found Prairie Blue Eyes thrown out in the yard 3 feet away from where it was planted. :(

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

That would be a bummer Nanny! Only thing I have had a problem with animal wise is voles. They destroyed 1/2 of a big circle of daylilies I had. Then like you the dogs went after the voles. Which by then I didn't care.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes it is a bummer. The good news (if there is any) is that they are now digging in the middle of the yard instead of the flower beds. ;) DH is not real happy, but I will let him deal with that since he was not very sympathetic to my plight. lol

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

rofl...yeap the voles were not a problem for dh because they were in the flower bed, but once the dogs went after them and they moved it was a whole different subject..lol Funny how that works...

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