Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

OH dear, Sue G! I hope everything is OK. It seems like everybody is having extreme weather of some sort lately. It was a lot that way here too. We had no rain for so long that when it did rain, the ground couldn't soak it up. It just ran right off. It would rain and the next day the ground was dust dry. Sure hope you get the rain you need without any complications.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

We are suppose to get rain also later this week some areas up to 4 inches they are guessing....that's alot of water ;)

We also are suppose to go down in the 40's ughhh so I am dragging tropicals in.
was busy yesterday getting them lined up, brought some in and hopefully will get finished up today. I have collected way too many tropicals again this year.

Ocean Springs, MS

OMG! I hope no serious damage is done, Sue. When we finally get rain, it will probably flood because the ground is just too dry to soak it in right now.

Joyce, I love Missouri, but I could not handle temps in the 40's yet! Still hot and humid here!
need to start cleaning some of my tropicals that I've gotten this year and get them ready for the sunroom!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Just got my daylilies from Moonjala and they arrived in wonderful shape and a huge box full. I opened a few and I am so excited. I watered them down from their long trip from florida but they are amazing without doing anything. I will post later I am rushing around trying to get plants in today while it is nice. Will have time this evening.

Gosh it is hard not to dig into them....there were other plants also. I saw forsythia, lilies...so excited.

Gotta go.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Great box Joyce! Can't wait to see what all you got.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Its sunny and drying out for now. A lot of people couldn't find a path to work this morning I understand. I guess my daughter made it ok, haven't heard from her.

Sue G

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Here's a link to a story about our "record rain". We actually got almost four inches here.


Sue G

Brownstown, IN

My package is on it`s way to somewhere.....it should be there on Wednesday.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Just saw the report on the local news about the record rain in AZ and CA. All I can say is WOW. Stay safe everyone!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow everyone my box is amazing!! I finally made my way thru it. The box was huge and well packed. Everything is in great shape. I couldn't be happier with it Moonjala. I have looked up the blooms already...lol Beautiful and a great combination of colors and blooms. So excited to get them in the ground. Oh yeah there is a tag with everyone of them!!! What more could you ask for! Perfect.
1. Forsythia
2. Asiatic lily – pink samus
3. Asiatic lily – lollipop
4. Daylily – rnd st ?
5. Daylily – blackthorn
6. Daylily – little grapette
7. Asiatic – tiny dino
8. Daylily – doll house
9. Daylily – heavenly angel ice
10. Daylily – little business
11. Daylily – pink spider
12. Daylily – cherry chapeau
13. Daylily – red ribbons
14. Daylily - Lilting Belle
15. Daylily - Poets Reverie
16. Daylily - Lullaby Baby

Oh not sure on the name of number 4, could be I have been busy all day and it is almost 1 in the morning and my eyes are crossing...lol Any help will be appreciated.
Again love my box. I will get yours out this week.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Super nice box. More than enough to spell S E P T E M B E R.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

WOW! What a great box of beauties, Joyce! I know you must be thrilled. Anyone would be if they got that box.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Super box of plants. Congrats!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Great Box of Dl's Happ we know what you will be doing today :) My Boxes went out yesterday & will arrive on Weds.
Happ same with you all my Brugs are going to be in Danger if we get the 38* temp they are saying for weds morning. going to maybe cover them they are loaded with Blooms I have them in the ground not in Pots so cannot bring mine in :(.
you all have a great day Peanut is waiting out by the car Knows i am getting ready to go to town Left her home alone all day yesterday so she is not going to be left behind today :) Dogs are Funny . BBL

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

DJ, lol. My mom's dog is named Peanut and she is the same way! She waits by the door when she thinks mom is going to leave.

Natick, MA

Do you usually dig up your Brugs and bring them in for the winter? Do you put them somewhere like a basement where they go dormant til spring, or do you have a room and they continue to flourish? Do they bloom for a certain amount of time. I am entranced by these but did not buy one this year because It was late June when I saw them and figured I'd try next year early spring. They look gorgeous. Do they grow enuf and bloom the first year in profusion?
Do most of you grow them from bulbs or cuttings from a tree?


Sweet Box!

Got a sweet box myself from Mittsy last night (sorry didnt post, was our anniversary)! Thank You!!! She sent:

Dads Best White
Elegant Candy
Rosella Sheridon
Plus!' Hairy toad Lily
10 Madonna Lilies
and Columbine/ Marigold seeds

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Valal, I am zone 5a. I have brugs and they stay in my solar room and garden room and grow all winter. People do let them go dormant, and people grow them in their basements. I don't have any experience with dormant. Check out the brugmansia forum. All of my brugs have come from cuttings. They will bloom as soon as the one stalk splits into two branches. The smell from the blooms on mine are amazing. Bad side, they are mite magnets. Do not grow around shade plants, like heirloom tomatoes, daturas, etc because they can pick up diease from them.

They are easy to grow and grows qickly. All of my brugs are in pots because I have learned I am NOT good about digging things up. I can move a pot into the garden room quickly.

Hey susie I would take a cutting from the brugs, that way if they do not like the 38 degrees you have a start. I am think about taking cuttings from mine, they are so big and I taking up too much room.

Yeap I got a GREAT daylily plant box!


lol idk! i have 2, one lost all its leaves but they are coming back now. First for me!

Natick, MA

Thanks, Happ! Very interesting plant. They look gorgeous!

Ocean Springs, MS

Sounds like Joyce and Badcat got great boxes! Sue, glad the rain is over for you.
Was supposed to be 80% chance of rain today and we got a few sprinkles. Still waiting on that 80%!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Now they have changed it now they say 638 tonight early morning & 54* thursday so not going to worry .

Val I cut mine all Back share the cuttings for postage & I dig up the roots pot them & Let them go Dorment in my friends Basement . But this yr I'm just going to keep maybe 3 out of the 9 that I have so there will be many up for grabs ,
These are hanging right outside my front door :)
#2 is the strutgard canna that Julie got me in the Bulb Swap
No Bloom on it but it is Multiplying ,3 is one of my asters ,
A coral bell ? & My Charley Boy he has followed me all over the gardens tonight while i took pictures :)

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Natick, MA

DJ (and everyone else also!) I Love to see all your photos! Such lovely plants...I am seeing the asters all over, and was tempted to buy a pot more than once; but I bought seeds to wintersow so I will hold off :) Charley is ADORABLE! :) How many chickens do you have? INTERESTING canna. Love the varigeated (sp?) leaves. That Brugs is tremendous. It's almost as if they can't be real...so many gorgeous flowers on ONE plant!/tree! :0)

I seem to always be asking something off topic, but my Coral bell just DOESNT seem to be doing well. I bought it like 4 years ago. First year it was out of the pot gorgeous. next year it was nice. Last year I yelled at my husband as I assumed he'd mowed it down, as it's at the edge of the grass in the shade "garden" I'm making (now making bigger). I was surprised to see it this year, moved it in front of the deck where it got a bit more sun...maybe that was a mistake. i thought maybe it just wasnt doing well where it was. It's holding its own but not growing (and looks like something might be nibbling on it) and definitely NOT thriving. Thinking of moving it back under trees.

Have a good week everyone and hope you get some rain for all those plants! :) it's always a welcome site for the flowers, even to we prefer sun!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Val this year I Used 19-19-19 fertilizer On all my Gardens & spread it well all over & My plants Dbled in size this yr Plan to put More on before winter I will weed add the fertilizer then Mulch for winter.
Charley can be out in the yard & I have my door open with a screen door & He can Hear when I open a can & Will come running thinking it is his cat food :))) or sweet corn :)
Nothing wrong with his hearing .
well I'm off here its time to lay back 10 pm News will be on soon , So GN all

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Susie, your plant in pix #4 is Tiarella, (not sure if cordifolia or wherryi, fragrant too). Oooops, just remembered... Tiarella and Heuchera were X to make Heucherella, but still think it's Tiarella since it's white. (And I still would love a cutting (s) from your Pink Brug. Let me know when your ready and will send $$$ for shipping.)

Love all the boxes!!! Wow, you gals got some wonderful plants!!!!!

We're suppose to maybe get snow on Friday morning....ICH!!!! I'm not ready! I want a normal year where our avg. first frost date is actually accurate!!! (Oct 15th). So I'll be bringing in my annuals that I want to overwinter. My $1 Brug (peach) just started to bloom yesterday, still waiting to see if any of the others will.

Happ....will they bloom indoors during the winter? They are in 1 gallon pots and was thinking of moving them to at least 2 gallon sized for the winter... Comments, suggestions.

Sue, sorry about your deluge! It's on it way here now...they think most of it landed on the west side of the state and in the mountains but will still get moisture here too.. Hope your daughter's ok..... Stay safe! Saw you had a Huboob (sp?) last week, gosh if it's not one thing it's the other.

One tip that I have for those getting heavy rain or will be getting some. If you water your soil at least 1 day in advance it helps to not let it run off but soak in...... When the soil is dry it just repels and runs, if the soil is damp it will soak in...(unless it's a downpour and still will run a bit but not as bad as when it's bone dry....) I've learned from experience!!!! Us westerners usually get dumped on. Our rains this time of year come in a few hours, sometimes minutes, rarely overnight or an all day rain.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

My brugs will bloom in the winter indoors. I think feeding them is the most important. The great thing about them blooming in the house is the smell!!! It is wonderful. Most of my tropicals will bloom during the winter for me.

Pouring here and tornado watch. Wow 6inchs of rain north of us....

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Columbine in the seed mixture

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

More from the mix.

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Last one. I'm gathering seed now from the Larkspur and more Marigold, Bonanza Bolero. I've had no luck with the 4 o'c;ocks planted from seed. So I just them go. I did get one yellow plant to make it all on it's own From last year's dropped seed. Any hints on a better return?

Thumbnail by mittsy
Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Mittsy I love your Columbines, especially the blue one.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all I was lazy this morning after my Neighbor called me at Midnight to drive up there she wanted me to call an ambulance to take her to the hospital she thinks she has cancer .RRRRRRRRR I got her calmed down & she thinks in her mind that she needs something for pain so I gave her an asprin telling her it was a pain pill , sat with her till 2;30 am & came home . she called me about 8 am to say thank you.
Now she wants her hair washed so back i go soon :) told her i had to get some things done here.
I may not get to all the forums today or right away but know I'am thinking of you all .

kathy I Have your name down for the cuttings .
& yes the 1st Brug I grew was cutting & there was No Buds on it when I took it in the House in Nov that yr & I still fed & watered & I had a Bloom by the 20 th of DEC. & it Smelled so good , so yes if you take it in & still feed it weekly you will
or should have blooms .

rainy here today have a great day BBL hope

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Mittsy do your columbine comeback true from seed? Mine have all turned purple. a friend has given me a white one. Maybe I shouldn't plant it by the purple ones.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't know if they are true or not, I have such a variety, that every year I get new plants from the seeds I missed the year before. I usually wait until they flower then pot them up and move them around or just give them away. I'm a firm believer in seed collecting, but I don't sort them by plant or color. I'm packaging some of them up for the fall Central FL Round Up. The marigolds are open pollinated, but I only have the one kind so they do stay the same from year to year.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks Mittsy I was hoping to keep the white white and I didn't know if the purple would take orver.

Brownstown, IN

I Just got a Wonderful box from Alana, Thank you so much Alana!!!
They couldn't be more perfect, plus name tags to go with each plant!
She sent,

Double Bourbon
Cherokee Vision
Vanilla Fluff
Space Coast Cranberry Kid
Highland Lord
Peacock Maiden
Barbara Mitchell

Your shipping time was awesome, I got them all planted before the forecast of rain for tonight.
Thank you! Thank you!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

I got my box from deejay9/Susie today and it was STUFFED! She sent me:
1.Spacecoast Easy Rider
2 Spacecoast Tiny Perfection
3.Spacecoast Perfect Angle
4.Spacecoast Starburst
5.Night Beacon
6.Jungle Princess
7.Miss Jessie
All were good sized plants with established roots and looked great! I forgot to add that she included a lovely printed packing list and plant tags for each one! And that a lot of them were on my want list. She went to the trouble of checking it. :) I got them all planted/potted .
Thanks Susie!

This message was edited Sep 10, 2014 8:34 PM

Thumbnail by Nanny23 Thumbnail by Nanny23
Ocean Springs, MS

More great boxes for two great girls! Karen and Nanny, have fun planting your goodies!
Saw a couple of hummers in my bottlebrush tree (no longer a shrub reaching 10+ feet). My gardens have been so neglected this summer because of the constuction, and the lack of rain has taken a toll on some of them. I'll start fall cleaning next week and assess the damage!

Natick, MA

Mitsy- SO pretty, your columbines!

DJ - you are a saint; your nieghbor is lucky to have you! Thanks for in input about fertilizer. I have read "conflicting" articles, some say dont fertlizer in fall - ?? I think my ground/plants will probably need something, no? I bought some 10-10-10 on recommendation so will use that first. Is there a particular name brand you use/recommend?


Sorry I got Susies box yesterday..Its Been like 2 days of Christmas here!!!! :) I had 4 boxes waiting for me yesterday...WEEE!!!! Susie Mama sent me:


Also got a blue ribbon for my preserves and my rabbit gave birth to 6 healthy kits this morning, hubs and I had our anniversary this week. Its been an awesome week!!!

Thumbnail by badcat Thumbnail by badcat
(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

Way to go badcat!!!! Congrats on your preserves! I grew up in OH with an awesome county fair...I really miss that. They have it in March down here. I don't think I will ever get used to that!!

This message was edited Sep 11, 2014 3:52 PM

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