Ocean Springs, MS

Congrats, Badcat! Nice box you got, too!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

congrats to 1 st place for spagetii sauce amanda & Frogging on your runner up for your orange jelly & My silkies
took 3rd place in the poultry Pics :)

Glad yours arrived all ok amanda . I got to to go sit back for the eve will be back tomorrow .

Natick, MA

THANK YOU so much to Babette for the lovely daylilies I received today:
Lil Baby
Sweet Sue
Scarlet Orbit!!

Its funny because I don't have any red daylilies and have been looking!!!
And NO Ruffled daylilies...and pink is one of my favorite colors

Babette, THANKS so much for the lovely goodies. Planting them tomorrow!

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Val _ you are surely welcome... :-) enjoy!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Wow, great boxes!!!!! Looks like there will be some busy, busy gals this week...

I got 1/2" of snow overnight....booo, summer is over ..but not even fall yet! LOL.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)


Ocean Springs, MS

OMG! Kathy, I love snow but we so rarely get it is the reason Iove it! Last year, i got a taste of what some of you go thru every year when I was in TN and it snowed 5" after icy rain of 4". It was a mess the next day! But I had fun making a snow angel for the first time in my life and helping Colt and Liam build a snowman!

Val, sounds like those daylilies are going to be gorgeous!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yeap snow is great if you don't live in it...lol
I don't mind it so much now that I don't work!! We are going down into the 30's tonight. I have a few tropicals covered up, they may not make it. We were suppose to stay in the 40's with a possibility of a light frost. Why does the weather change so dramatically between 6 and 10...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all wet cold morning here think they said 41* early but up to 61 today .
tomorrow will be 64* is winter coming early this year ?
I have 2 boxes to get out & I hate going out my door :) i love the 70's :) not sure if we will see any of them any more :(

Hey anyone thinking about a Halloween Plant swap ?? any 2-3 plant that might have a ghostly name or color ??? or pull a witchy trick or treat .
ya think it might be ok to share a plant or 2 in Oct ?
give me your input if no one is up to it them I will close out plant swaping till Next spring :). bbl today .

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Actually October is our planting season here. That's when we have the Master Gardener's sale and the big plant sale the 3rd Saturday in October so I'd love to do plants then.

I got a wonderful box from Karen this week and unfortunately :( my camera needs a battery so no pics. Maybe later.

I got Frans Halls
Violet Light
Spirtual Corridor
All American Baby

and an extra of a fragrant Citrina species.

Thanks so much Karen!

Sue G

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

As for weather, I will throw a party once it stops being over 100 here. :)

Sue G

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

37 last night! Awful.....record breaking cold. House is down in to 66 I will not turn on the heat yet. Sun is shining so I should have solar heat. Not alot tho cause the sun is not low enough and all the leaves are on the trees. Usually don't want solar gain until end of October.

Ocean Springs, MS

I will not complain about the heat today because I'd rather be hot outside than cold. Sorry it is coming early for some of you! Brrrr!

Deejay, I'd love a Halloween Plant swap. I found a plant at Walmart last month and it is called Dragon's tongue Hemigraphis repanda. Here's a pic. It reminded me of Halloween because it has dark foliage. Maybe we could do plants that have "ghostly" names, dark foliage, fall foliage, etc. And 2 or three nice-sized plants sounds good!

Thumbnail by froggies_girl

Great Box Sue!!!

Off topic- when does everyone dig up Calla's?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Amanda I Leave mine in the ground year round . but i do Mulch heavy
I didn't think they would be back this year after out last Snow fall of 30" on top of them . but they bloomed :)
i been cleaning cupboards for my neighbor & I'm done for the day.

we will see how many might want to play will put up a thread about the 20 th or so .


these dont come back, Chad lets the kids get me callas for mothers day every year and I want to save these. The ones last year didnt make it, so Im on a mission to dig these up lol

Ocean Springs, MS

I love callas, but haven't had much luck here getting them to come back. I think they rot in our hot, humid climate. I have a berm now and will be planting my iris, callas, etc. on the berm. Maybe that will help! Also going to try lavender again!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Deejay snow is a great insulator I would rather have snow all winter on my plants than the thaw and freeze we get most of the time.

Badcat I just let callas go dry in the pot and only water a tiny bit during the winter with not much light. I have also had them growing around a giant white bird of paradise and they went dormant on their own and then started growing in the spring on their own. I am guessing the bird of paradise kept the soil dry enough they did not rot.

What do you all do with caladiums during the winter?

Ocean Springs, MS

Joyce, I have a giant white bird of paradise. I'll have to try putting my callas with it! Thanks for the tip!

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I think I could do an October swap, Susie.

I leave my Calla Lilies in the ground year round and they come back fine.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well then I'm sure we can maybe come up with a witchy good swap for OCT :)

Maybe I should put up a sign up thread so everyone will have time to prepare for it :)

will see how my day goes today & If i get back in time :)
will let ya all Know Later :)

Ocean Springs, MS

Thanks, DJ! Sounds like lots of fun to "hunt" for witchy good plants! :) I'll start looking now!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

have to get my Egg Plant done up will be back later .
to start a New site :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OCT SWAP Back later


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Try again!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Had that LINK deleted for i used an avatar that was not mine & I didn't want to get into any trouble , so Now has anyone
a bewitching avartar I can use :))) ???? Send it to my dmail & I will use one :)

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

My box to happ went out today and should arrive on Wed

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hi Kathy, sadly it didn't arrive Wednesday but did make it today. I left a 6am and didn't get home until 9. I did want you to know it arrived today and I will post everything tomorrow. I am exhausted.

I went on a road trip and picked up daylilies for my swap buddies. I drove down to Gilbert H. Wild and Son and got a boat load of daylilies to send out! It is in Reed Mo. and then we hit a bunch of antique stores and ate lunch and just had a good time. I love road trips. Fun.

Ocean Springs, MS

I'd love a road trip like that! Exhausting, but fun!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all I so apologize this month has been crazy for me cooking & laundry & Shofer & Shopper for my Neighbor .
& its been hard to get into my gardens so today is the day.
Not sure what or how much i will get done but off to do what I Can .
I hope that you all have been able to Keep track with your trades & Have rec'd great boxes . thank you all for sharing
& have a great day

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Ohhhhhhh Joyce.......you didn't take me along!!!!!!!!!??????? Darn, I would LOVVVVEEEEEE to go there!!!!! One of my favorite mail order Nurseries!!!! Gosh, did you get any pix? And have you ever been there when the Peonies are in bloom? Darn.... Lucky you! (lol, sorry, I can't help myself.) Please tell us (me) about your trip. Kathy (pix, yup there from Wilds)

Ps. hope your box made it, thought the PO was a bit off on delivery date. They said 2 days but I thought it would be 3 only cuz I'm in the boonies. Hope you like!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Ocean Springs, MS

My great-aunt by marriage hybridized daylilies in the 60's, 70's, and 80's... long before I was interested in settling down and having a home garden. I need to get in touch with my cousin to see if I could plan a trip sometime next year and get some. She did have some named here in Mississippi. She never sold to the public but i do remember my Dad telling me that she shared with family.
The closest daylily farm around here is 2 hours away, but I don't have anyone to go with me. I really need to find some people who live close to me that are on Dave's!


psh you dont have to go with anyone lol! I drive 2 hrs up to OakHill DL once or twice a year by myself, nice mini vacation ;)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yes Kathy everything showed up just fine! I got everything watered. Hopefully I wrote down everything correctly. If not please correct me. I already have everything in their home. Everything is great! What beautiful colors they are going to add to the gardens. They all have great roots. LOVE everything. Suppose to rain tomorrow which will be perfect! The box was PACKED to the top! Great selections for me ;) Hope you can see the pic is not great, my fault.
6 iris - smooth move (are they all the same)
Geranium - red dragon
Chrysanthemum - Sheffield
Salvia nemerosa - pink queen
Limonium latifolium purple
Phalaris - strawberries and cream
Dianthus deltoides - ‘Zing Rose’
Stachys officinalis
The really tall plant that reminds me of lavender didn't have a name, you can see it in the pic.

Oh Kathy if I had only known you wanted to go we would of waited....lol
I have never been there before and I had never ordered from them before. Nope didn't take any pics cause nothing is blooming. Did get a catalog and a flyer. Your box is going out tomorrow...lol

Well the daylily nursery is 4 hours away. I picked up my friend and she lives an hour away, but it was worth it and alot of fun. I am going to go down again next year when things are blooming. They also have peonies, iris, hostas, and daylilies. We found a bunch of antique stores we didn't make it to them all. Carthage on the square had a bunch and we only got to one before they closed.

Here is a picture of my wonderful box from Kathy! It is great and I am so happy to have them in my garden....really lucky!

Thumbnail by happgarden
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

So glad your happy happ...lol, talk about a play on words...... Ok, a few corrections. Not Geranium but Geum Red Dragon, did I also include a Geranium? Tall plant is Origanum laevigatum Herrenhausen (pix 1), not sure how well the flowers made it but wanted you to see the blooms and color... The Iris are 1 Smooth Move, 1 dwarf yallow, unk name but very early, one of my first in spring to bloom and VERY fragrant (This was a small clump of 4 maybe Rhiz.. All the others are noids and the #s indicate different plants so no shouldn't be any that are repeats (I hope) I think there was one that had 2 Rhiz. but not sure if they came apart in packing. Hope theu're all pretty for ya.. They were suppose to go to one of the gals at garden club but she decided to wait so they are extras.....I just didn't have time to get them replanted with almost 900 plants yet to get in the ground yet.

Don't let that Limonium latifolium (perennial Statice), fool you See pix 2, can get 36x36, first time I've had them reseed at mama's feet (in more than 10 years of growing this variety). I love them and use as filler in bouquets after G. p. (Baby's Breath finishes). It will bloom next season and have a few stems, following years should be at max growth. Leaves stay low to the ground. (If I didn't mark it, it's the plant that was in a square 4" pot with a yellow leaf, front, right side container.

Pix 3 is the Dianthus deltoides 'Zing', if you allow the seeds to develop they will make a patch, after they reseed for me I cut the tops down and foliage looks good the rest of the year, June bloom.

No pix of Stachys, did I goof, look at your plant and did it have short bloom stalk(4-6") or was it lng(14-18")? Not sure if I goof but thought I was sending S macrantha (that's the shorter bloom stalk (leaves at the base). And if it is the shorter of the 2, it will reach to 18" by next season, purple bloom and grn lvs.
If it's the taller var. it will have blooms that are white and turn pink with age, leaves go up the stem, it's extremly fragrant (sweet-peppery), mid summer, 30-36" and can spread a bit.

No pix on Chrys. Sheffield. When I lived at lower elevations it bloomed late summer. But was at my daughter's house and I don't ever remember it blooming there. So not sure if it got too much shade or the elevation was too high. But I'm going to plant a few in my garden this season yet...so I'll find out next year. Origionally from Bluestone Nursery, found the tag and it's atleast 10 yrs old.....lol.

Geum is new to me also so no pix.

Phalaris arundinacea 'Strawberries and Cream', tri-colored foliage, slight pink variegation to the 2 toned grn leaves. Spreads but very manageable.... My clump is about 4ft wide after 8 years or so....from a gallon size. Ht maxes at about 18".

Salvia nemerosa , 24"^ X 24">, can reseed at it's feet but not very often...it's a LONG bloomer, June-frost if deadheaded,, great in the vase.

Not sure if that's the correct pix for Smooth Move, could try Long's Iris Gardens .com to make sure.(it's located in Boulder, Co.)

Also remember I just had SNOW a few days ago!!! Hope you like them more now...lol. Kathy

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm Hope everyone will have a great weekend Look as we might get some needed rain today. Maybe . sure hope so .
It will be easier to dig my Plants.
Been trying to rearrange a few they are to tall so need to move to the back of the garden & some are to small & Need to move to the front :) hehe
Just need some Java to get my day going here :) Don't forget to check us out .



Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh I love my new plants! Thank you for the pics....I may move a couple of them after seeing the pics. Funny about the not Geranium but Geum Red Dragon...rofl. I just looked up Geum and it is amazing! Beautiful box of plants. Yeap some of the iris were numbered, I think a couple others were but couldn't tell cause a couple of leaves had gone brown but looked like something was written on them. We are suppose to have sun shine (not here yet) and then cloud up and rain tonight, then be beautiful for several days so perfect for the new plants.

Wow I don't know how you get so much planted!!! I have the original daylilies I had for the swap I am keeping and now some new ones I just bought and some phlox and a couple other things and I feel overwhelmed! lol

Yeap Susie I think I say every year I have this to move and this to move and the next year I say the same thing cause I don't remember until summer it needs to be moved...lol Ever changing gardens.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Congratulations BadCat on your win at the county fair!

Ocean Springs, MS

Badcat, I'm going to head your way one day! We'd have a blast together! ♥

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Go to Dave's for a pix of Iris Smooth Move. I put the wrong one up...oops.

Susie, I've tried that link and it the main list of rooms for Dave's...??????

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