Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I can do one named, deejay. I will be on "hospital duty" again next week so I won't have time to mail until sometime after that.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

also wanted to let you all Know I will be away tomorrow eve so I will be assigning partners on Monday .
welcome alana .

DEEJAY9--- 1 UNNAMED FOR POSTAGE or other Perennials

DEEJAY9---CAN DO 3-4 Named DL's for $13.00 POSTAGE

Julie sending postage to Nanny Mixed DL's
SpGardens sending to Valal for postage

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I can do one unnamed for postage. Some of them may be singles but were purchased on the Lily Auction recently for $$$. If that would be permissible or if anyone is interested.

Sue G

Atlantic Beach, VA

Cheermom - I would take your unnamed for postage if that's cool. :)

I can also send a box of singles to Froggiesgirl for postage.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Moon that is a great offer & when we hear back from these ladies I will set ya up . you all have a great day I will be leaving here about Noon . but will check back when I can .

Natick, MA

Thank you SPG.....and to you deejay for coordinating all this!
Yesterday morning was50 degrees here and great morning for gardening/tilling. This morning 72 and humid....what a difference a day makes!
Have a great weekend all!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Well I can do a box of unnamed for postage but they will not all be double fans but the single fans are not tiny ones. Like I said they were all purchased off the lily auction.

Sue G

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

what ever arrangement you all make just let me know so i will not set up other trades for you unless you want but please tell me one way or another :))) have a great day .

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Moonjala will take my unnamed for postage. So I'll just need a partner for named for named.

Sue G

Ocean Springs, MS

Yes, DJ, Moonjala is sending to me for postage! Thanks so much! Julie

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok i just need to hear from valal & Gardenpaw need your addresses also Flogro .

& I have had to send dmail to some to confirm if they have arranged trades already . so now i have to assign partners for the named DL's so as soon as i hear from the ones i sent notes to I will try to have this done by this eve . sooner if possible . BBL let me know if you have arranged a swap that is not listed so i don't assign another for you :)


Julie sending postage to Nanny Mixed DL's
SpGardens sending to Valal for postage

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Got me listed perfectly.

Ocean Springs, MS

OK, DJ, my mix-up! You are right! :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sorry for the delay ev1 just got home a bit ago had to take my friend or the lady i care for to the ER long story so won't go into it :) I will call Zoey to come draw your partners names she loves to do that :)

so will be back soon to with your partners .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok let me know if you did not get a partner i will blame zoey :)) or if you have already traded with the person i sent you please let me know i will try to reassign . I have to go check on my neighbor BBL

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Go Zoey Go!.....ask her to ear her feather or angel earrings :-)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm all sorry for yesterday it was a crazy day didn't get anything done around here . so maybe today .
anyone wanting Dl's for postage that has not a partner please let me know I tried to get everyone listed.

I will be in & Out again today & will check back later.

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

DJ my name has disappeared from your last list for postage.

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Go Zoey Go!...ask her to wear her feather or angel earrings :-)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Zoey is in school now & they are staying in town house sitting for this week they left early this morning . So I won't be seeing Much of her , they are trying to get a house in town .

Shorty I will fix it you are getting a box from me is there anyone else your getting from ??? JLMK .

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

DJ I'm not getting a box from anyone else.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OK & Sorry for the goof :) sending you dmail soon

Ocean Springs, MS

If I may, Please vote in the county fair! I voted for DJ! AND I ENTERED MY ORANGE JELLY IN THE PRESERVED FOODS! tHANKS!

Natick, MA

D mailed you my address. Pls let me know if you need anything else!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY Val I Have it on file .

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank you flogro I received my box and so happy with the contents. I love pink. I received Chorus Line, Jan Marie, Mini Pearl, and Pink Puff. All are from Shorty's . They have hand made plant tags and wire armatures. I have them planted, enriched with bone meal, Epsom salts and will apply a
10-10-10 fertilizer just before our next rain forecast. Thank you Susie for partnering me with someone who could ship quickly, September has a way of just flying by. Now back to my canning. Today it's spiced peach preserves. It's a new recipe I'm trying, easy but requires three days of cooking and cooling to properly thicken. We'll see how it goes.

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

It's supposed to start raining this afternoon all the way to Tuesday morning. If it's true it would be amazing. We need water so bad. If we get some of it, it will make it so easy to dig and get the rest of the weeds out. We also have a ton of volunteer palm trees. I don't know if they transplant well but if anybody wants some for postage I would be willing to send.

Sue G

Ocean Springs, MS

Those are awesome daylilies, Mittsy! :)

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

Glad you like them Mittsy.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Very nice box of daylilies and love those tags how pretty are those....good box.

Yeap our weather is going down down down, by end of next week they are saying low 40's!! REALLY....geehz. All tropical in this week! lol Will be good working weather, not bad for sleeping either ;)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Nice box, Mittsy!

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

CheerMom, I'm interested in your palm babies. We have several sego pups that DH has transplanted and they're doing quite well. He enjoys messing with them.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Ok FloGro but I can't guarantee they will make it. I will be careful digging them up probably Tues or Wed after the rain stops. The closest palm trees are two blocks away so I imagine the birds did it!

Sue G

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Great box Mittsy......and flogro

(Tracy) Lk Pan, FL(Zone 9a)

Fair enough CheerMom! I'll send you a dmail.

Ocean Springs, MS

We got a fast and furious rainstorm today. Went outside about an hour later and could barely tell that it had rained. I want rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I hear ya' Julie. It's been saying 40-50-60% chance of heavy rain and what do I see when I look outside? Bright sunshine. We get bright sunshine here almost 365 days a year. We are one of those places where everyone's mood brightens considerably if it rains.

Now it is saying 70-80% chance of heavy thunderstorms.

Guess I'm going to have to go outside and do a rain dance.

DH even washed both the cars today. That usually does it but..............nothing.

Sue G

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening ev1 Hope you all get some rain we had ours this week & Was nice , It really loosens the ground up .

Been a very long day but i just wanted to let my Partners Know that their boxes will be in the air tomorrow & Should land Tuesday or weds .
Here are a few of my Blooms tonight & Boy do they SMELL Great :)
well for some reason My pictures are not showing up on the preview page so i will try again tomorrow , GN all

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

My box is flying out today to...somewhere else. Should arrive Wednesday.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Well I should know to be careful what you wish for...........

Heavy rain started here about 2am and it's supposed to last all day. Thank goodness we need it but the problem with heavy rain in a place that usually gets NO rain is that everything floods. Our patio is flooded, the water heater (in outside raised shed) is flooded, the streets are flooded.

But I'm still glad it's raining.

I'm glad I work at home too because it will be chaos out there. I will tell my daughter to take extra time to go to work because what is usually a 30-40 minute drive for her will certainly take an hour I bet.

So I will probably be digging Wed or so.

Sue G

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