July: time for the red, white and blue!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jake sent some pictures of his kindergarten. I thought I would share a few. They didn't come out in the order I intended! I think it reorders according to have fast they download. Just thought you might be interested in seeing what a kindergarten in Hungary looks like. It seems to be a really nice one. Jake had said that it was nice and really pretty. It seems really colorful and clean.
I thought it was interesting that they seem to use more pastel colors while we use mainly primary colors in our schools.

This message was edited Jul 4, 2014 10:52 AM

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

It certainly looks neat, clean and pleasant. The children all seems to be well-dressed and happy, too
Is Jake teaching them English?

Sandra, please give Judy our condolences. ((((((((((((((((((((((Judy)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra I forgot to mention Judy. I'm sorry to hear that.

Glad you are getting to go to Amanda's. Always nice to have someone cooking for you!

It is a private school. From what Jake says the tuition is very expensive and the parents are all very educated professionals. One little boy he especially likes. He said he was very, very smart and that both his parents were doctors. He says a lot of the older kids know some English. He said the small ones can understand some English but they don't know how to say it back. He is teaching English. He reads them stories in English and is very careful with his pronunciation. He has very good pronunciation. He said some of the people in the school that speak English don't always have the right pronunciation and don't always use the proper verbs, etc. If I could speak another language I'm sure I wouldn't always get it all right either! So he said he speaks slowly so they get the right pronunciation. He reads books in English to the older kids every day after lunch.

He has picked up a little Hungarian. Mainly just what he needs to get around. Not everyone speaks English. He said most of the wait people in restaurants and shop clerks don't speak English. When he needs to ask directions he needs to be able to do that in Hungarian. Jake has had 5 years of Spanish. Three in high school and 2 in college so he has some understanding of foreign language. I think that has probably helped him be able to pick up some of the other languages. He said when he was in Austria he was able to pick up the basic German he needed to get around in just a couple of hours. I haven't talked to him since he got back from Florence so I'm not sure how he did with Italian. He does try to speak the basics in what ever country he is in. Not fluently but just tries to ask directions, order from the menu, etc in whatever language is spoken where he is. He feels that is the courteous thing to do rather than to expect everyone to speak English to him. He feels he is treated better when he attempts to use their language but always explains that his knowledge of the language is very limited.

Ripley, MS

I think the pastel colors soothe more than the vivid bright ones. Is this considered a regular kindergarten class as they go into the 1st grade when their year changes, or just a summer course for the parents who want it? How does their school year go ?
The tall little blonde girl on the end looks like Cayla did in her early school pictures, always taller than the rest of her class!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I actually just got off the phone with Jake. This is a regular kindergarten and the kids will go into the first grade when school starts in the fall. There school year seems to be a little different. Jake said the actually kindergarten year just ended a couple of weeks ago. They are now in what they call the summer program. He said the summer program is a lot less structured - more play time etc. Most of the parents that have kids in this school or professionals and need a place for the kids to go all summer.

It has gone really well for Jake. The head of the school told him they would like to have him back anytime he can come and that they would actually give him a paying job (he is there as a non paying intern this summer) and also help with his room and board. So they really like him and the kids really like him.

Sandra I was always like Cayla too. I gained my height early and was always much taller than the other kids. I look like a giant in my 6th grade group class picture. Everyone from back in those days always considered me much taller than I actually am. I used to be 5'7" but have lost almost an inch in my old age!!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Happy 4th of July

I didn't have time yesterday to type this out but I am totally outraged at Mary's Pa. Dr. She went yesterday to do bloodwork, see Dr. Fort her old Dr. and was already scheduled that if everything went OK do her 2nd chemo treatment. Mary showed Dr. Fort where they said her cancer had doubled on the written CT scan and he showed her that it was her hernia that had enlarged. The Dr. she saw in Pa. had subjected Mary to a chemo treatment with no evidence that the mass was cancer. Dr. Fort has ordered the actual CT scan and will probably do another CA125 blood test. Have any of you ever heard of a bigger fiascos in your life?

It seems like Jake was fortunate to get such a great bunch of kids. They all look so happy to be there. What is their weather like right now?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That is the craziest thing I've ever heard of Jeri! Sounds like grounds for a law suit to me. To put her through the pain of thinking she was going to have to deal with cancer all over again and even double the size it had previously been! Then to give her chemo!!! Not only did it make her feel bad I would think that chemo that's not needed is certainly not good for your body! Sounds like it's a really good thing she came home when she did. No telling what they would have done to her!!! Probably killed her!

It's warm in Hungary. In the high 80's. He said it's also fairly humid. A big river runs through Szeged the town he is in. He said they eat a lot of fish out of the river. He's on his last part of his trip. He leaves in the morning for Munich. Will stay a few days there and then to Prague and stay a few days there and then back to CA.

I've been on the go all day. I've gotten tons of little things done but doesn't seem I've accomplished much as I haven't gotten to the big projects I need to work on. I had rather stay home tonight but Richard wants to see the fireworks downtown tonight. They shoot them off over a bridge over the river. It's really pretty but we went Memorial day and that was enough for me for a while. He really can't walk very far so I don't attempt to get right on the river. I found a spot Memorial day where I could park and just walk a few feet and set up our chairs and have a good view then it was really easy to get out when it was over. I'm going back to the same spot tonight and hope I can get in. The fireworks don't start until 9:30 and will last until 10 or after.

I've enjoyed a nice quiet holiday! I didn't get out of my pj's until 2:30 pm. Years ago I used to have people over (family and then after family moved just friends) every 4th of July. I was thinking last night how nice not to have to deal with all that! Guess I've been there done that and have had enough! Or either I'm just getting old! LOL

Ripley, MS

I too am thankful Mary is home !

Charlotte, I am too old for all that too!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

What is even worst is they put a port into her without any anesthesia and Dr. Fort said they went way too far up her neck.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

And here you were thinking she was getting exceptional care because of the supposedly new treatment she was getting!!!

Just got back from the fireworks. Thank goodness even Richard said he doesn't want to that again for a while! We were close enough you could smell and see the smoke. The Symphony Orchestra plays patriot music for a couple of hours before the fireworks and also during the fireworks. We couldn't hear the music but that was ok. We've both heard it numerous times before. I actually think I could have turned the radio on and been able to pick it up. Forgot about that.

This message was edited Jul 4, 2014 9:42 PM

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

We just stayed home and watched the Macy's 4th of July special on TV. We didn't actually watch the first part of it with the entertainers, etc., just the fireworks being set off to patriotic music. It was quite a show! We enjoyed it and it was a lot better than having to go somewhere and fight a crowd and traffic. We are getting too old for that, too! LOL

Jeri, that is terrible about Mary's experience in PA!! I am so glad she is back in Louisiana.

Here is a side-by-side photo of my oak leaf hydrangea. I actually didn't know that it was going to turn pink. I moved it over here from Harrison two summers ago but it hasn't done much until this year. I guess it went into shock when it was moved. Anyway, I had forgotten the name of it and wasn't expecting it to to turn colors so I was surprised when it did. I started to look for the label and when I found it, it said "Ruby Slippers". :D Now I know why it has that name. LOL
The photo on the left was taken on June 3rd and the photo on the right was taken yesterday, July 4th.

Thumbnail by marsue
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm glad that Mary is back too!!! She is also!!!

That is very pretty Marliyn!!!! I didn't know they did that either.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Jeri, that is just absurd. I'm sure you could work up a good snit over the whole thing with Mary, but just be thankful she is back where she belongs and is getting the care she needs. I heard another doctor-horror-story last night at the get-together we went to. You have to wonder what is happening with our medical care. Well, some of we know, but hate to think about, really.

Marilyn, my native oak-leaf hydrangea blooms turn pink too. All of them now are pink. My Annabelle are white still and I don't think my Lady in Red or Limelight or lacecap Maresii are going to bloom because of the hard winter.

I got all my deadheading done yesterday morning. Well, I probably missed a few but got the bulk of it done while it was cool and breezy. We went to a fireworks display on Thursday night in a little town about 20 minutes from us. It was amazing the show they put on. There is a really old courthouse, I believe the oldest still standing in Alabama, and everyone sits around in lawn chairs with a live band playing before. Then they put on patriotic recorded music while the fireworks show goes on, which we could barely hear. It really was good for 30 minutes worth. Then last night we went to a party that was a covered dish get together on the mountain. The home of the couple who hosted overlooks Huntsville, so we could watch all the fireworks displays. Pretty cool really. You could see all the big displays at 9 pm plus every little neighborhood display as well. We saw and chatted with a lot of friends and people we have skied with in the past and some new people as well and had a nice relaxing evening. My DD had to work the entire weekend. Today we got up and went to breakfast and then packed up and went to the lake for today and tomorrow. More R&R. I think we have had a pretty good weekend. A little work and a good bit of rest.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Dr. Fort said that he needed a biopsy or some concrete evidence that it is cancer. They have ordered the CD or DVD that the CT scan comes on so he can see with his own eyes. They did the CA-125 when she was in the hospital with pneumonia and infections effects the results of a CA-125 and cause false results. He said that what Mary showed him was the hernia. Mary has been confused a lot since this whole thing started and there may be other evidence.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My oakleaf hydrangeas also turn a pinkish color as they mature. My tree form pee gee (very much like limelight) also do the same thing. They are just now about to bloom. It will probably be a week before they actually open. They open pure white and stay white until toward the end of the summer then they turn a pinkish color, They are one of my favorite things in the yard. I have a couple of other white hydrangeas that haven't bloomed yet but they do have some flowers heads. Elaine one of my Lady in Red had a couple of blooms the others didn't. This was a bad winter for hydrangeas.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Ladies, I just saw on Facebook that our DG friend "Trish" (Patricia Spaulding) posted this morning that her son Caleb was taken "home to heaven last night". There were no other details but I am sure that Trish and her family need our prayers and loving support.

St. Simon's Island, GA(Zone 9a)

Oh, no. Please keep us posted!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks for letting us know that Marilyn! I'm so sorry to hear this! Yes I know she and her family need support and prayers!

Ripley, MS

Such terrible news, he is still a child at home, isn't he?
God Bless that family!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Did you just see that Jeri posted that she lost her grandson Cameron in a car wreck last night. She just posted it.

Ripley, MS

I just saw that myself, oh dear God help these people !

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Oh no! It seems our DG friends need our prayers badly right now ! Thanks Marilyn and Charlotte for letting us know. I haven't been online til now.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Such tragedies for both families! My heart is heavy for them all and I am sending up prayers for comfort, strength and encouragement for each of them. They will need all the emotional and spiritual support we can offer them in the days that lie ahead.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Would you all mind it we set a time to pray together for our friends. I know we have all prayed indivually but I just feel led to pray as a group

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I think that is a good idea Cindy!

Ripley, MS

Yes it is a good idea, go ahead and set a time---today won't be good as so many have actitivies going on, maybe noon tomorrow or after work time?

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Ok noon tomorrow if that is good

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I have it down. They both need lots of prayer and comfort. Just can't imagine the heartache they have right now.

Ripley, MS

I think I got most of us covered with the addresses, but if anyone else needs them please send a private message so their address is not in the group threads here.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Noon tomorrow is good for me. Great idea.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Just listened to the news. Caleb was in a wreck in Pine Bluff about 11 pm last night. A car ran into Caleb's pickup for some reason (don't remember exactly what they said - lost control or something) and it caught fire and it also hit a third car from the impact of being hit. The driver of the car was killed as well as Caleb. Two police officer were rushing to the accident and somehow ran into each other! What a mess. I'm sure there will be more information in the paper tomorrow morning.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

My heart is so heavy.......... Sandra texted me to let me know what was going on. I am at a loss for words. My prayers are with both families - and I will be in on the group prayer tomorrow. I know our God is a big God and I pray that He comforts them as only He can...........

Kyle headed to Texas Thursday after work, and is traveling back home now. We had planned to go to Alex's on Friday - but then weren't sure if we were going then or Saturday so he signed up for callouts on friday. So, Jessica and I took my sister (who was celebrating her 65th bday) to Monroe just to go to the mall and hang out for her bday because by the time we realized we weren't going to LR - there wasn't much time to do anything else. We had fun hanging out and didn't get home until after 10. Then yesterday we went to Alex's and did some work in his yard, went to pick up Jessica some scrubs so she can start her new job at the hospital pharmacy tomorrow, and then Alex grilled steaks for us. Natalie had to work late so we were REALLY late eating supper and even later leaving his house - so it was 1 when we got home last night! I KNOW I am TOO old for that for sure!!! But, we had such a great day with him - got to spend more time with him than we have in a long time - so it was worth it. Got up this morning and sewed a valance for my sister's new kitchen, and Jess made cupcakes for her - and this afternoon we went back to her house to have cupcakes and homemade ice cream for a belated birthday get together. All in all, it was a nice weekend.... I am so sorry that others have had such a tragic one.

Elaine, it sounds like you had a really nice weekend - that cabin sounds like a beautiful setting.

Marilyn, sounds like ya'll have been very productive. I got a few things done but not nearly enough because I spent all my time on the road.

Charlotte, Jake is having the experience of a lifetime. Does he think he will return there again next summer?

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

I got Sandra's text a bit ago and found the article on Caleb. Many many prayers are going out to them, how tragic. Hopefully I can be on tomorrow at noon, if not I'll be here in spirit.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I'll be praying for them all tomorrow at noon. And ladies, if I may, I would like to remind you that the first week after a tragedy there are usually plenty of people around the family offering support and comfort. It is when the funeral is over and everyone goes home that our prayers for encouragement, support and strength will be needed even more. Having lost my oldest son in a motorcycle wreck when he was 19, I know exactly what these two families are going through. Believe me, a card or a phone call every week for the next few weeks will mean so much to both Jeri and Trish. Let's don't forget them in the weeks that lie ahead.

Genna, I'm glad you had a good week-end with the kids.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna I'm not sure if he will go back next summer or not. He will probably need to work and save up some money again before he goes back. It has really been a great opportunity for him. I think he has really matured with the experience and it's been really good for his self confidence. He's had to figure out how to get around by himself. No one to help him. He really had to be self reliant.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Here is a link that tells about Caleb's accident.
To think he survived the burn accident several years ago to have this happen.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Marilyn for that reminder We all soon get caught back up in our daily lives not meaning to forget but we just get sidetracked . Life goes on around us when we have had a terrible loss and it is hard to get back on the train when you feel like you just keep rotating through the turnstiles. God is ever present but it is sure hard to see his hand sometimes when our children and grandchildren are involved.It seems so much more fair when a loved one has lived a long full life. Of course we can"t know God's Ultimate plan. Words can't really console but the thought behind them does lift us up when we just can't seem to go forward. I believe Prayers can make a difference. I pray with all my being that these two families are granted peace in mind, body and soul. I am sure Jeri and Patrica know how loved they are with this group. We have been together a long time together and with God's Grace many Years to come. Thank you all for being my support system when I have needed you. Warriors in Christ indeed.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Well, said, Cindy! I totally agree!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes, Cindy. You said it so well. I know we all have heavy hearts over these tragedies. It makes us want to hold our loved ones a little longer and a little tighter for sure. Marilyn, you and others who have been through this certainly can help guide us through what they are going through.

Terrye sent out some text messages with the mailing addresses for Jeri and Trish. If anyone did not get them and want them let us know and we'll make sure you get them via d-mail like someone said above. We'll make sure our thoughts get to them in the days and weeks ahead.

Safe travels for Kyle, Jake, and all others who will be traveling home.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I woke up several times last night with our friends on my mind...... Cindy, I totally agree, we have been together here for several years - and I feel as if everyone here is family. My heart aches because I know they are hurting, and I feel helpless to relieve their pain other than praying for strength and comfort for them. I do believe that prayers make a difference too - so I will keep praying. Just feel like I should be doing more............ :(

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