July: time for the red, white and blue!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I believe Bonnie has her own booth. I think Bonnnie, Cindy and myself are all creative people that do it because it's something we enjoy. Making money at it is just a bonus. Also it let's us keep buying stuff we can do something with! LOL I have always loved doing things with my hands. Now Iam finally at a point in life I can spend as much time as I want doing it! I would love to learn how to throw pottery on a wheel. But I think I better stick to the projects I have going.

Sandra when I was growing up I had a big easy chair in my room that I just loved. I spent many an hour in that chair reading, etc. Several years ago I was out visiting the kids and I had a little extra money and decided I wanted to buy all three of the boys some things for their room. Justin and Clint needed new desks as they had outgrown the ones they had. Jake already had a nice desk so I had in mind getting a chair for him. When Kristi realized I was really serious she suggested we go to Ikea to shop. We spent an afternoon there shopping and bought a ton of stuff including a desk each for Justin and Clint and a chair that also made into a single bed for Jake. Luckily their stuff all comes unassembled because when we got it all stuffed into her minivan we could barely see the kids! We had stuffed piled all on top of them even. But that was one of those memory making days. I made sure what we bought was something they wanted and not something we were picking out for them. Jake was about 13 at the time and when we checked out he ran over and hugged me and thanked me in the middle of the store. Kristi said do you realize what just happened. He really appreciated what you got him because he would NEVER to that in front of people. So that chair may look crazy to you but it will be special to her.

I made the best stuff last night. Someone posted a recipe for old fashioned goulash and for some reason that just sounded good. So I bought the stuff to make it and was shocked to discover the price of ground beef! I usually buy ground round or ground sirloin and they were both 4.99 a pound!!! I was so stunned I didn't look at the price of just regular ground beef but I'm sure it was far behind. That's what happens when you don't buy meat. I usually just buy fruit, milk, eggs, bread - the basic. The goulash I made was a lb of ground beef, 1 onion, several cloves of garlic, a can of tomato sauce, a can of diced tomatoes, 1 cup of elbow macaroni, salt, pepper and some other seasonings. It was so good!!! That's what I'm having for lunch for the next several days. I also had my first fried okra for lunch yesterday.

Ripley, MS

Well, we finally got home. There are 2 Dollar General stores in Ripley, and neither of them had this chair. They both said we only get what is shipped to us ! So we headed back to New Albany where we were when she found the chair. Stopped in Blue Mountain, no chair there, finally got to New Albany and there were only 3 left there. Since we were back in New Albany I took her to an old time burger joint that has stools at the counter and cokes in a cooler with a bottle opener on the cooler, it took her a minute to figure that out ! This place has been there since I was a little girl, it is a type of dough burger they serve and talking about the price of meat--their burgers are 2.50 each now and this is the small bun ! They were about a quarter when I was a little girl--of course that was a very long time ago!! Mamma loved these and she would always want 2 when we got them. Mamma never ate 2 of anything except these !
It is called Lathams Hamburger Inn, you can probably find out something about it on line as old as it is. Of course we hit all our bargain stores we didn't hit the other day when we went. We had a great memory making day !

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hello dear friends!!! It has been very rough the last few days!!! Our entire family is so grateful for the love and support that we have received since Cameron died last Sunday. It will be a week tonight. Just awful!! Bre has her moments Sandra. A bunch of friends went to Blue Bayou today but it was too much and they are at Foster's(Bre's friend boy) parents. They are cooking hamburgers for the group. Ashley had to work today so she joined them after she got off work and then a group of girls are coming to spend the night here. The parent's of the boy that hosted the party last week were arrested yesterday for allowing underage drinking. I hope this makes sense!!! Cameron had been living with a group of young men out in Watson but b/c he had been so sick and lost his job he had just moved back in with his dad. There had been a lot angry between Terrie and Greg during the last year for their divorce but Terrie was very kind to him and everyone came back here after the funeral. Yesterday they went back to the funeral home and are working on the headstone. Afterwards they went and looked at the crash site and Cameron's car. They got here and I had both of them to support when they collapsed. It totally doesn't help knowing what they are facing in the days to come. It has been very humbling the support we have received. The line for the wake was out the chapel down the reception hall and out the door. It was taking over an hour to get to the casket and people stayed the entire time.

Everyone's pictures look like Yall's yard are doing very well this year. I had 3 people come in and they worked without stopping yesterday for 6 hours. They were only able to finish 4 beds that they had done just last month. Seems the only thing in abundance down here is the weeds!!!

I love Yall but I'm gonna say good night so I can make it to church in the morning!!! Love Yall!!!

St. Simon's Island, GA(Zone 9a)

It's good to hear from you, Jeri.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn't know Cameron had been sick. Such a shame about the party. I do pray the other young man recovers. I know the divorce makes things even more difficult. Take care of yourself Jeri. I know a lot of people are looking to you for support but you also need to think about yourself. I know the reality of it all has not settled in yet.

Jeri that's what happens when we keep creating beds and planting flowers!! There comes a time when it's more than we can handle! As beautiful as your place is I can see why you want to sell it. You have major upkeep!

Ripley, MS

Jeri, you know our support for you continues and we are here for you when you need us. The first thing I thought about when I saw that Cameron was in a wreck was his fall that messed up his head a few years ago, was that still the problem with him being sick ?

I hope that the parents who gave the underage kids liquor have to stay UNDER the jail ! You all know how I feel about alcohol. Nothing good ever came from drinking ! The 18 year old man who ran over and killed my BIL has served his time and is out of jail, I just pray he learned his lesson and is helping others to see the dangers involved in drinking.

My daylilies are still blooming, but the foliage is burned up and looking sad--LOL-- my coral drift roses blooming again and looks better than most things around here. Even with all the blooms still coming, I think daylily season is close to the end here. Autumn Minerat bloomed yesterday and it is the latest daylily I have. I was hoping for some of the rebloomers to put up another round as much rain as we had, but no sign of any yet .

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra my day lilies have really been pretty this year but they are also going to soon be coming to the end of the blooming season. My foliage is also looking really sad. I've been concerned about it but I guess it's just the normal pattern. We're supposed to have a cool spell next week. I'm going to try and get some yard work done then. I have a lot of stuff in the back that needs to be thinned out. I need to do more weeding in the front and then put some mulch and preen down. I've gotten enough furniture painted that I can let up on that for a while. I have a couple of pieces I need to finish but they just need one more coat and distressing so that want take long. It's going to be another 2 weeks or more before they are ready to open the new side at the mall. They are reconfiguring the check out area in old side and making a seating area in front. They are going to have a check out station in the new side and they are waiting on the computer for that station to come in. They actually ordered new carts and baskets for shopping. We had some old carts that had just showed up. They were big grocery store type carts. The ones they bought are small black carts like you see in places like TJMax and clothing stores. The new ones don't take up so much room in the aisle plus look so much better.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Yes we think that too Sandra!!! After almost a year of every kind of Dr. here in Baton Rouge and just recently doctors in New Orleans ran all kinds of test they told Terrie to try a Neurologist again. She was gonna make the appt. Mon. but now that is not necessary as he is whole again without any pain in Heaven. Terrie and Cameron just spent Wed. night in ICU b/c he had dehydrated. They gave him 4 bags of fluid. I don't really know but to me that seems like a lot. He had stayed at the house until Fri. evening and went back to Greg's to change and go to the fireworks show with Terrie in Mandeville on Lake Ponchatrain. It breaks my heart but we believe that this is the only way for Cameron to be healed. I never knew a concussion was so bad. I thought you just watch them for a while and then they were fine. We knew when the seizures started that this wasn't right. I have to agree that drinking and driving are a bad combination.

We could have been in the same position as those parents when Chris helt the candlelit vigil for Cameron, one of Breanna's little GF(17 years old) left the group when it was over and sat in her car doing shots of something by herself and after about an hour backed her car into Brandon's
car . If Brandon's car had not been there we would have never known what she had done and she would have backed out into Greenwell Springs Rd. Which would have been a mistake. We made her spend the night after we realized what she had done and told Breanna and Ashley after this she was not welcome on our property and Breanna would NEVER be riding with her again. But it was that close to happening again and then Jim & I would have been responsible without even knowing it was happening. Very scary!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes Jeri we don't always know what kids are doing even on our own property. So glad you all discovered her and kept her off the highway. Concussions can be very serious. Just think of the people you have heard about that have died from just falling and hitting their head. Same kind of fall Cameron had.

I don't know anything about it either but 4 bags of fluid also sounds like a lot to me.

Ripley, MS

Praises to God, for the knowing that these old hurting and sick bodies will be healed ! Our sermon this morning was about the resurrection power of Jesus. Just last Sat one of our oldest church members was buried in the cemetary (Judy's MIL ) so death and loss has been heavy at church too, it was a much needed reminder that Jesus said "I AM"

Jeri I am so glad you were able to detain that young girl. There was a couple of girls that had tried to stop the man who ran over Jim, but he was stronger and left the party at 8 am on a Sat morning. They both testified at the trial and one was a paramedic.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

You would have loved our sermon Sandra!!! It was the plague of frogs against Pharaoh. I giggled at you through most of the sermon especially when he said if there had been any red necks they would have been serving fried frog legs!!!

We can't do anything about the choices that Cameron made that night. The drinking, then driving, the no seat belt or the speeding!! Terrie told the coroner that she didn't even care HOW he died. He was dead!!! She asked them to examine his stomach & head closely during the autopsy b/c she would like to know what was causing his problems. The thought of never knowing THAT is unbearable!!!

We didn't get any rain yesterday but I thought around 1:00 PM today we were gonna get it but so far nothing. It's so humid here you can hardly breathe outside. I'll try to see if anything is blooming when it cools down.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri at one time or another all of us have made choices that were not good. None of us are perfect. I do hope for Teri's sake they find what was wrong with his head and stomach.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Jeri, I agree with Charlotte. Prayers continue for both your family and Trish's.

It will be in the low 90's here today but a cool front is on the way and tomorrow we will only be in the mid-70's for a high! That's practically unheard of around here for July! I am going to enjoy it as long as it lasts. We are supposed to get some rain, too, and I hope we do because it is starting to get dry around here.

I have several sunflowers that have come up voluntarily. Most of them are blooming now and they are certainly adding some bright, sunny cheerfulness to the garden. We have one out back that is more than six feet tall. It hasn't bloomed yet but has buds on it. I am eager to see whether it is one of those giant flowers. Most of the other sunflowers have blooms of the smaller variety.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Jeri, I agree with Terrie, and hope the autopsy can show what was wrong with Cameron. If anything will bring everyone peace of mind, that would. It would do no good to try to second guess his choices that night. It's good to hear from you. I think about you and Trish all the time and continue to pray for you both.

We had our hottest weather here over the weekend, but I managed to get a little bit done outside. I pulled up one tomato plant that I didn't like (Super Sioux) and put out a Cherokee Purple seedling in its place. I made some salsa and canned some tomato juice. I think the DLs are about done here too but I still have a few that have some blooms. Was in the middle of fertilizing some of them yesterday in the hope they might bloom again and it started raining. It rained yesterday for about 2 hours! The weather forecaster was wrong. Well sort of, they said pockets of rain and I guess we had a big pocket. It's supposed to be cool again starting Wed morning thru the weekend! I'm so excited about that!

Of course there are always weeds to pull and deadheading to do so I did some of that and planted some cosmos seeds. I meant to plant them earlier but forgot about them. If they don't come up that's ok. I also have some volunteer sunflowers that are blooming now. I think they come up from the birdseed so I just transplant them and see what happens. I have the 3rd nesting of bluebirds in one of my boxes! Five eggs! The babies just fledged a couple of weeks ago and I hadn't even cleaned the nest out yet and they were back last week. I checked it this weekend and they had already layed the eggs. I had heard the bluebirds would nest in an old nest and now I believe it. I also have a 2nd hatching in another box and some that just fledged in a 3rd box. It's been a great year for mother nature!

Ripley, MS

I know it is a great year for peaches ! I have bought from 2 different sources and they are great! They have the best taste and the ones I bought this week end are the size peaches should be. The last several years they have been so small and the first ones I got were small, but these are big and juicy and oh so sweet! I never put up peaches but if you do this is the year to do it.

Busy week ahead if the weather cools, I will try to pick blueberries one day, Faith is going home tomorrow afternoon and that probably ends this summers visit with grands. School starts back August 6th.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes, Sandra, the peaches are great! I bought a basket Saturday and plan to freeze most of them. May go back for another basket this weekend.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Blueberries are about over here. I picked a bunch last week. I bought a small bucket of peaches and there were really good. We have a good place to pick peaches. It's very easy picking. I need to go do that.

Sandra their school starts back really early! Jake got home this week. He's coming to visit me for a week Aug 6th and I'll get to hear all about his trip. With all three going to different colleges they have different start back to school dates. Justin doesn't move in until late Sept. His first class isn't until Oct 2. Jake goes back the last of Aug. Around the 22nd I believe. I'm not sure when Clint goes but I know it's not the same as Jake or Justin. Justin and Clint got their AP test scores back and were please to learn that they had each tested out of several classes. Justin tested out of 4 so he going in with 12 hours of credit and Clint tested out of 3 so he going in with 9 hours of credit. Justin tested out of Calculus I and wanted to take Calculus II the first semester while it's fresh on his mind. However, he's having trouble getting in the class as it's considered an upper level class and priority goes to upper class students and they are also holding some spots for transfer students. I hope he is able to get in. Jeff and Kristi went down with him for orientation and registration a week or so ago. He said they were looking forward to being able to spend some time in Santa Barbara. But he said that didn't happened. He said orientation and registration was really hectic and they ended up spending all their time on campus. Jeff said Justin was a little overwhelmed but that he would get used to it.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Jeri - so good to hear from you! I am continuing to pray for you and your family, and Trish's as well. I do hope they are able to get Terrie the answers she needs ............ I didn't know that he had been sick.

I have been trying to get some peaches - but so far no luck. The orchard has a harvest schedule on their website - but best I can tell from their recordings the website is not the true schedule. I am hoping the peaches are just a little behind because of the cold spring - they have some varieties now, but now the ones i would prefer. They only have white peaches at the moment. I think they are already out of blueberries. Jess' little bush was loaded, but they all got ripe at different times - and just a few at a time, so kinda hard to do anything with a handful at a time. She made some blueberry muffins with the last few she picked - but that's been it other than just eating them.

Elaine, I had intentions of working outside here this weekend but it was so stiffling I just couldn't handle it! The humidity was unbelievable and it was extremely hot. Camden hit 100 on Saturday............air temp alone! So, I cleaned house - and although no one could tell it if they came in, I did get some things done that were way past due. I am hoping that cool weather comes and that I get some things finished up outside! Still very hot here today..........

Charlotte, glad Jake made it home safely from his trip. I know he will have lots to tell and lots of pictures to share. Sounds like the guys did good with their AP scores - it is always good to carry in hours with you. Jess took in so many hours that even though she just finished her second year - she is classified as a senior based on hours. She took Spanish 1 the first summer session on line and is currently taking Spanish II and Comp II on line, as well as studying for her PCAT that she is taking on Thursday and working at two jobs. I think she might have gotten herself a tad bit overloaded.............but she seems to stay more on track when she is on overload because she knows she can't get off schedule LOL...... She still has not had several classes for things that will be on the PCAT - so she is expecting to have to take it again, but she just wanted to try it to see what it would be like. She has done very well on some practice tests - even in subject areas she hasn't had - and some tests have not been as good. Guess we will just see how it goes. Kyle is supposed to get his MCAT scores tomorrow.......so we are anxiously awaiting that. He is in Dallas today and tomorrow shadowing a guy in internal medicine there. Will be back home tomorrow evening and back at work on Wednesday.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Clint and Justin are smart and do well on test. They were simply trying to get some hours for a cushion and get some things out of the way. Knowing them they will not be taking extra classes trying to build up hours! LOL Even through they ended up graduating with honors grade points are not important to them (Kristi wishes they felt it more important). While they do very well on the test that don't always get their homework and other assignments turned in a timely manner. They don't do a lot of extra prep for test - they just take them! LOL They are much more social than Jake and always have some kind of social activity going on. Justin's iphone was not working right and he took it in to Apple and they gave him a new phone. Jeff didn't know he had done it. All of a sudden Jeff started getting all these text messages. He said he normally gets about 1 a day and one day he got 180 text messages. 60 of them came within one hour. He said he was really getting stressed out over it. He mentioned it over dinner that night and Justin said let me see it. Turned out all his text messages were going to his dad's phone! The reason he had so many is they have all these groups set up and when planning to do something they text the whole group and that's how everyone knows where to go!

Genna is Jessi planning to try to graduate early?

We got another good rain here late this afternoon. All this rain is sure helping my water bill!

I keep intending to go up to Round Mountain and pick some peaches but I haven't gotten around to it. You and fill up a big sack in just a very short time. I always end up picking too many because they are so easy to pick.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

No, Charlotte, she can't really graduate early. Being a chemistry major she has two semesters of chemistry per year - so that makes it difficult to graduate early because most of those chemistries are not offered over the summer. She could actually apply for pharmacy school early, and if she got in, just not go her senior year at OBU, but I don't think she is going to do that. Since she has her education paid for it isn't as big a deal as if she was having to pay or borrow a lot every year. She MIGHT apply early,but I really doubt it. OBU does have an agreement that if you attend there 2 or 3 yrs in prep for some type of professional program - law school, dental school, pharmacy, med school - and then go on to graduate with that degree, they will go back and award you your bachelors. But, she really wants to finish this degree before moving on - and she has been told by several pharm students that the additional chem classes, etc will help her in pharmacy school. After everything that went on last week, I am not sure I even told ya'll that she is working full time at the hospital pharmacy. She will still work at Merle Norman too when she can - I think she is working this Saturday - but they pay her more at the pharmacy and she needs the hours on her application to pharmacy school, so she will work all she can there. There has only been a few weeks that she has gotten a full 40 hrs at Merle - so she is super excited about her upcoming check with 40 hrs of pay at a higher rate! :) Then the next check will have 80+ on it .....so she will REALLY like that one! Well, guess it will only have 72 plus, because she is taking off this Thursday to take her PCAT test. And we are going on vacation July 26 - Aug 2, so she will miss a full week of work then, but she should get about 5 full weeks of work, and then most of a 6th week of work before returning to school. They are getting her trained so that she will be able to come home and work some weekends while she is in school. They fill regular prescriptions for employees just like a normal pharmacy would, plus they do all the IV bags for the hospital and work up all the admitted patients meds for the day. Then they also "stock" the ICU, ER, Chemical dependency Unit, and some storage units on the individual wings. So she is getting a much broader range exposure than she would have gotten in just a clinical pharmacy. So far, she is really enjoying it - for which I am thankful! I was really worried if she would actually LIKE the job. I wanted her to be sure before she commits 6 more years to it. :)
Kyle gets his MCAT scores tonight around 5...... so we are waiting...........

It stormed here last night and we got some wind, and lots of lightening, and a little rain. Not really much. They had said we might get two inches or so - and I was really hoping for it, but it didn't happen. At least it was a little cooler this morning, but still pretty muggy here. I hope it will be better than the 99 we hit yesterday!

I am headed off this morning to take my first allergy shot............... going to be giving myself shots 3 times per week to start for the first 6 mos. Then I will go to 2 /wk, and eventually to 1 we hope. They are going to give me instructions today on how to give myself the shots. And I had to get an epi pen yesterday in the event that I have a severe reaction to the shots.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Genna, I have a friend whose daughter worked at the hospital pharmacy as a pharmacist for quite a few years when she first got started and she loved it. The hours were much more 'regular' than a drugstore or CVS/Walgreens, etc these days. And you are right. They do much more than just fill prescriptions. My daughter, as you know, works in the ER at the hospital so if she needs to go to the clinic she goes at the hospital on occasion, and also has her prescrips filled there and she knows some of the people in the pharmacy there. And you are right, the pharmacy does exactly what you desribe, they just might be 'spread out' in different parts of a large hospital. I think she will probably enjoy it and learn a lot more about pharmacy in general.

Did you mention earlier what they found out you were highly sensitive to in your allergy tests? If so I must have missed it. Wow! You must have had some bad allergies to have to go through the shots, but I have heard that is the best or fastest way to desensitize you to the allergen.

I know y'all must be so proud of your kids and grandkids getting off to college. And Genna, I remember when you were so worried about Kyle getting into med school and now look at him! So confident, and shadowing in specialties now! I know he must love it!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Justin and Clint did get their jobs that Kristi required them to have. Justin is working at a local sandwich shop - a subway type place but not a chain. Clint is working for the Pottery Barn Kids. His girlfriend's older brother had been working there and got a different job and he recommended Clint for the job. Clint had to fill out an application and it asked how much he expected to make. Jeff told him to just put down the minimum wage. I guess Clint felt he was worth more than that so he put down several dollars more (than minimum wage is not 9.00) and actually got it!

Off to a MG garden tour and ice cream social. Weather is perfect to be outside!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Elaine, our local hospital is pretty small - and everything is done out of that one pharmacy. They do have to stock cabinets in ER, etc but they do that daily. They do not fill prescriptions for the public - hospital employees only. Only because of the limited staff I think. But, because the hospital doesn't offer a drug card for their employees they fill prescriptions at cost for them instead. At least because they do that, it gives her the full spectrum exposure and much more than she would have gotten in one of our local pharmacies. It is very fast paced and she said they are pretty busy all day long - a big change from her time at Merle Norman where some days they would be really busy (especially close to Christmas/Mother's Day, etc) and other days they would only have a handful of customers all day!

Alex is the one who is in med school already - and he is doing his Ob/gyn rotation currently....not his favorite thing! LOL...... but he is on labor and delivery this week and next - he is assigned 7am - 7pm this week, and next week will be the night shift 7 - 7. I have a brother in law who is an ob, and he has been joking with Alex about him becoming one, but I don't think he has ANY desire to do that! ^_^ Kyle, will be a senior this fall at Ouachita Baptist and we will be sending out applications to different med schools in the next few weeks and months. He got his MCAT scores yesterday and was very upset with them. He did fine, made a 28, but he made a 29 on his first practice test before he even studied and had made as high as a 35 on other practice tests. He knew when he finished it that he had not done well on that particular test - but he didn't expect the score to be that low. That will definitely get into UAMS in LR, but he really wants to go to Univ Texas Southwestern in Dallas - and that will not get him consideration as an out of state person trying to get in there. He has signed up to take it again next Thursday......so we will see. It is this 6 weeks of waiting on results that drives me crazy. :( The doctor that he shadowed in Dallas on Monday and Tuesday is a BIG alumni of Southwestern. He offered to write Kyle a letter of recommendation for there - and Kyle gratefully accepted. IF he can get that score up, he will have a much better shot of getting in.

My tests revealed that I was allergic to 5 different molds - one penecillium and the others all found outside. (particular if you garden or work in flower beds she said! ) I am also allergic to 5 different trees - Oak, Sweet Gum, Sycamore, Walnut, and Mulberry......... I am around all of those on a regular basis except the mulberry. I also tested slightly allergic to horses - which I was around constantly growing up, but that reaction was minor. My allergies have gotten progressively worse for the past several years. I used to only have a few weeks in the spring and maybe a week or two in the fall that caused problems. Now it is almost year around. Supposedly over time this is supposed to help the situation. I went yesterday for my first shots. They didn't tell me until I went yesterday that actually I have to have TWO shots each time. :( Anyway, they gave me one in each arm. I go back tomorrow and will supposedly give it to myself in each arm.....(I feel pretty certain I can use my right hand ok to give my shot in my left arm - not so sure about using the left to give the shot in the right!!!) I also had to learn how to use an epi pen and had to purchase a set of them just in case I have an adverse reaction to any of these shots. They make the entire years worth of formulation and the first several vials are diluted down and you keep working up in strength to get to the full dosage. I also started out with only 8 units yesterday in each arm, but by the 6th day of shots, I will be up to 40 units. So they start you off slow - even on the diluted - and build you up to try to see how your body is going to react. The needles are tiny, but my arms are a little sore from the injection. I am going to have to ask when I go back - if that is expected to be a constant thing, I may switch to my stomach. The first year, including the testing is supposed to run me around 400 or less - that includes the testing, medicine,but I have to buy the needles. I have been spending around 40 per month on my allergy meds so I should save a little the first year. After that, IF it is effective, it should be a lot more cost effective for me.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hopefully this will keep you from feeling sooo bad!!! Jimmy was allergic to mold spores that were produced when I watered my plants so I had to move everything outside.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Glad you had the testing done and found out what you're allergic to Genna. I didn't say anything but I had a feeling you were probably allergic to mold. When you were having all that problem with your breathing you were working on Alex's house and it had lots of water damage and I'm sure the stuff you all were tearing out in the bathroom was full of mold. Hope your shots give you a lot of relief.

I spent morning out pulling up and cutting back stuff in the back yard. It was getting to be too much of a jungle! I cut all my bee balm way back. I like it and don't want to get rid of it but the blooms were all spent and it fallen over on lots of my good plants - like named hostas, coral bells, ferns, etc. Things look so much better with it cut back. Pulled up tons of EE's and toad lily. Now my walkways are covered in trash!! That's a project for tomorrow however!

I had a really fond memory of a very dear old friend of mine that died several years ago from a blow she received on the head when she fell down some stairs at her son's home. I have spent the morning remembering some of the good times we had together. She was the ultimate shopper. One time she saw a jumpsuit at Stein Mart she really like. Several days latter she decided to go back and get it and it was gone. About a year later she discovered the jumpsuit in her closet! She had bought it and forgot she had. That was the reason it wasn't there when she went back. Yesterday I saw a lady in a top I had really liked at Stein Mart. When I saw her I thought to myself I really should have bought that top. Well guess what I was looking for something to wear this morning and lol and behold there that top was hanging in my closet! I had totally forgotten I bought it a couple of weeks ago! We traveled a lot together and lots and lots of good memories of our travels together.

Ripley, MS

Precious memories, Charlotte ! I wanted to work outside in this beautiful weather, but found out this morning that Cayla and Eli are coming. The lady that was maid of honor at her wedding lost her Mom and Cayla is coming to go to the funeral. I just took Faith home last night--LOL !
I have been getting the house in shape instead of going out, but it is a beautiful day ! She is also bringing me 100 pounds of to a toes for canning !

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

It has been beautiful weather here for the last couple of days--highs in the 70's, with low humidity and temps in the 50's for lows. This will last for through Friday and then the temps will gradually start rising into the mid-80's and into the 90's by the end of next week. It has really been nice although I haven't been able to work outside the last two days because of previous commitments.

I have an appointment to help an elderly friend with her computer tomorrow morning. Okay, okay, I know I am considered "elderly" by some folks who haven't yet reached the age of 50 LOL but this lady will be 87 in a couple of weeks so she really is "elderly". She is, however, probably the youngest 87 you will ever meet and she doesn't look 87 at all. She amazes me! However, she has no patience with computers, as you might expect, so I am going to try to help her. I am certainly no computer geek but it isn't hard stuff. She just doesn't want to be bothered with figuring it out.

Anyway, I hope to be able to work outside in the afternoon tomorrow if it isn't raining. We haven't had rain in several days so we could use some but I hope it waits until tomorrow night. I need to cut back my bee balm, too, and a couple of other things.

Al harvested our very first tomato this afternoon. This may sound silly but it is really beautiful!! :D
There isn't a single blemish on it. We will eat it with supper tonight. I hope it lives up to what I have heard about Rutgers tomatoes!

Sandra, here you are talking about canning 100 lbs. of tomatoes and I am going on so over just one tomato. LOL

Ripley, MS

When you eat it you will wish you had a hundred pounds to can ! They are very nice for canning tomatoes, I was expecting them to be much smaller than they are, but they are very nice, and good, I ate 3 do them just to be sure ! It will be Friday before I start canning, I also have an appointment with an "elderly lady" tomorrow to work on her tablet--Pat, is getting some kind of error in hers that won't let her work her jigsaw puzzles, so she is coming in the morning to see if I can get it straightened out for her !

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Genna, I am sorry. I got Alex and Kyle mixed up. Probably I should add again to that! They grow up so fast I got them mixed up!

I took some photos a few days ago or maybe a week ago and forgot to post. The blackberry lily and butterfly bush have been really pretty. The pink diamond frost hydrangea is blooming but not heavily. It's a late bloomer and I didn't even know if it would bloom. The new plants, Lo and Behold butterfly bush is awesome and the dwarf abelia is also. I don't know if they show up in the pics or not.

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra a hundred pounds of tomatoes is a LOT!! You're going to be doing a lot of canning.

Elaine I love your Blackberry lily!!! We had a MG tour of gardens yesterday. One of the gardens had some Blackberry lilies. I think that was the first time I had ever actually seen one in person. They are so pretty.

My Pee Gee tree form hydrangeas are starting to open. One of my favorite things in my yard. I have one in the front. This is the one in the front And I also have one in the back. They always start to bloom about the time the day lilies quit in the front and just as the other hydrangeas are past their peak in the back. It's a really bad picture. I'll take another one after the blooms open good.

I also have another white hydrangea in my back yard that I don't remember the name of that is just starting to bloom good. I can see both of them from the chair I always sit in in the den.

This message was edited Jul 16, 2014 7:42 PM

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Charlotte, if you ever want to try some Blackberry lily, let me know. I have several that have reseeded in my beds. The birds scatter the seeds and I think they just re-sow themselves in some places. They look like miniature iris when they start to break ground.

Genna, I was so tired last night I didn't write much, but I'm really glad you had the allergy tests and found out what you are allergic to. It kinda sucks that it's mold but that is pretty common. Mine is predominately dust/dust mites. I probably could have told them that because I used to always sneeze like crazy when my mother would have me sweep the porch. Other allergens were fairly minor like some of the trees you mention. But nothing was really off the charts for me, thankfully, that required shots. I hope you do well with the shots. Did they tell you to wear a mask or anything when you work outdoors? There are some that are more comfortable than others. Earl has started wearing one when he mows sometimes and he says it does help, especially in the spring.

Sandra, that is a lot of tomatoes, but if the tomatoes are big, it really doesn't take much to make 100 lbs I guess.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've had the allergy testing also. I can't remember exactly what all was on my list but some things similar to Genna but not to the extinct she is allergic. I've never had to take shots but did take pills for a long time. My allergies are so so so much better in recent years. I used to have to go to spend a week at a time at this really old but very nice hotel in Hot Springs (the Arlington). Some of my worst attacks were while I was there. A lot of time I would have to have a shot of Kenalog to get over it. Looking back it was all the dust, mold, etc. that accumulates in old buildings. Also it was common for people to smoke inside and that added to the problem. I had lots of problems when I had my store. It was located in an area of the most expensive real estate in LR. But the area is old and the store had a basement I used to process all my shipments which I'm sure was full of all the stuff I am allergic to. Then I had a leak in my ceiling one day and discovered the business above me had a leak and had not reported it to management because he was afraid they would go up on his rent! No telling how long it had been leaking before it actually came through into my shop. He was an elderly gentleman still trying to hang on to his photography studio.

When I decide to pull up ivy in my backyard is when it really brothers me now. I just know that for the days I'm pulling I'm going to have lots of allergy problems. But other than that I have few problems now. Just remembered when we went to Homestead one time recently as soon as we pulled into the driveway my allergies started acting up and my nose ran, eyes watered, etc the whole time I was there. As soon as we left the problem went away! Everyone in the car noticed it. There was something they had done that I was allergic to. Everyone was amazed at how quickly it came on and how fast it went away!

Very overcast here today. It's supposed to rain today and tomorrow. We still have that nice cool weather. Reminds me of CA weather!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I wish this weather would stick around all summer! We've had, what, two of these 'polar vortex' events this summer? Bring 'em on!!

Regarding the allergy stuff again, nasal sprays have really helped me, and I use zyrtec or claritin some in the spring if it gets really bad. I kwym, Charlotte, about going in some places and it just triggers that resopnse. I can't go into a Yankee Candle store. Drives me up the wall. And some fabric stores with all the dyes makes my eyes water and my throat sore.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Elaine forgot to say that yes I would like to try the Blackberry lily next time we get together.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Elaine - no problem on getting their names mixed up! I totally understand. I love everybody on the list but sometimes it is really hard for me to keep all the family members names straight - especially when I have never met them! LOL..... Somedays it is all perfectly clear - other times confusion! LOL that is just my life!

They said I could wear a mask if I was going to be working in old mulch or moving leaves/pine straw that type of thing. But, in theory, the point of these shots is to build up my body's tolerance to the irritant so i don't have the reaction anymore. We will see............... they said it would probably be at least 2 months before I can really tell a difference. The plant that I work in is old - built in the late 60s and we have had a lot of roof leakage, etc over recent years and have mold in various places - plus we have a basement here although I rarely have to go down there. But the specific molds that I am allergic to just are natural and occur anytime the humidity is up, etc. It is south Arkansas of course, so their will be humidity! LOL And, Charlotte, I am sure you are right that all that mold at Alex's caused my major breathing problems! I had a bought a few weeks ago where I was having a really difficult time catching my breath................. looking back on it, I had been digging in my flower beds and moving old mulch in the process. It had rained earlier in the week and I bet the mold spore count was super high. I was pretty sure I was allergic to Oak trees because my dr told me probably 20 yrs ago that was probably my problem in the spring. But, I guess now that I spend more time working in my yard the mold spore exposure has become more of an issue and I am taking allergy meds almost every day. I thought this MIGHT work to reduce that and build up my natural immunity to the problem - at least that is my hope. I don't really want to give up my plants..........

Jess has been really enjoying her job at the pharmacy until yesterday. They hired a new guy to work in the pharmacy and he does NOT have his tech license. It really upset Jessica that they are letting him do everything she is doing without him having his license. :( The day she shadowed at the other pharmacy, she wasn't even allowed to touch any pills because even though she had her license- it was not on display (which is the law). Plus, she said the guy was talking about overdosing one time on Ambian? - the sleep aid, not sure of the spelling. She couldn't believe he was IN a pharmacy handling ambian and talking about overdosing on it....... :( I don't like the fact that the supervisor is allowing the guy to do things without his license. I hope it doesn't turn into a big mess! I told her just to keep her mouth closed and do her job, because she won't be there a lot after school starts anyway. But it is pretty scary that the woman allows this to go on. Jess is in LR today - takes her PCAT starting at noon so prayers will definitely be appreciated. There are several things that will be on the test that she hasn't even had classes on yet - calculus, microbiology, and bio chem are some of them...... so she is just hoping for a decent score. She figures she will have to take it again, but she wanted a feel for how the real thing was and wanted to see where she stood on it. Plus, she wanted one attempt while the organic was still fresh on her mind. It will depend a lot on which version of the test she gets.

Elaine that blackberry lily is very pretty. Is it in the shade? Seems like at one time I was considering getting some in a trade but either was told they needed shade, or were invasive......can't remember which. Nice cheerful color!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Elaine, we cross posted...... there are obviously some things that they didn't specifically test for that I am allergic to....... smelling basil drives me up the wall, but the weird thing is I can eat it in something and I seem to be ok. Then certain perfumes make my eyes itch and make me start sneezing. Most of those things, thankfully, go away as quickly as they come once I am away from the irritant.... so i guess that is why they don't worry about those. I guess it is just those things that I am going to have a lot of exposure to (such as mold in south arkansas that she says we can't even see) that they are trying to build up my resistance on. I have to "try out" perfumes, etc because sometimes after I have been wearing them a couple of weeks I start sneezing like crazy every time I am exposed to it. That seems really weird to me - because it seems like if it was going to bother me, it should do so from the beginning, but that isn't the way it works. I have been dealing with this issue for probably the last 10 yrs or so and now I am almost to the point that I can smell it and tell if it is going to bother me down the road, but not always. just seems strange to me! So, basically I have worn the same perfume for a long, long time! LOL..... last year i finally got brave enough to try something new and I have worn it for a year now without it bothering me......

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

There are some trees I'm allergic to also but can't remember which ones. When I went to LSU Graduate School of Banking there was some type tree on campus that I was highly allergic to. Can't remember how I figured out which tree and learned to stay why away from it. The first year I was there it caused me to have such a bad attack I had to leave class and go to my room and go to bed!!! We were supposed to check out and let someone know if we were not in class. I was so sick I didn't care what they did and just went straight to my room!

Sorry Jessi is having a bad experience at the pharmacy. But it's welcome to the real world of work! Clint had his first awaking right after he started his job. He scheduled his college orientation and registration day and THEN told his boss that he would need to be off that day. His boss told him sorry but he couldn't be off that day because freight would be coming in and he was the only one he had to process it. So it had to reschedule his orientation and registration. He learned that you first talk to your boss and ask if you can be off BEFORE making plans.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna we did a cross post. You need to leave off all perfumes!!!!! I have not worn any type perfume in over 30 years. I want even take those samples they are always pushing on you in department stores. I had to move in church one day because some lady had on perfume and it was giving me fits.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes I totally agree on the perfumes! I found one I wear and stick with it sparingly. In fact I generally just wear the body lotion and nothing else. If I'm around someone at a theater, church, etc I just have to move too if I can. It's unbearable for me too.

Too bad about the work situation Jessi is having at work. Charlotte is right and so are you just to tell her to mind her own business. Generally those people dig their own graves eventually. At least that is what I always believe. And as a rule that's true. She should keep her eyes open though, if he's OD'd on ambien admittedly, he's probably taken something else too. Maybe he didn't really OD he just likes to brag. Who knows? But I wouldn't give him the pleasure of being interested. But watchful of how he handles other stuff and himself at work? Yeah I would. I'd be covering myself too to make sure he didn't make it look like I did it.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Good to see and read everyone's postings.

Jeri just want you to know I am thinking of you. When you feel up to it I would like to come down and spend a day with you just doing nothing or running around town. Just a little friend time .

Genna so sorry you are having all those allergies . They can sure make you miserable.

Sandra 100 lbs of toes do not sound like a fun day to me unless I was canning with a buddy. That is the way we used to can when I was in my twenties. Three or Four of us would gather at one house and can or Blanch and freeze veggies all day long. We all had babies so it helped to do it together.

Elaine love those last photos
I have really been enjoying every ones's photos. I don't have any blooms much since we cut and cleaned the beds at the wrong time . You do when you can though. I have just not been able to do it all myself. I'm not complaining ,thankful I found some temporary help
Been down in my back for over a month but praise The Lord two procedures later I am on the mend. Will probably still have to have one more burning of the nerves.

Is this pink moon vine ? I saw it on a fence today and stooped in the rain to take a picture. I used to see Ruth (yardbird) grow this I think.

Thumbnail by Riverland Thumbnail by Riverland

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