CLOSED: 2014 Mug Swap Reveal/Show us your ugly Mug!

Livingston, TX(Zone 8b)

So i forgot to click watch this thread and I have missed all the posts!!!

Amanda I'm so glad you like the cup..but I feel bad that it doesn't have Fruity and Cville on it. Guess I should have waited...but when the idea hit me I was so excited I just ordered it that night.
I almost have your other half boxed up. Should be in the mail tomorrow or wed.

Sorry I haven't posted me likes.. but I love coffee and tea and anything is just fine. Coffee, plant, wine, old related I'm easy!

Hi Susy, So glad you joined... I so loved all you sent me last year...I was amazed and it was my first swap with DG. Your the reason I got hooked on these swaps!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Sooz has also been my mentor in these swaps - she has played such a big part in so many lives. I'm glad she's back too.

Carole has changed her icon again I can't keep track, so I might not have recognized her on the mug! :D

Good day today, yes I get some sleep where I can. Just up from a nap - I think because I'm keeping the thermostat up a little it is "warm" in the house and makes me sleepy. :D

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

I'm just sleepy all the time! hot cold wet matter!
I've got a really sick kitty that needs feeding every two hours around the every night we set the alarms and I get up about 5 times....but he's doing well and if we can keep his system going (he's got intestine issues) then that helps him digest and not throw up. Thank goodness my husband works afternoons into the evenings....and I work all day so we can manage the feedings with little help -- weekends are rough as we can't go anywhere for long....together! But Chance is worth it....we've had him since he was 4 weeks old and his mama couldn't take are of him! I bottle fed him and taught him how to use the litter box (so I truly get to be an alikat momma)

He has a sister - Lucky - that we also bottle fed....

So that's why I need a new mug with fresh supplies of the strongest teas you can find.....!

pic 1 - chance in my sink..... 15
pic 2 - lucky his sister and me - 15
pic 3 - stache - another stray we've taken in - he's 17
pic 4 - ethan and his favorite toy the squeeky beaver - he's 7

Thumbnail by AliKat32 Thumbnail by AliKat32 Thumbnail by AliKat32 Thumbnail by AliKat32
Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

ps -- notice my big tigger of my favorite morning mugs!
Does anyone else do that....I have certain mugs that are just for morning cups of tea....and evening mugs that just seem to be right for an evening cuppa!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I want a big cuppa all day long. I dont' think I got enough today though. I kept finding my not used cup of coffee all over the house.

Been cleaning in preparation for renting the room (s) that Court vacated when he left. Nothing like having people come to stay to make you clean like crazy!

Hope all's well. Keep up the good momma work with the cats, Candi. ;)


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Im'ma Grandma again. Her name is Emma Sue. I have my partners mug, just wish I knew what she likes to drink. *sigh*

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Sweet, Candi. My muglee box is on the move and should arrive at its destinations soon.

Debra, Big Congrats!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

This is Mr. Buster, my big "sink" kitty. lol. We rescued him from a feral litter. And my little black cat, Miss Boo, that we found living in a brush pile behind our house when we moved here. The third photo is Little G at our door when we took him in as a stray three years ago. He went missing in a thunderstorm about a month ago and is yet to return home. :( We are very sad without him (understatement).

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awwww, Carole, I love your Kitty's. My sister always had a rescue cat, no matter where she found them, she brought them home.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Cats in the sink, lol. My cat wouldn't get CLOSE to the sink, but she does get in the bath tub every now and then. Great pics of your kittys! She is 14.
Alikat, I have a sick kitty, too. She is probably close to a year old now. She has some unknown neurological disorder that we think started with an ear infection. She was a stray that wandered in and the dogs treed under my mower in the garage. She seemed fine for about 3 months, then she began to stagger and had no balance. I have given her 2 rounds of strong antibiotics.
It has been up and down every since. I had to hand feed her at one point, because she couldn't walk.I am sure she would have died, if I hadn't. Anyway, I am pretty sure she is at least partially blind now. But she is eating on her own and gaining some weight back. I always told myself as long she eats well ,that I would continue to nurse her along. A time or two I thought she would have to be put to sleep. But I am stubborn and didn't want to do that.
I lost one of my kittys of 13 years last fall and it nearly broke my heart. I guess I couldn't stand the thought of losing another one.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I can understand that, Nanny. Good for you. ♥

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oooo, it says my box has arrived at its destination post office and they expect to deliver it today. Yay!! So keep an eye out somebody. :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

So exciting!

But Carole, I hope your kitty finds his way back to you.

Still looking for my muglee mug. I'm (almost) always the last to ship. :D

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Me too, Amanda. You will hear me shouting clear over there in NC.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Carole, sorry to hear your kitty is still MIA! I hope he comes home soon.
Amanda, I am still trying to find the Perfect mug ,so you might not be the last!!! lol I just can't seem to find what I am looking for, I may have to go online to find it!

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

YEAH! IT's me that had her box arrive today! CvG Carol -- WOW! It's an amazing box full of fun and more fun!

I had to take several pictures to fit in all the great stuff Carole sent!

See my new big clear mug filled with tea....and my new froggy for the garden? I also got some delicious looking mocha coffee packs that smell so yummy that I need to have one right now!

I got stickers for scrapbooking and cardmaking....Carol sent me some treats to keep me going through out the those Riesen's.....

A new pot holder and hot pad along with a new dishmat....yea! Mine is getting so terrible and I was just thinking about getting another one! What a treat!

Carole - I love the organic smells great and I am certain it will be wonderful for the skin! And speaking of skin - she sent a spray and go moisturizer - cocoa scented! Wow!

Oh and I can't forget - chocolate milk straws -- yes - you read it right....the straws have choc in them! A smoothie packet and some brownie pecan melting cubes to make my house smell delicious!

Last but not least -- a new daylily for my gardens! WOW -- Carole -- THANK YOU THANK YOU sooooooo much! I am so excited to try all the new flavors and open the fun items you've sent! My cats love your box too! I've been fighting over the microfiber pad -- they just love soft stuff!

Ok muglee swap partner.....I'm almost done with my box to you.....just a few more items! XO

I love all the cat pics! Nanny - you go happy you saved your little one! Still praying for Little G!

Thumbnail by AliKat32 Thumbnail by AliKat32 Thumbnail by AliKat32
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Whew! Glad everything arrived okay. I almost forgot to include the mug. I hope it will be good for ice cream and soup ... and even for some tea or coffee. lol. Enjoy it all!

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

It will be perfect for cream tonight! Yum! It's the perfect size! :)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Wow Alikat, you got a great box from CvG! You did good! :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

That's funny C - "I almost forgot to include the mug." I have been "shopping" off and on for days and pick things up and put them down. Don't worry, Mugleee! It will come.

In the meantime, used Tina's wonderful photo mug tonight and had an "International Moment." :D


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I Keep Looking for the "LIKE" button here LOL

Winnetka, CA

Wow Candi... what a fun box!! Good job Carole...

I have almost finished gathering things for my muglee partner - I should be ready soon... anticipation mounts...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the kitty photos...
Last night my husband, son and I pulled up in front of our house and our female cat 'Gypsy' was out front watching us pull up. My husband wanted to pet her so he walked towards her and as kitties are wont to do... she move a few steps away ... this went on for about 6-7 minutes until they where down in front of the house next door... usually she stops at the shared wall and jumps up and he picks her up and loves on her and brings her back home to deposit her on the bench out in front... where she settles down to sleep....kind of a routine the two of them have....but for some reason last night she was feeling playful and my son and I were chuckling watching her and hubby dancing... she kept looking back at him as if to say... how far will you follow me?...Cats are so much fun aren't they? Hoping all the sick kitties get well... glad they have such caring humans to love on them all!
I have always wanted an orange kitty, but never had one. I love the photo of 'Mr Buster' Carole and I sure hope 'Little G' comes back home.

I posted my likes on the old thread... in case my muglee partner is wondering about me. Amanda... your 'International moment' sounds lovely... I used my mug last night to drink a glass of wine while I was out watering the plants... too hot here at 6pm to drink coffee...but tomorrow morning... it's back to coffee for me... Saturday is the perfect day for a BIG cup of coffee and my favorite place in the sunroom looking out at my current favorite is a mug with pretty butterflies on it! Although my all time favorite is a big mug that hubby gave me several Christmases ago that speaks to how much he loves me! Yup... a romantic at heart... LOL!

Here's a pic of sweet Gypsy... named after the 'Gypsy cafe' where my daughter aquired her from a family who was giving away kittens ....she stayed with me when my baby girl went off to college...

Have a great day muglee pals...Nancy

Thumbnail by NF2932
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

That Gypsy is a indeed a precious looking little girl!!

We may be getting another cat. DH always says there is no better way to get a cat back home than to get a new one. Well, heck, what's one more kitty. We still want Little G back home asap as well.

Violet has been overlooked at the Pet Smart adoption events for the last six months or so. Those situations always tug at my heart. :/

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Carole, Violet is a beautiful little girl! I hope she finds a loving home and if that happens to be with you, then so much the better! I would take her home ;) I love blue you know.

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

OH Violet is so beautiful! She totally needs your love! And some treats...she looks skinny!

Love the cat dancer routine.....cats are so totally cute!

I too love to walk around my garden with my favorite mug of something....tea, wine, choc's been so chilly here I've been sipping warm drinks to keep my hands warm! The weekend should be a bit warmer....

Ok - my box is complete and sent off to my muglee partner....should be there on Monday! It's filled with fun and lots of bubble wrap!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Bubble wrap is good stress relief! My grand babies love to pop it!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks. We're at least going to give Violet a try, I think. It's good they let you have a trial period in case it just doesn't work out. We've never had a cat that didn't want to stay though. My concern is that she has been in her foster home for a number of months and may not be happy with a change. Especially when she gets a look at our Miss Boo who can really stare you down with her gold eyes and one broken tooth. But Boo really isn't a fighter. Can't say she's much of a lover either but who knows what she endured in her past and out in the woods. She has come out of her shell quite a bit compared to when we first found her.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh gosh, Violet needs a loving home like yours. She is so pretty. She will hold her own, I can tell.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I love this place. Not only are we all plant enablers, but we're pet enablers as well. Yes, indeed, my kind of folks. :)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Sorry to detour this thread (hijack is such a strong term!). Now back to our regularly scheduled program. :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Did I mention that yesterday I applied online for a rescue dog?

The pictures they've posted look remarkably like a very bad hair day Max (my baby) was having. The impediment - they want a copy of my lease agreement that says we can have animals here at the house.

Not only are my LLs crazy, but having the rescue will make them do backflips and cartwheels to make my life miserable. When all I want is the joy of having a doggie again. I found the manilla envelope the lease agreement is SUPPOSED to be in - probably dug out during another one of our disputes with the LL. But the damned lease is not in there. What a drag. Maybe something somewhere is trying to tell me something? But I will keep going thru those papers.

IF I find it - the dog is in Morehead, Kentucky. Any of you muglees on the way there from NC? They have me going up thru WV.

Will keep you posted. :D

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yay! Well, the part about the rescue dog anyway ... the LL, not so much.

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh I do hope you can get that rescue....I've only had rescue dogs and they are so amazing - you can really make a big difference....and I know you'll love that new doggie tons!

My neighbor called me and said he had some maple syrup for me....yum! Now I'm enjoying some vanilla ice cream drizzled with syrup! So delicious and my new mug is perfect for two scoops! Oh ....and my doggie is begging for a taste!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh my gosh, that sounds so delicious! We're in for a hot spell so frozen is definitely welcome.

Well, off to get some morning coffee. Mugs are such handy little devices. :)

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes, mugs are GOOD. Especially when filled with coffee early in the morning! Ahhhhh, so good!

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

On my second cup.....delicious.....

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

YAY! Found my mug today for a very special lady.

Have to stuff a box full of wrap and some accompaniments if possible.

Sure to ship on or before the 29th!!!


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow, I just received quite a muglee box from Candi (Alikat32). I will be back later with photos. I'm still sorting it all and taking pictures. :-)

Candi, thank you! I love everything!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Yay! More mugz!

I have just about decided it's too hot to go anywhere today. but it's not too hot for a cup of hot coffee. :D

Supposed to be over 90 for a while here. Dang it. I did hang out my first hummingbird feeder of the season though. Something to look forward to. And ... looking for caterpillars.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

#1 is the very beautiful mug and tea,
#2 are the copper items - candle holder and two copper leaves that could also hold votive candles or candies or other items,
#3 - Candi's homemade note cards, small rocks she decorated with special words, stone necklace, and the card that came along with the box,
#4 - assorted liquers, asparagus plants, little stuffed turtle, candy, coffee

Wowzer ... what a haul of muglee things! I love it all!!

Thank you again, special muglee friend. :-)

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener

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