What's happening in your neck of the woods - May 2014

Victoria Harbour, ON

Very similar "M"
just finishing the poem frame and another commitment I've met..wonder how many are left.

raining heavily in my neck of the woods but that's ok, I'm thinking how green the grass will be, sure did need it.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

H O T here the last 2 days .. 25C
Thunder and lightening overnight.

Lorna's parents are here .. her Dad is looking frail but denying anything is wrong .. MEN!!

Busy days ..........

Hope all are well and happy with your gardens ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Gardens are doing extremely well "M"
Went to a wedding, forgot my camera at the Tea House, just got it back this morning so will take photo's later and post.

it's 82-feels like 91..glad I put a/c on before leaving

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Another 'banner day' here .. 26C .. supposed to dip a bit tomorrow ..

Good day with the 'parents', they are such wonderful people ..
Have pics, just have to find time to mess about with them ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Hot,muggy and rainp

Got tornado warning about 2:30 pm

Was at lunch with friend, could hardly make my way home for torrential rain

Felt good to pull into drive.

I got my ca,era back, wanted to take photo's of peonies, missed window of opportunity, rains all but did them in, much flattened in the gardens

Victoria Harbour, ON

Hot,muggy and rainp

Got tornado warning about 2:30 pm

Was at lunch with friend, could hardly make my way home for torrential rain

Felt good to pull into drive.

I got my ca,era back, wanted to take photo's of peonies, missed window of opportunity, rains all but did them in, much flattened in the gardens

Week is ticking away "M"', your company will soon be heading home.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Read about the bad weather in the east, and, now the WEST is again gearing up for what could be FLOODING just a year after the flood in Calgary .. I SO hope that doesn't happen .
We are fortunate here with weather, at the moment ..

The visit is going well, Lorna is in heaven having her parents here, and they feel the same ..
She is off today and Friday .. she planted 12 flats of flowers (22 plants per flat) all on her own ysterday .. the gardens at the cemetery are looking wonderful ^_^

Sun and a bit cooler today, off to the shores of Lake Superior to visit with my brother Bob and his wife Odene ..

Stay well


Victoria Harbour, ON


Overcast here, still storms looming..
Angus is just miles from here, lots of people without homes this mornig, tornado sure came in with a vengence.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Seems to be a bad time of year for inclement weather ..

Hope Dianne and Susan are weathering the storms !!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Hope so too

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAPPY SUMMER everyone ^_^
Thunder Bay is welcoming SUMMER with rain and cool temps ..
My brother sent me a pic of Lake Superior in front of his home .. VERY wild !!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" Great photo!! Would love being there walking the shoreline

Sunshine day here, grass and trimming needs done, be ahead of the game if I got it done.

Enjoying my garden walks in the early morning as there is always a new flower to say good morning..just too bad the storm flattened the peonies before I could enjoy them.

Still having problems with bp, drats causing blurred vision, be glad when ok

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Blurred vision is nothing to foll around with Betty .. it's the pressure in the arteries pressing on the optic nerve, or, bleeding into the retina.
Kinda important to be seen and medicated ..

Just home from a wonderful supper. Chinese food, a buffet .. OMG!!!!!!! They have it all .. I may never sleep again I feel so full .. but, Lorna's parents were adamant re taking us out .. a lovely time ..
Tomorrow we have a SUPER BDay party .. celebrate everyones .. I have a cake ordered, and, fingers crossed, we'll be able to have a BBQ .. rained most of today.

Thinking bed isn't far away .. getting ready for the 4am jaunt to the airport on Sunday morning.

HUGS all around


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)


Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the gardening season ..

SURPRISE ... we are now the caretakers of THREE Westies :-)
I took (semi) posession of 6 year old ZOEY on Thursday from a VERY tearful young Mom.
She had Zoey for 4 years prior to her and her hubby starting their family, which now consists of 2 girls under the age of 2. Zoey has become too much for her to handle ..
As it stands right now, I will have Zoey for the holiday weekend, the family has gone camping .. if they feel they can't live without Zoey (and I'm sure that'll be one tough call) Zoey will stay with us ..
She is just an amazing little animal, but, having issues with 20yr old Smokey the KING of the cats ..
Have posted a couple of pics, and, I am sure more will follow..

Happy Happy !!!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS Thumbnail by MarilynneS Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all,

"M" Zoey is just too adorable, I'm sure by the end of the week both will have gotten used to each other and become friends, well maybe not friends but will be accepting of each other.

Imagine some of you are celebrating a long weekend..lots of activity/events in your community..ours are all but over..can't believe the how many we're slated..had good weather till late afternoon then the storm blew through, bet the organizers gave a sigh of relief that it held off till then.

Didn't get to participate in any of them seeing as I was in Trenton for a wedding, took mom and aunt Muriel, enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

Calling for more rain today so doubt I will get the grass cut and whipper snipped, tomorrow is another day..

Verona, ON

Betty I am so glad you enjoyed yourself. Sometimes the things we dread doing end up being the best time.

M Miss Zoey looks like a sweetheart. Many fireworks your way tonight? Hope Miss Zoey handles them better this time. What about Piper and Lily ? Thank goodness the booms and bangs don't bother Duke.

Managed to get my lawn or the sorry excuse I have for one cut yesterday. The storm moved in later in the day. Rained so much I don't think I will need to water today at all. My 1 lowly mater plant ( I am almost embarrassed to say I have just 1) is doing very well on the deck. I put it there so the critters couldn't gnaw away at it. Officially declared my flower gardens and yard as a DG Bunny Ranch. Nothing is safe from the rabbits and deer this year. Something is digging up the annuals I planted, eating the top portion and leaving the plug behind for me to find. I think it is either a raccoon or a skunk.

Ann will you be going to any of the Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa?

M you have me yearning for Chinese food. While I love living in the boonies I sure miss a good Chinese meal.

Happy Canada Day everyone in case I don't get back tomorrow.

Victoria Harbour, ON

so hot, muggy, nice and cool inside, should really be trying to get grass mowed before storm moves in again, but, it can wait.

talk about tourist in town, unusual to have line-ups at Foodland.

was looking for a nice juicy steak, Jeremy, young owner said why not head down to deli, fresh made cabbage rolls, salads at the salad bar freshly made, told me I could enjoy the rest of the day if I didn't cook..guess he knows how much I like cooking and now you mention your hunger for Chinese Dianne and I think I should have gone into town and bought some lol

rumbling going on, wind is blowing so maybe I'll just put my feet up, of course have to find a project to keep me busy before I do so.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Ignoring most of the Canada Day celebrations. Basically taking a holiday. Very muggy here and we were briefly under a tornado warning, but it passed quickly with barely a drop of rain. We did take a ride in the ancient sports car with the top down and if the weather holds off, we'll go to fireworks in the local park. They put on a pretty good show and it sure beats fighting the mobs to get downtown. Happy Canada Day to all of you.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy Canada Day to you as well..

Sounds like a wonderful day you've planned.

Rained this a.m., Muggy and looks as thugh a storm is brewing once again.

Enjoyed morning with friends then had a nap, likely have another nap. Lol

Have fun everyone!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Survived Canada Day, now on to DH BDay on July 6 .. have the cake ordered and the steaks purchased, already gave him his pressie on Fathers Day .. a BBQ cover and one of those 'curly' water hoses (wonderful invention)

Lovely SUMMER weather here, went through a few days of very high winds, lost a couple of trees back in the woods ..

Say, has anyone heard from Susan? Hope her knee is OK ..

Anyway .. take care, and, keep smiling ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon all

"M" are those coiled hoses as good as they say, do they retaine their coil? Hate dragging around the long hoses to do the yard.

Brrr mighty cold out there, can you believe I've kist turned a/c off a d put furnace on..no wonder I'm feeling yucky, thinks its the change in weather..got those sniffles
Keeping looking at the clock, guess I can lay in bed and watch tv just as well as on the couch and watch t.v.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The 'coiled hose' I bought works very well .. just like the fact I can drop it down and it travels back (almost) to under the water connection .. with a little help, it's where it should be ..
BUT .. you cannot fill a dogs water bowl with it .. has to have to be something to do with what the hose is made of I guess ..

Betty .. the AC is playing havoc with my arthritis, but, it's a Catch 22 proposition .. I am NOT a heat/humidity lover .. and, I usually 'cook supper' in the oven, or, some part of it .. so .. the air comes on ..

At any rate, we have NO rain, sun and summer ^_^



Victoria Harbour, ON

Have to pick some up, can you tell me what make you have.

Bones are so acky, took pain meds but the knees still Bad so limit my trips downstairs.

Wide awake wondering how mom is doing.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Got it at Can Tire, AS SEEN ON TV, a promo item .. it was $35. I think ..
Love it ..

Keeping +ve thoughts for your MoM


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi All
Just popping in as it's just bananas here. DH is moving his shop so everything at home is my gig. Doesn't seem to be any extra minutes in the Day.
With our long daylight hours the garden is going at warp speed. eating Cukes out of the g house and Tomatoes will be ready any day. Martigon's are blooming and Hostas are showing flower stalks. Delphiniums are about to be showy so we are sure to get hail soon.
Haven't heard from Susan but you all seem to be motoring along.
Happy C day a bit late!
Alberta Ann


hello - still around.........
It was 36C the other day....... melting here, but now, it's 8pm and only 23C now

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ViolaAnn ^_^
I hope you're enjoying your day!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thank you. Had a party on Sunday because this is a BIG birthday. Today, a bit more low key though we will have dinner out.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sending birthday greeting as well ViolaAnn

Here's hoping its sunny in your neighborhood!

All the very best...

Let's all sing happy birthday


♫♪Happy Birthday, ViolaAnn♪♫

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks, folks. We've been busy all week with visiting grandtwins.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I sang happy birthday ^_^
Enjoy the grandtwins !!

WARM weekend on tap here .. bout time :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

Hard to believe all the warm weather this summer is in your neck of the woods "M"

Wasn't half bad here, went to the city to see mom, she is improving, rain from barrie to Toronto.

Even with the rain going north was like a parking lot, going south much the same.

Know roger and I travelled to the cottage every weekend and traffic bad but nothing like this..can't imagine doing it week after week!

Busy day ahead, meeting with coordinator at a retirement home re mom, then outside work, a must, left the yard last 2 weeks,. With my leaving Friday for 12 days it just has to get done.

Better try this sleep thing..been up most of the night,grrr

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Safe travels Betty ..

Big rain here .. the gardens love it ...

Sharing a couple of pics of this years Asiatic Lilies ^_^



Thumbnail by MarilynneS Thumbnail by MarilynneS

I love coming on here and seeing all your pictures of family, and flowers....... gives me a big 'ole smile when I see them!!
I may not be on often, and I may not say much, but you're my family :-)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Ditto Susan ..
Happy to see you podt, and, all the other CANADIAN Gardeners ....

Have a most splendiferous weekend ^_^



busy one, as usual, but should be splendiferous IF I get my sewing area cleaned up enough to do something in it LOL

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Happy tidying .. and .. sewing :-)

Our DGD is turning SIXTEEN today .. party this evening .. here's hoping this humidity goes away!!

Betty is well under way on her trip, and right on schedule too ^_^




Marilyn - I am motivated to get stuff DONE! I cleared my sewing table and area, and got the Round Robins out......... will do them, and send them out, Then a friend's baby quilt, then to get going on my soon-to-be-born step-grandson! Bob's son Adam (and his wife Emily) are really excited for their first baby, and boy, is the excitement catching!! lol
They're calling us Grandma & Grandpa - isn't that sweet? Never mind that I'm "only" the step mom to my husband's son.......... nope, we're to be Grandma & Grandpa!
Really excited....!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Just awesome news Susan ,, bet you can hardly wait for Christmas ^_^


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