CLOSED: 2013 Fall Round Robin - On the Wing (Round 1)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Welcome to the spectacle that is the 2013 Fall Round Robin Seed Swap!

The Robin takes flight today!!! Based on interest and response, there may be a second round after the Robin makes its first pass.

This swap closed to new participants and is reserved for:

AmandaEsq - NC ------------------------Ship - 11/13 (2.5 lbs)
czimmerman00 - KY----------------------Receive - 11/15---------------Ship - 11/18
Poisondartfrog (Alana) - KY-------------Receive - 11/20---------------Ship - 11/21
Meadowyck (Jan) - FL-------------------Receive - 11/23---------------Ship - 11/26
LazLo-TX -----------------------------------Receive - 11/30 -------------- Ship - 12/5
CheerMom (Sue G) - AZ ---------------Receive - 12/7 --------------- Ship - 12/10 (6.0 lbs!)
Domehomedee - CA --------------------Receive - - - - - ----------------Ship 12/17
Evelyn_in_the_Garden - CA -----------Receive - 12/ ------------------Ship 12/23
warriorswisdomkathy - CO ------------Receive -12/27 ----------------Ship 12/30
Iowhen - IA --------------------------------- Receive 1/2 - - --- - - - - Ship
mipii - MI - - --- -- --- ----- ------- -- Receive 1/8 --- --------------Ship 1/10
deejay9 (Susie) - MI
obliqua (Judy) - PA
arolyn22 - PA
pfg (Pam) - NY
gardenseeder63 - NH
NisiNJ - NJ
Lanakila - NC
Mike1247 - NC

This is the tentative flight path, subject to change. Please ensure that the HOST has your telephone number and that you check DG at least daily when the Robin is in your region.

If we don't hear from you - we won't ship to you. Your name will go to the end of the list, and you may receive the Robin on its return flight.


In the interest of FAIRNESS to participants
and to maintain the INTEGRITY of the Round Robin tradition
we each agree to:

(1) Treat the Robin as an individual swap taking the same time and care with our contributions to the Robin as we would with an individual trade;
(2) Take what you want, give what you can, generous in contribution and modest in appropriation - particularly if the amount of seed in the Robin is scant;
(3) Contribute only seed of known origin (commercial seed, harvested from our own garden, etc.) not older than 2011;
(4) Package our seed contributions to the Robin in clear plastic zip lock bags and/or glassine envelopes so that contents are visible and easily accessible by other participants in the Robin;
(5) Properly label our seed contributions to the Robin with our DG Name, common and botanical name of species contributed, and date of origin (PREFERABLY ON PAPER LABEL INSIDE BAG/ENVELOPE);
(6) Respond within 24 hours to communications from other participants and HOST of the Robin by dmail, telephone, or other means deemed acceptable by the HOST;
(7) Post on the main thread the arrival and departure date(s) of the Robin into and out of each participant's possession;
(8) Maintain possession of the Robin not longer than 4 days including holidays and weekends;
(9) Ship the Robin to the next participant as directed by the HOST;
(10) Submit USPS tracking/confirmation information by dmail to the HOST only, not by public thread;
(11) Be a good sport; and/or
(12) Be hung in effigy and/or ostracized forever by participants and/or HOST for failure to follow these RULZ.


We are a friendly bunch dedicated to seed swapping and hoarding.

Many of us have participated in this time honored tradition hosted in the past by Susie (deejay9). Some of us have not participated in the Robin before. Please feel free to ask any questions of the HOST or participants on this public thread or by dmail.

Thanks for playing and for unabashedly pointing out any flaws or errors inherent in the HOST's logic or lack thereof.


We came from here:

Our Interest thread:

Our "Haves and Wants" thread:

Image courtesy:

This message was edited Jan 11, 2014 7:25 PM

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

well done


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Nice new thread, Amanda. I particularly like 11 & 12...

So, is Lanakila still first? Did she re-appear? It's very odd that she should vanish, her name is familiar from other threads, and I would have assumed that she'd stick around.

Anyway, all the more time for me to be sure I have everything in order before shipping off to lucky #1.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

The Robin is On the Wing!!!

Funny thing - each of the many post offices in this town close at a different time.

I have been believing that my regular post office (which is about 12 minutes away) closed at 4:30 p.m. So while I was trying to print out the online shipping label (saved $1.05 by paying for postage online!) I saw it was 4:15 p.m. and had myself a fire drill!!!

My friendly postman reminded me that they are still closing at 5 p.m. Silly me. But there are some nearby that close at 4 p.m., others at 4:30 p.m. That's a lot of information for a brain to keep track of.

HaHa! Won't be the last fire drill you experience with me at the helm, but hopefully the Robin will arrive in Kentucky for Christine (Czimmerman00) on Friday.

I'm sure Lanakila is around, but I haven't heard from her for over a week (since I first sent her dmail) and plus did not have her phone number to call.

I did speak with Christine, and she will be available to receive the Robin. Pam - if you want to ship seed send it that way. Christine can hold the Robin for up to four (4) days including weekend days and holidays, so she should have plenty of time to receive your seed AND have her way with the bird. Ooops.

Being my first time and all, I'm sure I forgot something.

In fact, it's pretty stripped down and yet loaded with seed. When Susie sent it around it seemed full of homegrown goodness - little personal cards with our names on them, promise of a prize for the person who guesses the landing date, etc.

None of that here. I can barely see ahead past the end of Thursday. Although I can see another veterinary visit in my near future. Saw something in the litter box before my dash to the post office that made me think so. Ack.

I'm sure I forgot something. Somebody please poke me when you remember what it is. :/

As always, thanks for playing.


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Great, I have Christine's address and will send to her in the morning. Glad that's settled :-)

Concord, NH

thank you for all your hard work

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

It's been my pleasure! :)

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes indeed!   BRAVO, Amanda !

Thumbnail by LazLo
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I have signed up for notifications from the USPS and a little birdie sent an email to the effect that the Robin was delivered this morning. :)

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Whoo hooo!

Elk Horn, KY

yes the robin is here! was fun sorting through seeds & did keep out some packs. will be waiting on the package from pfg before mailing off again. probably be in the mail monday

This message was edited Nov 15, 2013 5:26 PM

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Christine. Wish I'd had more seed to put in but you prolly agree it seemed pretty full of seed.

Very exciting! :)

Elk Horn, KY

yes its full alright!

Elk Horn, KY

the seeds came from pfg so i'll be mailing monday morning! can you email me the address of who receives next, AmandaEsq?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes Ma'am. I have already had confirmation from Alana (pdf) that she is available to receive so the box will be headed to her.

Thanks for playing and glad things are off to a good start. :D

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

The nest awaits.

Thumbnail by poisondartfrog
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Elk Horn, KY

the robin is on its way ! poisendartfrog hope you're ready for seed diving:}

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I'm knee deep right now, but I will surface for a lovely box of seeds to explore. I will be on the lookout.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Have fun Alana!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just wanted to Wish EVELYN_inthegarden A HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hope you had a great day .

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Thanks for reminding us, Susie. :)

Happy Birthday Ev!!!


Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Got it! There is a gouge and split down the side of the box like a hook or something grabbed it, but it is packed pretty tight so I don't think anything fell out. I'll look for a new box tomorrow.
I have not opened it yet, but I will after dinner. la la la la la la

Athens, PA

Happy happy birthday Evelyn!

Alana - I suppose we won't be hearing from you for a bit. Enjoy!

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Happy BIrthday Evelyn!

I will have the box back on the road tomorrow. Amanda, I will send you the DC in the morning.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Alana you know you have up to 4 days.




Jan (meadowyck) is set to receive so we're good to go. Thanks for playing! :)

This message was edited Nov 20, 2013 7:50 PM

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

If you have an address for me tonight I can get it out in the morning and the next person might get it Saturday. I don't need any more time, thanks. I took out a few nice selections.
The box was tightly packed and I think I'm going to have to use a bigger one to get my seeds in.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from AmandaEsq :

Thanks for reminding us, Susie. :)

Happy Birthday Ev!!!


Ahhh!! What a lovely cake! AND no calories! Thank you so much, Amanda!

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Oooh, nice cake! Have a big ole slice for me (hope it's looks like chocolate). Have a great B-Day Evelyn!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, and many more.

love the pic of the cake...bite bite here....ok I'll leave some for the BD


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I had to move up to Regional Rate Box B. The Medium Flat Rate Box was too full to put my seeds in. You can only get the regional price by printing postage online, which I did. 5.5 pounds was a little over 8.00. Even if I had been sending it outside my region, the box would have cost a little over 11 dollars to send, which is still less than a Medium Flat Rate Box. In other words, I upsized the box and paid less postage. I would encourage anyone who can print postage to stick with the regional rate boxes where possible and compare rates based on weight and distance to the flat rate boxes. Even if you can't print postage, flat rate may or may not be your best option for mailing.

Jan, at the last minute I remembered that I needed to send Mipii some poppies. Instead of opening up the whole box I slid a little white envelope with her name on it in and taped off the side. Would you be kind enough to tuck it into the bag labeled "Side Trades" for me? Thank you!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

no problem Alana, I'll get them together for ya.

ok I'm new to this regional rate box? I've never heard of this. so when it gets to me, I'll be contacting ya to find out more.


(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks for having my six Alana and Jan...I'll be in poppy heaven this summer! Have fun with seeds Jan, I'll be thinking about ya.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks everybody. :)

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Do we request seeds on this thread or the other one, "haves and wants" - CLOSED??


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

so did we have two others from KY fall out, as I thought I wasn't for a while? If just I'm just checking.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Evelyn I Was going to ask the same Q ? for there are a couple of new plants i would like to try or I think i might can anyone tell me if they have grown These?
Indian Paintbrush ,Blue bedder Sage , & I Would like to try some Datrua's Yellow, purple, & the white moon flower .

have a great day to all .

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I can reopen that thread - or you can post here, either way. :)

or Both!

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