CLOSED: November Chat

Hamilton, OH

Girl you'll get your windows, Window World did mine, DH, thought I was Nuts for doing the attic Windows, then I pointed out to Him, if the Air rises, where does it Go, anyway they all match, it took me a year, but I paid as I went, some months I had more money then I would do 4 at a time. they will do as many as you want even if it's 1 window.
tell DD it's not as Bad as it sounds, I had to have mine taken out when I was 13, I still miss my Sister's , it's been a long time, I lost the first one when I was 19, then the other one when I was 23, I still have 1 she's 10 years older than me but she think I am the oldest, when our Brother passed away, 2 years ago, I had to handle final arrangements, he was 4 yrs older than me.
elfie, you're so talented, I think that's Great that you're doing it yourself, my DH is a carpenter, I have to have all the work done, when he retired, he really retired
here a Bloom in the Basement, also some other Brugs in the basement

Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Man I remember when my daughter had her tonsils out she was in so much pain afterwards. Just because of the scabs in her throat.

Effie you must be pretty proud of what you are doing there. Keep up the great work. Want to see some more pictures soon hopefully.
We need new windows really bad but it is something that will have to wait. My husband did quit smoking and we are saving the money that he was spending. It is adding up some. So proud of him. We prolly could use the money he was spending on a wjndow payment??? Which was lots! Stupid habit.

My only bad habit is buying plants.... lol.
Elizabeth those aew lotus seed pods? Is that one whole pod or is that a pile of tnem? Spray painted they would look pretty. What is a lotus seed? Is it something that you can eat? Or not.

I am sooooo excited about our kitchen. It is going to be my dream kitchen for sure. I put in my beautiful drawer pulls. They look so awesome.
I cannot believe how much I love yhe bright green in the room. Then as I was at Crystals house she pointed out that my paint matched her livingroom
I mever noticed her wall before she pointed it out.
I will try to get more pictures this week..

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Looking forward to seeing the progress, Elfie.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm sure it is very gratifying for you to see the kitchen coming together. I love green also.

Hamilton, OH

Good Morning Ladies
Gardenlady 123, there's a Mixture of Seedpods, some I have had awhile, others in there I got last Year, I wanted to go get more this year, but the cold weather came Early so I doubt there will be any Good one's left, if we have a Good weather for another week end, my oldest DD & I will go to gather more.
I am not sure if you can eat them or not, I just Love the look of them.
I will just Love your Pic's, it's amazing what you're doing, I am hoping to do New Kitchen cabinets, also New counter Tops, next Summer, it's always somethings isn't it
Have a Great Morning

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I doubt lotus seed can be eaten. After they dry, they are extremely hard. Lotus seed have been found (in the pyramids i think) that were thousands of years old and they still germinated. I believe Lotus roots and stems are edible and i think are in some Chinese food.
They look like shower heads to me.heehee.
Years ago while living in NC we went in a canoe out on some lake (Jordan?) where there was an infestation of water lilies and got bunches of pods.The picture of gliding thru the lilies in the canoe is still with me. The leaves were well above my head, as were the pods. I estimate the leaves and pods were 5 feet above the water.Magical! I gradually gave all the pods away over the
years.This year got a couple small pods from the plants Elfie gave me the year before. I grew them in a kiddie pool.Altho they were just shadows of what can grow in real lakes and ponds, they were SO beautiful, both in leaf and flower.

Hamilton, OH

you're so right, they're Beautiful when in Bloom, over at the Lake I go to, the Leaves get about waist high, I also take my fold up Saw, just in case there are some fallen Cedar Trees, their Root ball make Great drift wood decoration for the Garden.
The weather is going be the high of a balmy 33 degrees, so I guess that will put a Damper on my Trip to the Lake, I guess I will finish with my De cluttering. Just in time for the Holidays


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Your cool weather is headed our way. 46° here this morning and going up, but down into the 20s this weekend. Brrrr. Well, good soup and chili weather coming anyway.

I recently received this "scrawl" in one of the swaps. Fruity made it. I was so impressed! I don't knit but have crocheted a bit.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

That is beautiful. Fruity is so talented. I sure miss her.

Hamilton, OH

that is Beautiful, Homemade things are really Great.
I thought you might like to see the Plant, that almost got left outside, it didn't bloom at all until now
I am Glad I brought it in, it made my day a little more pleasant, my not even 3 yr old water heater went out, waiting now for the repair man, we think it's the thermal coupler, any way we hope that's all it is


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thst is a beautiful bloom.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh, Elizabeth sure do hope thecoupler is all it is. Man home repairs huh?? No fun. Yes we love chili and soup when the cold weather comes upon us. I my make some home made bread soon. Yummy.

Hamilton, OH

Thank you LK
we just had to buy the whirlpool one, they now a class action law suit over the very one we have, they are replacing the part Free, but then we have to pay shipping
I have came to expect the unexpected, just when everything is going smooth, then you get hit with some kind of home repair, that home made Bread sounds really Good, every so often I have to make home made biscuits, also some honey butter to put on them.
Monday I am making home made German Chocolate, so it can sit for awhile before we have our Thanksgiving dinner, I have a frig. in the Garage, just for Extra's coke water & dessert's for the holidays
Have a good evening

I started out warm today at only 57degrees. Designed and cut and sanded down the new top to hold our cooktop out of pallet wood. It still needs more sanding and then several coats of spar varnish. Then it will be done.
Now I am freezing to death and it is 67 degrees. No idea why I am so cold tonight... Whaaaaaaa.

Here are a few pictures of my progress today.

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Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Go Elfie! Looking good. :)

Wow.. They all loaded. Lets try some more!!!

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The first picture in last post, is an industrial style light we go to match the stainless steel in the kitchen. I am going to frame it in sanded and whitewashed pallet wood. Or may paint it the bright green. Not sure yet...
All the other pictures are of the progress of the wood top. The stove top can be accessed from both sides of the cabinet. We really love this idea.
Third picture is of the wonderful drawer pull. I cannot believe how beautiful it is!!!

Tired now.. Have a goodnight everyone...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Great job Kris.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I Like it, Kris. Keep at it.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I really like the drawer pulls. Perfect!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

The drawer pulls are exquisite, Kris. I am really wowed by all you are doing and have done.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Love the drawer pulls Effie. The right draw pulls are the biggest showy item. Feels good when you find them. Everything looks great so far.

Thanks everyone. It makes me happy just to be in my kitchen. And that is the whole pourpose of this.. Right???

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, indeed. When you look around and are pleased with what you see, it makes for one happy cook in the kitchen of her dreams. ♥


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Wow Kris, you're giving me itchy fingers to start another project in our house...but then I better not since there are four others that aren't finished. :p

It is COLD out today. Was 80 yesterday at this time. It's about 38 now!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I think thats about what it is here today also. Chilly.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

39 on this side of Texas. Brrrrrrrr.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

It was in the 70s yesterday - beautiful ... not getting out of the 30s tomorrow and then into the 20s at night. Damp and windy. Pffffttttt...

Well it is in the 60s here. Been up all night. Cannot sleep. So did more painting on kitchen projects. I need to sleep... Sigh. But at least I got something

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Well elfie sounds like you and I have the same problem of not sleeping. But you stay busy I just lay thereand toss and turn.ggggggrrrrr. so tired of it. I went to a sleep talk and did learn a few thing very informative.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I am sleeping better now, but I have spells every year where I cannot sleep well. I wonder if it is linked to the circadian rhythms somehow. I have tried various tricks, but the 2 that have worked best are
1) sleep on couch-there is not enough room to wiggle about much and I have to stay still.
2)Use a rice bag or heating pad to get extra warm and drink some hot chocolate.

Also sometimes when I do not think I have slept hardly at all, I still feel pretty good and rested in the AM so that lets me know I must have slept more than I thought--and how you feel is the most important result from sleeping.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Ronna I love your picture!

There are times I get 3-5 hours of sleep and I fell very rested and I am up for the day! Other days I get 7 or 8 and that is all I can sleep!

I got the shelves for the bathroom painted, the cubbys we put under the stainless steel work table preped, the shadow boxes for over the toilet done, and tgen a 3 hour nap. Got up put more paint on shelving for bath, made up yhe bed, washed dishes, watched part of a really bad movie on Sci-fi channel. Now going to make a slding basket frame out of left over peg board, closetmaid wire basket storage pieces found in a dumpster a few years ago. Will use the wire baskets to hold pot lids, and dish towels and pot holders.

Later today I am going to start the design for the mosaic wall next to the stove. I am going to design an under the sea wall with a mermaidd, sea horses, kelp, shells, and fish. I have decided to make it all out of clay. I will roll oit 2 ft x 4 ft 1/4 inch thick slabs. Every bit of the slabs will be etched with the design with a long needle. Then will very carefully dry the whole thing and attempt to take the resulting tiles apart and clean, fire, glaze, fire again, then glue and grout to cement backer board then attach the whole thing to the wall. Hopefully if it turns out oit the way I see it in my head, it will be stunning. Or it could just be a big ugly

Oh.. I forgot.. When I went to HD to get sandpaper they had all thier frit trees marked down to $5.00 so I got two apple trees and a pear tree!!!!!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Goodness. I think you need more things to do! ^_^

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

That Kris!!
Go Get'em, Girl!

I am having fun. The kids will be here Tuesday night. We will cook, eat, veg in front of tv. And hopefully work on Christmas gifts!!

I have a question for everyone. Is it wrong of me to not get anyone gifts except for the 3 grandkids?? I am just so fed up with the rest of the family I donot want to do anything for them.

I sent $100.00 for my baby granddaughter in west virginia. And think I will take Goober and Gryphon shopping after Christmas. That way the $$$ I give them will only be spent on them and not other people????

I feel kind of guilty... But I really think this is what I need to do. What do you guys think???

Hamilton, OH

I personally don't Think it's wrong, I started giving all the family $ for their Birthday & Christmas
that's the one Gift no one returns, I start in August, when my 3 GD's have their Bday, I give them their Christmas & Bday Money at that time, then go down the Line, so I am usually finished by Oct.
This Year I had to help oldest DD with her dental work, so that set me back
but I'll still be finished by the 23 of Dec.
if they get something they don't Like, that's on them, mind you I Love my Family a whole Lot
I hope you get lost of Rest you sure are a Busy Gild, it will be Stunning when you're done.


(Crystal) Waverly, AL

...well, you could wait to see if they give you anything and then act accordingly. You could send a card wishing happy Christmas and saying it is a slim year, but you did want to send good wishes.... Or something like that so it didn't seem like you were annoyed, even if you are.

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