CLOSED: November Chat

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh dear Elfie! Hope you have the fire going too!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

The wind is blowing and the temps are dropping here too. Today will be a chilly to cold day with some snow to the east of us ... and going into the 20s tonight. Brrrr....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

The weather channel just said we are supposed to drop to 39 tonight

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Every day the forecasted temperature has dropped. They issued a freeze warning for us. 80 yesterday, low 30s tonight. BOOO.

Woke up this morning it was sunny snd warm. By 1pm it was cloudy and freezing. I am on the couch wraped in blankets with the heater going. I am cold!!

So much for painting today. It is 46 degrees in my kitchen. Not good temps to paint by.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Man it is so cold outside today when I left thehoise this a.m. At 5:15 it was only 22 degrees. Today it is so widy again. My poor plants that were still kinda alive are droopy and frost bit bad. See ya next spring will miss you thru the winter. ;) going for dinner with my daughters tonight for one of there bdays 25. Where has the time gone.??? Wonder wonder. Work has slowed down a little kinda nice. So breezed right thru my day. Had to make a vegetable lasagna. They really like it in the cafeteria. Pretty good if I do say so myself.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Dropping here too. Been running all day and fortunately since I'm a "damned Yankee" I know how to dress for the weather. Actually, could be the catholic school girl thing too - "up to here, down to there."

The cold doesn't bother me so much as the cold and wet. :/

I fear we won't be able to protect the castor bean tonight from the temp drop and wind. Unless I put a heater under the circus tent, and that would be a worse disaster than losing the 200-300+ seeds that are out there still developing. O well.

About family - most of you know most of my peeps are gone. I have brothers too and our misfit family holidays together made us all too glad to let family traditions go bygone. I expressed last year that I might be able to consider getting together again. Maybe create some new grown up traditions with just us. See if we can't play nice without the intergenerational "issues" some folks brought to the table (not mentioning any names!).

Bussing all around town today trying to find the right meds for my dumb cat's eye problem. I can get most meds for my fish at the pet store, and often they are the same meds we use for mammals but in different form. Not this one though, seems no one carries it, and I'm in between switching vets so it's pandemonium, along with the change in weather.

Can't wait to get home and hide under the covers. Court will have to eat Ramen for dinner, I'm afraid. :D


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I just realized it's 11/12/13. Well, at least I noticed before the day was over. ;-)

Lol.. I did not notice either.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Amanda, what's going on with your cat's eye? I take it the eye is still not better? :(

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Recurrence? Didn't go away the first time after treatment so I had to go back out there for more meds. Not sure I have the right meds. It's highly contagious to cats, so if the others, particularly the seniors get it, I'm screwed. :/

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Aw, poor kitties. Do not like it when the pets are sick as most peeps dont. Sounds like you've had a busy day Amanda. I absolutley love those castor beans. They are so eautiful fully grown. Wish wish I could have some. But no sun in my yard. ; ( oh well have to learn to live with it and enjoy others yarcs who can do the sunny gardening. Yes I know yesterday was 11/12/13. It was my daughters25th birthday. I think its pretty cool. She had a great day.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Quote from AmandaEsq :
Recurrence? Didn't go away the first time after treatment so I had to go back out there for more meds. Not sure I have the right meds. It's highly contagious to cats, so if the others, particularly the seniors get it, I'm screwed. :/

That sounds bad. So, he may not be giving you the right stuff? Not cool. :(

I am at Goobers!!!

Amanda,, so sorry to hear about your cat. wish I could help!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks everybody.

You might remember me, almost exactly a year ago in fact, when I brought these same kittens back from my brother's house in PA while visiting for a funeral.

They had this illness then (conjunctivitis) and had so many cats - the momma and her first litter and this second litter - and they all had runny eyes and noses. O against my better judgment I brought them back - didn't even tell the other half they were coming, it was SO not the right thing to do for US but it was absolutely the right thing to do for them.

Anywho - I went thru about 8 or 10 bottles of tobramycin (antibiotic eyedrops) and as many bottles of clavamox (oral antibiotics) because the kittens were passing it back and forth between them and I couldn't get rid of it. Had to lock them in my bedroom for MONTHS to keep them away from my senior cats.

Then the kitten showed up who had to have her eye removed. She had this same illness. Untreated can lead to blindness. So.

I'm not looking forward to that mess again. We've had a rough summer with fleas all around, Snoopy poisoned by the Frontline Plus causing kidney disease, hairballs from excessive grooming, the giant puppy has some kind of skin rash we think he's allergic to fleas and grass.

Thank GOD I have my OWN health! knock knock knock on wood.

Thanks for the props. You guyz are the greatest!!!


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Gosh A, I thought I had a problem with my grandcat Lincoln, he got crystals in his bladder and that cost a ton of hospital expense, but now he is okay and daughter is happy and I ( the catma that I am) am happy she is all happy. I can't remember the last time I fought fleas, been a long time, but I feel bad for you to have to be fighting all this stuff. Love you so much for loving the critters. Hay, we turned on the heat finally! YAY! LOL

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Well we went as low as 9 this week....yucko! We are on the warmer side now and should be sort of nice this weekend for the middle of November. TGIF I love going to bed on Thursday cause once I wake up and hit the front door I figure the day is over...rofl. This is one of those cups full or cups empty...rofl.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes it is my day off have to work the weekend then have monday off. I think I have as many leaves as I am going to get done, done. Amanda im sorry you are having so much problems with your pets. Knock on wood ours have been pretty healthy. Our plott hound does have a cyst we will probably have to have removed soon. But it does not seem to ne bothering her to much latley. The sun is out now I am going to store to get some cold meds for my poor hubby then I have a meeting at work. A put of chili is cooking for dinner. So ive been productive already this morning. Have a great day everyone.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

It's warming up here again but no sun most of today - it will be cloudy. I've received a box of Tennessee Spinning Gourds, some huernia cuttings, some P. incarnata plants and some brugs - the latter from dear dahtzu. I've been able to get most of those things situated and the warming weather will help me get the rest settled in for the winter. Yay!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I got the cutest garden angel at the salvation army today!! I will have fun lookinG for the perfect spot next summer to place her.... this old copper tub I got at an estate sale this summer. This year I put some really pretty flowing flowers in it. But on pinterest iseen where someone built a whole fairy village in one. It was so cute! Anyone have cute ideas as how to display a garden angel??? Maybe I will look on pinterest.

This message was edited Nov 15, 2013 4:59 PM

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I looked up what a spinning gourd was and was very surprised! I had seen these gourds many times, but never heard of the spinning. same me some seed !

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Elfie is a fairy garden queen. She probably has some ideas on how best to display an angel. Me, I would just put it somewhere I could see it well. :)

Took me years to find the perfect saint Frank statuary. :)


Awww. So sweet of you Manda, I will try to think of an Idea for her. Tired right now. Just got home....

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from goldhillal :
I looked up what a spinning gourd was and was very surprised! I had seen these gourds many times, but never heard of the spinning. same me some seed !

Will do, Crystal. I have plenty. :)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

i lost my p incarnata plant, i think i am jealous.. but i have like six tropical passi's go figger.. i love Angels sticking out of pots and tubs with their cuteness over a garden area..

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

LK is an angle queen too. At least blue ones. :) She might have some ideas. I have an old copper boiler like that one and a lid. I've had it so long one of the wooden handles has rotted away. But I love it anyhow.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh my, that angel is beautiful. I would spray it with a clear coating to protect it from the weather, and put her in a place she can show off all her beauty.
And that tub is awesome. If you don't have any miniatures you need to go get some, that would make a wonderful mini garden!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Debra - don't despair - I have passifloras for you coming out the wazoooo. Well, in season when they are sticking up all over the yard running from where I planted them originally, it seems like they are out the wazoo.

Not sure if they're still green right now but I doubt it. Will be sure to revive this thought in the spring when we start sending weeds back and forth to eachother. :D

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh, you will have some fun! :)

Hamilton, OH

Good Evening
Thanks for the invite, I finally made it over here.
Ladies, I am glad to be here, I have read the post, sure is an interesting Group
I have a Few things Blooming, I, just like Debra have all my Plants in my Basement
of course it would be Nice to have a Huge GH but the cost would be to much, so I'll take what
I have, anyway here's whats Blooming, that's just a Few, there are so many Plants down there


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks I think I will try and make a fairy garden next summer. I was looking in the thread fairy garden thread yesterday. They are so beautiful. Wanna find some of the little plants. One of the greenhoses I go to in the summer have some of the smaller plants. Yes the angle should be overlooking the garden for sure. And some apoxy sounds like a great idea. Looks like someone had her for awhile. I would've kept her for ever and will now. Funny when you find somethjng you really like at the salvation army. I get so excited!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh, Elizabeth those are so georgeous. Love the colors! I am going to go see if there are any inmy basement.... lol.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Very pretty, Elizabeth. Another stunning basement, I see. Gotta love it. lol. Welcome to the chat.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad you posted with your beautiful blooms Elizabeth.

Hamilton, OH

Thanks Ladies
I keep telling Debra anytime she wants cuttings give a yell, That basement was a Mess when we moved here, after several trips to Lowes watching for White Pain on Sale, those Dark Cement walls
are all Painted white, the Cement Floor is Painted Blue
The Lady doing the redo of her House is amazing, my DD has taken up with doing things like that also.
I will be posting Pic's as my plants Bloom, I also enjoy everyone else's Pics


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Elizabeth! Welcome to our goofy chat thread. Oops - I'm goofy. This is the chat thread.

Still moving things around in the house. Unfortunately it's not about window space or sunlight here, it's how to keep the cats and dogs off. :(

Back to it! Hope your haves and wants are current on your member page so we can sniff around your stuff and beg for cuttings too.

I'm off!


Amanda,, the kids are here and triex to call you,, if you get aminute please give them a call.....

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Looking good, Elizabeth.. O h I can just smell them from here... yummy. Bonnie emailed me and said her baseent was so full of blooming brugs that she could set a box fan pointing up to the stairs and the whole house smelled of Brug Perfume. I only had one brugmansia bloom for me this year outside, now that they are inside, I am anxiously awaiding bud formation, which should be soon since I have ears pointing up in Y's.

I wish I had the mylar up all the way in charlies room, only got it a 4th the way done, tho. Part of my basement is partially finished, which makes it noce for me here. Better than wallking in the weather out to a green house at 1 am anyway, in my mind.
Here's stuff in the main area it is very long..come on down the stiars with me, this carpet is over 25 years old on them, I paid for it when I won a dograce on Mothers Day with my mom here visiting, she was so funny, she told me lets go pick out that carpet. I think I miss her, and my grandma and my sister and Great Aunt Effie all of those women in my family were so very wonderful in their own weird ways. Every Thanksgiving I think wow, no one left that likes giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, watergate salad, sweet ptotatoes and creamed corn. So those foods aren't on the menu any more. ;( I am eating cranberry Jelly from a can, I will be the only one to eat it. AND I will have a sweet potato, just not with nuts and syrup and marshmellows.
Funny how we turn into health nuts at certain times in our lives.
My computor used to be on the desk to the left at the bottom of the stairs. Oh man, the monitor was huge and I loved my games on it. Joes music machines are on the bar to the right, and all his vinyle on the shelf behind the bar. I turned off the lights as I took Pictures.
That Chalice vine back there never made it outside, but her cuttings did and Now I have three of her babies that are about a foot tall .. That jasmine sambuc has been trimmed about four times since last winter .. her cuttings took also. The cestrum was just a tiny thing when I got it thre years ago..It gave me good cuttings too.. smelled real good down thee when they aere all in bloom one night.The jugs are full of rain water, ad the tubs full of rainwater too, I root my cuttings in them, they all have pumps in them. Very "bubbling creek" like sounding at night, too. The turtles are behind the fish tub and they had a nice day outside getting excersize, as Joe and I followed them around. I think next time we might have a race with them. I have lots of space still left, I better get some seed trays started. LOL.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh, Debra, I enjoyed the tour and your beautiful plants! And I enjoyed your reminiscence about the women in your family. Mine are all gone as well. I have been missing them a lot lately. My maternal grandmother was probably my favorite female relative in the family. And, my goodness, could she and my mother cook. I miss those Thanksgiving dinners ... turkey, cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, real mashed potatoes with lots of butter, giblet gravy, sweet tater casserole topped with gooey melted marshmallows, almond green beans or green bean casserole, lime jello/pineapple/cottage cheese congealed salad, peach fried pies, rolls, pumpkin pie with real whipped cream. I'm starving!! lol. How I wish I could sit down with everyone once again this Thanksgiving. I have a wonderful heritage. We do have much for which to be thankful.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I agree. I remember tha green salad now, when I was younger. As a child I guess. I loved that lime salad with the pineapple and the cottage cheese, I loved it. My sister used to get a slice of every dessert ther was all on one plate, and then go back for seconds on the dressing or the watergate salad. My son used to love that stuff his Grandma made. First time I tried to make it,, I cooked the pudding first, and My son told me I did something wrong and no one ate it. LOL

MMMM almond green beans. with those crunchy onions on top. I rememember my grandma and aunt effie cooking goose and duck on holidays. In a duck roaster . It was huge. They raised the birds themselves. Heck, I used to think it was a big deal to stand gaurd over the racks of chick eggs under the lights at my great grandmas who lived 2 doors down from them.
Weird to have such clear memories right now, after losing my glasses Tuesday, and finding them where I put them, but not remembering that I did.

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