How Is Your Weather Where You Are for the New Year pt.2

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen have fun!!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hope you had fun Karen - although I am SURE you did! Ours is June 1 - and I am excited and ready for it to get here! Mine will be about a 3.5 hr drive for me......

It was SUPER hot here this weekend - hit mid 90s with HIGH humidity! I worked outside in the sun almost all day on Saturday but it really took its toll. I got a lot accomplished - but I had to take a LOT of breaks. I was sore all over the next day. Lots of digging and weeding and twisting and lifting..........guess if I did that every day I might get skinny.........well, or at least lose SOME weight! I cleaned on the far end of my foundation bed that didn't get finished last fall......................and almost have that large area cleaned back out. Even had a few plants that I had been waiting on come in that were going in that area. Got a couple of hardy hibiscus planted, but I still have to clean right up next to the chainlink fence so that I can plant a couple of clematis that came in. Maybe this evening.

Guess we are headed to full blown summer now that it has decided to warm up! I hear they are calling for major storms in several locations today .....hope everyone stays safe!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Praying for the folks that got hit by the tornado. What a tragedy!!!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

It sure was a tragedy, just awful.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

It is just devastating what little I have seen on the news. My heart just breaks for everyone in that area.............. all I have seen looks just like total widespread destruction.... i can't imagine having to deal with that. More storms apparently thru the evening is a possibility in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Tennessee.... praying for everyone's safety. Makes me wish I could just take off to Oklahoma and help in some manner!!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

We got rain the last two nights. Saw a few more scapes this morning. One on my gift plant from Mr Hall, Buddy's Wild And Wonderful. Gudrid.. this one has a bud that appears like it will open by the weekend. One of my other Blackeyed Stella have a scape on it. One of my Stella D'Oro have a couple.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Have lots of scrapes here and have had a few more blooms on the Christie Dixon..... shouldn't be too long before I have blooms on several.....

I still have a few DLs that I ordered last fall that haven't shipped yet because the continued cold up North delayed the growth......I sure hope they are able to ship before too many more days. We have already had a few days in the mid 90s, and I would like to get them in the ground before it gets scorching hot! :( It has been such a crazy spring................ and now it looks like we are headed into full blown summer!

We got a heavy rain and some wind out of the tailend of the Oklahoma storm..........thankfully no tornadoes, and no real damage other than a few limbs blown into the road and I saw a few trees that were uprooted..... but thankfully the storm band was a narrow one because while we were getting that rain it was POURING. Glad to know that it only last a few hours instead of most of the day or I might have needed a boat to get to the flower beds............... my ground is really sandy and I still had water standing in several places this morning.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I had a blast of the roundup! What a wonderful group of people. The hostess was great, and Ryan and I stayed overnight at her house. There was so much food, and of course I ate too much. I went there with my car stuffed full of plants, and came home the same way with pretty much all new stuff. I was not prepared and terribly unorganized, and I ended up spending most of my time labeling and organizing plants but I had promised to people. I didn't get a chance to socialize with people as much as I would have liked, and I didn't get a chance to look and see what extra things people had to offer. Next time I plan to be much better organized.

Today the weather was blessedly cool. I spent some time working on one of my front shade beds. I planted a good size deciduous azalea that I got at the swap, as well as a couple of new hosta, a begonia in a planter, 3 large Casablanca Lily bulbs, a bunch of violas, and a variegated Jacob's Ladder ( the last two I do not get at the swap). I also potted up a bunch a bunch of stuff, and did some weeding and cleanup work.

Monday we had temps in the upper 80's with high humidity. Tuesday it got to about the same, and then in the afternoon all of the sudden temperature dropped about 30 degrees. Brrrr!

Genna, you are hot, hot, hot! I don't look forward to when we start having temps like that. Sounds like you got a lot of work done though.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Good for you Karen. You cleaned up!!!!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Temperature really dropped here after thunderstorms yesterday. Only supposed to be in the 60's for the next few days.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Karen, sounds like you had a great time! Your RU must have been a much bigger event than ours.... the actual swapping plants doesn't take long at ours..... most everyone lists what they have available and people request it ahead of time. Then there are some people that bring a bunch of extra stuff that they didn't have listed. We don't have a tit for tat type exchange - although I know some RUs are that way. We just list what we have to share, and if someone wants it they ask for it. But, we have such fun when we get together! Ours is June 1 - and I am getting excited to see so many of my DG friends gathered in one place! Hopefully we will have good weather - haven't seen an extended forecast that far out yet.......

It has been in the 80s since the storms came thru - and that is so much better than 90s....... weird how much difference those few degrees make, but I think the humidity has been a lot lower too so that always helps! It is nice this morning, but already pretty warm so I bet it is going to get up there today. Cindy, 60s sounds good..... wish we could hold on to that a while longer here - but June is coming and I am sure the heat is coming with it. :)

Have a great day everyone!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, our RU was the same way where people listed what they had, people put in their requests, and then everyone brought lots of extra stuff well. Unfortunately I did not have my plants organized. I posted a huge list of things I had available to bring. I got requests for this and that, and put people's names down after the items they requested. I even went so far as to list each person's name and put down each item requested. Where I ran into trouble was after digging all the plants up, which took much longer than anticipated. I wanted to make sure that each person's mane was on a tag along with the name of the plant. I wanted to have each person's items grouped together so I could just pass them all out when I arrived. Since I didn't have time to get it all done, I was had to do out when I got there, which basically left me no time to socialize and see what extras were available for the taking. Anyhow, so it was a bit hectic for me.

In the low 70s here today, with high humidity, which really isn't an issue, as the wind is cooling things off, and ours overcast.


Wyoming, MN

40 over night! If it isn't consistently warm soon, the veggie garden is really going to be late. Still have daffs and tulips budding/blooming! A crazy weather year even for Minnesota! Daylilies are looking great but it will be a while before blooms.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Crazy weather indeed! In your case, your growing season is short enough that if you don't get those veggies going soon, they might not make................. I had wanted to plant a veggie garden this spring, but didn't get it done. Will have a few cucumbers for canning, a zucchini, and maybe some tomato plants if I get them picked up soon!

Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a)

Yep...still crazy weather here, too............we have had soooo much rain in May, that my daylilies look like they are experiencing some crown rot! I mow every 3-4 days so the yard doesn't look like a hay field (in between all the rain). I can't even get out to spray for weeds as it rains or then blows 25 mile an hour wind.....temps stay in the 50's to 70's.

Even the farmers are nervous as they are having a devil of a time getting into the fields....just nuts...

This message was edited May 24, 2013 9:52 AM

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Got to 38 degrees here last night after mid 80's just a few days ago.

Beaverton, MI

WHO TURN OFF THE HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Good question Kim!!!

Beaverton, MI


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Cool and rainy here a few days , starts to warm up tomorrow and /or the day after ?

Some of my novice seedlings First pot Annette's magic x ? Second is the Puffer fish crosses that I lost most of . As said I am novice ..

At this point I am happy ,,

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Seedlings are looking good Juhur7.

We're pretty cold here too. Rainy and chilly all day here today. I did get to go to one of my favorite local garden centers though. I came home with some nice things, and tomorrow it will be cloud,y windy and 60, so I'll be able to get some things planted. The sun will return on Monday. Yay!


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Well it did look like it was going to be a beautiful day today but it is clouding up and not looking so nice right now.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

It rained a little overnight. Going up to high sixties today.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

It rained all night , this morning it was still raining . cloudy ,overcast going for mid 70's today , 58 the expected low tonight ,. We have a good strong 8 mph wind , and 90% Humidity ,,
I put that last one in there for all you greenhouse type humidity lovers .. he he
All i can say is ( PSHEW) WOW !!!!

nutsfordaylily ;

THose POP . are finally growing I was a little worried there for a while , all they were was off to a slow start though ..
How are doing , busy with yours ,, I imagine

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL Juhur, sounds like you moved to the South with that humidity! ^_^

We got a nice rain on Sunday afternoon and evening, but the rest of the weekend was gorgeous. My husband and I spent all day Saturday taking down a large tree at the house where I grew up. My parents are both gone and I have renters in the house....we have been working on replacing a lot of the wood on the outside of the house and originally I had planned to repaint (or actually restain) all weekend. But the insurance company decided that if this tree didn't come down, they would not renew the policy - so our plans for the weekend got changed. I thought we put in a pretty good days work - got the main part of the tree down and all the mess cleaned up except two large pieces about 6' long..... our saw decided to go on strike and so we couldn't get those two cut down into small enough pieces to move to the burn pile....... We still have to get the main trunk down as well, but at least the insurance company should be happy! Hard to believe this tree was damaged in a tornado in April 1998 - it was blown over and left this trunk at that time....but the trunk was so large, probably 4' across that we couldn't cut it down. The tree has since grown back up - but only on half the trunk because the other half rotted. I believe it was almost as tall as when it came down the first time! Now, since the trunk is "C" shaped - hopefully, after taking the saw to the shop to get it back running, we will be able to get the rest of it down this time! ^_^ Then maybe I can go back to my painting!

Calling for bad storms across a lot of the middle part of the country today - everyone stay safe!


Thumbnail by gen2026 Thumbnail by gen2026
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

It's very rainy here today. Two days in a row of rain. Can't do anything but wait it out.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Cindy I agree !!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Maybe ya'll are stocking up before summer heat hits!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I sure hope the rain comes more during July and August. It can get really dry here during those two months.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

This has to be a first. Someone trading "Creeping Charlie" here on DG. I have seen it all!!!!! LOL!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

:( Sorry, please enlighten me................. what is Creeping Charlie??

Wyoming, MN

Creeping charlie is a beautiful weed. It is a member of the mint family and has very pretty lavender flowers. Once you have it it will take over every square inch of ground if you don't keep after it. It grows beautifullyi n my sandy soil, but it is also easy to pull from my sandy soil. It is not native but it has made itself feel quite at home in the US


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh my, ok I DON'T need any of that for sure!!! ^_^ I have enough weeds of my own!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

One morning it is outside growing around your front porch ,,, You go bed at night , someone or something is waking you the next morning ,:: before you know it ,, your saying good morning Chuck !!!! I see you got tired of sleeping next to the porch !!!!

Near 90 it was today ,, warming up !!! sunny!!^_^

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh gosh, I am trying to get rid of that stuff. It comes in from my neighbors yard.

Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a)

This morning I checked my very accurate rain gauge....another 2" last night......that makes 7" of rain in the last 6 days!

And they are predicting more today, and tonight..... I live in central Iowa, and even though we were in drought conditions last year, (they say that with the 10" so far this month in Des Moines, the low ground water level is back to normal highs), we have had a lot of serious flooding along the creeks and rivers....people that have NEVER had water in their basements, are now experiencing every thing from leaking basements to flooding....
I live high on a hill on an acreage, so no flooding up here, but I feel for those that do have all the water!

Although, I must hostas look fabulous!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Juhur - that is too funny! Although I realize battling weeds that are that aggressive is really not a laughing matter.

Sounds like there is supposed to be even more flooding in the midwest today. :( and the possibility of more tornados............

Looks overcast like we might get some rain. Hope it gets over with - we have a plant roundup this weekend and really need nice weather!!


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

English ivy and ground ivy here are compromised with ,,
Hot , windy , more rain coming ,,

I like the rain also ,, only not what has been coming with it ,,, sheeesh !

This message was edited May 30, 2013 3:06 PM

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

For those who might be interested someone is trading named D/L for hostas right now.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Where do you find out about the trades MIke??

By the way, everyone, I have been meaning to tell ya'll that Tom's finally announced their winners for the trip that my daughter was trying to win about a week ago! They took a LONG time to name the winners............. and apparently she was a lot closer than we thought because many of those with the "huge" number of voters didn't get to go. Maybe they had computers voting or something....not sure. Jessica did not get to go on the trip :( but she had enough votes that they have given her some options to chose a free pair of their new sunglasses that they are selling. The glasses retail for over a 100 so she was excited to have a chance at them. I guess she will try again next year for the trip. Thank you again for everyone who voted and asked others to vote as well.

The humidity here yesterday was unbearable - finally late yesterday afternoon (right after I gave up and watered some new things) it started to pour. Eventually, about bedtime, the humidity finally receded some. I think it is going to be in the mid to upper 80s today, but at least you can breathe when you step outside. Lots of water from upstream and the local river is rising - and backing up into several far, they have not crossed our road.

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