How Is Your Weather Where You Are for the New Year pt.2

Wyoming, MN

Finally got my small lawn mowed today. Believe it or not I could see my breath while mowing. This is not June even in Minnesota!


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow- surprised the lawn is growing with temps that low.................. or have you had the roller coaster that we had earlier ?

Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a)

Aaaannnnnddd.......another 1 1/2" of rain this last week......Today the sun is out.....I had to put on my dark glasses as the old eyes haven't seen the sun since March!!

We have had 12" in two weeks......sigh....

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

OH my..... that is a lot of rain at one time! Are you in the area that is flooding?? We had a downpour today around lunch - the river is close to coming out of the banks and I don't think it is anywhere close to cresting. Still lots of water upstream headed down I think.

Stay safe everyone!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

It has been in the upper 80's and 90's here in New Mexico with LOTS & LOTS of winds from 30-50mph. Sure doesn't help the 2 wildfires we have burning here. Valle Calderas area was at 10,400 acres last time I checked and the one up by the Pecos was 9,600 acres or something like that.

Bears have been showing up in peoples yards because it is so dry they don't have any food.

It is miserable when it is this hot and windy.

Send some of that rain our way! PLEASSSSSE

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Sixties here today, then seventies for the next seven days. Rain expected on Sunday. Genna, I inquired about one of the plants but, that one was gone. That trade is now closed.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh my! BEARS...............that is NOT good!! Praying that some of this rain makes it way over to you soon! Too bad they can't pipe some of that from the mid west where it is flooding like crazy over to you! The river is still rising here too.............we are going to wish later in the summer we had some of this water back!

Mike, sounds like you have PERFECT weather for getting things done outside. I worked outside last night for a couple of hours after work. The temps were in the upper 70s but the humidity was still up there even after the t-storm that came thru yesterday. But, the ground was soft and it made for easy pulling :)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

juhur7, sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Obviously I haven't checked in with this thread in awhile. Been really busy. Doing well, and getting a lot done here, though not as much as I would like. I never get as much as I would like done.

Wow, Genna that was a lot of work on that tree! Glad you got it down.

Linda, that doesn't sound good over your way. I hope you get rain soon.

We're getting lots of rain today. It's pouring out there right now. Been raining since sometime last night, and it's supposed to stop sometime tomorrow morning. The rest of the day and Sunday should be good.


Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a)

Gen.....Our acreage is on high ground, but our pond is spring fed....last year during the drought, the pond was down about 5', (first time ever that it was down) my hubby was worried about the fish......even the springs were dried this year, it is all filled up, and the underground springs are a flowing! It is actually hard to mow the yard.....:( So much rain...

And guess what? More hard rain coming our way today....I love the rain, but if I had a long water pipe, I would send pump it to New Mexico....:)

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone....I was watching the news with the flooding and talked to my daughter in CT and she said they got 3-1/2" yesterday where she lives.

I was thinking the same thing everyone....Too bad there is not a pipeline of some kind to pipe that water to us. Texas is stealing our water (50 new wells) by our border by pumping out the aquifers and most of the lakes & reservoirs are way way down, and in fact a few are closed down. We have only had .68 of an inch of rain since August of 2012 and we were down 48% the year before, so we really have a drought going on.

Farmers have sold their cattle (most of them) as they can't feed them (hay is too expensive) and they don't have any way to get them water (Irrigation has been cut way back) so everything is drying up, including the cows! One rancher was just arrested for "animal cruelty" because the cows had no food and no water. They let him off, because he agreed to let the state take the cattle. At least now they are being fed & watered. I really feel bad for the farmers, but worse for the cows.

Another hot one today at 94 and it will be close to 100 tomorrow and the rest of the week. AND winds 40-50MPH....AGAIN. I really hate the wind.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I really feel for you Linda. That's awful having to get by was so little rain. I really feel bad for the farmers. Yes, I wish there was some way we could pipe the water over to you. There is a small brook down the street from us. Right now is has way overflowed its banks from all the rain we've had. Sure wish I could give you some.

On a lighter note, all the daylilies I got from you in trade last year are doing wonderfully. I hope they all bloom for me this year. Can't wait!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

We got some well needed overnight rain.
Karen you are so right. There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get things done.
Upper eighties coming tomorrow. Going up to 78°f today.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Worked outside almost the entire weekend............ didn't seem to get nearly enough accomplished except for a lot of sore muscles and a sunburn....... :( But, I just keep telling myself I am making progress. It rained during church yesterday, but it didn't last long and didn't cool anything down either. At least it makes weeding a little easier. I am trying hard to finish up the far end of my foundation planting. Got some DLs that had been potted up in place, and also moved a few DLs from another bed into it. The other bed is overun with bermuda and is desperate need of reworking - but it will probably be fall before i get to it. I have decided to move the few DLs I have in that bed to the foundation bed, and when I rework that one - it is going to be only for more drought resistant plants that dont require as much water. The bed is further from my faucet and I thought it would be nice to only move the hose that far once a week or so..................... we will see how that theory holds. Problem is I also have another bed that is at least twice and possibly three times that distance away - and I will need to do the same thing to it. I just can't drag a hose that far every day when the temps and humidity get way up there. I would let the far bed go completely except that it is ONLY there to surround some guide wires and a electric pole - to keep us from killing ourselves on the lawnmower!! We came close to flipping our riding mower a couple of times under those guidewires when I finally decided we were putting a bed there to avoid that................. but I need things down there that dont require much water or care because the summer I was sick I lost almost everything I had down there. Now I have a big bed of weeds around a light pole....RIGHT by the highway so everyone can see :(

Then I have someone yesterday wanting to buy my house!!! I probably should seriously consider selling, especially since my husband is having to work out of town and the house will be too big for us with the kids gone.................but I just keep thinking how much work I have in the yard and flower beds and I can't imagine having to start over!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna' glad you got some stuff done yesterday. I forgot to add that I planted the rest of my plants that were sitting in water yesterday. Took out a small patch of grass the last several days to make room. I forgot to take a pic of the finish product yesterday. I will go out shortly and post the updated look.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is the current look. Managed to stick 14 plants in this location for now. In the previous post you can see the plants sticking up in the tub pond in the background. Second pic is from the backside. Just have to put the border down and walla.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Looks like a productive weekend for sure!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

You sound like you got a lot done, Genna. Good for you!

Wow, Mike, that looks great! Less lawn to mow. LOL!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen with the girls not around to help with the grass cutting it is time to take the lawn one square foot at a time. LOL!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well here's my effort at much this week and it is not finished , doesn't have any Daylily planted . Blue Oat grass and ""Iris"" ( is that last Blasphemy here?) lol

Hello Mike.. Looking real real nice , When I mulch like that (to decor) I always enjoy it more when it has blooms !

Hi nuts . was not ignoring , only being my " One Turtle Speed" moving on though ..

This message was edited Jun 12, 2013 12:04 AM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Forgot the pic ,, smoooth... lol

Thumbnail by juhur7
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Looks good juhur!

I have GOPHERS in my beds!! ANYONE know what I can do to get rid of them??? I had been told to feed them exlax - they would eat the chocolate and die. It hasn't worked (and it is HARD to get it into their tunnels after they cover them up) but we had one digging out his tunnel and stopping to look at us this weekend................ he didn't seem to care we were there. If only I could have gotten him!!! He is making a mess in my yard and now in my beds!! He has to GO!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I have no idea how to deal with them . That one in my avatar ate my Winning Ticket Daylily along with my hybrid lupine's.. Man I am steaming about that one !
If this was not the city . This would be double barrel in the alley, out in the yard !!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I considered trying to shoot him as well - but didn't figure that would work either! :(

It was HOT, HOT, HOT here today..... temps in the UPPER 90s already and humidity that must have been just as high! I had a few DLs that arrived today that I ordered last fall - and I waited until about an hour ago to even attempt to plant them because it was unbearable out there. I was out long enough early this evening to water in the newly planted things but it didn't take long to be pouring sweat. yuck...not looking forward to more temps like this and hotter......

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Looks good, Juhur7! I love the look of a mulched bed, and not only does it keep the weeds down, it keeps dirt from splashing up on the plants whenever it rains, keeping down disease.

Genna, sorry to hear about your gopher problems. We don't have them here, so I wouldn't know how to get rid of them. That heat sounds awful! Be careful and stay cool.

We got a ton of rain last night and today, and into tonight. It actually didn't rain too much today, except a bit in the morning, then clearing around noon time. Then it started raining again around 6, and it was coming down really heavy for a while after the sun went down.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Supposed to be lower 80's today but feel like 90 with high humidity.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, I remembered reading something on the net about putting a bucket over the opening and leaving some kind of bait there to see if the access is still being used. I forgot what they were pushing. I don't know if D-Con will work. The idea of the bucket is to keep pets away from the bait. Try You Tube.
Heavy rain and winds are predicted for this evening. Up to 60mph and possible tornado warnings. Upper seventies. We got a ten minute heavy down pour last evening. Expecting one inch of rain today.
Juhur, I like the idea of the mulch between the rocks.

Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a)

Genna..........I lived on a golf course as a kid, and we would take a water hose and stick it into the hole, turn on the water full blast, and drown them out....they will come out water-logged, and then you can kill them.....if you don't kill them right away, they will come to and take off again.

This will work if the hole and tunnels aren't extensive in your garden....

Good luck!

They are predicting more thunderstorms again today and tonight....sigh....after an inch of a downpour last Sunday. Temps in the 80's and the humidity close to that...........plants look great, but I look like heck! :)

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for that info! I will definitely give it a try - wish I had known that over the weekend because he left the tunnel exposed for quite a while after he finally got nervous. For a long time he had worked with us watching him - but he eventually went back in to the tunnel to stay. That is when I threw in the the last large piece of Exlax I had - because it is pretty hard to "expose" the tunnel to get it in there once they cover it up. Anyway, he came back later and covered it up so guess the exlax was not effective. :( plus, I have seen more fresh piles..........

I am sure his or their tunnels are pretty extensive because I have been trying to eradicate them for at least the past year - but I will give it a try!

Mike, hope you stay safe! Tornado conditions are no fun at all.................. my daughter had a friend who was killed in NW Arkansas just from straight line winds. A sign fell over on him in his car :( They had clocked wind gusts of 79 mph at the time of the accident.

Hope everyone has a good day!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

oh my gosh..............temps hitting 100 in several places yesterday and humidity almost that high!!! I am NOT ready for this...............

Ya'll remember me discussing my weird crepe myrtle development.... had little green "buds" on it that were like frozen in time. Well they are getting larger - they STILL look like leaves developing to me, but they are MONTHS behind the other crepes in my yard. I have attached a couple of pics - so weird - I have no idea what is going on with it.

Thumbnail by gen2026 Thumbnail by gen2026
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Not much happening here, except that we've been getting so much rain it's ridiculous. I feel like a drowned rat, we are so waterlogged. Our high today is expected to get to 65. We had rain in the morning, rain all night, rain a good part of yesterday, rain last Monday and into Tuesday morning, more rain Tuesday night, more Wednesday night. The weekend is supposed to be rain-free. Hope so. I took some nice pics of some Asiatic lilies yesterday evening in my gardens. These are the earliest to bloom here. Won't get more Asiatics or Orientals until July.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

65 sounds wonderful to me!! Sure wish we could get a few more of those days..........even when it rained a few days back, it didn't seem to break the temps or humidity. :(

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

That's awful, Genna. I hate hot, humid weather. Did you check out the pics of my lilies?


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yes, they are gorgeous!! I sent a friend request too...........

Looks like you have as many lilies as DLs.....

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Indeed great flower pic's . Lot's of rain here also ." Now the weeds,can outgrow , the weeds !!! "
Lot better than last years drought .. now if the severe storms would go away , everybody would be happy (well almost)

80/60 Here ..

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, very nice pics od the O/Lilies. Love the shade garden layout also. Mike

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, I thought that might be you friend requested me but, I wasn't sure. Was going to check with you before I accepted it. I often get requests from random people that I don't even know. I'll accept it next time I get on facebook.

Thanks for the compliments you guys! I do love lilies as much as I love daylilies, but I have way more of the daylilies. I have over a thousand different varieties. The numbers of Oriental and Asiatics that I have I can probably count on both my hands.

Weather was nice today. About 84, and even though the humidity was up a little, it wasn't too bad.

Alright, time for me to get to bed. Got to go to work tomorrow. Have goodnight everyone!


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Let's start a new weather thread, this one is getting really long.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

go here:

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