How Is Your Weather Where You Are for the New Year pt.2

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Was pleasant again today, about 72, not as warm as yesterday. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow at 66. That is fine with me. I would rather do yard clean up in cooler weather anyway. Then after I am all done with everything, it can warm up. It's probably going to take me at least another 2 weeks to get everything done. I can only do an hour at a time because of my back.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Cindy I feel your pain! Take it slow.

In the upper 40's, sunny then turning cloudy with chance of rain later and tomorrow. Down to 30 tonight. At least got some of my lawn patching done before dark. Will finish up over the weekend if weather allows.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

It is cold here! Got up to about 65, but then the winds picked up and it got cloudy and between that and the dampness it feels a LOT colder than the 54 that the thermometer shows! I have been outside working and I feel like I am frozen to the core.....just damp..... crazy weather! It didn't appear to hurt my blooms last night (we were supposed to hit 36) but it feels like tonight might be colder.......

Humidity always makes it feel colder. I lived in Massachusetts for 20 years and at 80 degrees in the summer I felt sick from the heat---humidity at 100%

Here in Wyoming, we only get humidity when it rains. Otherwise it is about 30%.

Was in the 40's with sun today. Not bad.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, well we ALWAYS have humidity too, killer sometimes! We lived in Colorado two summers while my husband worked on his master's degree years ago and the second summer out there everyone complained about the humidity - it was about 10% LOL.... we didn't even NOTICE there was humidity because when we got home in August is was pushing 100% here! When we got back into Oklahoma it was like you cut the air it was so much thicker!! I would love to live somewhere with low humidity - but then I guess I would have to learn to live with cold temps too!

Beautiful in the 50's. Finished patching my lawn today. Did some weeding around my daylilies.

I couldnt live where it was too warm in the winter. I would garden myself to death. I need the break of coldness in the winter so don't mind it. Guess it is all what you are used to.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Was a beautiful day here today. Low 70's and perfect for working out doors.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

As above ..indeed it was !!!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

We are expecting another nice day today but now they are saying that rain could move in on Thursday instead of Friday. I will welcome it. We haven't had any in over a week and the ground is really drying out fast.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Although it is going to be another great day to work outside, I really need to work inside. I have been neglecting cleaning. Did laundry and dishes but that's about it. Need to clean bathroom and vacuum and dust. Would much rather be outside, lol.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

It was 86 here yesterday, and supposed to be mid 80s again today. This morning was so nice....temps in low 60s. I was thinking I would love to be working in my beds this morning instead of having to wait til hot evening, but off to work I went anyway...... ^_^

I worked another 3 hrs yesterday afternoon after I got home trying to get my jungle cleaned up. Still have a long ways to go. I am shocked at how dry the ground is though, especially since we have had quite a bit of rain. They are calling for rain here on Friday and Saturday.... need it to come in early because we have a fundraiser this weekend for our mission trip. :( Need nice weather so people will come out to buy the BBQ and bake sale items!!

I have been neglecting inside as well - and IT really needs some work..... but I am bad to work outside until I can't move anymore and let the inside go. I didn't even eat any supper last night...........too tired!

Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a)

Well... after our spring snow storm, the next day we got drenched in rain (at least it wasn't snow!).

Then on Sunday, cloudy and cool....Monday 76 and today 78....When I checked on my daylilies, and assorted plants (roses, Siberian iris, clems, hostas) everything is jumping up! The snow drift didn't seem to hurt them at all....thank gosh.

Crazy I hope for a pleasant spring, and get some stuff done!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I suspect when it gets hot to stay here it will be a scorcher............. It is up to 80 now, but with a very slight breeze and low humidity! Hope it stays that way because I can't work in my beds until after work.............. but it is a gorgeous day!! This is the type of day that makes you want to play hookey from work!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

We're getting rain here at the moment. We're supposed to have showers often on today. We had rain last night, heavy a times. This has been the first real rain we've had in probably about two weeks, so my gardens are finally happy.

I was off work all last week, and the weather was absolutely gorgeous. It was in the 60's and 70's the whole time, and a low humidity. I got a lot of work done on my gardens. So happy that I had a good week off.

Sbish5, i'm so sorry to hear that you lost so many plants to the flooding. I don't know how your iris will fare, as they don't like the wet, but hopefully the daylilies will with recover for you. That's a lot of rain you've gotten.

Genna, that is so odd about all those new daylilies in that one area. Did you get them planted late in the season? Maybe they didn't have enough time to establish a good root system. I hope some of those will recover for you. Good luck on your battle with the weeds. I know just what you're going through. I hear you on wanting to play hooky from work. There is many a day when I would love to do that myself. Today is not one of those days though.

Can't believe some of got snow.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Congratulations Karen on having a nice week off - and getting a lot accomplished! That is always a good feeling. It looks like it will pour here at any moment - skies are very dark. MAYBE it will get most of the rain over with since it is supposed to rain today and tomorrow. Our fundraiser starts tomorrow, although I won't be working it until Saturday. It would sure help to have nice weather!

It is really odd about those daylilies - although two of them have finally put out green growth. I think the other 3 or 4 have officially bit the dust. It is odd, because about 6' from them I have a crepe myrtle that has been planted for at least 3 yrs............... it has done really well, but this year is has little tiny green 'things' on it as if it is forming leaf buds - when something is BARELY starting to bud. It has been like that for at least 3 weeks - like it is stuck in that mode. ALL my other crepe myrtles are FULLY leafed out..... it is SO weird! I thought maybe it was dead - but there is still green in the stems when broken off so I have no idea what is going on. I will be the first to admit our weather has been very strange and a complete up and down rollercoaster from one extreme to the other...............but ALL the crepe myrtles are having to experience the same weather- not sure why this one is acting this way. :( All the DLs that were lost were actually some of the first that were transplanted from the pots that had been in to the ground..... but I did wonder if the mulch possibly made them "too deep".... but it is odd that it hasn't seemed to affect the others. I transplanted about 50 from pots to my new foundation planting within a couple of weeks time............... those 3 or 4 are all I lost, maybe as many as 5 - and I guess some loss is normal. It is just weird they are all near each other.

I just received some new DLs from Lyle on Saturday. Going to put them in the far end of my foundation bed so they will be far away from this mystery area.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

It really has finally been a normal spring here for us. Last year was way too hot too soon. I welcome the cooler spring temps. Supposed to get rain today and tomorrow and we do need it.

Beautiful until 3:30pm when it clouded over and began to rain.

Gen, I wonder if it is scale on the branches. With a knife scrape the branch and see what it is. There are many different types and colors and most are hard to recognize.

As far as those DL that may still have life, I would dig them up and plant them in a pot with potting soil. Sometimes that will bring them to life. Check the roots to see condition.

Since it is raining, I will tidy up my house

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

We did get some rain last night. It feels like it has cooled down quite a bit but the sun is shining and the birds are singing. It is supposed to rain again today. Sure doesn't look like it right now.

Cold front moved in yesterday. Frost on my car this morning. 39 degrees now and cloudy. Chance of rain

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, although it looked like it was going to pour all day yesterday - we didn't get much in the way of rain. We got a light shower just after dark, but not really anything of significance. Was hoping for a nice shower because my beds are starting to get dry. Looks like the possibility of rain again today, but the chances are supposed to be a lot less today. Although, our fundraiser is today and tomorrow so that may improve the odds.... :)

Thanks - I will try that info about potting them up for the ones that still appear dormant.

Have a great day everyone!! And, to all the mother's, stand in mothers, rolemodels, etc .... hope you have a great Mother's Day on Sunday!


Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a) we go again....they said low in the low 30's tonight! Oh, brother, just when I thought spring was here....and then the weather man says by tues., it will be in the 80's....whaaaa?

My poor flowers don't know if they are coming or going.... Crazy weather!

Oh, and to every mom out there.... HAVE A WONDERFUL MOTHERS DAY! .. I hope the day is beautiful for you!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Too cold a couple of nights ,,,Redundant isn't it !!!! Yes,, 30's

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, that's so strange with those daylilies and that one crepe myrtle. Please keep us up to date on what happens with them.

We we're supposed to get rain all day today, not heavy, I don't think, but we got very little until around 6 p.m. when it started. It was a lazy day for me. I was really tired so I didn't do much. I didn't go to Lowes I got 3 big bags of potting soil, one of azalea called 'Karens', and a yellow geum called 'Lady Strathenden'.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Happy "Mother's Day" to all the wonderful mothers on Daves. We are in the low fifties today. Couple days of eighties coming this week along with some seventies. On vacation. Hope to get a lot done this week. Did the grass thing today so that's out of the way for now. Lots of plants to be planted and a mixed variety coming this week.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

In the low 60's today, and lots of sunshine. It was perfect for gardening. I got a lot of cleanup work done today. I cleaned up my front sales area, so thats looking really nice now. I also worked on cleaning up a couple of the front beds.

I meant to say yesterday that I "did" go to Lowes, not that I "didn't". LOL

Thanks, Mike.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks Mike! My two youngest, 19 & 20, moved home from college this weekend just in time for mother's that was nice! ^_^ Didn't get to see my oldest because he is busy studying for his Step 1 exam in med school. Just a test that will determine what he gets to do the rest of his life - no pressure or anything :( .... With my husband working in Little Rock all week, the last thing he wants to do is get home and then go back to LR on the weekend - otherwise, I would have went to LR to see Alex!

Does anyone still have Miracle Grow Potting Soil available in your area? I used it exclusively for years - now EVERYONE around here is carrying the MG Potting MIX instead..... can't find the Potting soil anywhere!! and I do NOT like the mix really.

I spent several hours Sunday afternoon out piddling in my bed that I am trying to clean out..... I didn't push myself too much - just was enjoying the nice weather, low humidity and enjoyed getting some things done. I have most of my big round bed cleaned out AGAIN - but I am down to about a 5' section that is probably at least 4' deep that I did not get to late last summer when I was trying to dig all the bermuda out, so it is pretty slow progress, and hard work that is rough on my back.... but I am slowly getting there. I plan to use roundup on the entire gravel drive that goes around this bed in hopes that I don't have to fight the bermuda at least in this bed anymore! We will see how that plan goes! ^_^ I have a few things I plan to get planned in the bed once it is clean, then I will try to get it all re-mulched and then apply some preen in hopes that helps prevent future weeds. Then it will be on to try to finish the far end of my foundation planting. It will be awesome to have both of those projects marked off the to do list. Unfortunately - there are always more things on the list.

I have one bed that is located far away from my house (it was built around a light pole and guide wire to keep from flipping the mower under the guidewire which almost happened several times).... but I have lost almost everything in the bed from when I was sick summer before last and not able to drag the water hose that far. Needless to say, the drought didn't seem to bother the bermuda and it has totall taken over that bed. I think that I need to dig up the few things that are alive there - and just try to kill the entire bed. It isn't easy to kill bermuda with RU because of the thin blades....and regardless it will have to be dug up so not sure how I am going to handle it. Not sure it will even get touched til fall because it is in the full sun and near the paved road so it always gets scorching hot working in it! Then i also have another big bed that needs to be redone. Between being sick that summer, and then spending every weekend for a year commuting to remodel my son's house - I have gotten so far behind I am not sure I will ever catch up! But, at least things are beginning to look better! The foundation planting that is finished looks so nice! Of course, it will look better as the plants mature, but just to have nice plants blooming is such a nice change!

BTW, I have an area on each side of my front porch that arches out further from the porch where I had intended to plant a focal point something. I had originally planned to plant one of the low weeping Japanese maples in this area, but now I am afraid it will get too large. The area behind that has a gardenia planted and a camellia planted that will eventually get 5' tall or so. I do not want something that will totally block their view. I was thinking I could have about a 3 - 4' JM there and it would work out nice.... but most say they will eventually get taller than that. :( Does anyone have any suggestions for a good option for a focal point. It will get lots of sun - probably from sun - up until at least 2 pm. Currently that part of my bed is just a big sweeping area of mulch LOL

Have a great day everyone!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna good luck with all your projects. You should use R-UP extended in the rock drive. This last longer than the original R-UP. Karen the sales bed is looking great. Mid to upper eighties around here today. I took a good week off to plant. Attended my son's graduation this past Saturday. He got his PHD in philosophy. He is currently doing some research in Texas. "Postdoctoral Researcher
UT Southwestern
Educational Institution; 5001-10,000 employees; Research industry
August 2012 – Present (10 months) Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hypothalamic Research
Investigate the impact of peripheral TLR4 on diet-induced diabetes and other inflammatory insults, on neuroinflammation and feeding in a mouse model." I am very proud of this young man. He is now the second DR in the family. Daughter have her doctorate in PharmD. I have a nephew which will have his next year in psychology. He is currently at the University of Auburn. These young men are inspiration to me and others. I could not ask for a better nephew and son!! Mike

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

My youngest son is majoring in Biology and Philosophy Mike.... I am shocked that a philosophy doctorate is studying medical type applications........nice to know.

My daughter just completed her freshman year in college - she is (or at least was) majoring in Chemistry to get her PharmD degree as well - but she is doubting her abilities because she made a B in Chem I and II..... of course, she had NEVER had a B before in her life until her first semester!! I tell her that she can STILL be a pharmacist...she is doubting it! :(

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

So excited - just found my first DL bloom of the season - Christie Dixon! let the flowers begin!!

Thumbnail by gen2026
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Mike!

We had temperatures in the upper 50's today. The early part of the day brought lots of sunshine, but there was a chilly breeze, and later on it clouded up quite a bit. Good weather for gardening, but I had to work today. I did get about 2 hours of work done in the gardens when I got home, so that was really nice. I sure love it when the days are long like this.

Yay for your first bloom of the season, Genna! woohoo!

I know what you mean about always having more things on the to do list. It never ends, but then would we truly be happy if it did? I think not. Good luck on your battle with the Bermuda grass. I have plenty of invasive plants of my own that I'm battling with. It's never ending, isn't it? It sure keeps us busy. What else would we be doing? Right! LOL!


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL Karen..... I guess I would have to clean house!! ...Maybe I should be thankful for the bermuda................

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, tell your DD to study and try harder. I vividly recall my DD staying up until four and five AM studying as if it were yesterday. All that hard work and sacrifice has paid off for her. That's a lovely bloom on CD. I have weeds in the grass, they know if they come in the beds it is sure death.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I have told her.............and she has stayed up late many, many nights but her HS background was VERY limited in science because we lost our good (push them hard to prepare for college) science teacher right as she was entering HS. Anyway, she is in a science dept that has a very good reputation for preparing their students and being 'tough' so I tell her she is probably better to have a B there than some of the schools where all the kids get As. She is capable of it - she is just doubting herself because it has always come so easy for her before. But I try to tell her this is COLLEGE - and it is different than HS - especially our small HS........... She has found she loves pychology, etc but I think she would have a hard time getting a decent job in that field. My DIL has a degree in that and is currently working for 12.50 /hr...........hope she sticks with it so she can be in a field with decent income opportunities!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL! Genna, I'm guessing you like to clean house about as much as I do!

Sunny and in the low 60s right now. Supposed to get to 66 later, and maybe showers this evening. Hoping it won't be much in the way of rain. Not that we don't need it, but I need to get some stuff potted up tonight. Going to a big DG RU in NJ this weekend, and I've offered to bring a lot of plants. I have a few big hosta clumps to divide. Yesterday I divided two huge ones, and boy were there back-breakers. Probably took my half an hour to divide just those 2 clumps. Will be bringing those bareroot, as I don't have a lot of space in my car for a bunch of large pots.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

It's warm here right now, about 85. My house gets warm so easily because of not enough insulation so I have had to put the air on already. Don't like too but it would be 90 in here if I didn't.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, that's a bummer hemlady.

It got pretty chilly out shortly after I wrote that last post. It was very cloudy out the rest of the day, and we did get a little bit of rain in the evening, but not much.

Tomorrow it will be a lot warmer, in the upper 80's low 70's, and sunny.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

How exciting Karen..... I LOVE RUs! We have one scheduled for June 1 - and lots of my dear DG friends will be there! It is almost like a family reunion when we get together! Great group, and I am really looking forward to it! We were supposed to get rain last night..........we got mist.... same today so far. We could really use a nice rain as it is already drying out here! I think the chances are supposed to increase as the day goes by......

CIndy, how do you survive ya'lls cold weather without much insulation?? I would think the cold would be even worse than the heat! I have been alternating between ac and heat for the past 2 months - :( I think we are FINALLY to the stay on AC mode, but then I have thought that several times before.....

Have a great day everyone!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Well we survive fine. I can stand the cold more than my hubby can. He is always on the anemic side and likes it hot. I keep the house well humidified in the winter and it stays warmer that way.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm very excited, Genna! Can't wait. This will be the furthest RU I've ever gone to. It's in New Jersey, and it's a 6 hour drive from me. Anyhow, the hostess offered for me to stay at her place, so I couldn't say "no", and she even said my nephew could come, too. He'll have a good time, even though he's not a gardener. He's great at helping out with yard work, though. He's been indispensable to me this year.

Today we got to 85. HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!!!!! Too much for May. Actually, to be honest, it wasn't that bad, as humidity was very low. The evening was wonderful. I got a lot more stuff dug up for the RU. I have a lot more to dig, though, so I'm going to take a sick day tomorrow. I don't want to have to rush around tomorrow evening after work to get the rest of the stuff together and pack up my car. I need to be able to take my time. Work will have to live without me for a day.


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