Spring Round Up, 2013

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Darwin and Tony may have more in common than liking to chat with each other at RU's! We are going for another round of cancer (this is 4th time around), this time being in his neck lymph nodes - but not lymphoma. Still doing tests for the source and meantime it is over a month since CT report showed "worrisome for cancer". While source and stage are not confirmed, it it showing as Grade 4 or high grade. All else is on back burner such as cataracts, needing a Urostomy (to be at USC again), blood clots, and torn rotator cuffs. whew. takes awhile to spill it out. Needles to say our days have a lot of dr/medical visits. Hopefully first treatments in form of radiation start next week.

No RU this year?

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Wow, sounds like a lot of health challenges.
Makes me feel silly complaining about my back hurting from gardening, at least I'm healthy enough TO garden.
I was just thinking about the RU yesterday. I'd come, but It will wait another year if need be.
Maybe I'll make it down you're way sometime this spring or summer for a visit anyway.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Seems our lives are just doctor visits all the time quiltygirl. Darwin is not doing well. He was suppose to go for blood work today then oncologist and chemo tomorrow. He had me cancel his appointments as he is too weak to even put his clothes on. Hasn't eaten anything in 3 days, just Ensure and ice cream. Then last week he went to primary doctor just for check up and wanted to talk about his pain pills. By the time I got back to clinic with oxygen tank that was in truck they had him ready for an EKG. His heart and pulse was racing too fast and got it under control but put him in hospital. They ran so many tests and finally said he has Afib. Taking meds for that now and on top of everything he has such a bad head cold. Suppose to see primary doctor on Friday, hope he is able to get around. Gets to the point where you almost feel hopeless, but know that hope and faith go along with all these problems. I don't know about Tony, but at times Darwin just wants to give up.

I'm ready for a RU too, but so many things get in the way. Dee, I know complaining about our backs is a small thing compared to others. I get so frustrated when I want to work outside and my back gives me such trouble. Thinking I should ask doctor for muscle relaxers, see if that would help.

Jules, I sure will miss you, hoping sometime during the year we can have a visit.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm all for having a Round Up but I would like to give others a chance to host it.
I'm down to my kindle until Friday when the new power cord arrives for my computer.
We should probably set up a new thread and see if anyone else is interested in attending or hosting the R.U.
Maybe one of you could start it?
The March Miracle rain, and our mild winter have been keeping me really busy in the garden and the greenhouse. I've been sprouting all kinds of seeds, and should have some to share. That is if I don't run out of pots to put 'email in. Heh, heh, he.
Sami, I'm keeping you and Darwin in my heart and prayers.
Q.G., Ditto the above. Miss you a lot.
Dee, am open for a visit any time we can make it happen. :)
Got seedlings needing to be potted up. I'll check in soon.

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