Pomegranate fruit splitting


I have a Pomegranate tree that is 5-6 years old. It's been producing a lot of fruit but they keep splitting. I have talked to the people at local garden center and they suggested it may be because of too much water or not enough nutrients. So, I have tried to reduce the amount of water and fertilized with fertilizer for pomegranate. They are still splitting.

I live in southern California in a fairly desert and hot summer area. So my watering may not be the right amount.

At this point, not sure what to do. It hurts to see so much fruit going bad, just when the arils are started to get some color.

Any suggestion and advice will be appreciated.

Vista, CA(Zone 10a)

I have this same problem in SoCal. I was speculating it might be that the skin doesn't grow big enough because of lack of water or nutrients during the mid-fruit growing season, before they really start ripening. So I tried more fertilizer before flowering, kind of lost track, and it seemed to help somewhat in reducing the cracking but probably half did crack when they hit peak ripeness. Still looking for a solution!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

How often are you watering, and how deeply do you water each time?

My family had a 'Wonderful' Pomegranate tree whilst I was growing up. My mom & I especially loved to de-seed a fruit, place the seeds in a bowl, & eat them with a spoon! The seeds of that variety are hard as a rock, tho, so we had to be careful to NEVER bite down on them! When I moved out into my own home, I bought a cultivar called 'Sweet', which has 'soft seeds' . . . I suspect its seeds can't grow anything! Never have to worry about my teeth while eating these! (I wish they were as bitter as the 'Wonderful', just without its hard seeds!)

Pomegranate are supposed to be watered deeply & intermittently when growing fruit!
Where I grew up, we watered it 1x weekly. Where I live now the soil is different, holding more moisture for longer, so here we water it 1x every TWO weeks . . . otherwise the fruit will split. . . .
I've never fertilized Pomegranates. I don't recall my dad doing so, either.

How To Fertilize & Water A Pomegranate Bush Or Tree

This message was edited Sep 18, 2024 7:47 PM

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