Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

2.Baptisia australis - 5' tall Excellent at the back of the border. In the east they are found growing on the banks of ponds. HP

3.Centaurea jacea - 1½' tall with lavender-purple flowers in late summer which are attractive to bees and butterflies. HP

4.Dierama Angel's Fishing Rods mix - 2-6' tall
Rich, well-drained soil, protect from cold winds, excellent on pond margins HP

11.Dicentra macropnos - A hardy climber, it is found rambling on banks and through shrubberies in the Himalayas of Nepal. With attractive, pinnate, pale green foliage with many stalked braod oval leaflets, with almost silver markings, it bears from April to Ocober, when it's at home, drooping clusters of as many as a dozen or more yellow "Dutchman's Breeches" flowers. HCl

38.Felicia True Blue Daisy 6-10'' - With its profusion of sky-blue flowers borne above tidy compct foliage, this very easily-grown plant will make a most charming addition to the bedding plants. HHA

This message was edited Apr 4, 2013 9:03 PM

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from AmandaEsq :
@Evelyn - if these are not spoken for they will work nicely in Max's Memorial Garden:

Chrysanthemum serotinum
Leonotis leonurus var. alba - White Lion's ear - 1 (few seeds)

Amanda ~ I will save these for you

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from warriorswisdomkathy :
Evelyn....I would love....
Anthemis tinctoria Alba, thakyou, thankyou, thankyou....any chance you have the light yellow variety? (I have the gold and would love to complete the trio....
Aquilegia Flatabela
Amaranthus caudatus LLA-B
Campanula latifolia, (which is it, the white or the purple?, would love either)
Chrysanthemum serotinum
Dictamnous Alba
Hesperis Alba, another Yeah!!!
:) Kathy

Gosh, Kathy! I do NOT have those pale yellow Anthemis tinctoria....sorry! If you find some, LMK, OK? ^_^

However I will save these seeds for you.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

9. Dianthus armurensis Siberian Blues - Compact, bushy mounds of bluish evergreen foliage erupt into a sea of mauve-blue flowers in late spring and are the closest yet to a true blue Dianthus. Ideal planted in borders, rockeries and containers, flowering over a long period each summer for many, many years. [Zone: 3 - 8]

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

A BLUE Dianthus armurensis Siberian Blues Really ??? Whom ever have any I would love to try a few .

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

thankyou ladies, hope I get more responses yet... Many I am pleasantly suprised at their heights....yeah!!!! You all know I LOVE that tall stuff...

Pam I did sow those Datura at the beginning of March, should be perfect.. /and thanks for the info on the others....sometimes I get lost in all that I doing.. you know that forest in the back bedroom..... LOL. know one of these days I may just have to order a few plants of the light yellow, (they are gorgeous, a buttercream color), I believe....gosh trying to remember the name of the nursery...oh my. I know people have talked about it. It's located in Nebraska. They sell smaller plant in 3 packs..... will come to me.. I have their catalog at home..

Susie..I'm excited about the Virginia Bunch tell me it smells good and I will absolutly be thrilled.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from warriorswisdomkathy : know one of these days I may just have to order a few plants of the light yellow, (they are gorgeous, a buttercream color), I believe....gosh trying to remember the name of the nursery...oh my. I know people have talked about it. It's located in Nebraska. They sell smaller plant in 3 packs..... will come to me.. I have their catalog at home..

Kathy, would that be Bluestone Perennials? Oh, no! I just looked...they no longer sell in 3's, which they did formerly, and they have A. 'E.C.Buxton', which they describe as having white flowers, and A. 'Kelwayi' with golden yellow daisies. Yes, and they are not located in Nebraska, but Madison, Ohio! Oh well! Maybe you will remember....LMK, OK?? ^_^

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

evelyn...yup was sitting outside and it came to Bluestone Perenials, forgot they were in Ohio tho. They used to sell 3 colors, the white, light yellow and the gold which is yes kelwayii. I've had it for more than 15 years and origonally gotten from them...Sucks, they don't sell the light yellow anymore...guess I'll have to locate another source, phooey.. I decided this winter to re-add the gold back into the garden and have a bunch of new babies, (they also reseed too). I like that they are in bloom most alllll season, spring to frost. Not sure if I have their new catalog, no more in 3's huh.. gosh it was such great pricing. that Solidago gets that tall or is it a typo? lol, just wondering. And are the flowers a candleabra type (reyed) or single stem with clusters?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Sure Kathy - I had some, not sure what variety - prolly just S. canadensis, but they were 10'-12' at the very least. Crazy. In fact, my Agastache grow that tall too. Must be something in the water.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kathy you want to be carefull with the Goldenrod In our area it gets out of hand & can over take the other lower plants & Hard to kill off . so put it way out in your back 40 If you want a fence to keep out the deer or elk :) I finely got rid of it I Hope anyway :)

well more forums to cover chat later have a great weekend

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Elk Horn, KY

WWKathy, yes it gets that tall actually

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi Everyone
Missed this robin....gotta get back in the swing of it all!
Have fun fun fun!
I posted my prize pictures on part 8 thread..... :)

Saginaw, MI

Hello everyone, just checking in and have a question ??? How do you get rid of wild morning glories ???? Got some "free" compost from the city last year to fill in spots and boy am I paying for it !! Wild morning glories grew in it last year and was choking out everything in it's path !! Need ideas on how to get ahold of it and stay ahead of it before it starts this year !! HELP !!!! LOTS of different types of flowers growing in this bed so not really an option for weed killer .

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

depending on the type of MGI think the most important thing is to not let them go to seed, however there are one or two that spread by runners, i think. then just pull them up everywhere you see them. just how I have heard they are dealt with.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

An old pro gardener I once knew called it bindweed, impossible to get rid of completely, she said. Just never walk by even one leaf without pulling it, that's what she said was the best way to deal with it.

Saginaw, MI

BINDWEED would be the correct thing to call it !!!! It wraps around anything and everything until whatever it is climbing on totally disappears !! It grew so fast last year that it was virtually impossible to keep up with . It is a large flower bed and by the time I would get done weeding the whole thing (usually takes a couple of days) it would already be "creeping" in on the end I started at !!! Someone said -- pulling it out only makes it grow faster because it is a "trailing" root system and each time you break it , new ones start at the break !!! SO FRUSTRATING !!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Try weed killer as soon as it starts up Just don't plant in the area for a couple week or so after you spray it on or till up the spot & use the spray or PREEM then lay Newspaper down then mulch to kill it out .

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

That's why morning glories have been illegal in AZ forever (they still sell seeds tho'and lots of people grow them in yards ) ..... a long time ago they would invade the cotton fields and muck up the cotton equipment. I think it's the wild ones that are the problem.

Sue G

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I wonder what's happening here... Is the robin in flight, or still in NH? Should I be expecting it any day, or not yet?

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

1" of "snice" last night...first ice, then snow. another 6-12" forecasted. Im going to end up building a raised bed in my basement if spring doesnt get here soon! I have toms and peppers that are now 6" tall!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gee i Posted this morning earlier to say I Still do not have a conf # from Susan so i don't know if its in the mail or not SUSAN if you see this can you let us know Please .

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha ha - Steph we went up over 80 yesterday and the a/c came on! Surprise surprise. I guess we'll jump straight into summer here. they called our spring "Marchuary" on the weather channel.


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Sorry Susie, I posted on the wrong thread, then found the other one and asked again. I hope she's OK!

80 degrees here in the city yesterday and today too, after a chilly, chilly March. Weird! It's supposed to get cooler again though... Good, I'm not ready. We still had snow on the ground in CT this weekend. Winter-to-summer in one week isn't fair! I need it to thaw, so I can get going on all the prep for all the planting I have to do. Yikes!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

that ok Pam & I Really do not know why we've not heard from susan yet except that just maybe she lost Internet I thought i put my Phone # in the robin so anyone could contact me if that happens but in the rush to get it back out maybe i forgot to so sorry .

Patti wanted to let you know i got all of the squash & Pumpkin seeds planted & Zoey helpped me she came in today & Said aunt susie Look they are growing she is so excited . thank you for sharing with us
as for all the flower seeds I Plan on direct sowing in the gardens .

well more to read ya all have a great eve

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Heidi - find the new thread and contact Susie ASAP please

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from warriorswisdomkathy :
evelyn...yup was sitting outside and it came to Bluestone Perenials, forgot they were in Ohio tho. They used to sell 3 colors, the white, light yellow and the gold which is yes kelwayii. I've had it for more than 15 years and origonally gotten from them...Sucks, they don't sell the light yellow anymore...guess I'll have to locate another source, phooey.. I decided this winter to re-add the gold back into the garden and have a bunch of new babies, (they also reseed too). I like that they are in bloom most alllll season, spring to frost. Not sure if I have their new catalog, no more in 3's huh.. gosh it was such great pricing.

In Forest Farm, they have what appears to be 2 light yellows...they describe Anthemis E.C. Buxton as a lemon yellow, and A. tinctoria 'Moonlight' as pale yellow.

These days we are lucky to get anything at "great prices", huh?

Forestfarm has great shipping, but their shipping prices are high. It is nice though if you can get what you want and then not have to worry if they will survive. I think that everything from them has lived well...

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