2013 the start - January

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I love quilts. Congrats on the near completion. That one looks like it might of been a little tedious.

Richmond, TX

There are quilts that are not tedious? Too much work for me! I too love quilts and am glad that there are brave quilt-makers out there to create them!

i had a post ?
great job on her quilt , gorgeous.
rain here today
first 4 H meeting today.
and the work begins
traded trucks with the DH. He gets the new one for work as it is a 1 ton and he needs to haul fuel tanks, and tools ect...
i get the " vroom vroom truck" its got a hemi LOL kinda fun to drive. got some power. i m more comfy in the Dodge then the new Ford. Not to mention our Ford is RED ! and you stand out like a neon flasher LOL . but i never did loose it in the parking lots ? LOL

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

That quirky is a dandy. My Momma was a quilter as is my Sister. My Momma was a master seamstress and there was no limit to what she could create. My sister likes to sew but I have no patience for it. I tried it. Bought myself a portable machine but I got aggravated with it I threw it in the floor one day and decided then and there sewing was not my calling. Looks like Debbie has the gift. You should both be proud. My sister sees Ragedy dolls for her grandkids. She made them for each f her son's when they were little and now she makes them for each grandchild as they arrive. She has 15 grandchildren and number 16 Will be added the end of this month. My nephew and his wife are flying to China to adopt their eighth child. They are taking their other adopted child with them to get him because they will be ' buddies' . Each of their children is a buddy to another. They have 6 biological children as well. Their oldest child is 9.

oops. Gotta run. My friend is on his way over with Little Billy. I hope love is in the air for Dusty, my adult doe.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Debbie has a bunch of quilt tops she has made, but hasn't had backs added yet. I told her from now on whenever she finishes one and takes it to the quilter, she should take one of those with her. We can afford it. I'd like to see her get all of them quilted and finished. Most of them sure are pretty.

The MacTavish has a bug of some sort. He has been tossing his cookies for days now. For the last three mornings I've had to clean dog vomit off the floor when I got up. He acts okay and has just as much fun outside as always, but he is upchuking ALOT. It has me a mite worried.

I made a triple batch of banana butter yesterday. I have enough to last me well into summer now! Going to try to get a bit more insulation up in the woodshop today. Always something going on...

good morning
it sure is a cold one today. brrrrr 20 outside
i m pretty bored today. i don't have anything planned :(
got some tasty recipes i m going to try today so i guess i will head out to the grocery . spicy black eyed peas and kale yummm.
i may just do my canning tomorrow ? get all that stuff out of the freezer downstairs.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

The water level in the creek in front of my house is up, and water is already over the bank into the yard. It looks like we'll have more rain all day and probably overnight too. We do have flood insurance, but since I've lived here the creek waters haven't reached more than a third of the way up to the house. This time I'm pretty worried...

My neighbor has photos of the creek flooding really high and even across the road a couple of years before I moved here. The flooded road stranded everyone for several days.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

We took Debbie's quilt top (the one in the picture) and another one she had to the quilter lady last night. Sharon wants Debbie to put at least one quilt in the fair and Debbie has agreed to do so. So, if you are at the Hardin County (Ohio) fair this September you can get a good look at Debbie's quilts.

My next door neighbor spread all his manure on my pasture yesterday. It kind of irritated me as I usually spread it and put a few yards on my garden. He hired someone else to do it (I did it free) with a HUGE spreader. We got home and there was manure all over the pasture. When I asked Marion about it he said the guy didn't charge much and got it all in 4 loads.

So I'm going to have to go with fresh manure this spring, or do without. I think I'll do without. I have all the duck/chicken litter I could want and leaves almost 2 feet deep. Either way, this will be an awesome garden. I have the home made composter if I want to add a bit of compost here and there.

Calling in my seed orders today. I already called in the order for my Gojii bushes and serviceberrys(juneberrys) I figure with building a house that ought to keep me busy this summer. Gotta have time for flying kites and fishing, too y'know.

my greatest task today was paying bills " ick"
Good news on the quilt , i m glad she will have one in the fair. I always enjoy looking at the quilts in our county fair. They are so pretty.
bummer on the manure.
that reminds me i have goat pens to clean.... not an easy task at moment. wheel barrow has a flat :( and no outside fenceing to keep goats out while i clean inside LOL . but its a good day to do it .
got 10 eggs in incubator
one bunny making a nest. ( hoping for bunny babies ) tomorrow is the due date ! wish us luck.
anyone need firewood ??? i got tons !

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sue, I just paid $75 for a pick-up truck load of seasoned white oak. Apparently no one around here has any clue how much a "cord" of wood is, they just sell it by however much their truck bed holds.

After this load was stacked I measured it, and it's around 60% of a full cord, so in my mind it was pretty expensive. I don't burn firewood much anymore unless the power is out, but I'm glad to have it just in case, for heat and cooking on my wood stove.

I got tired of having flat tires on my wheelbarrow (dragging out the compressor to inflate it was a PITA) so I bought a solid rubber tire. One of my friends has a wheelbarrow that has 2 tires. He says it's very stable to use, and he loves it. Kinda like this one:

Thumbnail by darius

i have looked at those. I just keep procrastinating to get one. But this year is a must.
i cleaned out the goat pens and wow what a work out or i m realy out of shape LOL
the goats don't like my RTV wich is handy but they freak out when i back it in the barn. poor things
well off to bed
see you all in the morning

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We have a yellow wheelbarrow just like that and it makes work so much easier. But right now it has a flat. bummer.

My goats waste hay so I pick it up off the floor of the goat house when I need some for the dog house. He stays warm and it is not completely wasted. I don't give them a lot of hay because they waste it and I have not been able to get a proper hay feeder made for them. They need one with a solid front and a keyhole shaped opening for their heads. Once it hits the ground they won't eat it. Goats are picky eaters in spite of their reputations. Little Billy came on Monday for a two week stay. He is in with my grown doe, Dusty. I have the younger doe up the hill in the old chicken house because she is too young yet to breed. But I am going to sell her. She refuses to stay in the fence and I am beyond tired of dealing with it. I had planned to use another friend's buck to breed her and then see what kind of milker she is after she kids but I am over trying to keep her in the fence. My fences are tight and hot but I have come to the conclusion that if they don't learn to respect the fence when they are kids then it is lost cause. I will just have to hope Dusty has another doe kid I can keep instead.

I had to take my BC back to the vet. He has an inner ear infection and his balance is very off. He is on antibiotics and seemed to be getting a bit better so I let him out at 2 am. I opened the door 15 minutes later expecting him to be sitting on the porch and he wasn't there. I got dressed and took the flashlight out to look for him. He had fallen down they bank into the creek. It's about a 20 foot drop nearly straight down where he fell. It has been raining and the water is high. He was sitting in the middle of the rushing water and was so cold he could not move. I crawled down the bank with a rope and tied it around him. I had to drag him step by step up the bank. I got spasms in my lower back when I got him close to the top and had to lay down next to him until they passed so I could move my legs. I finally got him into the house and dried him really well with the hair dryer to warm him up. I gave him a half of one of his pain pills left over from the surgery. Thank the Lord he is doing fine with no ill affects from his ordeal. But his balance is still off. So he goes out on a leash at night now. I could not take another episode like that.

That's great about he quilts. I think she will win a ribbon. I would like to see more pics of the others. Quilting is a dying art. Used to be folks got together to put the backs on. I remember being at Maw Maw Vercie's house with Momma and the other ladies when I was a little kid. Her rack hung from the ceiling. Those are such precious memories for me.

Darius, did you get any snow? Thank the Lord it missed us. Snowed all around us but we were spared at our house. It has rained a lot but we are not in danger of flooding at our house. There has been flooding all around us. Been raining a whole lot back home too. Is your garden spot flooded. I guess being flooded in is a worry for you there.

Sue, are your goats gentle enough that you can put collars on them and stake them out to eat? I can just open the gate and let mine out to eat right now because there is nothing much in the garden but I stake them out during gardening time. What kind of rabbits do you have and what will you be using them for?

Steve got to try on a leg on Wednesday. He did not get one of his own but we are hoping he will. I asked the man how much the stripped down model costed and he said between $7000 & $12,000 dollars. He said most of the cost is in the foot part. I was surprised at that.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy

Cajun so glad you and your pup are all right, what a scary thing to do .
Two goats are good enough to tie and walk but our little Ester is a cantankerous little girl. We do need to start working with them more. I don't let them out to pasture yet. We are more comftable with them in a fenced area We need to build one soon. Our neighbors dog is a PITA. Always gets out and i m afraid he will attack our goats. He killed their family pet guinea pig and has extreme prey drive !
our rabbits are little netherland dwarfs. I did see little bunnies movement yesterday . pretty excited !
welp i m late feeding our animals so its time to get moving
good day to you all

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

My DBIL wanted to trade his Yamaha for a camper - seen more of the state today than I ever wanted too.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Cajun..I haven't been around much in the past several months and I have some questions and I don't know how to ask them. Steve is your husbands name? the pic above showing his new leg= is that the leg where he had the bad foot? and they had to cut it off?

morning everyone
weather prediction is a cold front coming in. will be single digits tues 4 and wend 6 not including wind chill.
i just may take the time to get the rest of the tomato's out of the freezer and make more salsa
had some test to do at the hospital but FIL was going to watch my kids while at hosp but he can't come out in that kind of weather , he is on oxygen.
going to have to bundle up the chickens outside. give them some clean straw

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I've been MIA since about 2 hours after I posted to Sue up above that I'd gotten firewood. Almost immediately after that a winter storm dumped a foot of wet heavy snow on us and I've been without elec. power for several days.

I'm one of the most prepared people I know; I always have firewood, and can cook and make coffee on my wood stove, have plenty of candles (and unfortunately also a couple of battery-operated lanterns that I wish I didn't because of the used batteries and the landfill).

My only problem was having my sister sleep with me because I had the only heat in the house. She stays up far too late, she snores, and she talks in her sleep!

was wondering what happened to you darius. glad your ok . sorry to hear sis snores .
well our weather will get pretty frigid this week and some snow. gave all animals extra straw and hay.
our baby bunnies are still doing good , mama bunny is a good mama too.
i wonder if my kids will have go to school on tuesday ? no school monday its a holiday
other then that not much else going on.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Cricket, yes my DH had his foot and lower leg amputated on July 28th of last year. The infection got to the point it could not be controlled anymore. They had tried to save his foot by taking 2 bones out and he nearly died during that surgery from blood loss. Two weeks later they had to amputate. He is much healthier now since the infection is gone. But it has been a hard blow.

Now for our great news. DH got a leg today!!!!!!!! He can walk again using the roller aid walker. That is the walker with the wheels and seat. They had given it to him when he had one of his previous surgeries. He walked from the van up the ramp and into the house with it. It is going to take him a while to build up his strength enough to walk without help but it is such an exciting thing to see him up and walking instead of sitting in the chair. We don't know how we will pay for it and they didn't say anything about it when they gave him the leg. It was made especially for him. We will trust God to make a way for us to pay for it. He never fails us. This is a wonderful blessing.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy

hooray for his new leg. i sure hope things go well for him and his leg. sending healing energy and good energy to you and your DH.
our blue splash silkie died today. can't say why ? its a bummer but she was not my fav hen. honestly she didn't lay eggs and she ate her eggs .
so no lose there really

well not much to report
i m still doing the vegan healthier eating. Well this weekend was a bust LOL ate some donuts .
still cold and snow on the ground.
its time to start thinking 4 H for us. our groups have started .
i have lost one hen. i have two that are sickly looking ? and i just can't figure it out
kick myself for not hooking up with them comets you suggested Nik. I m already thinking spring eggs.
i also have turkey on the brain .
i need to get the plastic on the other coop and i can start getting birds.
i have not gone to any auctions as we have been busy
made 18 pints of salsa but i added to many jalepeno's and it sure is hot .
next is jam's to get the freezer done
we are looking into a wood burning furnace. sure hope we can get it by next winter.
hope everyone is warm and dry

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry to hear about your chicken troubles. How are the goats doing?

Steve is doing pretty good on his leg. Walked a little bit in wally world but his stump is shrinking fast and the leg socket is loose. He put an extra "sock" on it after we got home and it was much better. I really doubt they expected it to shrink so fast but it looks like it will need to be adjusted very soon. It is amazing what it has done for his mental outlook. He may be going back in the hospital tomorrow for a week. They want him on the rehab floor to learn how to use his leg. I won't have to stay at the hospital with him this time because he is not sick. So I will be able to get some work done with him out of the house. I am going to clean every room and get rid of some stuff. He borders on being a hoarder and the house is just too small for all his things. He never lets me get rid of stuff so I am going to make the best of this opportunity. LOL

I got myself a little greenhouse to start my seeds in. I am going to keep it in the house. I got it for $20 at TSC during their dollar days sale. It was regularly $30. Today I got 2 grow lights and hung them under the shelves. I need to get 2 more lights. They are a couple inches too long so I had to hang them diagonally but I don't think it will make a difference. I have gotten most of my seeds together that I want to plant. I also bought 2 bags of moisture control potting soil today so I will get busy on the seeds tomorrow.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy

great Job STeve, looking good .
i was just thinking the other day, this time of year i m usually busy getting started in my GH. :( oh well i like the tone in my house

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

It looks like I'm back to work at the hatchery. I have worked 13 days out of the last 14 and I'm working again tomorrow.Caught and sold 335 comets today. There are still a bunch there Sue. And they are starting to lay. Not just comets, Silverlace wyandottes, a couple BRs, And a few RIRs. Plus we have lots of guineas and Muscovy ducks. All adults about 20-30 weeks old.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I wish I could afford the shipping on some comets and some muscovies. I had one comet hen and I loved her and muscovies Are my favorite duck. They just hiss so they are much quieter than other ducks.

DH is discouraged and a bit depressed tonight. Looks like he might not get a week in rehab after all. He really needs it to learn how to use his new leg. He is afraid he is going to fall and hurt himself or his new leg or that he is going to do something to hurt his stump and put him farther back in his progress. Please say a prayer that he gets to go.

I love the comets The one i have lays jumbo eggs ! does the ones at the hatchery lay jumbo ? i m still interested. I may do a road trip.
If i call do i tell them Nik sent me ? so you can get credit . Don't mind doing it.
well i m going to brag here so bare with me
but some wonderful friends made me two quilts . One is for me and each square represents something i love. gardening, chickens , canning , apple orchard.
the second one is a memory quilt for Jessica. it is beautiful . Has an angel in the middle and blue birds
Even our dog Lucy wanted to see what was going on

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Richmond, TX

Those are beautiful! I love quilts and greatly admire those with the patience and skill to create them.

good morning
well my project for today is to get all the recycling organized. Today forecast is warm in the 60's but windy !! whoohooo its w indy .
but i can do some clean up

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Yeah Sue, tell them I sent you. It may et you a discount (probably not) and will definitly et me some brownie points.

ok will do. Are you going to the Degraff auction this weekend ? i was thinking about it , i have never been to that one. But weather usually plays a part in my decision LOL The truck is getting fixed so i do hope it is fixed by today or tomorrow.
rain today in the 60's but by tonight will turn to snow and then down in the 20's .
Can you say Ice skate rink at my house LOL
got garlic bean soup in the slow cooker today.
our baby bunnies are doing well. Eyes are open and they are hoping about .
We are hoping the other bunny is pregnant , i forgot to write it down .. duh LOL so i will have to wing this one.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

I used to go to degraff every month, but now I just go in April and May. And I NEVER sell stuff there. anymore. Now when I auction I go to BLT livestock auctions in Marysville. They only charge you 15% vs 25 at Degraff. Tomorrow they are crating up all the Silver laced wyandottes and the few Buff Orps. That will leave the comets yet and guineas. Along with maybe 30 muscovies. I will be on the road to Greenville, Brookville, and Botkins. So it'll be a long day for me.

Richmond, TX

NikB, you got the g working!

I got to BLT also. but we have not gone in 3 months . to cold brrrrr.HOpe the weather isn't to bad for you tomorrow NikB.
darius are you getting much rain ?
Cajun hope your doing ok also and how is the husband doing ?
made a great vegan bean dish
red beans
black beans
tomato juice with garlic
chilli powder
no chicken broth
cooked in slow cooker and came out awesome !
made a great bean over brown rice.
going to try it with quinoua . or my gluten free whole wheat pasta
add hot sauce and its rockin

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Those quilts are really nice and such a thoughtful gift. Quilting is an art for sure.

We had really nice weather yesterday and I took advantage of it. DH drove himself to the store to sit around and visit all day. He is working on learning to use his leg. I was glad to get him out of the house so I could clean a bit. It has really gotten rough around here the last year. Too much energy spent on trying to keep him alive and mourning over losing loved ones. It didn't leave any energy for cleaning. But the weather was nice yesterday so I opened the Windows and got started. I still have a ways to go but I got a lot done and I feel good about that.

I got almost a tray of seedlings started in my little greenhouse. There is more I want to plant but I have to be careful. I don't have a lot of room to garden and I always end up with more plants than I have room for. I am collecting cardboard right now to make another planting bed and to put around the tires I plant my melons in. I need to keep the weeds down. My melons nearly got lost in the weeds last season. I also need to get my strawberry tower build. I have enough pots in graduated sizes to put one together now.

Little Billy went home yesterday. I hope he performed his duty so we will have kids in June. He is a cute little fella but Dusty was ready for him to leave. LOL Now I need to concentrate on selling Cinnamon.

Sue, any pics of the bunnies? I used to raise rabbits and hope to again at some point. How many do you have?

It has rained all day today and I am afraid there will be flooding around here. We went to get feed today and water is running off the mountains all over. Waterfalls everywhere. No fear of flooding from our creek but water does flow through my basement off the hill beside the house. Calling for freezing temps and snow the next few days. Gonna be forthwith all the water on the ground now. Have I mentioned lately that I hate cold weather?

We have been adopted by a cat. I am trying to give her away. She looks to be about a year old and she is a Maine Coon Cat. She is pretty and very friendly but she likes to get under your feet and that is not good. The MD gives me trouble picking my feet up as it is and DH surely does not need to get tripped up by a cat. Surely somebody will want her.

My dog is getting a bit better. He still has balance problems but not nearly so bad. I don't think it was an infection at all. I think it was that syndrome older dogs get. Sometimes they recover and sometimes they don't. We are blessed that he seems to be getting passed it. I still take him out on a leash at night. He has a blanket he sleeps on at night. He scratched it into a pillow and layed his head on it to sleep. I need to get him a soft bed.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy Thumbnail by CajuninKy

poor kitty hope you find a good home for her
0 outside today
our older goat is not feeling well ? she just ain't acting like her usual self ?
i will get our my goat thermometer and see if she will let me take her temp ? LOL
i don't see bloat signs so far ?
not much going on
to cold to play outside
so i m just getting my tax stuff organized. Dear goodness i have no idea where anything is ??? my life has been in zombie land for the last 9 months .
Caj we only have two little bunnies . I m hoping the other doe is pregnant.
i think i may hit the store and get some snacks . gonna be a long weekend with this cold and snow

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Get yourself a buck and you will have a barn full of bunnies in no time at all. LOL

we have two bucks and two does. but one doe and buck just didn't make contact i guess ?? so we are trying her again with a different buck.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Have you ever raised rabbits before? I find it interesting that a doe does not come into heat or season like other animals. The act of breeding causes her to ovulate. You should always bring the doe to the buck's cage, never the other way around. She will fight him in her cage and won't breed. Are the rabbits for 4H?

My seeds have not sprouted so I put them a bit closer to the grow light. Hope that helps things along. I toyed with the idea of making another bottom heated tray for sprouting but I don't have kitty litter right now. I may get some this week in town when we go for the doc appointment.

DH is doing well on his leg. Doing a good bit of walking. We went to the barn yesterday to unload some feed and he walked up and down the barn hall with his roller aid. He was proud of himself. His stump is shrinking fast and holding up well. They will have to resize his leg soon. I still don't know how we will ever pay for it. I just hope they don't send Bobby and Big Juicy out to repo it. I'd hate for them to have to "git licked". LOL

I got my Eagle Nest Poultry catalog today. They have good prices. I think I might order a few meat birds if nothing else. Have any of you ever tasted pheasant? I sure thought they would be more expensive. They are just $1.50. The meat birds are $1 and $1.16 each. They have the Welsummers I was thinking of getting for just $2 but they are only available in straight run. EEs are $1.20 straight run and $1.80 sexed. Some of the cockerels are only .60 . But before I can get any birds I have to get my rat wire put in my coop.

It was very old this morning. 14 with a wind chill of 0. Had a bit of snow but not much ice. The sun came out and melted so I was able to get up to the road to go feed the horse and pony and I had to go to the pharmacy to get meds. Wasn't too bad except for the wind.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy

yes they are 4 H rabbits. they don't seem to fight much but run around more.
i m off to bed
good night frends

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)


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