Asking prayer for God's will...for me

Crozet, VA

Oh yeah.....again, the trip to Longwood Gardens is one that I would definitely do again. I felt the same way as Jen did.....amazed and in much awe of the beauty of the place. Let's all think about the possibility towards spring....huh?

Yep, I was telling someone earlier all that meeting so many of you folks in person has meant to me over the years. It does feel much like family. Heck, for about two years now, I am more up to date with the happenings in you folks lives than I am that of my bad....but you all are so good. I am making an effort to check my facebook account a bit more these days in order to stay in better touch with family.

Chantell, I will be keeping you in my prayers also for a great first day at work and hopes that it continues to be a wonderful job for you. I believe their practice is lucky to have you.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Praying for the best for your new adventure tomorrow. Walk in beauty!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

''She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:'''
Lord Byron

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

So beautiful!!

Chantell, still keeping you in happy prayers of thanks, and for grace and guidance as you sally forth into your new chapter! < =D

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I would like to wax poetic along with Sally....
This is one of my favorites:


Too slow for those who Wait
Too swift for those who Fear,
Too long for those who Grieve;
Too short for those who Rejoice;
But for those who Love,
Time is Eternity.

--Henry Van Dyke

Crozet, VA

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I like voilets and roses,
And I like all of you......

hahahaha Had to do that. Thank you to each of you poetic scholars who shared. I have a grin from ear to ear.

Here is hoping that Chantell's first day on the job is a groovy one.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hope it's all you want dear. Ric

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhhh y'all have touched my heart...again!!! My brain's on a tad overload right now and today was only orientation!! LOL I was surrounded by wonderful folks today...looking forward to training the next 4 days with the gal that's retiring up in the area I'll be in. Let's hope my brain expands to allow in what I need to retain....I love an adventure!!! Hugs!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yay! THis week will probably fly by.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Hmmmm... how to properly say to Chantell "Don't worry, there's LOADS of room up there to allow for all that new information!!" ?? < =P Heeheeheee, that's NOT precisely what I mean, HA! Don't you worry Sweet One, the Lord will be sure to make sure it all fits in all those little nooks and crannies.

Now, if your noggin were anything like mine, THEN you'd have cause for worry!

Thumbnail by speediebean
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Heehee!!! You will do a bang up job I'm sure.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL - y'all are too funny! The week did fly by - I keep telling myself "I think I can - I think I can'....and that I prayed God's will so He must also think I'll grasp ALL of this knowledge at some point. Sadly today was the last day of the person who's the only one that knows this position - literally. God bless her - she was so patient trying to teach me as much as she could...but 4 days is 4 days...ugh

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Today is the first day, of the rest of your life!! The same will be true tomorrow... and on Monday, when you feel that you'll now be walking in to work with no 'safety net', so to speak. Don't worry, you've got one; the BIGGEST one and the BEST one ever. " Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." He's got your back! < =D (and your front, too! heehee)

So... speaking of prayer and His will... I was on my way to work Friday morning, contemplating work, and it came to me, as His messages often do, seemingly out of the blue, "... Ya know, I could do environmental work for the governemnt..." Now, WHERE did that come from!? OK, rhetorical question, I know where it came from. A little bit of background; where I'm working now.. well, it seems to be in slow decline, BossMan's not getting any younger, and that's his reason for talking of selling the place; BossLady has been a widow for a while, but has now found Love again (she's so happy and I'm SOOOOOOO happy for her!!), and, along with the general decline in the economy of late and general decline of the business, now that she's no longer on her own, those are her reasons for her general decline in interest in the business and her contemplating selling as well. When?? Anyone's guess is as good as mine, but it doesn't seem to be in the IMMEDIATE near future. Meanwhile, my position there is, well... rather a stagnant one, by its nature. There's really nowhere to go there, and even "up" doesn't say much in such a small family owned place.
So, back to Friday's drive to work... there it is, hit me right upside the head from out of nowhere...OK Lord, I could do environmental work for the government... but I need SCHOOL for that. "OK, then you're going back to school." I AM!?!? Well, it turns out I am. Sometimes these things are just crystal clear. I'm scared witless, I've not been in school in well over 20 years when I went for nursing, and here I am, 48 years old, looking at a totally new career path. And math is sooooooooo NOT my forte!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!! But darn it, He's made it abundantly clear to me that this is my path, so, sweatingly and shakily, I'm going. YIPES!! "What on Earth...!?!?!" keeps going through my head... I think I need to wallow a while in some Book of Acts, that always makes me feel better. < =D

I'm not much of a one to ask for things, I really like to give.. I'm stubborn and have a horrid problem with pride, but if any of y'all could find a minute or two for a prayer for me please, for anything you can think of, it sure would be appreciated. I know that this is what I'm meant to do, but I'm just one step shy of petrified.

Thank you guys for letting me vent/share. =') XOXOXOXOXOX

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

When I had my own business, I would train people for their positions. The more difficult the position, the longer it took to learn. One person was replacing a difficult position and had the usual 2 weeks to learn with the person who was leaving. The new one was all upset when she faltered on her own at the beginning of the 3rd week. She asked me how I felt about the mistakes she was making. I told her that I expected her to have it all down pat in about 6 or 7 months. Until then, the supreme effort that she was putting in would be absolutely satisfactory. It is probable that the same attitude exists where you are, Chantell, so relax and enjoy the challenge and it will come easier.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Roses is right. Good employers will respect the fact that you notice and learn from your mistakes, and care about improving, way way more than they will worry about the mistakes themselves.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, I'm confident you will get it, as well as learn and apply your own tricks and personality to the task at hand. Conversely the alternative to learning and applying all this new stuff would be boredom. :-} Ric

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I know you can, I know you can, I know you can

Speedie is going back to school!! WOWZERS!!!! Good for you. I love it when HE lets us know what to do.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chantell , yeah they know you will be learning and will understand

Speedie keep us informed.of your journey!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

HOLY cow.....I missed all of the above until today. So Sorry my sweet friend but I began having my new adventure November 6th and before that I was just miserable trying to figure out what was happening to my body. Anyhow, I understand congrats are in order, prayers were answered and you did it all without me, so, I am sending you something pretty and smelly goot (amish in Lancaster County term) to celebrate your new position. I am so proud of you and I know you will be an asset to the program.

Love you Lady . Here is a baby Royal Jasmine for you to sniff.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Crozet, VA

Chantell, as the others stated, mistakes will happen and are expected. That is all part of learning. I am sure that the employers will appreciate you asking for direction when needed versus acting as if you know it all and don't need help with anything. That isn't very long for them to train you though, I have to admit. Hopefully others in the practice will help you know direction you should go in any particular issue that arises.

Speedie........a prayer for good fortune is said. I am sure you will do well with what ever you endeavor. I see you as someone who will put all their might in to making their dreams come you too can do it, do it.

So glad that every one has checked in and kept our sweet Chantell in their prayers. Yes, Chantell and Speedie....updates will be nice from time to time.


Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Yep yep yup, I totally agree with what everyone has said here about making mistakes and learning from them. A new employer EXPECTS you to make mistakes, and will HOPE you ask tons of questions, and expect you to learn from each of those questioning/boo-boo'ing experiences. As long as you continue to learn (and of course you will, because you're brilliant), you'll do swimmingly. Don't forget to pray a lot each day; all the small things, ya know? "Thank you Lord, for getting me here to work safely... now, what would you have of me today? How can I serve you best today?" "Lord, please keep my eyes and ears and heart open to what I'm supposed to be absorbing today". "Lord, please allow me to be a blessing to someone today". Keep Him close, 'cause even in those seemingly un-related prayers, the closer He you keep Him, the better it goes, all the way 'round. < =D

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers, Ladies. I got to thinking later after my post, that maybe I'd stepped out of line putting it in here, in Chantell's thread. (If I stepped on toes, my deepest apologies, sometimes I forget where my place is, I do not like to step on others' sweet little piggies!). As soon as I get a day off where contractors are not here installing windows and the front door (topic for another thread), I'll be heading out to the school for a 'dry call' to an advisor to find out "How do I get started, anyway!?". I think I've narrowed my area of interest down to agriculture, that might help. =) And DH has been (heehee, I have to giggle here) refreshing my memory in math.. haahaahaaahahaaa, oh dear, he is soooo sweet and cute! He really is helpful!!!!! I'll need to buff up my math skills for that placement test, eeek! < =P I'll keep checking in... when I check back when I know something, I'll start a new thread and stop trampling all over Chantells lovely lawn.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chantell, I'm thrilled your first week went so well! Wow, 4 days is a short training time, but like you said, if that's all there is, then that's that. You'll learn as you go, and you'll re-invent some parts of it as you go, also, bringing your bright & cheerful style to every aspect.

I know you can. I know you can. I know you can.

Speedie, we'll all be keeping your new adventure in our prayers, also! Scary, yes, but exciting also. You go, girl!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Suze - you have dmail.

I love y'all!!! And apologize as I've been rather brain dead upon arrival home each night so instead of computer time I had granddaughter time - which is the best therapy ever. And Suze - let me just tell you...I do not have a 'lawn' (figuratively and literally) - these threads are the family room where we all pull up a chair and share...the good as well as our needs. As I said in a dmail to Suze - she has inspired me...what an encouragement to others!!! And I can't wait to hear how it goes!!!!

Thank EACH of you for your encouragement!! Everyone at work has been more than understanding and kind to me...I'm just concerned as piles grow on my desk. But each day is a day something else settles in my brain...I feel the light bulb going off and say 'ok...that makes sense' I preface each call or email with disclaimers and a 'thanks for your patience while I'm learning the ropes' - everyone has giggled and said' no problem please let me know if I can help.' I giggle to myself because no one person knows what I'm doing (truth be known neither do I LOL). I simply keep telling myself as Suze will (I'm sure) - God doesn't make'll all come together (think Beatles)....


Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

You are sooooooooooo right, God does NOT make mistakes! He made YOU, didn't He!?! < =D Well, there you have it.

That's a cool feeling, huh? When the light bulb goes off over your head, and you have one of those "Oooooh, I get it!" moments. When you can hear the "click" when something falls into place, those are such wonderful moments, and I'll bet your having lots of those, more and more each day. But like I said in your D-mail reply, those stresses of trying so hard can be draining, and I'm sure I'm not the only one here who understands your need to unwind and 'turn it off', as it were. Ya gotta do it the best relaxing way you know how. (If I lived closer, I'd come over and give you a nice warm minty foot soak and massage!) =)

Hmmmm, if God were a Beatles fan (and I'm not entirely sure that He's not), He'd probably be singing, "Come together, riiight now, under Me...". < =)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

CHantell, it's the darn learning curve , and it will get better soon. I started a new job recently, The person who trained me told me most everything I needed to know in two hours (a much less complex job to be sure) But I still had to make mistakes, try to work thru them, and then later think, Oh, THAT"S why she told me xxx...LOL.
Its a good time to be a starter- everyone is in the Christmas mode and ready to be kind and gentle to you!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhh Congrats, Sally!!! Yea YOU!!! How exciting - everyone's either involved in an adventure or starting a new adventure. Life is good and we are blessed!!! Had a VERY restful weekend to include a nap this afternoon. Can't remember the last nap I had....recharge and get ready....Monday's-a-coming.... Have a wonderful week, family of mine!!!

Crozet, VA

Hey ladies.....been a while since I had time to catch up on some of the threads. Won't get through all of them today either, but I will take this opportunity to first of all agree with Chantell that we are a blessed bunch. I want to wish everyone a beloved Christmas and I hope all your wishes come true. I also hope the new year will bring even more reason for joy to each and all. I feel so very blessed to call myself a member of this great group of folks. Oh sure....some toes get stepped on from time to time, but that happens in the best of places and to the best of people. I still maintain the thoughts I had upon meeting many of you the first time at Hart's plant swap.....what an utterly fantastic group of people. I feel highly invested in many of you and your lives. I hope that any of you know that if at the end of the day, there is some way I can be of any sort of aid, you will let me know and I will try my best to help you find a way to have your needs met. I would like to be able to at some point give back all that has been given me by your wonderful people. For now....everyone stay the very same, I see nothing that needs to be changed about any of you at all.

Bless each of you.


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