Asking prayer for God's will...for me

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

How wonderful! It sounds like a perfect fit.

Crozet, VA

So glad to hear that you are happy with the results of the prayers that were said for you Chantell. I can see you now....such a beautiful smile you have and the shining eyes behind the smile. I can't recall ever seeing you looking any other than that. deserve many good things and I am glad this worked out for you.

Big hugs to you and thank you for allowing us to share in your concerns.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Double ditto Chantell!

And I can't help but comment on how lucky they are to have you....and all those little ones who will be touched by you and their parents finding hope and encouragement instead of frustration or more confusion. You have a mighty task to do and a mighty heart and spirit to bring with you every day! Rejoicing here. Judy

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

That's wonderful news!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm pretty dang my official letter offering me the position...woooowhoooooo!!! Your words are overly kind...I simply can't thank you enough for your prayers....truly you each bless me!! I even summed up the courage to speak to both my office mgr and boss giving them my notice. Despite the tears - they were happy for me. I'm just so thankful...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh Chantell -- that is just fabulous news! I am so happy for you. When you do you start?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Since i was totally "out of the loop" as to why you were asking for prayers from everyone--
I had no clue what all that was about. Now I know....

I am also very happy that you got the job of your dreams! Congratulations.
Your sunny personality will definitely be an asset in this job.
Working with or for little children---AWWWW........That is YOU!

I bet you are walking on air! So happy for you! Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

You better let me know how dropping the bomb went tomorrow!! Loves ya!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhhh thank you Gita...

Bec - bomb was dropped today...decided sooner was better

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Congrats to you Chantell!
I had a notion it might be work related...
I am so happy for you that a blessing had touched you this week!


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Glad you gave notice sooner, cuz that kind of stress isn't needed. Glad they shared your joy. I am sure it will be difficult to replace you there.

Continuing prayers for you as you make the transition and settle in.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Excellent news Chantell, I'm so happy for you. Working with little ones can be so fulfilling. I'm sure Holly will share your joy when she gets home and catches up. Ric

Crozet, VA

I always love hearing that life is going well for those I care about. Couldn't have happened to a better person Chantell. I will pray that it be all that you hope it will.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from rubyw :
I always love hearing that life is going well for those I care about. Couldn't have happened to a better person Chantell. I will pray that it be all that you hope it will.


Well put! Hey maybe people prayed but you also did the 'job' of being the wonderful YOU that we love!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I am utterly humbled by all of this - still pinching myself and thanking the dear Lord for allowing me another chance to get paid for doing something I love. I want to give special thanks to my BFF Bec - as she's shown me that it's ok to reach out to folks for our 'own' stuff. I know I'm not the only one who finds it infinitely easier to do than ask. We don't think twice about praying for those with needs but sometimes hesitate to ask for prayer. Ady yet it was EACH of YOUR prayers that gave me the strength and the peace to go into that last interview - repeating to myself - God's will...God's will...just be yourself - if it's meant to will be. So I again thank EACH OF YOU for helping me. God helps those who help themselves - nothing profound, I know but if we don't believe in ourselves why should someone else?

And my apologies for being so vague when starting this thread. It's just that my sweet office mgr is one of my facebook friends and has heard me rave about the DG family so I didn't know if she'd signed up here or not. I care enough for her that I didn't want her finding out via other source. I took quite a bit of time composing the letter I read to her - I figured I owed her that much. She is a kind-hearted, christian, previous marine that I am proud to call friend and the last thing I wanted was for her to be hurt.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Yep, you just confirmed it. You are an awesome, sensitive woman. I also find it difficult to ask for me. Definitely much easier to be a doer. So very thrilled for you. It makes it much, much easier to go to a job that you like. Blessings dear!!!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

It really truly is an honor to be able to hold you up in prayers. Sometimes we don't actually really need to know the details of the "whats", we just need to know that you need, so we're here to lift you a little higher.

Exodus 17:12

Crozet, VA

I have a practice that I have used for some years now. I often have very vivid dreams and many times they are of folks who I may have had no contact with for years and years. I try to remember the day after my dreaming of particular people to lift them and their needs up in prayer the following day. I don't need to know the specifics but really feel as if it is a nudge from God telling me that so and so needs some prayers at the moment.

I like the saying about "We become intimate with those we pray with, for those we pray for and for those we pray to."

I have learned through prayer over the years that the old agage of pray for your enemies will change your heart also. I have found it to be true. I was encouraged to pray blessings upon those who use and despise me even though I may not feel particularly loving towards them. I have said these prayers often through clenched teeth. What eventually happens is that we do get a new appreciation for these folks and our hearts can be softened towards them. Most people who cause pain, are in pain themselves. I have to admit to it taking long lengths of time for my heart to be softened in some cases and there is also a chance depending upon the day when I may not always sound as though I emotionally released these folks from my mind and heart either. We are all human and need to stay diligent in prayer.

Chantell it has always amazed me how often many of us can't allow ourselves the same privilege we would grant any one else on the earth. We are so often too hard on ourselves emotionally and so often feel unworthy of good things. If we can learn to treat ourselves as well as we treat those around us, most of us would be a lot happier.

I am so glad that things have worked well for you in this instance. You my friend deserve many, many good things to come your way. Still think of you smiling and it is a very pretty picture.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Here's a glimpse of how Chantell may have looked when she got her good news.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh my gosh lookie!! TWO angels in the picture!!!!!! 0 =)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby - such wise - wise words....not surprised at all coming from you. Prayer changes folks a good way! My view has done 180's when praying for someone I'd rather not. It's like God opens not only your eyes but heart to the trials another may be going through. LOVE that pic Sally (and yes I was smiling thru the tears when I got THAT call)!! But if there's a halo near me - John must be sharing his... ^_^

This message was edited Nov 12, 2012 2:10 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I love that picture too! classic Swap Moment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crozet, VA

I love that picture too, thanks for sharing Sally. John seems to take good pictures and I am always very disappointed whenever I see myself in most pictures. I do not photograph well.....

So glad that things are going well for you deserve much more.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby!!!! That is not true - I love to see your beautiful face and smile in photos!!! Hugs!!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Chantell, REALLY!! I second that!! Just the thought of Ruby's wonderful face makes my heart SMIIILE!!!!!!! < =D

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Smiling here, too just thinking about it!!!

Crozet, VA

Oh gosh.....I truly was not fishing for compliments but I appreciate them all. Not every single picture I have ever taken has been a bad one, but I would say that nine out of ten I am not satisfied with. hahaha I have a tendency to go looking for bad things in them and guess what?.....I usually find something or another to displease me. I know that there are some other folks who wouldn't be labeled as photogenic either, so at least there are others the same as myself. My poor mother had a real tendency to have her eyes shut in so many of her pictures. I felt bad for her in that way.

Anyway........I am smiling sitting here thinking about all of you great and lovely folks too, so there. I am the most attracted to people who smile a lot. Makes them seem approachable I suppose, and that is what I look for in folks.

Chantell, I saw on Facebook that Becky's Sammie died. I am so very sorry. I know she really loved him as most of us do our furry friends. Please tell her I will be saying prayers of comfort for her over the tough times. As for you....when does the new job start? I hope that you will update us on how it goes, as it goes. I hope that as this weekend comes to a close and we go in a new week that it is an extra good one for all.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Longwood Gardens Trip--May 2008.

Ruby--You look just fine to me in all these shots!!!! Nice trip we took. Should do it again.
Do not be self defacing, Ruby--beauty lies within--and you are loaded with it--inside and out.

Yooohoooo, Sally!!!!!! Lets pick a different season than spring--so we can see other "faces" of it.
This place is too close to ignore for so many years.
Anyone coming from VA or further--is welcome to sleep over and rest at my house.
I can sleep several people easily.


Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh my Goodnessssss, I can't say enough how much I LOVE that pic. of you (Gita) and Ruby, Pic 1, WOW!!!!!!!!! That is a stunningly beautiful picture if ever I did see one, my oh my oh my!!!!!!! Ruby, I also am one of those who is NOT photogenic, there is always 'a little something' that is just not right in most photos taken of me, very rarely do I end up looking ok in pictures. Oh well, in real life my face doesn't look like a Picaso painting, so that's alright. =)

Chantell, I'm still keeping the prayers going that all is going well for your new job and the first day. Have you enjoyed the first day yet? Is today the Big Day?? Well, I'll just keep thinking of you all day long! < =D

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Beauty every where and I'm not just referring to the Wisteria!!! All of you ladies look awesome in these pics. And just LOOK at John with a collared shirt ^_^ - I don't believe I've ever seen you in one! Ruby your man cleans up nicely!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I think it was the first time I ever met Ruby----on this trip.
I "knew" her already from DG posting--but not in person. G.

Crozet, VA

Thanks for the memories Gita. I believe I have some pictures from the Longwood Gardens trip too. Will have to check them out later. Looking over these pictures, really the only one I would care to share is the one with the whole group that my niece Angela took for us. Who is the blond lady in the last picture standing with us?

I see sweet Lady Gardener in the group picture, the trip was due to her efforts in arranging it for us. I remember that I was able to still walk during those days, though I did need a break at one point and that most every one waited while I recouped. Thanks everyone. If there is another Longwood Garden tour planned, I would love to go and this time I will bring along some form of a scooter or something.

It took me til about age forty to be satisfied with the person I am. Not going to be putting too much effort in to changing either the outside nor the inside at this point. What you see is what you get with me.....I say that I am honest to the bone, my ex said he found me brutally honest. hahaha I am sure he deserved any brutality aimed in his direction. hahaha


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Someone very nice who we just haven't heard from lately. If we can find old threads we'd see who it is.

Too funny about the brutality!

So CHantell, when do you start?

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

A little bit of detective work ha ha ha

Found this post - is the very nice lady Shirley????

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yup Shirley.
And lookie, there's Jen, DIana and Harry!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh my gosh, there's Jen, what a DOLL she is!!!!! < =D (the rest of you are a bunch of cutie patooties too, but you know that already) < =P

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Beautiful pics Gita!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOVE pics like's like seeing family members!!!! Such beautiful smiles and hearts...ahhhhhhhh Hoping you all have an amazing Thanksgiving and are continued to be blessed this following year. My first day of my next chapter is this coming Monday -- waaaawhooooooo! I am beyond thrilled and can't thank y'all enough for the prayers and support.Hugs

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I too am happy for your new step in life. Good luck--

What exactly will you be doing in your new job?

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Gita

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