CLOSED: Let the Christmas Spirit Ring!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Elfie, I'll be right there with the

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

FRUITY DON"T You Mean WITH THE TURKEY :))) Looks as Kris Has all the trimings :))) to go with it :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

There's a nice big bird in the refrigerator ready to roast Wednesday afternoon, yum. Or should I bake it before we head to Elfie's?
Making our sides Thursday morning. We usually eat Thanksgiving Dinner around 3 PM.

What's everybody doing for Turkey Day Holiday?

Gryphon is spending Thanksgiving with Ralph and I. We are cooking our Turkey tomorrow and will be nibbling all week as I am very limited on my diet. But I feel a little better each day so I am happy.

I took some of the unfinished cabinet doors and built a floor to ceiling medicine cabinet today. Will try to get pictures. But we all know my picture taking has been very hit and miss since we moved here. Ralph is on vacation and did most of he work. He also Hung lights in the kitchen!! Now I have real
lights and not a dim lamp..

C... Catnip toys
H... Hoops of yarn
R... Real fish snacks
I.... Itsy bittsy bells on string
S.... Sleeping on poppa,s lap
T.... Tons of hugs and kisses from my moms
M... Mice
A.... Anchovies
S.... Scratching my ears..

And this is what my cat wants for Christmas...LOL

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
I'm still here... Got busy learning how to use my new iPod Touch and learning to use some new software on my braille computer :)
I'll get my likes posted by Wednesday!
Hmmm, I see lots of games that you all have been playing :)
For the first one, words from Christmas, here are a few more: arch, his, hiss, rich, march, miss, misc, this, Chris, Cris :)
A gift that starts with a letter from Christmas? Hmmm, how about:
candy canes -- I love the chocolate mint ones :)
Gifts that can be made using letters in Christmas? Um, not sure if all the letters in the gift name need to be in "Christmas" or if it just needs to start with one of the letters, but how about:
Hot pads or trivets
Stars -- Just one kind of ornament that one could make :)
Off to find my Christmas list :)
Take care, everyone!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LOOKS as if we have only a few more days till we find out who we will be sending to :) Susan has ask me to be her elf Helper so I'm
excite about that :))) I love surprises .
I like homemade or handmade :)) Crocheted Towel or pot holders hot pads holiday throw

Wishing you all a great day

Saginaw, MI

SOOOO, who are all the CRAZY ones doing the whole black friday shopping thing???? NOT ME--working all day!! And even if I wasn't working me and hubby said will NEVER do that again!! Youngest son is 13 and the last time we did the whole standing in line shopping thing was when he was maybe 5 or 6!! Off to work! Have a great day everyone!

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

No, no, no, no, no! No retail shopping for us this weekend. Our family gave up gifting several years ago because there are no longer young children in the family. The youngest are 16 and 19, so they get gift cards and that's all the shopping any of us do. Thank Goodness! Now that doesn't mean that I won't be stopping by the local quilt shop or grabbing a cyber deal for our house. ;)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

same here I Rather stay HOME Maybe find other's who ARE INTO Trading :))) weather it be gardening or crafts :)))
thats what I Have been doing today & Already have 4 trades for seeds that I want :)
off to find more ya all have a great day :)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Not going anywhere, I hate shopping anyway so it's a no brainer. Black Friday around here is like 4th of July tourists. Don't get in there way they will hurt you.


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

No standing inline for this old lady either. We tried that about 5 years ago, NEVER again!
We are having a deep fried turkey, cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, green beans, dinner rolls, apple, pumpkin and pecan pies. And fresh veggies, and pickle trays.

Saginaw, MI

Sounds like NONE of us are crazy about crowded shopping days!! I work in a mad-house this time of year and am in NO hurry to rush back into it myself once I get out!!!! Our kids range in age from 29 to 13 (1 girl and 4 boys) and 5 grandchildren(ages 9 to 8 months) (but live out of state-- boo hoo!--miss them terribly) and the last time we did the whole mad shopping day was to get light up yo-yos the boys just HAD to have!!! --Does anyone even have yo yos anymore??? or jump ropes or jacks & balls??? or marbles???? And know exactly what you mean Lanakila about the gift cards--seems to be the thing to do now--so much easier -- especially with people out of state!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm all Shirley I Bet it is BUSY Up there in CHRISTMAS TOWN sure glad I'm from a small town it is very FOGGY This morning & I need to go into town but not going to go till this fog has Lifted 7 car accident up at 7 mi & m37 no of GR .
Didn't stop my brother from coming down to go hunting I see his car is out here :)
He got a 8 Point Buck Sat or sun Morn so now to fill his doe per mit .
well guess i better put some coffee on for him when he comes out of the woods ya all have a great day .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Why stand in line when it's easy to 'click' from the comfort of your own home! Plus, my Christmas shopping is already done, except food of course.

Last day to sign up! Susie, let's get our heads together Friday, after the big turkey day.

Everyone, We will assign names as soon as we can, might be over the week-end, as this will be a coordinated effort.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a) if us is CRAZY with a capital K, I wouldn't miss black Friday for the world....I love being out in the crowds, with the music, and people with bags, and trying to get a deal, my dear friend and I have done it every year for probably 20 years, stories we can tell...rofl. ;) I love the bell ringers and give to everyone of them and tell them thank you for doing it. I would love to get a group together to bell ring and sing music. There were 3 girls doing that one year and I loved it. We use to do the day after Christmas but I can't get off for that any more, but if the stores open early enough I go before work...rofl......... What is really strange is the rest of the year I rarely shop except for the swaps here on DG....

Blackshear, GA

Yay Happ! I thought I was going to be the only one..I love black Fridays. BUT, I do not stand in line!! I just like the deals. IF I go to Walmart...its usually later in the day, when all the crazies have got what they wanted. They said on the radio Monday, that some people were already camping out at some stores...that's insane!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

rofl....So glad I am not alone, it is you and me and a million other people...rofl. So look for me GAgirl, never know where we will show up...

We have a Nebraska Furniture Mart which is a zoo when it opens so like you we wait until about an hour before the specials go off and if you walk around the store you will find the items on sale laying everywhere....what I think happens is everyone grabs those items early because they are such a great deal and then decides later that maybe they don't need that or just got too much and they just sit it down just anywhere. Got my big screen tv like that at Walmart one year, it was on sale black Friday and you couldn't get near that are but someone must of grabbed it and then decided against it and sit it down in the garden area....well of course I am in the garden area...rofl.

I don't even mind standing in line. What we do is get in line and then one of us will shop for awhile and come back and then the other goes and shops for awhile...rofl. Now since everyone has cell phones that even takes the terror out of that...rofl. Nothing like showing up at the cash register with your stuff and my friends stuff with no friend...rofl.

One time at target the lines were sooooo long and nothing was moving and we started laughing saying ok register 1 3 and 5 you start out with Jingle Bells, then register 2 and 4 will jump in...well everyone started laughing and you should of seen the faces of the checkers when everyone started doing it...rofl. I never thought in a million years. We just have fun....course there are two places I refuse to go 1 is Toys R Us (they are nuts, never get between a parent and a toy for their child) and the 2nd is Best Buy (never get between the men and their toys....hummm think I see a common ground here :) Just gonna tell you guys but if you see something you want from Office Depot or places like that, almost all major downtown areas where all the offices are, no one shops there because they all live in the suburbs, so just go downtown which is empty and wallah. Now don't tell anyone...

sorry I am just rambling on and on...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Happ i thought that was you when I saw this for BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPERS :) Now we know where your at
OH LOOK She got her TV :) HEHEHE You can shop for me .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Those fly-on-the wall trips were so funny! In my younger years, I really enjoyed Black Fridays and all the crowds, lines, deals, and company of friends and family. The older I am, the more crowds really get to me and enjoy alone time, which isn't too often unless you-know-who is hunting or I'm doing our regular shopping.

Turkey is baked, giblet gravy is made, deviled eggs are hidden in the back of the refrigerator, Winter greens are sauteed, bread is rising, cornbread dressing and mac n cheese are ready to stick in the oven late tomorrow morning along with a pan of sliced and diced butternut squash, carrots, onions, and turnips. Will finish cooking late tomorrow morning shooting for a 2ish lunch time. Neighbor lady stopped by with more turnips and a few apples. Looks like we'll have baked apples instead of an apple pie. Nobody will know the difference an hour after we eat anyway. Maybe I'll pull out a frozen Key Lime pie. Nice and tart after a heavy meal.

Everybody else getting ready to get ready?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Fruity, can you tell me how to make deviled eggs please? I don't eat egg's, but hubby loves them.
We are frying a turkey tomorrow. Mashed potato's and gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, cornbread dressing, dinner rolls, fresh veggie and pickle trays, apple, pecan and pumpkin pie.

Hope you all have a great dinner tomorrow.

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Sent off a glazed ham with whole berry cranberry sauce, roasted chicken with pan gravy, stuffin' muffins, apple pie, key lime pie, and a cold cranberry relish with the hubs to a potluck Thanksgiving with friends this evening. I've caught the cold that is going around and so I decided to stay home. I know that he'll bring home leftovers for me, but I hope that I can taste again before they go bad.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Both those meals sound delish! Lanakila, feel better soon. It's the pits being sick any time but especially during the Holidays. Stuffin' muffins presumably are made in tins? Never have thought to do that but would be really handy for individual portions or sharing with others.

LK, I'll trade you my Deviled Egg recipe for a piece of PEcan pie!
Growing up in SC, this is how my late Mother made her Deviled Eggs and is mainly how I still make ours. You can tweak the ingredients to how you think your family would like them.

From 10 boiled eggs (20 halves), I usually end up with 12 deviled eggs and enough egg salad left for two sandwiches.
Just depends on how high the halves are stuffed and how many torn or thin whites I end up with.
I also cut the eggs lengthwise. Seems to work better than slicing them across the middle like my Mother did and I did for many years.

In a mixing bowl, save all the yokes and any whites that are torn or are too thin to stuff.
Add equal parts of sweet cubed pickle relish, mayonnaise and yellow mustard (we prefer plain old French’s).
My ‘parts’ with 10 boiled eggs usually ends up being about 2 Tablespoons of each.
You could add more or less, depending on taste preference and whether you are going for a thick or a thin consistency.

Season with salt and pepper to taste. I also add about a 1/4 teaspoon of celery seeds. A Tablespoon or so of finely diced celery would work instead for a bit of crunch. My Mother added finely diced onions and I would too except hubs doesn’t eat raw onions

Using a serving fork, mash the ingredients to the consistency you prefer, chunky or smooth.

Stuff halved whites with the egg salad.

Traditional Southern deviled eggs are finished with a sprinkling of Paprika. In Texas you might like to substitute using a dusting of Cayenne Pepper.

It would be interesting to hear how you make yours, Carey and Joy, since you're in LK's neck of the woods.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much, I will ask hubby how he wants his done. He does not like sweet pickles, but maybe regular dill relish?

Come on over, you can all the pecan pie you want!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You're very welcome, LK. Dill relish would be a nice twist. I'll be there in the morning for a piece of PEcan pie and a hot cup of coffee :) How's that for wishful thinking? It makes me wish all of us lived closer.

We are closed to new participants. Continue chatting here as long as you like. Secret Santa names will be assigned soon! Our reveal thread is here:

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Been sick the last couple of days. Fever finally broke :) Hoping to be up for all the festivities tomorrow :)
Will post likes and dislikes tomorrow.

Blackshear, GA

I make mine the same way but here lately Ive been using Sickles in mine. Not sure the distribution of them but they are a sweet pickle with hot peppers in them and they really make the eggs taste good. Should be Wickles but it kept changing it.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)



Fruity Ready when ever you are :))) this is going to be a great swap :))))

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Look close deejay I am the 1st in line...rofl....

HAPPY TURKEY DAY TO ALL OF YOU AND all deserve nothing but the best!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear your not feeling well Michelle, hope your better soon!

Sure wish we all loved closer too!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Here's my likes and dislikes...
Love homemade goodies, but please, no alcoholic beverages, hot spices, or olives.
Love chocolate (milk or dark), but not a big fan of white chocolate.
Crocheted hot pads/potholders (cotton, not synthetic).
Sweatshirts/sweaters (large, no hoods).
My husband and I have been exchanging ornaments since before we were married. We began by exchanging wooden ornaments, but nice three-dimensional wooden ornaments became hard to find. So we've had to expand our collection to those made of other materials. Since I'm blind, I especially like ornaments that are three-dimensional that I can identify by feel rather than the flat ones with pictures. We've found some really neat ones over the years :)
I do container gardening, focusing on fragrant flowers, especially ones I can use as cut flowers. I also grow amaryllises (fragrant or ones with interesting colors).
I also enjoy crocheting, cooking, baking, and reading (audio books, iBooks, sometimes braille). And I love listening to the sounds of nature (such as birds, streams, ocean waves).
Favorite colors: like them all, but especially purples, greens, and blues.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LK If we all LIVED Closer can you Imagine What Our TG Table would look like :) ? I would like to say I'm Thankful for all of you
who share so Much in our forums :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We would need a banquet hall! Hoping you all enjoyed your day of food, family, friends, and fun, or soon will.

Names are being sent shortly. Watch your Dmail and please keep your Buddy a secret until you receive your gifts.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Got my name!!!! Oh no... now what...not sure what to send, maybe I should check in with my little

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy

Got my name.. very excited. Now to start working on what to send.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Evening all if anyone has not gotten a name Let susan know so she can yell at me :)))

Also if there is anyone who dose not have a CAM TO Share PHOTOS Please post here so your SS Can take The PICTURES BEFORE SHE GETS THING IN THE BOX TO SEND :)))

well TGIF & 6 pm all is well BLACK BEANS & RISE On the stove :) Jims Kids just drove in so off i go ya al have a great weekend.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I got my name too! ^_^

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

So excited all you Elves, we are truly having a Secret Santa! Now who has my name? lol

(Zone 7a)

What if your gift/gifts are valued much higher then $20.00 but it didn't cost you more then $20.00 to purchase... Is that acceptable?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Great question, Kim. Yes, that's perfectly fine. If you're like me and a lot of other folks, you watch for bargains year-round.
Those of you who craft also know it's difficult to put a price on your time.

(Zone 7a)

Ok Great! I didn't want anyone to think I wasn't being fair by going overboard...LOL!

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