CLOSED: Let the Christmas Spirit Ring!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evening everyone! We're toasty with a fire going, candles and flashlights at the ready in case we lose power from Sandy. Tomorrow is grooming day for the pooch and will pick up a few provisions. Hubs had the propane tank filled so we can cook on the grill if need be. Not sure what to expect other than rain and strong winds.

Of course you can, Kathy! It's good to see you again, been a while.

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Make sure you have plenty of water, enough for 3 days. Water get contaminated in flooded areas.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That's good advice, Patti. We are on a slight hill with only a couple of areas that usually get standing water, and we have a well but no way to pump water if we lose electricity. I've filled every empty jug available and will buy flats of bottled water tomorrow. Bagged ice is on the list as well to use in a large cooler in case we need to offload from the refrigerator.

Anybody in the path of the storm, be safe!

Mount Pleasant, PA(Zone 6a)

Gosh everyone is worried about this storm! I'm still in denial, probably because I have so much to get done. We're def supposed to see some effects here. I truly think wemll be fine. Grill has propane, I will fill some water bottles tonight & we have tons of candles. The stove & heating system are both gas so hopefully they'll be ok.

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Most of my family lives in South Jersey. I have called them with a list to prepare with. They always worry when we get hurricaines here, and now it my turn to worry. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
I do crocheting: potholders, dishcloths, etc. The largest items I've crocheted so far are baby blankets (I've made three since I started crocheting). Perhaps I'll make something, so please be sure to indicate what your favorite colors are (or if you have a color you really dislike) :)

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I read somewhere an alternative to candles and other sources of illumination using flame. Gather your solar garden lights and bring them in for use.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Set Buckets out to collect rain water for Bathrooms Flushing , ALso for you Coffee drinkers Get your INSTANT coffee or your Grill Coffee pots ready :))) Looks as if Many out your way will LOSE Power . be sure to have your cells powered up , but then many of them may not work anyway when the towers are out .
T's & P's Stay Safe

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Wash out the bathtub really well, and fill with water. That'll be enough to cook with and to flush. I'm originally from Hawaii and our hurricane plan always included cooking a pot of rice too. Of course, we ate rice with every meal anyway :)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

One time after a near miss on a tornado DH and I are sitting in a dark house when I looked outside and saw my solar path lights just a burning away...rofl. so out I went and the house was lit all night long, only bad thing is these didn't have switches to turn them off .... since then I replaced them I am very careful to select ones with switches and get the best light and the longest running. They have become a big part of my emergency kit.

Fingers crossed for you all so you don't lose power, and I feel for those guys who reconnect everyone. I know they get paid well but gosh those are some hard conditions to work in and so dangerous.

(Zone 7a)

I'm in storm area but I have a divine peace and all will be well. Prayers have been sent up prior to this storm. We always loose lights because I live somewhat in the country. A little rain sometimes makes us loose power...So just in case I packed the kids up and went to my fathers house where the community has underground electricity...he he. Hopefully it will only be a few days....His house isn't child proof! ha ha

(Zone 7a)

Some of my likes...I Love

Hand made soaps & lotions
Floral scents, lavender, & sweet pea
Lace, crochet, knitted things, & doilies
Ceramics & glass Christmas ornaments
Chocolate, cheese, pecans, & walnuts
Floral scenes, water, & the ocean
Potpourri, flower pots, & wind chimes
Beads & Hand made things :-)

This message was edited Nov 13, 2012 12:28 PM

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Wow!!! If LK hasn't directed me here, you'd have lost me Susan aka Cha Cha Cha!!
I think I can do this if sent by Dec. 10th.

This is me..
Food: Sugar free please.
Art: Primitive art or folk art, fiber art, ethnic African American and especially recycled art.
Colors: More into cobalt blue, rust and especially purple. No Pinks.
Critters: Lizards, turtles and frogs.
Craft: Quilting and crochet. (If sending fabric. 100% cotton)
Collection: Tom Clark gnomes, Boucher costume jewelry, cookbooks, theology books and just starting on birdhouses.
I'm minimising my time in the garden. So no wants on seeds nor plants.
"Rabid" fan of LSU TIGERS!! GEAUX TIGERS!!"

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hi all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is one of my most favorite swaps and always look forward to it all year. However, I won't be able to participate, so I will live vicaiously through what you all get. Don't be surprized to find me lurking in a corner.

For those of you that know the story of my back, and I've been out of commission since August 20th when I pinched a nerve back there, my pain mgmt doc wanted to do an MRI so that was done Wednesday. I went in for my injection today and he told me that I have a herniated disk at L3-L4. That is the disk right at the top of my fusion of L4, L5 and S1. I had been told that was a possibility when I had my surgery done because it now takes all the weight of my spine. So, that is the culprit of my pinched nerve. It is sticking out there and has something in a bind. UGH! We are going to continue the injections as we have been and concentrate on that area. Hopefully we can avoid another surgery.

Thoughts and prayers being sent up to everyone in and near the path of the storm. You all do everything you can to stay safe and the rest will be taken care of for you.

Love you all,

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Gently hugs for you Patti. Hope the shots work.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to see you here Jaye!

Patti, have you tried a chiropractor? Can he help keep things aligned?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Solar lights...oh my gosh how clever.

Been glued to the tube watching the hurricane news for longer than I should have sat here. All you in the NE be safe and careful.

Wonderful to see you here, Jayebird! Thanks, LK for leaving the crumbs :)

There is plenty of room for others to join. The more the merrier!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey Patti....just a thought....I had problems with the same 3 and was told surgery.....I decided to check out other possible alternatives and am SOOOO thankful I did... I was told by a friend to look into accupunture, I'm terrified of needles so was a bit hestitant....(phacet blocks (sp?), spinal taps and so many other things such as that over the years), anyway I went...and it was the best thing I ever did for my back...I'm glad I spent my own money for the procedures because it saved me and my back, the hardest thing was getting off all those pain pills which I did. Yes, it took months and several appointments but was sooo worth every penny I spent, years later I am thankful My friend referred me as the needles were not even noticable.....(thanks Luanna, where ever you are!!)

Garden art is always loved, Chimes, statuary (fairies, gnomes, garden gods), signage
Loved baked goodies (no nuts tho), cookies, breads, fudge, DARK chocholate (including spiked)
Christmas ornaments (no cheapy plastic please) (hey come-on, my grandkids always
Fancy glassware, ie. vases (bud, taller than bud), cake plates, serving pieces But from goodwill, garage sales or such, just love it when you can find heiloom type items for only a couple of dollars.

No nos: clothing, nuts, garden gloves (sorry I like the full plastic dipped as they are tough for all my tough jobs (lol), no religious items, tho santas and Angels are great. NO lotions, perfumes or body sprays ( I am a true devotee of Beautiful by Este Lauder).
If I can think of anything else will update..Kathy

This message was edited Oct 31, 2012 8:24 PM

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Back pain is a witch, and occasionally I still suffer with spasms, but usually feel them coming on and heed the warning. Twenty years ago I did the Chiro thing before having to have C 4-5-6 fused. That was long before the days cadaver bones were substituted like the surgery hubs had, or the newer medical alternatives currently offered today were ever imagined. Arthur set in about 10 years after my surgery, although I rarely complain about the tight rubber-band feeling between my shoulders, except to myself, and just keep plugging along and only take Aleve. It still bugs me not being able to turn my head from side-to-side very far without rotating the shoulders. What I do find wonderful and is beyond words are deep tissue massages that helps alleviate the pain for weeks. I've put a bug in hubs ear that I'd love to find a membership to a local spa in my Christmas stocking.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Fruity....the best massage I ever had (and I have had many from medical rehab people) was at the accupunturist office...Half the price of medical office type, deep tissue but extremly gentle....and it was from head to toe, and I'm talking scalp down to my toesies. Lol, gosh what a gift to have magical hands....

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

It makes you wonder how the people administering massages hold up all day. Magic fingers indeed.

One of my projects tomorrow is stringing tiny white Christmas lights on either side of our stairs. That area is like a black hole in good light and only gets worse as the days grow shorter.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like we have all had back surgery, wish I had been told about the cadaver bones before I had mine, my hip still bothers me and it has been 11 years.

Mount Pleasant, PA(Zone 6a)

My hubster just had a spinal stenosis in Sept. They used a cadaver bone in his neck when they did it. He's still in massive amounts of pain as that's not his only problem. He worked construction 25+ years & his body has really been abused. I'm going to look into accupuncture for him. Hopefully we can afford it. Anything to bring him some relief & hopefully get him off the 2 morphine & 6 percocet he takes every day. Yes every day. Sometimes i fear his doctors are killing him instead of helping him. If he's ever able to come off the meds he's going to have to go thru drug rehab.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hope everyone is safe and sound from the storms, wowzer poor NY is a mess and that is alot of people.

I know this is a Christmas swap but it is almost halloween, a neighbor had about 50 chickens (we live way out) and she got some brazen coyotes that come in her yard and got about 35 of her chickens, then the other DAY not night they came up on her deck after a rooster. So tonight under a full moon, when it is dark and lite only by the moon, there will be the sound of coyote calling in the stillness, which will be another friend using a coyote call...rofl. I told her she better tell all her neighbors so they will know she will have her own werewolf tonight...rofl.

I want to join!!

Not sure about likes,,, humm,,,,,,,,,,, ahhh,,,,,,, I like,,,,,,,,,,, ahhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


This message was edited Oct 31, 2012 11:21 AM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear about the chickens, I think I would be sitting with a gun somewhere!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Anybody taking kids, grands, greats Trick-or-Treating? happ, I still think about that ghostly ghoul on stilts last year in the middle of the street.

Coyotes are bad here. Their call is so eery, somewhere between a screaming cat and a crying baby to my ears. Hubster regularly fills their butts with buckshot when they travel through our field, time of day, instead of just night, doesn't seem to matter anymore. A few weeks ago on one of Mickey's potty breaks very early evening, one came in the yard right behind our house and was just standing there, right next to our camper. I grabbed Mickey and ran inside.

Will add you next, Miss Elfie! Good to chat with you today.

Saginaw, MI


Suppose I should finally get my list of interests up here like everyone else has--been thinking about it but have been busy with other things and haven't really been on much lately--so here it goes:

Like: Great smelling candles(vanilla-pumpkin-apple pie-etc.(nothing flowery-gardenia etc-allergies to certain flowery things with kids so have to be careful what is in the house!)
flower bulbs-rhizomes-corms-tubers(of course!)
garden gnomes
wind chimes
garden fairies
chocolate(of course!)
bird houses
bird feeders
interesting color/two tone / unusual gladiola bulb
holiday pins

A few "please do not send" items--- perfumes/lotions/body sprays(allergies)

Thanks to all!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Christmas stocking swap interest. Come and check it out!

I guess I should add my likes??

beachy items,
we are doing a Turquoise color theme Christmas so anything in that color is great. Walmart has a to die for section of thaat color decorations this year!!
Fairies,,,, of course
garden flags

Please no food, I have so many restrictions now that I am going to have to pass on any of the good stuff. whaaaa

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks for all the tips girls. Yes, I have tried accupuncture, about a year ago, after I'd already had my sugery in 2008. Made me feel better but didn't really eleviate the pain. i have been on percocet 10/325, up to 5x a day as needed. Today I only needed 3! YA!!!! I even vacuumed the house, but was very careful in doing so. Did it the way I learned in phys. ther. When I had my back surgery, I insisted on using my own bone shaved off my hip. I wasn't comfortable with the cadaver bones at that time. My hip bothered me for about 3 years, but doesn't bother me anymore. When I had C3,4 and 5 in my neck done, the doc talked me into cadaver bones and put a plate in my neck. My neck was so weak I felt like a bobble-head! I can't turn my head very far either way now, but at least it doesn't bother me, except for the occasional tightness across my shoulders.

I have not tried a chiropractor since I hurt my back. I asked my pain mgmt doctor if he was OK with them and he said yes, but couldn't recommend anyone to me. I need to get a personal referece from someone that has one they like. Just haven't been able to get one yet.

Well, HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone! I miss not seeing the kids all dressed up and coming to my door since we moved to the country! The first 2 years I had candy on hand, but then my neighbor told me in 11 years she had not had anyone come by. Oh well, I take my solitude over being in town.

So sorry about your neighbors chickens! I would just be sick! Coyotes are getting more and more brave as we invade their territories putting up construction, that they will go about anywhere, day or inght, in search of food if they are hungry.

G'night everyone. Have a good one!

Fort Myers, FL

Hi Susan!

I'd like to join too, please! My husband works in retail and has ZERO interest in holiday shopping, so I need another another outlet.
Likes: bird feeders/houses, puzzles, plants/seeds that grow in zone 10, vegetarian cookbooks
Dislikes: perfumes, religious-themed items, fruitcake


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi EM Welcome I Spent a couple winters down your way a long time back I have a friend who still Winters down on Pine Island :)
Looking forward to this swap :) off to try to do some good today :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Welcome, Emily! It's great to have you join us. High-five on no fruitcake, girl. Most people around here think it's to die for. My Mom used to make tons of it to sell for Christmas money and would start the process about this time of year when our PEcans fell and candied fruit was stocked at the grocery store.

Do some good today.....well, I just ripped out two days worth of knitting. *deep sigh* Off to cook and hope I don't burn the house down (:

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

no fruit cake or lima beans fer me. i love frebreeze candles, garden fairies and gnome, bird feeders, dish towels, chocolte cany, but no candy canes, yuk. i also love animals

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I love fruitcake, but they are hard to find around here. I usually order mine from cakes from...

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

linda, have you tried swiss colony's fruit cake?

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I'm not a big fan of fruitcake, but Collin Street Bakery has good fruitcakes.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Yes I have Kathy. I used to work there years ago, when I lived in Lubbock, TX. There was a Swiss colony in the mall, and they had so many wonderful cheeses, and cakes! YUM!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

these were my dads favorite cake going to miss not getting him any this year .

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