CLOSED: Let the Christmas Spirit Ring!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

There is no B in Christmas Fruity. ^_^

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Then I don't get the rules. The words are all over the board, like Mistletoe and Ideas.
I'll stick to the regular games I play on DG. Carry on.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sorry Fruity I Thought if we played a little Game while waiting for out names would be fun making Up Gifts out of the letters CHRISTMAS

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

home made candy? is that a suggestion, an invitation, or a word made from letters in Christmas (not)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

The game is fine, Susie. Some people made words from the letters in Christmas and then it jumped somewhere else. Chalk my confusion up to a lousy weepy day, disappointing on so many levels.

If we're choosing a letter.....

C for Candles

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

SOunds like my type of day didn't get to bed till after 3 am Once again last night then didn't get up till after 10am think it was so wasn't going to go for my PT draw called to cancle & Nurse called back to say doc wanted to see me so went in at 3pm he put me on a Prednisone for the headaches so have to start on that tomorrow mean time Take two Pain relievers & go to bed :)))

S- Slippers

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

H - hot toddy

It sounds like you could use one before you head to bed :)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks for letting me join. I'm always confused anymore so jumping right in I'll say cake, candy, cahlua, opps that starts with a k, I must be needing some. h-horehound candy. What are we playing anyway, don't want to throw out words that might embarass me. Can't remember how to spell tonight.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear you had a weepy day Fruity, sure hope tomorrow is better for you!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Fruity, sure wish there was something to say to help you feel better. You are always so kind and supportive to others.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Sending you nice warm hugs ((((((((((Fruity)))))))).

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Ya'll are sweet and really I'll be fine. It's unusual for me to have a meltdown. Just had a roller coaster of a day.

Been meaning to let the group know Susie is co-hosting. After signups end, we will split the list of participants with her name on mine and my name on hers so it's a true 'Secret Santa'.

Back to the Spirit of Christmas!

M -- mitts

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all
Fruity just sent a smily surprise :0 We all Know what those days are, I Just got back from town , Now I can relax for the day .
we have a few snow flakes flying around us but nothing realy sticking. well I'm going to Go Look around for some Christmas Ideas
Like Holiday Socks . have a great day everyone

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

This will make you feel better Fruity, my Christmas present early,

R :Rose

Thumbnail by rouxcrew

Fruity,, so sorry you are having a weepy day.. I hope it gets much better..

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

It was too warm to see flakes today and had to do a double take. Then it dawned on me those were Pampas Grass seeds flying in the wind. I noticed today Walmart has a lot of fuzzy Holiday aloe-infused socks with the Christmas stuff. Didn't look in the clothing department since I just whizzed through for cat food.

Feeling much better today. How about you, Elfie?

Joy, He or she is adorable. Looks like you have another Champion to train. Have you decided on a name? Must hang a stocking on your mantle for Santa to add treats.
A few weeks ago our mail lady mentioned her merle Aussie Shepherds produced a litter of 7 this time, instead of 9 like last Spring, and these will be ready to sell around Christmas.

A - Amaryllis

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Her name is Rose and she is a littermate to my Jam. We rescued her from a bad home and hope to get her turned around.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I wondered when you picked Rose for your word if that's what you'd named her. She's in good hands now.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Mud-Elf is having a bad time right now. She got some disagreeable news from her doc. Maybe some cards would cheer her up.

Checking in.. Went to new Doc today. I like her very much. Took over an hour with me to discuss everything going on. Took me off all my meds except for the Gout. I am to be on bed rest for next few days to try to rest from the pain. No DRUGS!!,, She was really shocked to find out I was on Demerol. I thew them away.

So we shall see. I hope to know more by Monday. At the library downloading my tv shows so I can watch tv in bed.

Guess I will have to be a good girl for the next few days,, wish Goober and Gryphon were here to take care of me,, They are excellent nurses!!!!

Mentally I am much better today than yesterday,, huggs to all......

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Kris, happy to hear that you like your new doc. I wish you a speedy recovery! If you haven't already tossed your meds in the trash or flushed them, please keep them and turn them in to your local police department for disposal. Flushing meds puts them into the water supply :(

Actually I gave them to the Doc for

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear your not feeling well Kris! Get some rest, and we will be praying for a speedy recovery. I know going with out pain pills will be tough, but you can do it!

Love that new dog Joy, she is beautiful!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Good news, Elfie. Having a Dr you like and can relate to and one that listens as well is half the battle.

How's the head throbs today, Susie? Any better today?

C - Carolers

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes fruity I Get them if my Blood is to THIN Or Gets to Thick & I have been a YO YO with the Coumadine level for the last 2-3 wks have had to be poked 5 time No fun but guess I'm getting balenced as you all know i had to see a dietian to know what Greens to eat & when so I can keep levels even & help lose weight but that has not worked out .
I have to say the gal that was trying to get me balanced out can't even balance her own weight for she is more over weight then myself
I was going by her diet sheets & it put me way out of wack my doctor was not any to happy with these gal .

well off to get some baking done My Neighbor is back on cemo so i'm cooking for carolyn & bob again :) ya all have a great day

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I want in! Please!!!

PROMISE I'll send it out before last day! I mean it!

Class will be over before the last mailing date so I have no excuses!

reds, greens, blues, whites. If it's on the color wheel, I'll like it!
Decorations, door hangs, handmade things
scented things

nothing, really!

This message was edited Nov 27, 2012 10:45 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL, Carey! When you get a minute, either edit your post or add another one with your favorite Holiday likes (dislikes), colors, themes, etc.

You are a good soul, Susie, always so busy taking care of others. It's time to take care of yourself first for a change:)

Less than a week to go before sign-ups are closed!

Back to the game......
H - handbells

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TREE ANGEL :))) GN all Off to get warm under the covers :)) back for coffee in the am .

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I-- ice icicles

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

SNOWMAN OR LADY :)) Very Frosty out this morning but in the 50's later sun is on the rise so going to be a bright day .
TGIF :) Have a great weekend

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

It was frosty here this morning with a blanket of fog.

C - cakes

What kinds of cakes or pies are you all making for Thanksgiving? One of our neighbors usually brings us an Apple pie with a homemade crust and she uses apples stored from her trees. It was a bumper crop this year for sweet apples in Virginia. Gotta say my favs though are Key Lime, PEcan and Peach.

Poor Elfie gets no cake or pie..
But I do get to have turkey, nuts and vegies.!!!!

Tired of bed rest. I want to do some work around here....
I am bored. Very, very bored..

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

S -- sorbet

Would that work for something sweet? Or what about making a sugar-free granita?
A bored Elf is not a good thing.

Night all.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

SORBET Might melt In the mail :)
when i started the chain or list it would be for what type of gifts that can be made or boughten & Shared .

Holy Wreath

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Christmas lapel pins. Headbands. Crocheted Caps. Scarves.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

M - mints

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sorry No L OR P In Christmas :) hehe but STICK PIN would work :)
But I Think maybe MAGNOLIA SACHET Might be One :))))

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Oh yum...homemade mints, and Apple pie...I want I LOVE to do holiday baking!!!! Just not sure what if any I'll be doing this season..shucks. I'll probably be making C-Cherry Whipped Creme Salad. Whole jar of marichino cherries (chopped), can of crushed pinapple (drained), several sliced bananas, and a half a bag of Marshmallows, and REAL whipping creme with a bit of cherry juice. YUP...can't ship it, so I'll have to eat it myself!!!! (OK...I'll share with the gkids and others for Thanksgiving). Only make it for the holidays but it's soo yummy.

This message was edited Nov 17, 2012 6:00 PM

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Just made the mistake of buying the American Pie Council cookbook. Oh MY! Somehow my traditional apple, pumpkin, and pecan pies look pretty boring now.

C.. Cranberry wreath
H.. Hot Cocco
R.. Raspberry tarts
I.. Iced cookies
S.. Squash casserole
T.. Thyme and rosemary potatoes
M.. Mashed cauliflower soufle
A.. Apple pie
S.. Spiced cake!!!!!

Drat. now I am hungry... LOL

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