CLOSED: Let the Christmas Spirit Ring!

Blackshear, GA

aww Susie, I'm sorry! Claxton is only about an hour from me.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Weather must be nice......cause this room is pretty quiet...rofl....
We had an early lunch on Sunday in this little town about 30 minutes from us, they have great fried chicken with all the fixin's. You eat lunch there and then don't eat the again until Monday...rofl. Honest. But there are some really nice quilts all sizes, and other things pot holders and the like, but I have noticed they are all pretty masculine designs, the guys are also commenting about them, when normally they wouldn't notice at all. example one quilt was tractors, another had big block with an airplane, train and etc., then another had old trucks on it so my curiosity got peaked and I went to look closer. They are made by a Korean war vet that lives in the city....They are machine done but he does a good job. Korean war started in June 1950 so he would of been 18 at the youngest, so he would be in his 80's now probably. I know there are guys that quilt and knit and stuff, but I just thought it was kind of nice.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like they were pretty nice Happ! Any pictures?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Darn you know I didn't think about taking pictures.....

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Ok...Who else in this room is named Kathy ? Just curious...Sorry, but fruit cake is yummy..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

jordankittyjo is Kathy.

I am up,, demerol does not make me sleepy,,,sigh

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Told you that you may enjoy it, sometimes it makes you sleepy, but sometimes it can make you hyper!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Thanks taters....

Hey jordankittyjo, is Jo your middle name?

It did nothing at all,,,,,

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I'm up...rofl. course been up for awhile and wish I was still in bed, not that I would sleep this late but when I am here I always think I would... rofl. The basset wouldn't let me sleep even if I wanted to. He sleeps all afternoon and all night and then wants up with the sun.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)
Christmas stocking swap, come and check it out!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

yes, i am kathy-jo
or my niece calls me aunt kitty. don't like it, but i let her get away with it

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Thats funny Kathy because I have an Aunt named Catherine and she never liked to be called Aunt Cat, but she would let me get away with it...and act like I was gonna be in trouble if I didn't stop it...rofl

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Waving hello...
I'll get my likes/dislikes posted soon! Upgraded my computer earlier this week and finally just got a glitch sorted out :) And there was much rejoicing...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear your back online!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

There are few things more annoying than computer troubles. I hope your fix takes,Michelle.
It was 34 degrees this AM when I got up, so we may have a little frost. There are still lots of leaves on the trees so that keeps things warmer. I guess it is time to get in my Cymbidiums. Getting a little frost helps them bloom better. But I may not get blooms anyway as I didn't water them regularly this summer.

Cutlerville, MI

Hi All! I hope everyone os good this beautiful day! I'm sorry I have been crazy busy! I have'nt even talked to my Susie lately! Have a wonderful day everyone!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

rofl...we are in the 70's but to get there we have winds of 30 or more mph, hard to get that nice texas warmth up to missouri ....rofl.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

This is our weather. Temps are getting down there, so I need to think about putting up shelves, and clearing the spare bedroom for plant storage!

Del Rio, TX
68°F Current: Overcast
Wind: SE at 9 mph
Humidity: 78%
Sat 82° | 64°
Sun 81° | 46°
Mon 72° | 50°
Tue 68° | 45°

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evening everyone!

Wow LK, this is one time our day temps were the same. That may never happen Isn't that still sorta high humidity? I've already been zapped several times from static electricity touching my car so ours can't be much.

happ, a commercial came on this morning that made me think of you.
HA! Actually there are coupons there we can all probably use, not just Christmas stuff.

I decided to bring one of the monster EE's in and watch it grow over Winter. Named her Elly May (after you know who) and she is already unfurling a new leaf. Makes my day to round the corner upstairs and there she be, all ears.

Could all we Elves pass the word to others that we still have about 1-1/2 weeks to go before signups end midnight November 21st. Plenty of room and time for others to join the festivities.

Just heard a bang. Hubs or one of his buddies may have bagged another deer. We've been giving venison away on Craig's List. The response has been tremendous and have a waiting list.
Some neighbors just enjoy the meat while others really need it.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Fruity, I will pass the word to see if we can get more to sign up.

So glad your sharing the meat with those in need! Bless you!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

That is great about the vension.

Weather today really windy from the north was snowing nothing like going from 70 yesterday to snow....rofl, raining now and we really need the moisture. You will love your giant ee inside, they really do well and the thick leaf ee's don't have the spider mite problems the small ones do.

I should be doing something, well I guess I am I am watching revenge that I missed and playing on dg....should be cleaning but what fun is that.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

we are haven your weather today Happ 70* windy but turning to snow & Cold tomorrow :( off to find a few rocks & Pots I Can paint on snowy winter days :))) my coffee is gone for now :)


Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Sorry gals........I pushed that weather your way. Need it out of here so I can get back to planting this week. Gropple yesterday, a bit of snow last night and burry breezes today but the 50's should be here by Tues. for the rest of the week, maybe some 60's toooooo, hope,hope, hope!!!!!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Sure feels cold out there... Well, at least for our area. I really got use to those 70 and 80 degree temps... Makes 40's to 60's feel cold. But I must say, the sun feels really good when it's cold out :)
Still need to get my list together... Been busy here.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hubs came in shortly after the bang yesterday to put his miner's light over his cap and went to help a neighbor retrieve a deer. It spooks me during hunting season when anybody is in the woods after twilight. We've even caught crazy people after dark spot-lighting on our property. Picture the size of a football field, that's basically the size of our back yard multiple times.

There's plenty of time to add your likes, Michelle. You've had enough going on upgrading your computer. The main thing is that hassle is behind you, and you're good to go, hopefully for a long time.

There's the *S* word already. Don't remind me later when it flies here that I'm sorta looking forward to it after our nil Winter last year. A blanket of a few inches makes a beautiful scene and covers up all the ugly stuff. If it's any deeper, I either turn into a hermit or leave the driving to Hubby. Can't say I didn't marry a Virginian for

Our Indian Summer has brought glorious days and am soaking up the Sun as long as possible. Thought about building a fire tonight, but our lows will only be in the 50's, so one is at the ready when we need it, possibly tomorrow night.

'Tis the Season.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well evening or GM I guess it anyway . I have been working on a couple things to share with my CHRISTMAS Buddy whom ever it might be , GEE 20 More days to wait :) Count down Begins .



Good Night all Let the game begin :)))

Blackshear, GA

#1...the most important!

#2 stairs

Saginaw, MI

Hello everyone,
I too have been coming up with ideas for my Christmas buddy! Getting things ready for my "other" Christmas swap on here also!! Here is the next word that can be made out of CHRISTMAS!!!!


Have a great day everyone!!

This message was edited Nov 12, 2012 8:07 AM

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

#3 smart

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Charms, Chairs, charts, starch...

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)


This message was edited Nov 12, 2012 9:25 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm all I should have said How many !!!!!GIFTS!!!!! can we make or find with the letter of CHRISTMAS

only one guess each :)))
#1 Christmas CARD

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

one guess Per visit :) Gift IDEAS
edited to say what unique gift do you have in mind ???:)
# Mistle toe :)

This message was edited Nov 12, 2012 11:51 AM

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

TRIM(S) Ie the

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Can I come and play in the snow with you all?

Craziness is finally behind me, my DD was married Sat. finally. It was a beautiful outdoor wedding, the temps were in the 70's but very windy.

I only have 2 more craft shows to do, the crafts for the one this Sat is almost. done. Then refil and make new for Dec. 3 show which is my big one for the year.

By the way I love snowpeople, dark chocolate and handmade gifts. I don't like anything pink, I'm allergic to oranges or anything that smells like oranges. I do need more leg warmers and those great aloe socks. I've about worn out all that I have.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to have you join us Robyn!

A -angels!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Robin, You have been on my mind for days, wondering where you were. So glad you're joining in!

hmmmmm Bells

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