CLOSED: Let the Christmas Spirit Ring!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We are closed to new participants. Continue chatting here as long as you like. Secret Santa names will be assigned soon! When you receive your goodies, post on our reveal thread found here:


Once again, the Holidays are quickly approaching and it’s time to spread Christmas Cheer to our fellow DG friends! When you sign-up, remember to list a few of your Favorite Things to give your Secret Buddy ideas. Also mention if you’re diabetic or are allergic to any particular foods or scents.

Since everyone’s talents and tastes are different, the Gifts you share may be handmade or purchased.

Our annual Christmas exchange is always a popular event. Let’s make this year’s the best one yet!


Fine print…..

If you have not participated in a swap I’ve moderated, prior to posting, please D-mail your name, mailing address, phone number and email address for my log.

All participants need to ensure their subscription is paid through January 31, 2013.

Sign-Up ends midnight, Wednesday, November 21st, and you’ll receive your Buddy’s name shortly afterwards in a D-mail. Reveal your Secret Santa when you receive your package. All packages need to be Priority Mailed with a Delivery Confirmation number no later than the week of December 10th. If you’re mailing breakables, wrap them well in bubble wrap and insure the contents.
The value of the Gifts you send should be around $20, excluding Priority Mail with a Delivery Confirmation Number. Keep your receipt handy and D-mail the number you use to either me or deejay9 / Susie, depending on which one of us assigned your Buddy's name. To ensure privacy, please do not post tracking numbers directly on our threads.


Let the Christmas Spirit Ring!

This message was edited Nov 22, 2012 12:23 AM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Reserved for participants.

ahoogstra / Alicia -- >
careyana / Carey -->
deejay9 / Susie -- >

evr13 / Emily -- >
FruitOfTheVine / Susan -- >
GAgirl1066 / Paula -- >
GardenQuail / Michelle -- >
goldhillal / Crystal -- >
happgarden / Joyce -- >
hartzell81 / Heather -- >
heavenscape / Jaye -- >
jordankittyjo / Kathy -- >
Kim_M / Kim -- >
lanakila / Lanakila -- >
Mud_Elf / Kris -- >
paula_p / Paula -- >
Robynznest / Robin -- >
rose318 / Patti -- >
rouxcrew / Joy -- >
sbish5 / Shirley -- >
taters55 / Linda Kay -- >
warriorwisdomkathy / Kathy -- >

This message was edited Nov 23, 2012 9:54 AM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Reserved for a few of my favorite things.

LIKES: Favorite colors are Green, Burgundy and Gold. Love Paisley designs. I'm an avid crazy collector. Love vintage Coca-Cola, Primitives, Candles, Snowmen, Santas, Snowflakes, Christmas Ornaments, and all sorts of glass.

DISLIKES: I have yet to keep a Croton alive. Don't care for super sweet smelling plants or foods like Tuberose or Gardenias, Fruitcake or Chocolate Covered Cherries.

This message was edited Oct 26, 2012 7:20 PM

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Me, me, me!!! Wanna play, can I can I huh?

I love repurposed and antique things.
Homemade goodies
OUr tree is a collection of ornaments gathered since I was a child
Our house is a turn of the century farmhouse
Chocolate is wonderful
Love hot tea

Don't like

This message was edited Oct 25, 2012 6:51 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

It wouldn't be Christmas without ya, Joy!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Add my name too!

A few of my favorite things..
I love dark chocolate, chocolate covered cherries, I collect angels, especially if they have blue in the design. Favorite color is purple or blue.
I love fruitcake, and Christmas candies.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2012 1:00 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sure thing, LK! Glad to add you.

Saginaw, MI

GM everyone! Well guess who else you all have gotten "hooked" on these swaps/trades/round robins-----ME!!!! So count me in if you would please Susan! I am sure it will be a lot of fun! Have a great day all! It's off to work for me!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I can't resist. Count me in!!!

A few of my favorite things:
books about plants (wildflowers, or even novels or informational books on gardening)
home baked goods
crafty items
(old) souvenir spoons-like from thrift store
Sea Shells, beach stuff
Like Xmas stuff, but I have a lot,. It's good to remember summer!
unusual plants
lavender soap
unusual animals (ie -I have a hedgehog and a hog on wheels)

This message was edited Oct 25, 2012 3:16 PM

This message was edited Oct 29, 2012 7:17 AM

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

count me in too!

handmade or bought items are fine with me

a few things I like:

anything gardening or yardart!

garden gnomes
wind chimes
garden fairies
bird houses
bird feeders

flower or vegetable seeds, bulbs-- any that will grow in zone 9b

homemade baked goodies--candy, jams, jellies, etc.

small Christmas ornaments


apron (doesn't have to be holiday themed)
kitchen/dish towels

or....surprise me!

**I crochet and knit so if anyone is interested in any handmades, please add your likes/wants/dont wants to your list**

dislikes/don't wants:

religious themed items
no fruitcake please

This message was edited Nov 1, 2012 2:19 PM

Blackshear, GA

Me too Suze!

Love Birdhouses and any outdoor garden decor. Amaryllis bulbs (except red lion), garden markers,

This message was edited Nov 26, 2012 7:22 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I live alone ,well i have Peanut my 12yr old mixed cockapoo & chau & A Cat

solar lights
GreenApple Licorice MMMM
Love anything PATCHWORK
Doilies or mats
Used-New-or Handmade macrame plant hangers
1 Buffet so a runner for that
BODY spray Love all

Love Baked goodies /recipes
Flavored coffees ,cookies,
Night Shirt Size LG/XLG No long sleeves or GRANNY Style
Or Lacy .
Movies -love stories, comedy , Used is fine with me
room fresheners Sprays

artifical tree
bath soaps
hand creams
NO HATS Please
No Religous pamplets

This message was edited Nov 1, 2012 1:24 PM

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm in! D-mail with contact details sent.

I love sewing gadgets of any kind (really, any!) because I do a bit of everything in my craftroom. I enjoy beautiful writing papers and notecards as I do still write notes to folks sometimes. I have a lovely collection of table linens, potholders, and trivets and am always interested in new items. Naturally, I love chocolate. ;) No religious items please

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

ME, ME, ME.........been waiting all year for this one to show up again, lol!!!!! Just love Christmas.....Got a few goodies already lined up, in fact one thing I liked so much I bought one for me tooo. How naughty is that?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow! You guys are great and I'll get the list updated. Thanks to those too who D-mailed their info.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Aw, Susie, I was planning on sending more of those candied pickles/jalapeños if I got your name. But I won't since you say not to. LOL.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Joy I Have Made 2 Huge Batches of them I Can"t Keep them long after they are ready to eat My Brother Seem to come help himself to a Jar
every week :) HEHE & I Have shared with all my friends EVEN LK's Dad Liked them :))) while they were here :)
I Love those pickles had some for my super tonight or with my super :))) .
But You can make me more of that GOATS SOAP & The CARMEL SAUCE :))))) MMMMMMM

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)


Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm in! :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Great, Michelle!

Did anyone else realize Christmas is two months from today?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Now it is less than 2 months, getting excited.
I would love to join, one of my favorite swaps!!
I will post a few likes and nots this weekend.....hi everyone!

I do bright red and green. I love santas, snow people, reindeer, home made things, living room dining room and kitchen are all one room and I decorate all the rooms including the bathroom and outside. Love cookies, brownies with nuts my fav with diet pepsi...rofl, candies, spicy, or just normal stuff...rofl

Not many restrictions: except don't drink coffee, don't burn candles because I would burn down the house, don't need any honey because people have been so great as to send me honey and I am the only one who can eat it.

This message was edited Oct 31, 2012 12:00 PM

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

No matter who I draw, I bought them a gift today. Shhhhhhh....

(Zone 7a)

Im in too! I'll be back with some of my favorite things :-)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You're an early bird, Lanakila :)

My mind works in strange ways. It's a month til Black Friday. Am I going out? Not a fat chance.
But it's possibly your favorite day of the year,

Yeah, Kim!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Darn cat walked across the keyboard on the way to curl up in his bed on the side of my desk and must have pawed the send

I also wanted to give Kim's Holiday swap a shout out if you haven't already found it:

Cutlerville, MI

I want to play!!!!!!!!!! Oh...this is going to be a fun one! Thank you!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Alicia! Glad to have you.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Just noticed a lot of you have added a few of your favorite things along with a few that don't appeal to you. To make it easy for your buddy later on, individual links have been added to the second block at the top of the page next to each of our names.

If you decide to add or change your mind, please edit your original post. That way the link will remain the same. We already have 14 players, about half the number we've had in previous years and want to keep us organized as more folks join.

We have two Paula's. GAgirl, you know that's been my nickname for you for years and old habits are hard to change. To our Paula in Texas, do you have a nickname or would PaulaTX work? I knit too and adore hand made items. Never got the hang of crochet though. Who else here does handwork besides me, PaulaTX, LK, and Lanakila and what kind? The Rosary you made on another thread, Kim, was so pretty and delicate looking.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Fruity,,,do I get a link???? sniff sniff, lol....sorry got no clue on how to was explained once but went right over my head..... not my house, but don't I wish!!!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You'll get a link as soon as you add your wants, Kathy. It'll be copied and added from your post.

Have any of you seen this YouTube video of a house in Leesburg, VA, decorated for Halloween in Gangnam Style complete with lights accompanied by Psy's music?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I make quilts mostly, but am in the process of making 300, 3 inch granny squares, crocheted to make a Christmas afghan. Just something different for me. I love to do all sorts of craft items. Polymer clay, decoupage...

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Fruit black Friday is a very special fun day for me. They are kind of causing me some problems starting on thanksgiving I need to figure out how to do without sleep....rofl I just love being out that day watching people shopping the bell ringers just love it.

Use to knit crochet quilt paint all kinds of things now it seems all I do is work.

Mount Pleasant, PA(Zone 6a)

I'm in. My gifts will be coming mostly from Cracker Barrel since I pretty much live there this time of year. Plus I'm in charge of baskets this year which is awesome I *love* putting those gift boxes together. :)

The color purple
Gingerbread Men
Old Fashioned Style Glass Ornaments
Cardinals (they remind me of my gram)
Candle Holders (think Yankee candle sampler size or for tapers)
I could so seriously use a pretty advent wreath
Candles like balsm & fir, mistle toe, chocolate peppermint, lemon lavender (my absolute favorite yankee scent), pineapple cilantro from yankee, vanillas, bayberry, fruity scents like pineapple, lemon etc.
Dark chocolate
Chocolate with almonds
Coffee (I live on coffee)
Recipe books (esp. the kind churches etc put together for fund raisers)
Interesting planters especially in teals, purples, greens & reds (I prefer ceramic)

Floral scents (I'm allergic to many of them & get raging migranes floral scents are not fun for me unless I pick them because of the sensitivity my mom won't even try to buy me anything scented with florals)
White chocolate
Country style & plastic ornaments
Umm yeah not a ton of dislikes.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evening everyone! Linda Kay, your afghan sounds wonderful and would love to see it when you're finished. That's a lot of tedious work. I love to knit but am not good at finish work like seaming and sewing pieces together. It's high time you made something for yourself. One of these days, happ, I'll be brave again and join the Black Friday crowds. It's sad how the retailers just blow by Thanksgiving. Christmas stuff has been up in Walmart for weeks. When I went to get new scarecrow people, the background music was Jingle Bells.

What a great list, Heather. Lucky you getting to put together gift baskets. Ya know what, we could use that idea one month for a swap. I've been looking online getting foodie ideas for baskets to make for our neighbors' Christmas presents. Wowser, some of the ones already put together don't have that many items and can get really pricey. I'll add your link. Glad to have you!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I would like to join Christmas exchange this year. Here is my likes and dislikes list.
I love hand crafted items,and vintage. My favorite colors are of fall like green, red, yellow , pumpkin orange, browns . There is nothing more beautiful than fall .
If you have made it ,I will love it and treasure it.

Hand made soaps, lilac, roses anything that smells great.
Crochet tablecloth ( round)
doilies of any kind , crochet slippers
crochet ornaments, snowflakes, angels, birds
embroidered pillowcases
glass ornaments , birds, angels , nurses
How to books on crocheting and tatting .
Chocolates, and pecans
Christmans brooches,and earrings
Scentsy or yankee tarts
Garden art - recycled items like : glass totem poles, mosiac birds houses, ceramic frogs, angels, birds
I love housplants :
African violets , streps.
Amaryllis , paperwhites

Dislikes : fruitcake.

Rose318:/ Patti

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Patti, Here's a warm welcome for joining us and know the rest of our participants feel the same way. That's a mighty fine list. What size round tablecloth would that be? Chocolate and PEcans, both winners in my book. I never learned to tat but treasure one of my Aunt's shuttles and another Aunt was an avid crocheter. It sounds like you stay busy with all kinds of handwork. My late Mother made the most beautiful embroidery, especially framed pieces and pillows I still cherish, and she did a lot of candlewick and needlepoint. We still use the gingham Chicken Scratch pillow cases she made for us.

Cutlerville, MI

Hi everyone!
OK here are some likes.....
I love to bake, I love music, I love anything handmade, all the brights especially orange are my favorite colors, I love strong smelling candles, all plants, garden art, books on plants/flowers, and chocolate:)
Thank you!

Mount Pleasant, PA(Zone 6a)

We get breakfast baskets from corporate that are $50. I just remade one using some slightly different product & knocked $20 off the price for another employee. :) I have a really hard time going over $20 with my baskets & I like them to look full. One of my favorite tings to do to make it fuller is to add small candies that we sell. All the $10 baskets I made this week are gone already so I need to make more this week. I can't believe the prices of some food baskets. I know a chunk of what you're paying is for the basket but still.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

can i play? pweeese?

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Susan,
Thank you for the warm welcome. I love handcrafts,and the people behind them. The craft tells you something about the person who has made it. The time the patience that person puts into their craft. I have taught myself to crochet. I can make a mean granny square.LOL I want to learn how to crochet better,and to do tatting. I have tried tatting,and it's not so easy to teach yourself. I refuse to give up. I can embroidery. I like to embroidery after a long day at work. It helps me to wind down. My mother never had time for crafting. My influence in crafting was my mother-in-law Aka second mother. I buy embroidered pillowcases on Ebay. I now working on my first set.
My tablecloth I have on it is 60 inches in diameter. My next project will be attempting to making a crochet tablecloth. I admire anyone that is crafty.

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