(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Here is another site That I Follow for it is Helpful

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I have up-dated my list as to what I Would like for my gardens & If you all have just a few seeds I hope we can share :))) or if you want to order
let me know . forgot to add BUTTERFLY WEED any colors or all :) tell me if they are reseeders in your area or mounder if you can please

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Wowee!!!! Got it!!!!!!!
You know what I'll be doing for a while!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Just came up for air...

SNARVA, my DD, is swamped today, her first day back at work in NYC. They got their power back over the weekend at home, a great relief, but life is not back to normal, either there or at work. She will come here one night this week and we'll go through the robin together, then mail it off the next morning. It could be Friday, but isn't still within the guidelines since it's two of us?

Wow, this robin is stuffed, and it's only the beginning of its flight. I'm sitting here with all my little envies and the iPad, looking up all the plants that are new to me, taking my bits far more often than I thought I would. Lots of interesting things to try, and lots of old favorites, too.

Don't want to be a spoiler... That's all I have to say for now.

But MANY, MANY THANKS to everyone!!!


Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Pfg tell, do

Hey susie, hoped that some that were sent for your personal stash were goodies, I had almost forgotten. And I still have a few goodies to add if and when it gets out here in the west..... In fact if I get time after I get some more planting done there are still seeds in the garden uncollected such as the Rudbeckias.

Pix 3: collected seed from this one Penstemon palmerii, the only fragrant one and tops out at 4-6ft tall.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Put me down for some Penstemon palmerii, & the 1st & last pic of the Rudbeckia I love them Also Don't forget Looking for all colors of the LUPINES & Foxgloves , columbines . this is what I Was doing yesterday have to get ready for our bake sale this weekend .
now if i can just stay out of them :) hehe got to make zuccinii Bread today . & some Cookies .
so you all have a great day .

Thumbnail by deejay9
Saginaw, MI

WOW!!!! Looks like you have been BUSY Susie!! Sure looks Yummy!!!!

Elk Horn, KY

Have been trying to find who has requested seeds from me besides susie/deejay9. Can u dmail me or post on this thread if ud requested some so i can set aside for you? Thanks!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

AFTERNOON just got note from pam that The ROBIN IS ON THE WAY TO BIGTROT as of this afternoon :)
should land by fri :) . planted out more seeds last eve & Tomorrow hope to plant my bulbs :)
Had to bake Pumpkin cookies for carolyn this afternoon :) just took her home & Now i need to get my kitchen cleaned up ya all have a great

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok we have a slight Mistake Pam said she sent it to Cris316 & Cris had dropped out I Hope that Cris is able to receive mail .
not sure where in NJ she was in when sandy Hit . I hope she is safe & will be able to get the robin . Not sure if she has power or not so we will have to wait see if she can post or not .

so not inroute to bigtrot

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

So sorry, Bigtrot, I went by the list in the robin, should have double checked. I was so surprised that DD wanted to come last night, and she got great stuff for her new garden, needed all the more after Sandy. I was happy to be sending it on its way so quickly But I just should have slowed down :(

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Pam, not to worry, I'll enjoy Ms. Robin when she gets here :)
Watching the weather and SNOW for NY and NJ, thoughts are with you.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I sent Cris a note after the storm hit and she replied they had no real damage, like many around her that will need to repair or rebuild. She is doing pretty well all things considered and expect having the Robin land will be a pleasant surprise for her.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Oh great! I hope she has fun with it. It really is a goodie!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

so good to hear that susan thank you for sharing with us & I know it will be a surprise for her & hope she will enjoy also .
I feel for all those up that way that is going to be hit with another storm Only this time being so cold I feel there
county should pass out some gas Heater & suply the gas for them also or their INS Companys or if they have electric but no gas they should get the INFARRED Heater I love mine .

well I need to go lay back for the night ya all stay warm & Safe

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey susie....Lol...I'll get some of those Rudbekias for ya if you sent everything in those 2 pix....LOL! Oh my they look yummy! I'll try on thoses seeds, but I can't stop planting sooooo much to get in yet, and not sure if I can tell them apart but will keep seed seperate from each plant..... Hey I got a big mix of Aquilegia from my neighbor in late August, not all one type of plant but thinking there was maybe 6-10 different ones including a yellow chrysantha that is fragrant (not sure if it's straight chrysantha or c. Denver's Gold, both of which origonally came from me, lol, dogon deer....or I'd get you some from my garden. I don't understand she has a four foot fence and lives across the road from me and they jump my 7ft tall fence every chance they get, but leave hers alone...go figure!).

Pfg...ha ha can forget my request, except from

Gosh I gotta go find something for dessert now, Susie...your naughty. And can you remind me of what you want when I get the box? I'm thinking we should have had a page where we could have put our

Been busy filling up this newly rototilled area (backyard). Just finishing up on my 3rd bag of peat...Kathy.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kathy we do have a Place to list what we want or have :)


main Seeds I'm Looking for are
LUPINES All Colors
DAISY"S --White--Pinks-reds

off to warm up the kitchen this morning :) Back later

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I have two packs of Ferry Morse mixed Lupine seeds, Susie. I'll be happy to share with you or anyone else, also have a gazillion mixed Zinnia seeds. Those crazy orange Cosmos just keep on giving.

Kathy, your post on the haves / wants list is on October 7th.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Correction.....they're Burpee Lupine seeds, commercial anyway.

Does anyone have Agastache Pink Pop seeds or recall seeing them in the Robin?

Saginaw, MI

Hello everyone, Weather here was not to bad today(what little I seen of it anyway while I wasn't at work that is). Hope everyone is doing well.

Susan, would love to have some mixed zinnia if still have any extras you can share! Thanks


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sure thing! I'll add them for you on the other page.

LOL edited to say they're already there.

This message was edited Nov 8, 2012 7:41 PM

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Waving hello!
Sorry, I haven't posted in a while... Upgraded my computer this last week and had to solve an annoying glitch so I could get back on DG. Good to be back! Did anyone let Cris316 know that the robin was sent to her so she could be watching for it?
Sounds like a great box!
wwkathy, you said that the Penstemon palmerii grows to be 4-6 ft high. How wide would you say it gets? And what color are the flowers? That's neat that it's fragrant. Might have to read about these. Don't know how they'd do in my area or where I could put one, but it might be fun to try if it would do well here. Do these grow quickly? Can I grow this in a large container?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty susan I sure would like any LUPINES & Zinnias :))) Just got home from Bingo My other Pass time Besides Gardening :)))

Judy & I Won our Money PLUS :)))) enough to go Next week also :))) its been quit day & I'm ready to lay back you all have a great eve

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Morning Everyone!
I will check out the winter sowing sites....never even think about planting in the winter here....mostly I hibernate in my warm house and pout about being in NH in the winter is not as fun as when I lived in TX in the winter! AND it's so long here and dark comparatively! UGH....makes me sad just thinking about it....been cold and windy here the past two days....we have a snow dusting already from the nor'easter! (think of me with a big sad face here!)
I cleaned up all the garden decorations and all the other stuff that I put out there.....we've covered the roses and other plants needing a bit more shelter (my hubby is a saint for doing all this for me....). I got some brug cuttings from Vel and they are on my counter in water growing roots and leaves....very cool looking....I know I should put them on the porch where it's colder but I like watching them....
DJ - wow that was a lot of cookies....wish I could sample them all!
happy friday everyone

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning everyone! I will be off line for the weekend. I'm headed out for opening weekend of deer hunting and my computer is going to my computer geek for cleaning and servicing. I should be back on line on Monday he says.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM yes ali I Know what ya MEAN when it come to that snow nasty stuff on the ground it stays dark & Gloomy for so long this is why I have
Floresent Lights WORKSHOP Lights & when it is cloudy I Will turn these on & Its Like a bright sunny day & what few Plants i have love it also :) .then i paint rocks for the gardens along with i have a few planters that i hope to get painted. saving milk jugs or water jugs so that when the robin comes home I will be able to plant a few seeds out in them .

so i hope that i have this winter planned with more to do :) Now that I won't have daddy to care for I will have more time on my hand.
I'd love to go to florida to see my brother who lives there but price of gas has allot to do with that .
so not sure what i will do yet .

well its a frosty morning but it is going to get to 68* today i think !!!! Guess I Should wash my Windows today they look as they need it being i live on a dirt road . well i have got to get off here you all take care .

yes I dmailed cris but nothing back yet if the robin lands today I'm sure she will contact me .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Quote from GardenQuail :
Did anyone let Cris316 know that the robin was sent to her so she could be watching for it?

Yes, I did too.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

i have to be away today susan maybe you can dmail her your phone # sorry back this evening i hope

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Cris said she is awaiting the Robin. All is well.

Just a reminder that there won't be mail Monday in observance of Veteran's Day.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm All just checked the conf # Expected Delivery By: November 9, 2012 but it dose not say it was delivered so not sure that it was so maybe today LETS Hope.

well i got all my Bulbs planted yesterday hard to believe its supose to get 60's today & 70* tomorrow (SUN) & possible Snow flakes on Monday . what a crazy weekend but i hope to enjoy it while it last .

My friend Ann came last night to pick up all the goodies so I don't have any temptations left here :) so now i can go get my laundry done ya all have a great weekend.

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