Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Seems like we have a large group of people here and I have a favor to ask....Sorry I don't know how to link to the other room, but I need input on a few questions reference trees I'm waiting to plant and don't want to retype , lol... Any input would be helpful, Please and Thankyou, The magic words, lol......

Questions are on the Perennial Thread, "What new plants have you just put in the ground?" Hoping I can get some answers.....Kathy

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evening everyone!

Thanks for sharing the tip about Zinnia seeds, Pam, and for your recipe, Mary.

Tried a new-to-us Squash today I picked up at the grocery story, Buttercup, and have saved and cleaned the seeds. Somebody here was looking for them. Raise your hand and I'll set some aside for you. Was it you, Susie?

Are you having fun yet, Judy?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes SOOZE I want all types of Squash , & Gourd seeds big & small , we hope to plant the back field next spring .
really want this one

Rockford, MI

Sh, I saved seeds from the rudbeckia I got from you at the swap, do you happen to remember the name?
Hope you are feeling better.I think I am finally starting to . It's been a rough week.take care everyone:)

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I planted 3 Italian vining squash, Tromboncino. When we left in early August, it was just getting going. When we got back 7 weeks later, it had gone viral! Supposedly it's great on a trellis. For me, it rooted in grass completely untended. I have seeds left over, and still one huge one to get seeds from. Anyone?

Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Mary, thanks for sharing your pumpkin bread recipe. Sounds yummy!
Regarding substituting zucchini for winter squash, hmmm, that's a good question. I'm not sure, but I wonder if zucchini would have more liquid in it than winter squash?
A friend in my gardening class shared the following simple recipe for using large zucchini:
Shred zucchini. Cook it in a little olive oil and minced garlic until desired doneness (it can cook down quite a bit if you want). When done, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and serve.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Pam, yes please! We grew those monsters years ago and let them vine in a field of Sunflowers and wild morning glories. Of course the squash took over and ended up pulling some of the sunflowers up or bending them badly. They would make a fabulous privacy screen if grown on a sturdy fence or trellis. In one of our albums, I have an old photo of my husband who came in wearing one around his neck. Scared the willies out me since I am deathly afraid of snakes. We still get a chuckle out of that recollection. How did you prepare yours for eating? Seems like we just let them dry for decorations and made birdhouses.

Gotcha down, Susie.

Speaking of Rudbeckias, I've harvested heads of 'Autumn Colors'
and 'Cherry Brandy' for the taking.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

You can make zucchini bread. It is really good!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Oh, to clarify, you can definitely use zucchini in bread... Just not sure if you can use it as a substitute for pumpkin, or if you need a slightly different ratio of flour and other ingredients to zucchini. Hope that makes sense :)
By the way, I was originally hoping to try Cris316's siberian wallflowers. But since she's dropped out of the swap, does anyone else have wallflowers? Doesn't have to be the siberian wallflower. I once had a packet of wallflowers from Renee's Garden. We planted them at the Blind Center, but unfortunately, the seeds didn't germinate because the area where they were planted didn't get watered regularly enough. So I never got to see what these were like. They're fragrant, too, so I'd really love to try them some time.

Rockford, MI

oops I meant DJ- darn auto correct...

Concord, NH

ooooh im next here birdie birdie ! lol

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

JEN I think they were Tojker (MS) Sorry But the flu Has hit me hard I've never slept pass 8am since i was a teen .
forgive me but i just have to go lay back I cannot sit up long . back when i'm better.

Fruity yes to any seeds flowers / gourds/ squash

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

FOTV - If you have any left would you put me down for some of your Rudbeckia; Autumn colors and Cherry Brandy. Thanks, Donna

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Thought I Better fix me something for my tummy But Just had to come let you all know .
Pam , I would like a few seeds of your Gourds, I grew the Bushel Gourds I guess they were but they won't be dry enough to get seeds from
Maybe Next fall's robin.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Will do, Donna.

You get to feeling better, Susie. I could have shared chicken & dumplings with you :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sore throat & caugh so it was Tomato Soup for me slid down pretty well so now I'm going to go lay back just took my coumadine
& Had my Hot tea so ya all have a good night

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

OK Deejay, I have Tromboncino seeds left over, so no problem... But... Do you have to wait for squash to dry on the vine to collect seeds? I've never done it before.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I hope not since I've been saving seeds from the grocery store squash. I scooped out pulp and seeds, cleaned the seeds under running water and let them dry on paper towels. Please add me too for a few.

Anybody know for sure if the method I used is OK?

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
I hope not since I've been saving seeds from the grocery store squash. I scooped out pulp and seeds, cleaned the seeds under running water and let them dry on paper towels. Please add me too for a few.

Anybody know for sure if the method I used is OK?

Your method will work as far as saving the seed but not knowing if you are growing a hybrid or open pollinated squash variety could get you some strange looking and tasting squash. Even if it is an open pollinated variety it could have crossed with another squash grown near by.

Jamestown, OH

My recipe for Pumpkin Bread will work with any orange type winter squash, but won't work with summer squash such as zucchini. But - my neighbor has good ones for zucchini. Cherry Zucchini Bread is wonderful! She also makes Chocolate Zucchini Bread. Her daughter said she tries to 'hide' zucchini in everything - ha! I'll dig up the recipes and share. I haven't had the chance to make them yet but need to do it next year. Our chickens got most of my round zucchini and vegetable spaghetti squash this yr. - too busy on renovation projects. At least they traded us eggs for it, and I saved lots of seeds. One thing I've noticed about saving squash seeds. Make sure you are saving the firm ones, not the thinner, flimsy ones that are too immature and usually a bit lighter in color.

Anybody have hints on saving and using fresh cilantro and sage? I cut several bags yesterday before the nasty weather moved in. I think it can be coated in olive oil and frozen. With my delicate digestion, I haven't experimented much with herbs, but am willing to give them a try.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

My method for saving basil would probably work on the others herbs too... I put the leaves through the food processor with a little olive oil, then freeze in ice cube trays. Once the cubes are frozen, I take them out and put them in ziplock bags in the freezer. Then I can use as much or as little as I want all winter.

Concord, NH

ahhh the birdies coming threw the hurricane please fly carefully i want to see you lol

Concord, NH

i havent recieved a conformation number yet?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Pam maybe this will help maybe they will be ready for the 2nd time around robin :)))

Maybe off most the day bug is in my chest so ya all have a great day .

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Deejay, very interesting... And the picture is a hoot! Lucky I do have enough leftover seeds to share now, since my vines are long gone.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Ok...I'll try again...Please any personal info on:
Prunus x yedoensis (yoshino cherry)
Cercise canadensis
Tilia cordata
Hawthorne phaenopyrum (Washington Hathorne)

These are trees I will be planting in the next few days, I'm interested in likes or dislikes about any, root problems , 1 and 3 are suppose to be fragrant (comments), does anyone else like the fragrance of the hawthorne?

Pretty please!!!!!

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Gardenseeder.....I am suppose to have seeds for you but the box is coming to you first....can you dmail me your address and I'll put those seeds in the mail to you!!!!

I can't believe it's almost here.....and I'm still not done putting all my seeds into the little clear ziplocks yet.....I have about 7 more plants to go! I'll do that this afternoon while watching football! We're in for a big storm here in school is in the southern part of the state so I think we'll get poured on for sure! I hope we don't get snow! :( It's too early!


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Mornin' everyone.

Happy Birthday, Michelle! May all your blooms come true :)

Anybody in the path of this monster storm, stay safe!
Susie, I hope you're feeling better.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday Michelle!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Happy Bday Michelle!

Monster Storm heading to NH! Schools are closed and we've got light winds right now....major winds later today and into tomorrow! With the rain soaked ground they are saying trees could just blow over.... :( I hope that doesn't happen near my house! I have a generator and we should be ok barring a tree in the roof! I'll send along updates and photos if there's anything worth photographing!

Seeds are in the packets....I've got envelopes for everyone who wanted specific seeds and I'm awaiting the nest in a few days! :)


Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

WWK, not sure who told you Hawthorne is fragrant. They smell disgusting. It is not a flower type of smell more like dog poop.
I used to work at a botanical garden we had a row of them and it was bad when they were blooming.
And yes they were Washington Hawthorn.
Another thing is they can be susceptible to some diseases like rust, most other things apples and pear trees get. And the thorns are pretty big so careful walking barefoot under it.
You have to look hard for any info about the "fragrance" being offensive. But it is out there.
Plant this tree away from the house , it will have tons of bees, if anyone is sensitive to stings. Also very good for birds they like the berries.
The tree is not long lived with it being a very fast grower, so plant it where it can be removed easily.

Sorry for all the negatives, just thought you would like to know.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM Oh ALI / & pam sure will be Keeping you all in our T's & P's Be sure to Put BUCKET's OUT side to collect WATER that way
if you Lose power you can still Flush the Towlets the most Important part of the House :))))

Keep all your batteries in one spot so you know where they are ,LTD Lights work Great & Less dangerous to use.
here is my Ph# if you cannot get on the compter 269-945-4323 .

Gardenseeder should be getting the robin today if the MAIL if going out we don't know what its like up her way .
so here is one reason the Robin can get delayed :) Lets Hope he is in a SAFE Place undercover :)

can't take my eyes off the news those waves are very high . Please all In the path Take HEED & Stay Safe

(Zone 7a)

Chicory - thanks for your information. I'll add a couple things -

Although the local Hawthorne that grows wild around here may not be the Washington Hawthorne, it looks similar, and I love the old-fashioned look of the flowers. There is some fairy lore associated with this tree.

The thing is, our area is terribly over-run by deer and this tree does well with deer around. I think the berries are said to have some beneficial herbal uses in tea for eye problems, like macular degeneration. Of course, if anyone wants to try this, see your doctor first.

(Zone 7a)

Susie, we cross-posted - thank you too for reminding us of precautions for Ol' Sandy. She's here too, but not behaving very ferocious yet. No television to tell me how awful Sandy is - maybe it's for the best :)

Everybody stay safe

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Thanks for the birthday wishes... Had a lovely day with friends, family, and garden :)
Stay safe, everyone! And hopefully, our robin will make it to a safe nest to ride out the storm.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

We left CT yesterday to come back to NYC. Closer to the eye, yes. But where we are without power and with trees down all over the roads we would be really stuck. In the city we feel safer, even if we have to walk down 11 flights of stairs. Last night in the supermarket the lines were all the way to the back of the store behind every cashier.

Good luck to everyone!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Strong winds here tonight but nothing like out east I'm sure but sure glad I don't have to go out in this . pam keep us informed when you can .
News just came on so going to go watch .

stay safe

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

bluespiral, you can go to to check the radar or find a local TV station online for updates. Better to be safe than sorry. We watched a couple of hours news this afternoon and it is not good for the NE Corridor.

I am worried now about Cris316. Atlantic City was a direct hit.

Pam, I'm glad you're safe. Have you heard about the crane dangling from the new highrise apartment building downtown NYC? Scary looking on top of the rotten weather conditions.

For those who subscribe to DirecTV, they have devoted channels 325 and 349 to the storm.

All in the path of the storm, be safe and check in when you can. I care a lot about my DG friends. So far we have just had winds and a small amount of rain.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Were pretty far away from the storm but are having 30 or 40 gusts now and those are suppose to increase a little, Nothing near the 82 to 94 mph winds being recorded at the eastern sound area ,wow that is some air "a movin" through .

With a little luck maybe the weather will forego throwing tornadoes at anyone.

The we are having are from the weather patterns created by Sandy,she is pretty big gal of a storm

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hurricane season traditionally ends November 1st. With one so late, it makes me think long and hard about global warming.

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