Twins and Triplets 2012

Edwardsville, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the speedy recovery wishes, Mike. He is used to being so active, he is driving both of us crazy.
Here are some of my favorites:

Uri Geller - Giant bouquet with twins and triplets Saw this at MO. Botanical Gardens and had to have this Curt Hanson gem
Free Wheelin
Margo Reed Indeed
Moosa Pa Loosa Broke down and ordered ole Moosa's baby girl-- "Good Girls Do" Such eye candy!
Heavenly Dragon Fire - My favorite a poly and a single

From this preview, it looks like Dragon Fire just took out Uri Geller, which I thought I placed first. We'll see.

Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter
Edwardsville, IL(Zone 6a)

I goofed it up. Here is Uri Geller

Thumbnail by jgrinter
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Beautiful blooms, you guys. Ditchlily, I really like your seedling. Very pretty, even if you don't consider it registration worthy.

Genna, yes, do what pleases you,as far as that foundation planting goes. That's what I would do.

Judy,I love that HEAVENLY DRAGON FIRE, MARGO REED INDEED and ORANGES FOR CHRISTMAS. Hope your DH is feeling better soon.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks. I like it, it is just that it is not very different from others out there that are already registered.. It is better than any other seedling I have made (all six of them LOL!) I have some other seedlings that I really like, but since I did not make them and I am pretty sure that I do not own all of each one, those can never be registered either.

M08-16 one of the bought seedlings

Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Ditchlily, I really like that seedling! Great color (for me anyway) and I like the shape.

Genna, I agree with Karen. Plant what YOU like any way you want. That's what I feeling, and I might even say it, is "if you don't like the way it looks....then don't look at it!"


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Linda, it is a seedling that I bought from Dablaw back in 2008. Pretty sure that he sold more of this so I am not the only owner. :-( M08-16 is their designation.

Here is a better picture. It is a pretty one. I love the shape. No genetics were included.
It is a Dip, 5.5" bloom, 34" tall. White self, yellow green throat.

This message was edited Nov 6, 2012 8:05 PM

Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I love that seedling, too. It does have a nice shape. The form reminds me of FORSYTH FLAMING SNOW, which is a favorite of mine. You're right that you can't register it if you didn't get all of it. The seller would have specified if you were getting all of it, and would have said if it was okay to register it

You know, just because that seedling of your own is similar to others out there, doesn't mean you can't register it. There are many registered ones that look similar to each other. If you're out to make money, then obviously you want something more distinctive, but of you just wanted to, say, maybe name it for a friend or family member, or to memorialize someone special, then there's no reason you couldn't register it. That's how I feel about it anyhow.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

That is true, I am just not sure that the bud count and branching are good enough either. However, if all you wanted to do was name a daylily after someone special then that would not matter.

Saginaw, MI

Very beautiful flowers everyone! Don't have many daylilies -YET! Hoping to get LOTS more as time goes by!! Love the mixture of daylilies & asiatic/oriental lilies!! VERY PRETTY!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Judy, best wishes for your husband's speedy recovery. I know it is a long, slow process - but I hope it all goes well! My husband had shoulder surgery on his right arm (he is right handed) on August 20 - and is just now getting back to being able to do MOST everything he wants. He still can't lift much with that arm, but he has great range of motion and is improving strength every day! Had a friend who had hip surgery and she didn't do her physical therapy like she should have - so even though it hurts, it is important! Good luck to you and him!

I love that Uri Geller, and the Freewheelin ? (yellow and purple ). Although they are all very pretty. By the way, I have most of the DLs that I got from you in the ground, still have a couple left in pots that haven't found their home yet, but I am working on that. They are all doing very well - seem to like it down here in Arkansas!

Thanks Ditchlily for the info on the oriental lilies. They are very beautiful! I don't think I am planning on resale, but you never know. We finally built a new home out in the country 9 years ago....... well, we moved in 9 years ago. Took us 16 months to get it built! :) But we had been waiting for years and years..... but we happen to live in a school district that is in high that all our kids are out of school, we aren't necessarily 'planning' to sell, but would be willing to entertain the right offer. The work I do in my yard, isn't to improve resale value, it is just for me...... and if I did sell the house, if time permitted, I would probably dig up most of my DLs. I am making sure to 'fill" the foundation bedding with essential foundation plants - the DLs are just added in for my pleasure and some extra color, so even if I removed the DLs the beds wouldn't look empty.

Thanks so much for the help and advice from everyone!! I REALLY appreciate it. I can't wait until next summer - I sure hope it looks somewhat like I have envisioned it. SURELY adding over 50 DLs this fall will liven up the color come June!! It really is an addiction because i am already considering ordering more............


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

It sounds like you have put a lot of thought onto this. I hope you post lots of pictures when they bloom!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL Probably WAYYYY too much thought! I am not artistic and I have a REALLY difficult time designing and envisioning things, so I have really stressed over the placement of everything, particularly the major plants. I hope it looks just somewhat like what i am trying to accomplish and I will be happy. The bed is 86' on the left side of the house, and over 100' on the right side. I just now have MOST of the left side finished except for the front edge of the bed..................still have a LONG way to go on the other end. I have a few plants in place, but still have a lot of soil improvement to do on the last 40' of the bed, plus plants, and the edging is not in place on that side yet either. I hope to keep pluggin away as time and weather permits so that it looks good by spring! Of course, i had HOPED to be thru by time change, but that didn't happen.... :(

I know this is a DL thread, but I appreciate all of ya'lls input and encouragement! Does anyone have any suggestions for a low plant for the very front edge of the bed?? I have about a 1 1/2 - 2' border all along the edge that i haven't done anything with yet. I want to put some daffodil bulbs in there - but it won't be enough to fill that much space..... Suggestions anyone? feel free to dmail me if you would prefer not to clog this thread.

Saginaw, MI

What about dwarf iris for the front of the bed??? One of my beds had dwarf iris all around the outer edge of it and looked great while it lasted(got some iris at a garage sale & unknowingly acquired the wonderful iris borer-- wiped me out-dwarf,intermediate,tall iris--gone) pretty much starting over.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, annuals are also good for the front. You can change it year to year. I will D-Mail you some perennial suggestion later. Mike

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, just remember, too, that in about ten years the foundation shrubs will fill in considerably, and by that time you'll be wanting to move some of those DLs out of there, as they'll get crowded out.

I'd go with mike's suggestion of using annuals in the front, unless you don't mind having one thing with a short bloom time and nothing after that. At least annuals will usually bloom all summer.

Looking forward to seeing pics next year when everything's in bloom.


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