Twins and Triplets 2012

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)


Yummmm on Cranberry Cove!

Are all of those blooming or are they from earlier in the year?


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL! From earlier in the year. I WISH I had blooms now. Sure would be nice.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I love that Cranberry Cove as well ! Very nice! Yeah, wouldn't it be nice to have all that blooming this time of year! I find it amazing that anyone has DLs blooming this late, but man the weather has been weird this year! My sister has daffodils galore coming up! They are going to get frozen!! :(

After us having that cold snap for several days - then back up to 80s, I have lots of baby plants coming up such as four oclocks, etc. I guess they thought that winter was over ..... hard to tell around here!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, CRANBERRY COVE is a really nice one. It doesn't multiply well, though. I think I only sold 2 fans of it this year, and that was all I could sell. If it wasn't so beautiful, it would be gone.

So Genna, what zone are you in? I'm in 6b here, but someone told me since they redid the zoning this year, we are in 7a. Hard to believe that. I will still stick with plants that are zoned for 6, not 7. I think getting plants for zone 7 would be pushing it. Yes, we did have a mild winter last year, in comparison to most, but that doesn't mean they will continue to be that way. I wish.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I am the same way - was in zone 7b, but they moved me to 8. Some winters 8 is probably fine - other winters it gets really cold. So, not sure. I am pretty much doing the same thing and still mostly buying things for 7b for fear I will lose them if we have a hard winter.

I guess some just don't multiply as well as others. I have some that don't look like they have increased since I have planted them, some I lost, and some have done well...... and they were almost all in the same bed!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, you're right. There are some that multiply well and some that don't. I find that the southern bred evergreens multiply very slowly for me, if at all.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Gorgeous blooms everyone!

Baby Boomer
Charles Johnson
Cimarron Knight
Fancy Face
Fiesta Latina_Olives Odd One_Mood Swing

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Little Business
Long Stocking
Lovely Ladybug
Lupita Vindez_Richard Taylor_Fancy Face

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Molino Pink Loveliness
Ming Toy_Wild Horses
Neon Rainbow
Pure An SImple
Siloam Double Classic

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

A bit more that three. LOL Vernal Tutone 5-11 clumps (3)
Wild Horses
Winyah Spring Champ

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Nice blooms Karen and Laura. Vernal Tutone is impressive.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Beautiful blooms! like that Baby Boomer, Fancy Face, and Vernal Tutone. Wild horses has been on my want list for a while...............

I do have a question about planting.................... Do ya'll try to coordinate colors? I find myself getting overwhelmed when I start trying to coordinate colors, heights, bloom time etc. I get so confused! I reached the point Sunday when I was planting that I just tried to plant colors beside each other that wouldn't clash - (and I am NOT a decorator!!) and tried to get the shorter ones in front..... :(

Also, do ya'll put your fans close together or spread out some ??

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Since I have made new beds only when I had a bunch of plants that were coming in that needed a place, I had to work with in that group, I have never done a mass replant. If I get a chance I will try to insure that the color mix is pleasing. Usually I have just tried to make sure the talls are in back, and the shorts are in front. I have not worried about season as I have never had too many of any one to make a mass planting by season.

How close you want to plant partially depends on how often you wish to split plants and often it also depends on how much space is available. Several times I have planted closer together (9"-12" apart) than I really wanted to because I had to get all the plants in the ground. Farther apart (18") is probably better if you do not want to spilt to often.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Your putting the fans of a particular cultivar 9 - 12" apart??? Or are you saying that far between cultivars? Just trying to clarify!


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

That much between cultivars. If I had several individual fans of the same cultivar, I might plant them a few inches apart to make it look like a bigger clump, but I would separate Cultivar A from Cultivar B by the 9-12' or even 18".

Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh ok..... I thought that was what you meant, but I was actually asking about within the cultivar - but both sets of info are nice to know! Thanks!! Drawing is nice........

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Very nice blooms everyone.

Ditchlily are those blooming now? Or are they from earlier in the year. You have some that I really really like!

Especially Cimarron Knights, Fancy Face, Fiesta Latina, Olives Odd One, Mood Swing, Neon Rainbow, Vernal Tu-Tone, Molino Pink .

Genna, I have done the same. I tried planting at least 12" apart and have managed to keep that distance on the first ones I purchased, but have since planted them closer together by a few inches as I didn't have any more space.
When I get lilys from Bob at Blueridge, I always have to squeeze in a few more in my limited areas.

I talked to Karen and she suggests planting them farther apart too. If for no other reason, to not have to dig them up and split them before they have a chance to really settle in.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Linda, glad you like them. Unfortunately they are not blooming now. Those were mostly from May and June, with a few July blooms thrown in.

Here are close ups of Mood Swing 6/4/12 and Olives Odd One 6/4/12

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Really nice, Laura. Great shots.

I have now been trying to space all my daylilies 18"apart, as recommended by the AHS. My ultimate goal is to have my garden designated as an official AHS display garden. Sometimes daylilies just get jammed in close, with no regard to color, height, spacing, etc. Later they get moved around.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL..... I moved one yesterday that I JUST planted on Sunday..... but I realized in my haste that I got a shorter one behind a taller one even though I was trying REALLY hard to avoid that! So, I just moved it forward and put another one in. Well, I know mine will never be an official anything - so I just try to space them so they will look good when they fill in. In my big round bed they are spaced probably 2' apart or more.... but I did put them a little closer in this bed because I didn't want as much empty space.

I had a few say not to put daylilies in my foundation planting - so if I don't like it in a year or so, I will move them all to a designated bed. but I THINK I will like the way I have it layed out.

Have a great weekend everyone! I am headed North to Branson for a shopping trip with my daughter and sister (and we are letting my youngest son tag along) ^_^


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

The further apart the better. DW is complaning that the bed is too cluttered. I guess that to appease the gods (LOL!) I will do some rearranging next season.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Mike you are too funny!

Thanks Laura for posting those two. I love that bitone? Or do they call that polychrome? Duh? I just like the looks of them. Very pretty!


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)


Glad that you like them.

Moodswing is a polychrome. Olives Odd One is not registered as a Reverse Bitone, but it does kind of look like one.

Vernal Tutone is a registered as a polychrome and a bicolor, which is different from a Bitone.

Here are the AHS definitions:



Reverse Bitone:


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

To get back on Topic:

Gollywog 5-19
Evening Enchantment 5-19
Frankly Scarlet 5-19
Hearts of Fire A1 5-19
Moodswing 5-19 (one more time!)

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Genna, I don't know why you wouldn't put any daylilies in a foundation planting. I have, and quite successfully. Daylilies look good just about anywhere.

Mike, you're a riot.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Beautiful, Laura! I really like that MOOD SWING.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

One Fine Day 5-19
String Theory 5-19
Riot On The Kindergarten Bus 5-19 (Love the name!)
Winyah Spring Champ 5-19 (again)
Long John SIlver 5-30

This message was edited Nov 2, 2012 9:07 PM

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)



Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

I do to. Posted that one by mistake as a twin. I thought the one in the background was another ST bloom. On looking at it again I think that the background might be Long Stocking.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LONG STOCKING looks nice, too.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Nice pictures Laura. Golliwog is a long time favorite of mine.

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks. I like both the color and the shape.

A seedling of mine, one of the only ones I have made so it is special because of that. otherwise not very noteworthy. Might make a nice garden plant though.
Midnight Magic x Unk 3 5-30

Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Wyoming, MN


I have Frankly Scarlet too. It does very well here in MN, even in a unprotected spot.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

I love it. It was one of the first daylilies that I bought and it always puts on a show.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh my gosh, I LOVE that Frankly Scarlet, Hearts Afire, and Evening Enchantment.................. think those three need to go on my wish list!!

Congratulations on the seedling. I don't know anything about breeding DLs and I probably need to keep it that way - I don't need ANY more hobbies or obsessions!! ^_^

Karen, it was suggested to me that the DLs would make the foundation too 'busy' or cluttered looking unless I used the same one over and over - or stuck with a solid color theme - such as red, yellow, or whatever. i am sure that from the road, an entire foundation planting of red or yellow or whatever would be more stunning, but I ended up doing a mixture because that is what I wanted. I will see how it looks next summer...............if I hate it, I will just move the DLs out to another bed. At least digging up DLs is not like moving shrubs around!!

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Gen, unless you are planting for resale do what you want. The only one you have to please is yourself and perhaps whoever else lives in the house. LOL I happen to think that mixed colors of daylilies looks stunning. I love the sweep of color, but then I am a bit biased. LOL

Here are some of my beds that are mixed.
Ending with Forsyth Vivatious 5-30

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

No, not planting for resale - just for my enjoyment! :) I love the mixed beds - thanks for sharing.... love that Forsyth Vivatious too.

In the first bed, what is the lily (oriental?) that is to the right of the photo?

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Just reread my post and realised I might not have been clear. What I meant by resale was if you are selling your house, not selling daylilies. If you were selling your house then you might have to plant to appeal to most buyers, not just daylily lovers.

I do not have it labeled but I do know the three that I planted were:
Lilium - Muscadet
Lilium - Red Hot
Lilium - regale 'Album'

Based on the pictures I believe that it is L. Red Hot.

Found a better shot of L Red Hot.
I believe this is L Muscadet
This one should be L. regale 'Album'

This message was edited Nov 5, 2012 2:22 PM

Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206 Thumbnail by DitchLily206
Edwardsville, IL(Zone 6a)

I have enjoyed this topic so much. My DH had hip replaced last week and I've just now found time to add some of mine. I dropped my good camera, so these are with my phone, not the best colors for some.

Webster's Pink Wonder
Woman at the Well
Westbourne Tickled Pink
Westbourne Oranges for Christmas -anyone who has this will know that the real color is so much better than this pic
All American Chief

It is so dreary here today that these beautiful blooms are cheering me up!

Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Judy, wishing DH a speedy recovery. Pics look ok coming from your phone. Weather is the same here. Ran around with DW earlier then came back and mulch up some leaves. Low sixties are predicted for this weekend with a chance of rain. Mike

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